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Old 04-13-2009, 03:55 PM
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Defectives {CღB} #1024:Caught in the moment, a little bit nervous, but it's the right place, right time.

the d e f e c t i v e s

c h u ck b l a i r

core essence; best friends;inevitable lovers; soul mates

She was his best friend's girl, his (second) toughest critic, his friend. He was her confidante, her scheming partner and the only one she could really count on.
They knew each other in a way no one else ever could, yet they continued with their lives never realising what was right in front of them. That is, until one unexpected moment opened their eyes and changed their lives forever. He tried to fight his feelings all he could. She tried to convince herself she didn't care. But try as they might, it's clear to us that these two were never meant for anyone else. They are Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck, and they are truly nothing without each other.

the loyal;

{ please PM natural_disaster to be added on the shipper list }

"Blair and Chuck, you know, that was um, we couldn't wait to kind of bring them together and they're two of
our most sort of deliciously evil characters. So the idea of them being in a relationship together, we thought would be a
lot of fun. And both actors are fantastic so, it caught on really quick and people were really, really rooting for them
which is good, which is fun." - Josh Schwartz

"It's perfect. They're perfect for each other. He understands her like nobody else does." - Leighton Meester

"So you said you loved her. Never heard you said that before. About anyone." - Nathaniel Archibald

"She really embodies the tone of the show as an actress, the way she delivers the dialogue, and her character, and that relationship with Chuck. I think if you distill the show into its core essence, it would probably be that."Josh Scwartz

" “I think of Chuck and Blair as equals. It's much more Glenn Close and John Malkovich in 'Dangerous Liaisons.'” " - Stephanie Savage

"These are two people who love each other!" - Serena van Der Woodsen

the King & Queen;

Gossip Girl is “a chess game,” where “Chuck and Blair are the king and queen. Everyone else, except Serena, is a pawn.”"Josh Scwartz

They are Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck, so what is it that makes us ship them together?
Is it their chemistry? Is it because they are hot together? Is it because she is always there for him,
or because only Chuck knows the real her? Or is it because they are meant to be? Why do you want
Chuck and Blair together and what is making you still believe in them?

Our Words;

Chuck and Blair, despite the hard times they are currently going through, continue to be the only two people who truly understand each other. They’ve seen all the good and bad parts of one another and continue to be in love. Chuck has taught Blair that sometimes the fantasy you’ve been creating in your mind is actually waiting right in front of you in real life. And Blair has taught Chuck that it is possible – and even okay – to be loved. Now all that’s left is for Chuck leave behind all his self-loathing and find within himself the courage to love her right back.
Because in every scene I could understand their love from a different angle and still I love every single view from every single angle. Also there is so much more to come for CB and we all know that CB is endgame so why don't I still ship CB?
The witty banter,the sexual tension,the looks are only some of the reasons I shipped them as a couple. But also because I realized how right they are for each other. They both have intense personalities and they are the only ones that can keep up with each other.Chuck is the only one who really understands and knows Blair and she is only herself when with him. Blair is the only that doesn't mind Chuck's "bad" traits,what's more she actually likes him that way.They scheme and they plan together always completely in sync. Their relationship is original,it's not the cliche of a bad boy falling in love with the good girl who changes him for the better or the other way around.It's the story of two people who are imperfect and broken but they fal in love with each other and together they progress.
Why wouldn’t I? I seriously am at a loss as to how people can, not ship them? They are such a unique couple, both so afraid of being vulnerable and opening up to another human being, yet they are both so fiercely in love with each other that they can’t hide it. Ed&Leighton bring such amazing chemistry to CB as well. Every time they are even close to touching I get goose bumps. They are just absolutely fantastic and for that and so many other reasons that I can’t even count I still ship them.
Because they love each other how they are. He loves all of her, the good, the bad and the ugly. She loves all of him, Chuck, Charles and Charlie Trout. I've never seen a love so accepting and so intense before. Their exchanges give me butterflies. When they're in pain, I'm in pain; when they're in bliss, I am blissful too. They are flawed and relatable, and they love each other for those flaws more than for their virtues. They love each other just as they are. It's an EPIC love.
They're the perfect couple, and are meant for each other. I love how thay're themselves around each other, and don't act like anyone they're not.

their Epic Story;

the beginning; scheming friendships;witty banters; perfectly uncomplicated

the pretty;

their Epic Story;

the first time; first butterflies; first "real make out"; first dance

the actors;

these words are my heart & soul;

Chuck and Blair are the core essence of Gossip Girl. They are both most complicated
and layered characters in the show and only they can fully understand each other, love each other the
way they deserve to be loved and make each other truly happy.
Because they make me cry with cascading emotions whenever they have those 'perfect' Chuck and Blair moments.
Every emotion, every feeling they have towards each other reflects on everything I consider 'epic' and 'true' love.
They know each other more than they know themselves. They are perfect for each other, and there is no
other way to say it. They are each others soulmates, endgame... the core essence of each other.
They're Chuck and Blair and thats all there is to it.

