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Old 10-28-2008, 08:15 PM
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dreamingoutloud's Avatar
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Live in Love (Vanessa ♥ Zachary) #391: B/c we all have the time to put three years into a publicity stunt

Vanessa Hudgens ♥ Zachary Efron
Appreciation Thread

ap•pre•ci•a•tion [ ə preeshee áysh'n ] (plural ap•pre•ci•a•tions)
1. gratefulness: a feeling or expression of gratitude
2. positive opinion: a favorable opinion of something
3. valuing something highly: recognition and liking of something's qualities
4. statement of praise: a written or spoken statement of somebody's qualities
5. full understanding: a full understanding of the meaning and importance of something
6. growth in value: an increase in value, especially over time

What better word to define 300 threads and counting devoted to the celebration of our favorite couple’s journey in their lifetime of love? That’s over 90,000 posts (over 93,000 if you factor in the dreaded decimal threads!) that at some point or another captured each and every meaning of the word “appreciation” and applied it to Vanessa and Zac. We are GRATEFUL that they provide such a stellar example of true love’s existence. The maturity with which they handle their decisions, both individually and together, continues to foster our POSITIVE OPINION of both of them. We VALUE HIGHLY each subtle gesture, piercing glance and the occasional direct quote. We PRAISE their ability to give us more examples of ____!sex than any couple before or since. No matter when we became a ku’uipo, we FULLY UNDERSTAND that what Vanessa and Zac share is all the more precious because it’s a real example to live by. And with each passing year we are privileged to witness and squee over how they’ve GROWN TO VALUE each other, falling more in love day by day.

So as we commemorate this landmark 300th appreciation thread at the Vanessa Anne Hudgens board, we remember what brought us all here in the first place, and what keeps us sticking around…To Vanessa and Zac – Live in Love!

Art by Kristen(kridrules)

This journey was started long ago
Before this time and place
The journey of completeness
As two hearts and souls embrace

2005 - Auditions for HSM - Filming for HSM in SLC, Utah - On set "Club Nights" - The "Zac Cam"

Ashley's 21st Birthday Party - HSM Press Breakfast - A Suite Life New Year's Eve Party - 2005

Now Playing in the Soundtrack of a Lifetime: The Flirtatous Phase

2005/2006 - I fell in love with HSM, the chemistry with the cast. Zac & Vanessa hooked me from The Golden Weekend. London put me overboard. They make me believe in true love. Jill


It seems like only yesterday, that I was watching the countdown to High School Musical, I didn’t know any of the people in the film but I was so tempted to see it. As the movie began, I fell in love with the characters, the innocence of Gabriella, the sprit of Troy, and the familiarities I saw with each character that reminded me of someone. But the number one thing that captured me to this movie was the chemistry, passion, and love shared between these two characters. I instantly knew from the first note they sang together that these two had something more than meets the eye. Then came England, where the two joined hands, it was a simple act, but the smiles on there faces, proved Zanessa to me. I guess I continue to be a Zanessa lover because they exemplify true love, with every glance, with every touch, with every kiss, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens show the true value of soul mates. Haily

If my memory serves me right, I first boarded the SS Zanessa in mid 2006. I fondly recall being mesmerized with the Breaking Free video when I came across it one day in Disney Channel. Living in Asia meant that HSM premiered months after it was shown in the US so there were already torrents available. Being the impatient person that I am, I downloaded it and voila my fondness of Troyella and HSM began. I started shipping Zanessa when I came across a fanfic with the ZF forum link and seeing all the BTS videos and various pics from different events got me hooked. I really felt the undeniable chemistry between Zac and Vanessa even though they were just “best friends” then. Even after more than two years of shipping them, they still have that unique spark and they still manage to make my heart lurch. Their relationship gives me hope that there is indeed true love despite the harsh realities of life. Seeing them so in love uplifts my mood, de-stresses me and just gives me a natural high. Angel


It was around April 2007 - After watching HSM for the first time, the chemistry between ZV was so strong and they made such a beautiful couple that I decided to go online and see if my intuition about them had some real basis. And that's when I found this thread. I knew I had been right when I saw the pictures, and “Say Ok” and just everything else!! They might not have admitted it by then, but soon afterwards we got Hawaii and well… there was no need to further prove what was obviously clear! Wow! So many things (keep me on the ship)! I suppose the first is just what their being together stands for… the possibility of a true love-filled relationship in a time when real beautiful things are hard to come across. In a world where everything seems fake or contrived they are the exception. The way they look at each other even after three years together shows just how much they value and love one another. They have been together throughout all of the amazing adventure that catapulted them into fame, and it has only made them closer and stronger as a couple. Special things are worth treasuring and protecting; what Zac and Vanessa have couldn't be more special... and they know it. Anne

