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Old 02-18-2010, 04:49 PM
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Lake Lovers {Freddie♥ Effy} #141: BRB ~SHAKING & CRYING~




"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love."

you are the light that's leading me

The lovers;

130. Alessia20
131. cestlalune
132. Ivy93
133. buffy4ever
134. Leyton4ever!
135. bellcomacento
136. JCC123
137. Ali Marie
138. MissSullivan
139. Pickle-weasel!
140. Marinalima
141. Sweetsorrow (Robin)
142. feelthatrush
143. ale-la-pazza1
144. pinkducktape
145. Tutor_Girl (Nicole)
146. megprescottfan
147. BRoody
148. Floveleyton
149. *Bonita*
150. casualobsever
151. suddenlysundry
152. total_overdose
153. loveslullaby
154. PermanentCatcher
155. BrighterSuNShine (Mary)
156. ~*blackXS*~
157. I-giggle
158. joy4jate
159. Krissaay
160. toxicgurl169
161. MsPauli
162. bbertocchi
163. Merie
164. aliaskate18
165. Shining Light
166. Dragonfly
167. wbgurl2007
168. iwubfreffy
169. Liz01
170. tina_italy
171. mslat92
172. broken|smile
173. Zefiro

I started shipping Freffy before series three even aired. I read the episode description for the first episode of the series, then
I saw the cast promos, and I knew they just had to be.
-love ridden

Probably the first episode. I thought they were ridiculously hot together but didn't mind that Effy went off with Cook in the end,
because anything else would've been been too smooth sailing for Skins. Each episode the Freffy in me got a little stronger
(and more anti-C/E as Cook proved way too big a fool/loser for Effy IMO), and by the Freddie's ep, I was hardcore enough
to love them even through Freddie's darker days (ep 7-10).

When I saw the classroom scene in episode 1. They way he calls her beautiful. And the way she looks at him is just... love.
I knew it was a start of something special.

I started shipping them from the beggining and by the episode 4 I was completely hooked. The eye!sex was great and you could
see they were experiencing something new.

Even before series 3 began! I may have invented the word Naomily and Freffy, or be one of the youngest mods, but my
proudest medal is that I posted the first Freffy shipper's thread. I knew I'd like them from the way the spoilers described
their beginning and ending. My shipping has continued ever since.

After I first saw the lake scene. Then I found out about their story and how beautiful it was. After that I was hooked.

From the first glance I saw between them, I knew. The way they look is just right, as if they could really see
each other. I had no idea about the show, but they were the main reason why I began to watch it.

Since the first picture of Luke and Kaya came out. I thought: 'These two look great together,' and with their scenes in the
first episode such as the "she’s like beautiful" moment, i totally fell for them.

The first time I thought about them together was when I saw a cast picture and i thought that Freddie is hot and
would be great with Effy. For sure I knew after first episode and classroom scene.

Series 3, Episode 1. I was instantly drawn to their chemistry from the moment they appeared on screen. Effy and Freddie share a
look from a distance that speaks volumes. Their love story slowly began to unfold right then and you just knew they would be
something special.

I always liked the idea of Freddie and Effy together but the moment I became the militant shipper that I am was after
seeing the scene outside Pandora’s party in episode 4. It was one of the first times Effy showed any real emotion, and it
broke my heart.

95. Because she wanted him to hit her, only he could make him feel anything.

96. Because he kisses her with immense passion.

97. Because they both looked good the morning after with sex hair!

98. Because she couldn't resist that smile of his.

99. Because she called him and said "Because I love you."

100. Because Effy chose Freddie = OTP.

60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109
111, 113, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124
125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131
132, 133, 134, 137

top 5: freddie/effy moments;

Definitely the Lake scene, which is the obvious answer for most, but for me it's just so beautifully done. Freddie finally decided to
do something for himself and go after something/someone he really wanted.
-love ridden

Ugh this is hard, but probably all the parts when they're on the shrooms. The dancey part, the little chat and the giggling before
Cook shows up part, the hand holding and little smiles part, the Freddie running after her when she's all hallucinate-y part, and the
sex in the woods part. Yes, that is sort of cheating, but whatever. While I'm already sorta cheating, let me cheat some more
and add the scene where Freddie goes to see Effy at her house when her parents are fighting in his episode. I love
everything about it: the song that plays and then stops abruptly when Effy opens the door, the awkward dialogue that foreshadows the rest
of their storyline, Effy's dad (my fave minor Skins character) being there, Freddie beating himself up and Effy watching behind the blinds in the end.

