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Old 03-18-2011, 05:36 PM
Fan Forum Hero

Sincerely, Me.'s Avatar
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♥ | Together {LiamღAnnie} #261 | Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.


Their story begins when Liam Court first arrives in Beverly Hills. He's a bad boy with a past and little does he know that
his life will soon collide with good girl Annie Wilson 's. Annie and Liam first meet when their mutual friend Naomi
asks Annie to accompany her on a double date with Liam. Liam is immediately i n t r i g u e d by Annie and flirts with
her when Naomi is in the bathroom. Then later he asks her out on a date. This of course, irritates Annie, who thinks
Liam is just a player and the two immediately butt heads. Over the course of the first season, Liam continues to try to
analyze Annie and even predicts that Annie will explode in the near future.

The second season begins and Annie and Liam are both in rough places. Annie is dealing with her hit and run and Liam
is dealing with his problems with girlfriend Naomi. Naomi thinks that Liam slept with Annie and in order to protect
Naomi from finding out the truth (that Liam actually slept with her sister Jen) he lets her believe this fact, putting a
strain on Naomi and Annie's friendship. This causes the d i s t a n c e between Annie and Liam's relationship to grow.
Eventually, Naomi learns the truth and Liam apologizes to Annie for all that he put her through. In the second half of
the season Liam offers Annie a ride to school, and they are later paired for a school project t o g e t h e r, which kick
starts their f r i e n d s h i p. They form a bond and continuously turn to one another for support with their issues.

We last saw Annie and Liam when Liam breaks up with Naomi and invites Annie to join him on his newly built boat.
The two take a ride and Annie opens up to Liam about her hit and run. He persuades her to come clean to her parents and
the two part ways. The future of these two remains to be seen but we can only hope that a r o m a n c e will soon blossom.

. . .


200. sethamgal (Petra)
201. Queen J & The Dark Prince (Pia)
202. Liina (Liina)
203. lovejonathanjackson
204. Eva Diva
205. spring breeze
206. EllenaCruz
207. Jeanne1974
208. Miss Rose
209. agirlsattitude
210. loganandroryforever
211. ~Phoenix~ (Emma)
212. MaybeLove.
213. NaleyChick101
214. omgitsjulia<3 (Julia)
215. daddys_girl
216. Scheming Star
217. karevluvsstevens85
218. Meluffy (Melanie)
219. Irene_
220. tangofan

01. Tristan Wilds
02. Michael Steger
03. Matt Lanter
04. Shenae Grimes
05. Jessica Lowndes
06. Central Intelligence Agency
07. Montgomery Burns
08. Vivaldi
09. Katy Perry
10. Florence and the Machine
11. Elvis Presley
12. Felix the Cat
13. Jessica Stroup
14. 90210Assistant
15. Charlie

I love the friendship that Liam and Annie have built. - LA times
I get the feeling that he’s into her romantically. - LA times

the C H A R A C T E R S
There’s a lot of teasing coming up with Liam and Annie,”
Lanter shared. Shenae laughed when a possible Liam/Annie
relationship was mentioned because the two apparently only
share a couple scenes this season, but she did admit that she
and Matt have discussed those scenes and think a romance
might be coming. - korbitv
His relationship with Annie, however, will build slowly.
Shenae said Liam sort of challenges Annie. He doesn’t
believe that she’s really as nice and sweet as she tries to come
off. I guess he antagonizes her a bit and it sounds like the whole
dynamic just reeks of sexual tension
. - teendramawhore

Liam is definitely going to bring it. On many levels.
As for Annie, there is some hinting at something
developing between them. - Los Angeles Times
Romantic relationships? With the other girls? Other girls
meaning Annie? Possibly. It’s ‘90210’! Everyone’s getting
together at some point, right? - Los Angeles Times
When Liam and Naomi run into trouble, the former
will turn to Annie for support. - tv fanatic
Liam's been involved with a few girls in the series now. If things don't
work out with Naomi, who's next on his list?
"Who knows?! They're always sending us back and forth between
different girls! A lot of fans wanted Liam and Annie together.
- digital spy with Matt Lanter
Today on 90210- a Liam/Annie scene? - Matt's Twitter

How do you feel a potential hook up between
Liam and Annie will affect the series?
Oh, wow! I don't know. Navid's not big on relationships right now.
I don't know. That's a good question. I think they would be great
together. - Deadbolt exclusive interview with Michael Steger

The budding "friendship" between Liam and Annie was the most
interesting thing 90210 had to offer this week – by far. –
Crystaaaaaal: Can you tweet anything about Lannie?
shenaeSG: I don't know a thing but I hope it
too! haha i like us together
"He's become her regular knight in shining armor." - BuzzSugar

