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emmilyx 04-08-2008 02:13 PM

Your pics are amazing Karen :sigh: It looks like you were having a great time :love: ..

This is another pic of me :blush: (<---) and my friend Rūta (--->)..
Can you see this little thing in my hand :lol: ?.. we made it ourselves ('šypsokis' means smile :D)

Motoko Ayoama 04-08-2008 06:40 PM

Are you from Greece emmilyx or a Eastern European country?

Lisa happy on the great wall

and inside Forbidden City

wywy86 04-09-2008 05:58 AM

That's a nice pic emmilyx & Lisa :D

Wow the forbidden city and great wall looks so cool :D

emmilyx 04-09-2008 06:04 AM

No, I am from a Northern European country :)..

Love the pics Motoko Ayoama. They are gorgeous xDD

wywy86 04-09-2008 06:51 AM

Emmilyx Northern European? which country?

Wildfire Girl 04-09-2008 12:10 PM

Sis and I celebrated our birthday Monday. We just had a small dinner at Mom’s with presents and a piñata. Someone we’ve never had a piñata before, so we convinced Mom to buy us one.…

Sis went first hitting the piñata. Obviously she had no luck.

I swung next, a much harder hitter than Sis. In fact, so much so I knocked the piñata down off the hook, but didn’t bust it.

So Sis and I rehung the piñata and she tried again.

She had better luck, but still the piñata wouldn’t bust. So I went again. And AGAIN I knocked it down, but it didn’t bust! So I tried beating it on the ground, but that was too creepy, kinda like beating an animal when it’s down.

So again we rehung it, and Sis tried yet again. And STILL no luck.

So my turn, yet again. And note the piñata is FALLING DOWN again, but also note that the PVC pipe we were using busted (you can see a piece flying off) but the piñata finally busted enough for some candy to come out!

My new yellow polka dot galoshes

Sis and I opening presents. Notice the “Minnie Pearl” effect on my hat – for those who remember …

Having a piece of my birthday cake.

hohes_C 04-09-2008 01:06 PM

aaaawwwww- Happy Birthday to you and your Sis... better late than never..

it looks like you guys had a blast...

im going awayover my birthday... the big bad 3 0 i s coming and i dont want to face it

Motoko Ayoama 04-10-2008 08:24 PM

Awwww I si love your Karen. Your birthday seemed so cute and traditional (well not really :lol:).

Wildfire Girl 04-13-2008 10:31 AM

Traditional? :lmao:

The big 30? Well I hit the big 33 so :P

hohes_C 04-13-2008 12:25 PM

i just wanted to share a pic of my office staff
in the front and back are my bosses ( a married couple )- im the 4th from the left

wywy86 04-14-2008 07:50 AM

Karen That's just tooo cute :D

Anja Wow that's such a cute pic :D

Wildfire Girl 04-20-2008 06:18 AM

Awwwww I love the little decorations! :lol:

randomness ...
anyone else like the hair? :lol:

wywy86 04-20-2008 07:13 AM

:lol: That's sooo cool :thud: I love the first pic hair :D

Anny86 04-20-2008 07:59 AM

Super-cute pics, Lisa and Karen! You're so sweet :)

Here some of my pics in Belgrade! :D

wywy86 04-20-2008 08:03 AM

Anny Wow you girls definitely look like having so much fun :D

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