Hmm... it has to be the scene in 3x10 when JJ and Cook leave them in that room. It's so angsty but beautiful. Their chemistry
just shines, and you can really see their need for each other. It's what makes them so epic.

So many! But I'd have to say the Lake scene. From the song, to the looks, and kisses, it was perfect. I like how
he doesn't actually say the words that would be so scary for her to hear, and you still can see how they both felt. Epic.

It has to be the classroom scene in Freddie's episode. Nothing is said, and barely anything even happens. But that scene
bursted with so much romance and emotion; its hard to fathom how Kaya and Luke portrayed it so convincingly. Every element of the
scene is perfect, from lighting to the French song in the background, and the absence of any words from their lips--- just hair-raising
chemistry. Not to mention the epic comparison of their love to a classic literary piece.

The 3x08 scene with the kiss. It just held so much emotion. I thought it was so epic. The way she told him to hit her
over and over again, and in response he kisses her. When he kisses the side of her face, I just loved that.

When Effy says she loves him. For all that meant. It wasn't any girl who said it. It was Effy. And she said
it to Freddie for the first and only time in her life. Pretty epic.

The lake scene, their first kiss. I loved seeing Freddie fight for her, the way she swam to him when she
saw him jump, what he said to her, and the way she touched her lips when he left.

My favorite moment is in episode 10, when Effy says that she loves him. It was surprising, unexpected, and just amazing. I was
so afraid about this episode, but after this scene, I was sure that she'd pick Fred.

When Effy reaches out to hold Freddie’s hand while they are sleeping in the woods. To me, this shows that they will always
seek one another out (physically and otherwise) – even when they are not consciously doing it. They both have smiles painted across
their faces in this scene with the knowledge that the other is only a few feet away. And that only means epic love.

When Effy tells Freddie that she loves him in episode 10. Finally, Effy was able to admit that love is good for something.

Gif of the moment;
You gave it all
You took the fall for us
My Love
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:51 PM
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the soundtrack;


"Woods" by Bon Iver. I love Bon Iver to begin with, but the usage of that song in that scene just made the
moment even more intense, real, and special. The beat flowed nicely with their actions.
-love ridden

Freffy got so many good songs! So sorry have to cheat again and say more than one. I love "Princes" by Gang Gang
Dance from the shrooms scene, the Carla Bruni song from the English class scene, "A Little More You" from the opening scene of ep
8 (which is totally a Freffy song in what is prob the most pro-freffy scene in all of
series 3 -- Effy and Cook's big sad sex scene), and "Love Reign Over Me" -- not exactly a good scene for
Freffy, but the song was perfect.

The one during the lake kiss. It fit so amazing with the scene. I love it.

I love the song choices of Skins in general, but the Literature class one is amazing. The lyrics and the melody fit the sweetness
of the moment and makes it more poignant.

Love Reign over Me by David Holmes. Aside from the fact that I loved the minimal beats and its direct to the point
lyrics, it perfectly described Freddie's standing feelings for Effy in their little Romeo-Juliet scene.

I love each and every one of the songs in FE scenes, but I'll go with "Joe Tex, These Taming Blues" by Phosphorecent
for the simple fact that it reminds me instantaneously of Effy choosing Freddie.

Probably "Woods" during the sex scene in episode 8. The song was perfect for that scene. I also liked "Le Ciel Dans
Une Chambre" ‘coz it was really sweet for the moment.

Bon Iver - Woods. It was a great moment, and that song made the scene even more magical. It was crazy and
hot, just like Freffy is.

Bon Iver: "Woods" – playing during the scene when FE have sex for the first time in the woods. I took this song
to suggest (as with the entire episode) that Effy is finally ‘slowing down’ to accept that she does in fact love Freddie. She
is now realizing and appreciating that there are things in life (like loving someone wholly, as she does Freddie) that are worth her while.

“Fool” by Cat Power. The lyrics of the song, in my opinion, perfectly describe Effy in that moment. She acts super confident,
like she knows everything. But underneath it all, she really is a "fool" when it comes to love.

together when apart...