Liam is getting closer to Annie, yeah. They were in a fountain together, it was kind of a cute scene,
there's a little bit of chemistry going on there. They seem to kind of be building a more emotional,
as a friendly, relationship right now. Which you never know, that could kind of harvest into more
stronger feelings, which could blossom into something. I don't know yet, kind of waiting to find
out, but yeah they have been spending some time together." - Matt Lanter

Even sulky-sexy Liam takes his crush Annie for
a beautiful joyride on his newly finished sailboat. - EW
The relationship and the closeness that Annie and Liam are forming
is much more than just any physical attraction. - Shenae Grimes
. . .


the M O M E N T S

season 1

season 2

season 3



the W I S H L I S T

A telling L she loves him.
L/A holding hands.
L teaching A how to surf.
L/A kiss in the rain.
L/A shower scene.
L/A going to college together.
L/A walking on the beach.
L/A cooking together.
L/A moving in together.
L/A go out on a date.
L taking care of A.
L/A studying together.
L asks A to prom.
L/A go on vacation/road trip together.
L giving A a piggy back ride.
L kissing A on the cheek. / A kissing L on the cheek.
L/A scheming together.
L letting A drive his car.
L standing up for A. / A standing up for L.
L gives A a back hug.
L calling A his girlfriend. / A calling L her boyfriend.
L/A double date.
L/A babysitting together.
A planning something special for L's birthday.
L/A going to an amusement park.
L kissing A's forehead.
L/A dancing together.
L telling A she looks beautiful.
A talking to Debbie about L.
Debbie to talk to L.
A sleeping on L's shoulder.
A going to L's surf competition.
L/A swing around hug and kiss.
L/A old married couple fight.
L/A opening acceptance letters to uni together.
L kissing A's neck.
A wearing L's shirt.
L/A talking about/planning their future together.
A sitting on L's lap.
Reflecting on a moment in their past.
L playing with A's hair.
Snowball fight/Food Fight/Tickle Fight.
Make-up sex.
L/A cuddling in front of a fire.
L/A Shopping together.
L/A Ice skating together.
L/A staying in a hotel room together.
L giving A a key to his place.


the F A V O R I T E S
# 01.

# 02.

# 03.

# 04.

# 05.

# 06.

# 07.

# 08.

# 09.

# 10.


our W O R D S

I love Annie and Liam because they are so different, but
somehow, they understand each other completely. Liam needs someone like Annie who he
can turn to when he needs support. They are opposites, but similar enough that they would
would work perfectly as a couple. The banter between them in season 1 is what drew me to
them, but their friendship and connection in the second season is what has kept me around.

Liam and Annie have a great dynamic between them. From S1 Liam quickly realised
she could keep up with him and challenge him. The way they look at each other when they hug
says it all. The best relationships take time to build and I can see them making it in the long haul.

I think what I love best about Annie
and Liam is that though it's pretty obvious that they're attracted to one another, they're smart
enough not to jump into things right away. Of course, Liam's always been involved with Naomi
and that's been a bit of a barrier, but if they wanted to rush into a relationship, you know they'd
make it happen. But they haven't... yet. Whatever feelings are developing, Annie and Liam are
letting things come naturally, and they're really getting to rediscover one another as friends and
as people that each can depend on. To me, that's a sign of something great, and something amazing.

Liam and Annie are not the typical "good girl, bad boy"
relationship. She can see right through his bad boy act, and he can see right through her good girl
act. When they are together, they bring out the best in one another. They can be themselves without
judgment, or expectations. They know each others secrets, and they have been there for each other
no matter how bad the situation is. I could see the connection between the two of them right from the
moment they met. They have banter and angst, but they also have trust and reliability. Their relationship
has been built on friendship, and they have a deep and meaningful connection. They connect on all levels
whether it is physical attraction or emotional understanding. In other words, they are perfect for each other.

I love Annie and Liam because they are the bad boy/good girl type of relationship, and maybe Liam has
changed but I still can see the bad in him. Annie truly listens to him and they can feel safe around each other.

There are thousands of reasons why I love Lannie. Their undeniable chemistry, amazing banter,
meaningful glances, I could continue all day so I will just say that I love them because they understand each
other like no one else does and have a deep emotional connection. For me they are True Love and just EPIC.

I think the reason I
love them so much is because Liam and Annie first had this sort of love/hate relationship which grew into
a very beautiful friendship. They were able to tell each other things they weren't able to tell anybody else.
They always provided the other a shoulder to lean on when they needed it most and grew to understand each
other in ways nobody else could. There are six billion people in this world and sometimes, all you need is one.

