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foreveryoung20 07-30-2008 09:24 PM

You picked the ones I would have.

I love the moment when she explained everything to him and hwo he kissed her forehead and then hugged her back, still thinking she cheated was just :sigh: I also loved her forever comment in that scene, because they truly are and that wasn't put in there for no reason. :lol:

That dance was so sad and amazing. I cried when he said the "i don't want to" line. The way she looked at him after and they just rested their foreheads against eachother and danced without letting go proved to me how much they didn't want to break up but thought it was for the best. The love was definitely there!

The scene at Chuck's door was incredible. The way he held her face and just told her to tell him everything and that he wasn't angry just really worried about her. We all knew his future was important to him and he studied like crazy for the tests, but in the end all his mind was on was Serena and couldn't think about anything else because he was so worried. I love how sh said she was sorry the way she did because it showed you much she really did want to tell him.

Another scene that I thought was amazingly played by PB was in episode 17 when Dan says he is through. They way they looked at eachother and how Dan looked like he was going to cry. PB rocked that scene!! :D

I also loved the little moments like when Serena told Georgina that she loved the way Dan looked at her and Vanessa saying it took Dan forever to act on his feelings for Serena. Dan was #1 on her speed dial, he freaked when Chuck said she was sick. Also when she was warning him about Georgina and she held his face in her hands and told him she loved him. All those little moments were in a way little ways of showing you that they may be having trouble, but they still are all about eachother and their :love: for one another.

DONE! :lol:

D/S and FAB 07-30-2008 09:31 PM

Yeah, that moment was hard to watch when he said "he was done" but I will admit that PB rocked that scene, it was amazing. The way he looked like his heart just died and S breaking down saying "how could she say that" when he left after she told him that lie about cheating on him. That was a powerful scene.

And, all those little moments were definetly priceless too with V and G, and the the ones with Chuck/DS.

I also have to say that I loved how after that moment at the end of ep 15 when he left after she wouldn't tell him what was wrong, that in the very next ep, they were fine again. I have no idea what she said to him or how they worked it out but they were adorable before G went to blackmail S again and show her that she had befriended D and V as Sarah.

foreveryoung20 07-30-2008 09:36 PM

I know I always wanted to know how everything got explained after episode 15,but I was fine since they were! :D

I know that scene was so hard to watch, but it was an amazing scene done by PB! The looks and everything were just spot on.

The little moments are some of what make me :love: DS. Like he is #1 on her speed dial and how she explains how she loves how he looks at her. Those little mentions are so big to us because they are just more proof on how much love these two share.

Those scenes may have been heartbreaking but they are all evidence to hpw much this couple loves eachother and what they mean to eachother. :D :love:

D/S and FAB 07-30-2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by DS&PB LOVE (Post 25202423)
I know I always wanted to know how everything got explained after episode 15,but I was fine since they were! :D

I know that scene was so hard to watch, but it was an amazing scene done by PB! The looks and everything were just spot on.

The little moments are some of what make me :love: DS. Like he is #1 on her speed dial and how she explains how she loves how he looks at her. Those little mentions are so big to us because they are just more proof on how much love these two share.

Those scenes may have been heartbreaking but they are all evidence to hpw much this couple loves eachother and what they mean to eachother. :D :love:

Dan means so much to Serena, I truly believe he is her heart and soul and the same applies to Dan when it comes to Serena. They are actually the other half of each other!

I think this is why I am so interested in seeing how they will be written now that they've broken up, because the truth is, they are entirely too in love to really try and move on with anyone else. They would need to get over each other first in order to have any kind of real relationship with someone else. And, since I don't see that happening I just can't wait to see how DS continue to show us that they are IT for each other even when they are apart. :)

And, I also loved that he was #1 on her speed dial. I am hoping that he still is. And, that moment when she told G what Dan means to her I knew G was going to do something to try and come between them. G realized in that moment that in order to truly hurt Serena, she had to go through Dan.

sarahxxdawn 07-30-2008 09:45 PM

I liked the makeout scene out school in 1.07. It was seriously too adorable!

D/S and FAB 07-30-2008 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by BrucasForever<3 (Post 25202638)
I liked the makeout scene out school in 1.07. It was seriously too adorable!

I loved that moment too. And, I loved the ending in ep 7. When she told him that "no one ever looked at her the way he just did" I was a goner. :love:

foreveryoung20 07-30-2008 09:51 PM

I love that they are the other part of eachother. They are eachother's better halves.

You are definitely right, in order for them to really be invested in another relationship they have to be fully over eachother and I honestly don't ever see that happening because they belong with eachother. I don't think we will be disappointed because this is still the couple we fell in love with. Even when they apart we are going to be shown how much they are still IT for one another and I am so ready to see all the new stuff.

I bet he is still #1. I know once G saw how S really felt about Dan and was happen that was the end. Also when S warned her to stay away because it wasn't fun lying to Dan, G knew that S was becoming tough b/c her relationship with Dan was on the edge.

Sorry G, you can't break a love as strong as theirs. :D

Episode 7 was awesome for DS! The ending was the moment I think Serena really realized this was the right guy for her and that he was so different because he loved her for her.

sarahxxdawn 07-30-2008 09:58 PM

do you all know where I could find clips? I want to try to make a video. I haven't made one in forever..

D/S and FAB 07-30-2008 10:00 PM

It's funny you said that about ep 7. because I remember the TV guide summary saying this was the episode where "Dan realizes that Serena is the girl for him"!

I just know that after that episode I knew that they were IT for each other and episode 10/hi, society just confirmed it all over again that they are indeed meant to be!

Well, I hate to do this but I need to call it a night..

Night Lauren and Sarah! :hug:

sarahxxdawn 07-30-2008 10:02 PM

Night dear. :)

ds44 07-30-2008 10:02 PM

wow you all are so eloquent

foreveryoung20 07-30-2008 10:05 PM

Awww bye Diane :sadwave: :hug: Good talking DS with you.

Hi Society definitely was the episode that proved all their love for one another. VV was the episode where they really realized it, but HS jsut kind of packaged it all together . :lol:

Sarah, has all the episode clips to download. :)

satisfy the crave 07-30-2008 10:27 PM

Anyone here?

ds44 07-30-2008 10:53 PM

This video is taking forever :bawl:

satisfy the crave 07-30-2008 10:59 PM

Why? D/S vid?

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