The Actors;

Obviously, I'd like for Effy and Freddie to be endgame. I want Effy to realize that she finally found someone she can give
her heart to. I imagine they'll have more obstacles to go through, but if they really want it, they can work through all of that.
-love ridden

I can tell you what I DON'T hope to see, a Freffy baby. If Skins recycles the baby storyline at all it'll suck, period,
but if Effy and Freddie are the ones that get stuck with it, I will seriously...idk, probably not actually do much beyond
maybe write a strongly-worded tweet to Jamie Brittain...but I'll be very disappointed! I just want some good moments for them, I
don't have any in particular in mind. Hope they will both be a bit happier and stronger (together and individually) than last series
but since this is Skins I'm not holding my breath.

I want FE to be endgame. That's all I'm aking for!! And more of their epic scenes of course.

I hope we get to see them as a couple. I think it would be very interesting considering their personalities, especially Effy's. I
hope the writers keep a good balance between fluff and angst.

They can bring on anything, I'm sure I'll always enjoy anything from Freddie and Effy!

I hope to see Effy letting love all the way in, and helping Freddie with something along the way. I
don't want to see any more 3rd parties because we KNOW they won't last and have already seen them go through that. All
I know is that I want them to GROW. As long as they do that, I can be pretty open most any S4 SL ideas.

I expect more character development, I want to know more about them. Angst and more FE epicness.

Other epic moments and I’d love to see them together in the end. That's all that matters to me (I don't think I can wish a season
without the triangle).

Mostly I want them to be together at the end of the series. But I also want to see stuff like handholding
and kisses....Some shed scenes would be nice too.

I hope to see Freddie and Effy overcome the obstacles that sit between them. Effy, to finally and truly let Freddie into her
world and Freddie to never give up on Effy. It is quite obvious they love each other and I want to see them
both grow to understand what that means to each of them.

100th thread celebration icons
PM SkateGirl88 for more

01. JJ
"That girl's looking at you, Freddie."
"But you want Eff..."
02. Pandora
"He's not the one you want, Eff. You see, I know because I'm your friend."
03. Naomi
"Hamlet's basically a teenage boy. He's got all these desires..."
"You love the lips?! Oh I'd love to see this!"
04. Cook
"She loves you, Freddie. She loves you."
05. Katie
"There's nothing I can do to make you want me more than her, is there?"
06. Emily
"Right, I'm stupid? I'm stupid because I don't let anyone fck me when they're in love with somebody else!"
07. Luke Pasqualino
"Freddie is in love with Effy."
08. Kaya Scodelario
"Luke bites when he kisses!"
"By the end of the series she's just not the same Effy."
"Freddie, obviously!"
09. Skins Writers
10. William Shakespeare

"I lov'd Ophelia: forty thousand brothers
Could not, with all their quantity of love, Make up my sum."- Hamlet
11. Mr. Stonem
"They're not really crazy you know, they're just women."

Wonderwall by alifeuncommon16
It's You by alifeuncommon16
All The Same by SVEvenstar
Nobody Sees by Skategirl88
You by dream934
Iris by CLSG120
Shattered by lolohannah
Up in the Woods by aandbreatheme
Say (All I Need) by Skategirl88
And Darkness Would Turn to Light by tnella23

What I like the most about Freffy is how they have this gravitational pull towards each other. It's so great to see their
characters develop through their feelings of either trying to fight it or giving in. Freddie stood up for himself finally, and we got to see
a whole new side of Effy.

I believe Amber said it best in that they are the perfect complement/contrast to each other. Where Effy is closed, Freddie is
wide open. They need each other to balance each other out. I adore the idea that no matter what, it always comes down
to Freddie loving Effy and Effy loving Freddie.
“They are in the very wrath of love, and they will go together; clubs cannot part them.” William Shakespeare

When you watch a TV show, there is always a couple that you become suddenly drawn to. For me, Freffy are that couple.
It’s hard to put into words why they are destined to be together, why they are two lost souls without each other, why
they are two pieces of a jigsaw that just fit perfectly. They are utterly epic. The chemistry between them is unreal; the stroke
of a hand or a longing glance is just mesmerising, so intense. Effy is scared of the fact that she needs someone, to
love her and look after her but Freddie knows that he can be that someone and ultimately, she knows. Freddie and Effy complete
each other. Freddie is the only one that Effy allows herself to feel something for, because he is the one. He has fallen
for her and he needs her to be brave enough to catch him. They have the ability to make each other and break each
other because their connection and love for one another is so strong. They have found in each other what some people spend their
whole lives searching for; a soul mate.
Their love is beautiful, pure, unconditional.
Freffy belong together, without question.