I love Liam and Annie because I think they have that very special connection
and understanding. I feel like he's truly Liam when he's around her and he opens up to her like no one else. They
have that special bond, they really relate to each other, and I think that she is the only one who really get who he is.
They have that amazing chemistry, and just by watching their scenes we can see that they really care for each other.

I have been a fan of Liam and Annie since the first time I saw them interact. From there my love for them only went
up. They are awesome together and have amazing chemistry. I love how their relationship is gradually being built
on communication, trust and honesty. It will give them a great foundation to start on if they were to become a couple.

I love Liam and Annie because they love eachother for who they are; it's not a relationship based
on lust or attraction. They started off on a bad note, and managed to accept the other's flaws while slowly coming to
appreciate the good things about eachother. For Liam, it's Annie's loyalty and innocence that entices him - she really
is nice, and managed to show him that good people really do exist. For Annie, it's his hidden sensitivity that attracts
her. He's there for her at a time when no-one else was, and is always looking out for her. They comfort eachother, they
help eachother. It's clear they're repressing feelings for one another, and that's why I love them - it's pure, genuine love.

I love them because from the first moment they met she intrigued him, and he got under her skin. Although they have
lied to other people, they always end up being honest with each other. They have massive chemistry. They are able to
comfort each other unlike anyone else in their lives can. Their future is still unwritten; all the more to look forward to!

For me, the best thing about 90210 is Liam and Annie. I love everything about them, their banter and
sexual tension in season 1 and how they, in season 2, were able to confide in each other about everything. I love that
they can both joke around and tease each other but also that they can trust each other enough to share their secrets.

On the surface, Annie and Liam have the cliché quality of the bad boy and the good girl. But in season two we
saw their bond develop into something much more than a cliché. They weren’t afraid of the darkness surrounding
each other. Instead of running from the darkness, they shone a light on one another and found comfort and hope.

I never thought this dream-couple of mine would actually materialize
into something so real, more real than anything else I’ve seen in my years of teen dramas. Liam
always challenged Annie like no one else could, but he seemed to be hung up on another girl. Then in
season 2, my hope came back suddenly with their unexpected car ride, and just kept on building. They’ve
had the teasing banter, the quirky friendly conversations about “ferrets”, pure joy of frolicking in fountains,
and solemn secrets shared with only each other. She’s laughed with him, she’s cried with him. He’s riled her,
he’s comforted her and he has this look that he gives her, that I’ve never seen him give anyone else. Even without
kissing, they have touched each other and connected emotionally on deeper levels than anything physical.
Their journey already is the most amazing thing about 90210, and this, right here, is just the beginning.

I love Liam and Annie together because
they have a chemistry which is undeniable, because they’ve become friends first, because they're
for each other in good times and bad, and because he’s the Yin to her Yang. They are soul mates. The
good-girl and bad-boy of season one have connected, but not in a physical way, this is chemical. The spark
between them was lit the moment they met and has been burning slowly ever since. They can only get hotter.

Liam and Annie are great! I am drawn to them because I
think they are good fit for one another. I feel they balance each other out. Liam and Annies relationship is
starting out with a good friendship based being able to communicate and be honest with one another. I think
this will set them up to have an amazing relationship as a couple. Matt and Shenae have great chemistry too.

Annie and Liam have this sort of unexplainable
unspoken chemistry that can be seen from miles away. What they have that a lot of other couples
on the show don't seem to have is being there for each other. They trust each other enough to tell
their darkest secrets to each other and this is only the beginning! Liam said "the future is unwritten" but
we all know from the looks, the laughter, the teasing and the banter, that the future is Annie and Liam.

Liam and Annie may be opposites and they may be an unlikely pair, but they've come to find trust
and understand each other. That, plus their undeniable chemistry made me fall in love with them.

I love Annie and Liam because they have a great understanding of eachother. They
genuinely trust and care for eachother and from this, they can build a solid relationship.