I don't want this moment to ever end;

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Old 04-13-2009, 04:09 PM
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the pretty;

these words are my heart & soul;
I continue to and will always ship CB because they embody everything that I envision as being important for Epic Love Status. I know they are different than every other couple I have ever shipped, because even when I don't get to see CB I still obssess like crazy and can't stop thinking about them.
They are the same, and complete eachother and can trust eachother and know who they really are, and they can be strong independently and even more so together. And they emmulate what real, being in love should be.
I ship them because I get butterflies when I see them and I honestly truly love everything about them, and I know that they are meant to be, and they, Chuck and Blair, is the kind of love I want to have someday.

Why do I still ship CB ? I'd say the bestest answer is "because they are Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck". This could seem very commonplace and cliché but I think this answer is the only one which sums up perfectly why I still ship them.
They are unique. They are the only one ship which makes me cry, laugh so hard or being emo for days because of their beautiful scenes. Love is CB, and no one could love Chuck or Blair the way they love each other. When two great characters like Chuck and Blair collide, hotness, epicness and love get a real sense.
T They can only be themselves around each other, no one can accept their evil side except for Chuck & Blair. They are going through a hard time right now but their love is still strong and that's what will save them in the end because they're Chuck & Blair. Blair & Chuck, they can't just move on from each other, they never will they're gonna find their way back.

I still ship them because they are meant for one and other they are only Chuck and Blair when they are together, Chuck is not Chuck without Blair, and Blair is not Blair without Chuck. I believe that they will find their way back to each other and bring back the friendship they had and what it brought to their lives.

His eyes are empty, almost afraid and almost sad and almost asking. He doesn't have to. She throws herself on him, against his strong back, and she takes the weight it carries; she curls herself around him. Around Chuck Bass, his aching loneliness and pain and anger: the beast in the cage, who knows the tigers and the monsters in her and doesn't care at all. The worst thing she's ever done, the darkest thought she's ever had, and Chuck Bass loves her for them. Around Charles, the good strong son, the calm and patient boyfriend he waits so eternally to be, to stand with her through anything, if he were only brave enough. Around Charlie Trout, limp as a doll, leaning back against her, being held. I am me, and you are you. She calls him back across the line, with her arms around him, and everything drains out until there's nothing left, just pieces she collects and holds together. With all the strength in that tiny fierce frame.
Jacob, TWOP

their epic story;

love lost; crystal jealousy;hearts break; feigning avoidance

these words are my heart & soul;
Why wouldn’t I? I seriously am at a loss as to how people can, not ship them? They are such a unique couple,
both so afraid of being vulnerable and opening up to another human being,
yet they are both so fiercely in love with each other that they can’t hide it.
Ed&Leighton bring such amazing chemistry to CB as well. Every time they are even close to touching I get goose bumps.
They are just absolutely fantastic and for that and so many other reasons that I can’t even count I still ship them.

I still ship them because I never been so obsess about a TV couple in all my life and
I’m not a teenager anymore.
They are a huge part of my life for more than a year now and I can’t
wait to see them together. They are absolutely perfect for each other and I
love them so much.
They are just an amazing couple and the chemistry is there whether
they're together or not.

I SHIP CB BECAUSE they're push-and-pull, love-and-hate, will they-won't they, but at the same time,
they can meet in the middle. He knows her insecurities and loves
her bitchy side. She sees a different side of him than the rest of the world.
Their relationship is so perfectly dysfunctional that you just can't look away.
They started out as a meaningless fling and, over the span of a year, became a TV
couple that will more than likely be remembered long after Gossip Girl is finished.

the pretty;

their epic story;

love re-conquered; second chances;forgiving love; never giving up

these words are my heart & soul;

There's only one prince in the world who loves her enough, who has saved up his love for all his life just for her,
without knowing it,until it threatens to split his seams. They both know it could end the world.
'So they wrap it up in ribbons and call it by other names, and when it
burns too hot they take out their knives and fight, to keep it from destroying them both.
Jacob, TWOP
“Blair Waldorf is better when she's bad. Why can't she just lose the loser boyfriend who's obsessed with her best friend,
and buddy up with Chuck "drunk off his ass" Bass? Nothing serious of course. But certainly a better use of her time,
considering all they have in common. Both are skilled at scheming and excluding those
they deem unworthy. Both are self-centered, rude, and yet
somehow, still sort of likeable. They could just be the series real golden couple."
korbi, spoilertv
I don't want this moment to ever end;

their epic story;
the meeting; the games;the make out sessions; never giving up

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Old 04-13-2009, 04:12 PM
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The bad boy and the bad girl, falling slowly like never before, and they don’t believe that anybody
feels the same way as they do now. They like to play the games, even if the games turn out to play
them. He dies each time she walks away, and his love for her is everything, he found his heart when
she found him,because maybe she’ll be the one that saves him. Being together is never easy for these
two, and those three words aren’t able to come out from his mouth. Love is sometimes blind but if
he shouldn’t love her or tell her that, but still feel those butterflies, so, tell us what’s the sense in that?