Freddie and Effy: two people, two complicated souls, two hearts.
FE makes me feel something without saying a word, and when they look at each other
it seems like they are in a bubble isolated from the world, from everyone and everything. I can see in their eyes that
what they feel about each other is passionate, intense and scary, because love scares people. But when it's so true like FE's love,
you have to let it inside and live it.

Well, I've loved them since I saw 3x01. I had heard about Skins before, just never watched it. I fell for them
once I saw the 3x01 classroom scene. I just love how he is the nice guy, and she's the bad girl who is
afraid of opening her heart to anyone. I have been obsessed with them for a long time now, and I still can't get enough.
By the end of the season, we got to see her tell him she loves him. Let's say it like this... I love
them because of too many things. Nothing is more beautiful than two complicated souls finding each other and then falling in love.

What do I love about Freddie and Effy? Everything. Their passion, their intensity, their story, their innocence. Everything. Effy tries to conceal her
emotions and pretend that she doesn’t care about anyone. Freddie wallows in self pity instead of being proactive and solving his problems. Each
of them has something that the other needs, and they bring out the best in each other. No matter what anyone says,
they truly love each other unconditionally.

She loves the Sponge, not the Monster!
Cause without you things go hazy.
We do believe in Freffy! WE DO! WE DO!
Because The Freffy Army will get you sooner or later!
Eat my Kake you dirty dirty Freffy!
For Effy, Freddie > All Guys.
Because they're both [hot] weirdos.
Rainbows & Funsponge = I ship it.
Effy could be with Cook if she wanted to be, but she chose Freddie.
Effy loves me + I love him = We love them.
Because thumb touching > escapist sex. Just sayin'.
He went to cheer up her best friend. She went to cheer up his best friend. MIRRORING!!
Let's play spot the pattern... Effy loves me... I love him... My BF's GF... Got it yet?!?
I love him... Effy loves me... No duh!! We've said that all along!
Because she even went to see Cook for Freds... Now that's true love!
Because F/E = We. HAH!!
"Because none of it was ever worth the risk... until Freddie came along." - Effy
"Effy's on her way to believing..."

passion. darkness. love. freffy.

You gave it all
You took the fall for us
My Love
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:52 PM
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:53 PM
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:54 PM
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I'm slipping into the abyss and then i see her
A woman. Blonde. Raptuously beautiful
And i know her, we're together...It's like
we've always been and always will be.
This feeling, this love...I've seen something real
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:55 PM
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My bad, trailer in YT is uppp

Brb **going To Faint**
You gave it all
You took the fall for us
My Love
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by PermanentCatcher (View Post)
Why are there no clips/trailer not up yet? It was sooo fast for everyone else
Obviously they're saving it cause it's soooo good hahaha. Remember how long it took for Freddie's ep description to come out compared to everyone elses' as well.
so make your siren's call,
and sing all you want,
i will not hear what you have to say
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:56 PM
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YouTube - Skins 4x05 preview (The one shown after ep4)


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Old 02-18-2010, 04:56 PM
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YouTube - Skins 4x05 preview (The one shown after ep4)
You gave it all
You took the fall for us
My Love
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Male (View Post)
My bad, trailer in YT is uppp

Brb **going To Faint**
Go check
I'm slipping into the abyss and then i see her
A woman. Blonde. Raptuously beautiful
And i know her, we're together...It's like
we've always been and always will be.
This feeling, this love...I've seen something real
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:57 PM
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I'm still freaking out. I have to leave to go with my friends in like .5 seconds, and they're gonna be like wtf is wrong with u? And I'll be like, oh NBD, I'm just freaking over a tv show
How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad?
Trying hard not to s m i l e tho I feel bad
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve. I have a history of taking off my shirt.
It's been one week since you looked at me, threw your arms in the air and said 'You're crazy!'
"That's better."
Lena icon: Unfortunate Non Blonde ♥
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Male (View Post)
My bad, trailer in YT is uppp

Brb **going To Faint**
I once believed love would be burnin' red
But it's golden
Like daylight
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:59 PM
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I seriously think our titles are the best. I always laugh a lot.
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Old 02-18-2010, 05:01 PM
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Just teared up/cried a little again. FML
How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad?
Trying hard not to s m i l e tho I feel bad
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve. I have a history of taking off my shirt.
It's been one week since you looked at me, threw your arms in the air and said 'You're crazy!'
"That's better."
Lena icon: Unfortunate Non Blonde ♥
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Old 02-18-2010, 05:01 PM
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It's OUT!! All the preview clips!
so make your siren's call,
and sing all you want,
i will not hear what you have to say
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