I ship this couple so hard. They have the kind of chemistry we all dream of having…undeniable, unavoidable,
latent and tempestuous. So much of what goes on between them is under the surface, unnoticed even to
them sometimes. I adore that Liam has liked her from the first time he met her. He always had a spot in his
heart for her…she intrigued him, and I’ve always assumed that it was rare for a woman to do that to him.
Part of me has always thought that despite his relationship with Naomi, and his love for her, something was
always there for Annie. I feel like as a couple they make each other stronger. Annie calms some of Liam’s
storminess and Liam brings out an edge in Annie that no other guy has before. It’s clear that Liam would give up
anything to protect her and defend her honor, even if it means risking his own welfare. And love at its core,
is about sacrifice, being willing to give yourself up to and for someone else. Liam and Annie bring out the best in
each other in every possible sense and I feel like they have truly epic potential together.

the R E M I N D E R S

Bars, Adrianna's bridal shower, volcano's, CPR class, volcano drawing,
boats, ferrets, Liam's car, school projects, fountains, 'crazy', phone calls,
Regina Skeptor - Eet, painting, Vivaldi, ballet slippers, parks, sailing,
confessions, earthquakes, parking garage, grapes, sunset, bathroom,
mushroom risotto, bruises, dixon's bed, 'fantastic', State of Our Affairs - MT Desolation,
Brangelina, Demi/Ashton, texts, Pennsylvania, schemes.


Crystal; Tumblr
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:37 PM
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Posts: 81,181

the A C T O R S

Already there is some new love on-set. Newly single actress
Shenae Grimes and her co-star, Matt Lanter have been spotted
getting close. -
Shenae Grimes, who is the only regular cast member
that knows the original “90210″ well, was skeptical about
this 'Liam is the new Dylan' business too. She told me she
wasn’t buying it at first, but after seeing Matt Lanter work,
she changed her mind. - teendramawhore
Crystaaaaaal: What's it like working with Matt Lanter?
ShenaeSG: the best!! he's the nicest dude ever, super
- CWTV Tweets
Everybody say hello to my friend, castmate, and the other half of
Lannie. The REAL Shenae at @ShenaeSG - Matt Lanter @ Twitter

. . .


future T I T L E S
Because a kiss in the rain would make us SQUEE for a week!
"So I'm gonna give all my secrets away."
"This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it can stay."
'Wow! You're dressed up!" - Liam
Because you don't need to say you are in love, sometimes it's obvious!
Because she can't fight her desire.
I want someone who is as real as fabulous who can be real with me.
I'll never burn out this candle, fire in my eyes for you.
Forever searching for that fire for home again.
Because the more they fight it, the more they come together.
For the life of me I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins, we were merely freshman.
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
I know you get me, so I let my walls come down.
Because nothing compares with the finding of true love; once you do your heart is complete.
Please don't let me go, I desperately need you.
I'm keeping you, forever and for always.
I will be the one to hold you in my arms.
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
To the world you may be but one, but to one you might be the world.
Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing, means absolutely everything to me.
When I see you, you don't even have to speak. All you have to do is smile, and it can make my day.
If you asked me how many times you have crossed my mind I would say once because you never really left.
You will always be the answer, when somebody asks me what I'm thinking about.
My heart aches completely, every hour, every day, and only when I'm with you does the pain go away.
You make me smile for no reason what-so-ever.
The spirit is carried in breath; one kiss can unite two souls.
Love is not blind; it simply enables one to see things others fail to see.
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
She had a smile that could light up a room, and if she moved she'd be moving you.
When I look at you I see forgiveness, I see the truth.
"I love the Liam and Annie pairing." - DaemonsTV
"I am impressed with your speed girl." - Liam
"I'll stay out of your way." - L "No, no you don't have to. It's fine I mean if you need a place to stay, you should stay." - A
Because Liam was trying to make Annie's favourite dish!
Because of course Annie is the first one that Dixon told about Liam.
"That's right, you don't want to deal with these fists of fury." - Annie.
Because Annie dropped everything and rushed to Liam's rescue.
"Thanks by the way. I feel bad that you missed the party." - Liam "I don't." - Annie.
Because Annie has skipped two parties to be with Liam!
Because Matt will proudly wear a Shenae tattoo!
Yes, we do approve of Annie and Liam hooking up. - Zap2it
I, for one, hope these two have lots of hot sex in the new year. - TWoP
Because 'Where you going' was too cute.
The face grabbing + Liam's smile is just too adorable for words.
'How are you feeling?' - Annie 'Fantastic' - Liam.
Because he was disappointed when he saw that Charlie was calling.
Because the eye contact in Annie's room was made of WIN.
Because she wanted to look sexy for Liam.
The back and forth is what makes the pairing so intriguing. - Tv Fanatic
They're obviously going to end up together (in my ideal universe, anyway.) - Ology
"Liam is kind of becoming [involved] in more of a solid relationship with Annie." - Matt Lanter
"I think fans are going to enjoy that because a lot of them have been rooting for that couple to get together." - Matt Lanter


the V I D E O S

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. . .