8 Letters. 3 Words is all it takes for him, to get her.
All they share is one love, t o g e t h e r.

my heart beat beats me senselessly
Why's everything got to be so intense
with me? I'm trying to handle all this
unpredictability, in all probability

the arts



the icons

;eve - more here

;eva - more here

;Laura - more here

our soundtrack;

because our ship kicks ass;
Competition was fierce but in the end, Blair and Chuck conquered all to take out our coveted #1 position, leaping up from their #5 debut last year. And really is it any surprise that these two are #1? Gossip Girl is the latest IT thing so is this duo. They began as confidantes and scheming partners. She was dating his best friend and they ran in the same social circles. Yet somewhere along the sniping and bantering, the feisty pair realized that there was something there between them. He tried to fight his feelings, while she pretended that she didn’t care. But in the end you just can’t fight passion, chemistry, and of course love. They might not be together right now, but everyone know that these guys are endgame and the chase and bickering is all part of the game. Besides they are Chuck and Blair – they can do what they like.

The 2008 television run would not have been the same without these six other great moments that almost made it into our year-end list: and Blair finally telling Chuck she loves him on "Gossip Girl."
Honestly, it wasn't even close. Mr. Chuck Bass and the Upper East Side's Queen B are clearly tops when it comes to heating up your screen with their particular love-hate relationship. They ended up with more than half the vote, blowing all the other competitors out of the water. The only people who could even come close were House and Cuddy of House, who ranked second, and Cristina and Owen of Grey's Anatomy, just behind them in third.

The two secret ingredients for a sizzling kiss are a broken heart and a repressed desire -- which are exactly what paved the way for Blair and Chuck to enact Gossip Girl's hottest lip action. After a big fight with Nate, Blair took the stage in Chuck's newly opened burlesque club for a striptease number, which of course stimulated Bass's libido (and produced one of his most adorable smiles ever). All it took was alone time at the backseat of a limo for these two to lock lips. And as we all know... it did not stop there.

the manifests;

epic celebrations;
025. Because we know this is the beginning of something special.
050. Celebrating 50 threads of nose grazes and butterflies.
100. A hundred threads of scheming, limo rides, and butterflies!
200. Celebrating 200 threads of learning to love and be loved in return.
300. 300 threads of realising everything's nothing without you
400. 400 threads of waiting for you to come back to me!
500. 500 threads. 3 words. 2 souls. 1 heart.
600. 600 threads of you and I building our forever.
700. Celebrating 700 threads of finally understanding you're the one right thing in my life.
800. celebrating 800 threads of begging to be let go, but holding on tighter instead.
900. So what have we been doing for 900 threads? Oh you know, just hanging in there.
1000. 1000 threads later and we are all still standing for hope & glory, fighting for their love story.

666: Devil & the Queen. #666: Because the Devil can Ravish HIS Queen Anytime!
Christmas. CELEBRATION! C/B this year have been: naughty, nice and epic.
Valentine's. Because whatever words I say,or how far away, I will always love you.
April Fools Day. Thread #1. Thread #2. Thread #3. Thread #4.

the wishlists;

future titles;
Because she loves him.
Because we get title fodder every episode!
Because Blair is Chuck's family and his home,
Chuck will find everything he wants and needs in Blair.
Because Greenpeace is cheering for C/B.
Because if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud.
Because you're my Sunday, make my Monday come're my star.
Because I don't quite know how to say how I feel.
Because I think of you whenever life gets me down.
Because if they just 'got together', it wouldn't be worth it.
"And so the womanizer fell in love, for real."
Because Chuck is Blairs litte Abusive Bubblegum and Blair is Chucks little Horny Cookie!

perfect moment;

CB PWNING THE BOOK COVERS! 4/11 book covers for a book series that didn't even have them in it
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:19 PM
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i love you. ♡
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:21 PM
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finally a new thread !
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:22 PM
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"sex isn't dating."
"if it was, santana and i would be dating."
♥Cass|icon by me
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:27 PM
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Yea, we are letting our poor thread hanging.

i love you. ♡
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:28 PM
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This thread is slow
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:28 PM
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Just read the rest of the last thread. I know Cassie's real name.
"I told Chuck he doesn't have my heart anymore.
I realized it belongs to someone else."
♥ dan&blair
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by LALEY-FOREVER (View Post)
Yea, we are letting our poor thread hanging.
This is rather depressing.
"sex isn't dating."
"if it was, santana and i would be dating."
♥Cass|icon by me
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:30 PM
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I blame it all on the depressing that I had to read.

i love you. ♡
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:31 PM
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This is rather depressing.
It is But these past episodes have been mean on us
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:31 PM
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The second half of the season has just been depressing.
"I told Chuck he doesn't have my heart anymore.
I realized it belongs to someone else."
♥ dan&blair
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by natural_disaster (View Post)

Just read the rest of the last thread. I know Cassie's real name.
"sex isn't dating."
"if it was, santana and i would be dating."
♥Cass|icon by me
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:37 PM
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I love knowing things.
"I told Chuck he doesn't have my heart anymore.
I realized it belongs to someone else."
♥ dan&blair
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