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the P I C T U R E OF THE M O M E N T


the C R E D I T
Thanks to Alexa for the OP.
+ Lapin88 for the animations.
Crystal; Tumblr
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:38 PM
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#5 - 2
#7 - 1

Season 1 and Season 2 Liam/Annie Quote Survivor

♥ ♥ ♥

Vote for your least favourite quote.
Once a scene has 5 votes, it is eliminated and a new round begins.
Please give a reason why you are voting off a quote.
Have fun!

Round 13:

Eliminated in Round 9




#6 Eliminated in Round 3



#10 Eliminated in Round 11
#11 Eliminated in Round 1
#12 Eliminated in Round 2
#13 Eliminated in Round 7
#14 Eliminated in Round 8



#18 Eliminated in Round 6


#21 Eliminated in Round 4
#22 Eliminated in Round 10










#33 Eliminated in Round 5






#40 Eliminated in Round 12

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Old 03-18-2011, 05:41 PM
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Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers. Starts so soft and sweet and turns them into hunters.
"Thank you Caroline for taking care of me." "You're welcome."
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:41 PM
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Oh really? I didnt watch it, but i saw a couple of videos on youtube. And the people were saying Dylan has to end up with Brenda and not Kelly.
This show is the spin-off.
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:44 PM
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It's weird they got all the old couples breaking up thouh. Not that I care for Kelly, if I remember correctly I prefered Brenda with Dylan so...
Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers. Starts so soft and sweet and turns them into hunters.
"Thank you Caroline for taking care of me." "You're welcome."
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:46 PM
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TFTNT... but the spin-off also mentioned Kelly's son is Dylans. And i was completely not happy about that, and then Kelly was mad at Brenda for still talking to Dylan. Why couldn't the child just be brandon's.. So. but Annie and Liam work.. and I also don't think they will put Naomi and Liam together soon. I feel it will be a while before that would happen again. Because triangles come around. Peyton, Brooke, and Lucas are a prime example. and eventually they chose Peyton and Lucas as endgame.
I Want You ~April Kepner

Damon♥Elena l Liam♥Annie l Caroline♥Tyler l Jackson♥April l Sheldon♥Amy l Jess♥Nick
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:48 PM
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Idk. I don't think Lucas/Peyton/Brooke or Kelly/Dylan/Brenda can be compared to Annie/Naomi/Liam at all, because A/L/N were never really a triangle. LN have barley even spoken on a the show in a whole season.. that's not a triangle.
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:50 PM
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@ sassy -- What you're watching now is the spin-off.
This show is the spin-off.
Okai iam stupid But what is the meaning of Spin-Off? Sorry..
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by sassy239 (View Post)

Okai iam stupid But what is the meaning of Spin-Off? Sorry..
It's a spin-off from the original show. Meaning it's based off of the original BH 90210. Which is why Kelly and Brenda etc were in it.
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:53 PM
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true... Naomi and Liam do not speak to each other. and Naomi gave Liam and Annie permission to date each other.. But at the same time Naomi was preoccupied with getting over her rape she didn't have time to care about Liam's or Annie's relationship. because the way Naomi felt at end of the season 2 finale over the break-up with Liam she was heartbroken if she didn't get rape. I think it could have went the other way.
I Want You ~April Kepner

Damon♥Elena l Liam♥Annie l Caroline♥Tyler l Jackson♥April l Sheldon♥Amy l Jess♥Nick
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:53 PM
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I agree about Liam Naomi and Annie not being a triangle, at least so far.

Brenda, Dylan, Kelly def were (and I agree for the kid who should be Brandon's) and Brooke/Peyton/Lucas def were one too and don't get me started with this ending or I'm gonna cry

It's a good thing they never were in a triangle imo but I can see it happening later still. Writers love this kind of drama...

A spin off is like Angel for Buffy, NCIS for JAG, that kind of stuff. It's a show based on another one but developping its own SL.
Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers. Starts so soft and sweet and turns them into hunters.
"Thank you Caroline for taking care of me." "You're welcome."
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:56 PM
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Idk.. maybe I'm just being too optimistic. But I think it would be really weird if Liam and Naomi ever got together in that way again, especially with Matt always saying in interviews that with Naomi it was just sexual.
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:58 PM
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It's a spin-off from the original show. Meaning it's based off of the original BH 90210. Which is why Kelly and Brenda etc were in it.
Oh okaiii, i got it now. Thank youuu
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Old 03-18-2011, 05:58 PM
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but didn't he also say that people should ship Naomi and Liam when their characters were together or about to get together.

Usually I am optimistic, but most shows always put couples back together at some point. but we will see. I still believe Liam and Annie will be endgame.
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