2006 (the debut of the ever popular DCOM High School Musical) - The first time I saw them as Troy & Gabriella, my whole demeanor towards love changed. It was like “That’s what True Love is. Right there.” And as the films kept coming, the love grew and you could certainly see it on screen. The thing that keeps me hooked is the constant good things I hear about them. They don’t like the spotlight as a couple, but when they come out together, the results are magical. Even when it the simplest of times, like innocently going to get a smoothie, or huge times at award shows. They are completely smitten with each other. Besotted. And that is why I love them, because they are real. Jemma


While I had always though the pictures of ZV were cute, I dont think I fully boarded the SS Zanessa until Spring of 2007. The thing that fully made me a fan of Zanessa was the interview Vanessa did with a radio station in DC while she was filming HSM2. The interview was adorable with her giggling at every mention of Zac. The DJ kept telling her not to touch his ass and she couldn’t stop laughing. Then of course we got the Hawaii pictures which fully put me in the Kuuipo column. Seeing their adorableness in pictures was enough to keep me on the ship...T&C pics anyone!!! However, I think it was seeing them in person this summer that will forever keep me on their ship. They were just adorable. Seeing Zac's arm around Vanessa and GF keeping her hand on his thigh. Seeing Zac give GF a kiss on the cheek when she won Choice Hottie. And finally seeing them smile like there is no tomorrow without the other when they look at each other. Carrie

I first boarded the SS Zanessa in the year of 2006. And I’m proud to say they are and always will be my OTP. I first took note of them in promotions for High School Musical. After I saw the movie and various pictures of them together, I just fell in love with Zanessa. Their chemistry was indescribable. No amount of words could’ve depicted what they had. I still ship Zanessa to this day because they give me hope for finding true love. They still look at each other the same way they did three years ago. I love the fact that you can compare a picture of them from 2005, and one from 2008, and you'll see that they both are still in love with each other, if not even more. You rarely ever see that in real life, much less in Hollywood. They have had so many obstacles against them. But they still survived. And with that example, I know that I’ll be able find what they have with someone else. Hell, if what they have isn't true love, then I don't want to find true love. I want exactly what they have. Michelle


2007 - I was on break reading Us Weekly and saw a picture of them from Hawaii. My first reaction was “so this was THE popular duo from High School Musical. They must be filming the sequel in Hawaii.” After I saw the Hawaii pics, it made me want to give HSM a chance as oppose to just hearing about it from my little cousins. I didn’t understand the buzz and hype surrounding this movie. But then came the karaoke duet - ‘The Start of Something New’ - Troy singing to Gabriella almost flirting with her. She pulls away but is pushed back. The gaze, the chemistry, they got me. I had a moment of clarity - clearly, those Hawaii pics were more than just scenes from a movie. As the closing credits to HSM started to roll, I immediately went online and just got hooked. I love the fact they’re protective of each other and that they don’t use their relationship to promote their careers. They’re there for each other when it counts and are each other’s #1 fan. Chel

Art by Sydney (alias_charmed)
"She's somebody that I'm constantly in awe of the
things that she does and says and the way she looks.
It just doesn't get old to me."
dreamingoutloud is offline  
Old 10-28-2008, 08:16 PM
Master Fan

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Joined: Jul 2008
Posts: 16,083

You are the keeper of my dreams
The man who holds my heart in his hands
The one I want to spend my life with
The one with whom I will always stand

2006 – HSM premieres – Popstar NYC picnic – DC Games – Expedition Everest – LA Press Conference

Australia – Surfing at Bondi – Golden Weekend – London - V and co sing Happy Bday to Z – BMAs – 2006

Now Playing in the Soundtrack of a Lifetime: The Reality of a Relationship

During the fall of 2006, after just a few viewings of HSM I found myself gushing, “damn, those two are adorable together.” What makes the HSM fairy-tale so special is the undeniable, real-life chemistry between the story’s star-crossed lovers. For me, SOSN epitomizes their love story just as surely as it does for Troy and Gabriella. Away from HSM, their off-screen dynamic fueled my fascination, yet I remained on the fringes of fandom. Nonetheless, I believed it all pointed to The Start Of Something New, and I had no doubt their love was “written in the stars.” Why am I a believer? Because they’re REAL. Real relationships grow, evolve and hopefully blossom, and bearing witness to that is simply a joy to behold. As they slowly revealed more and more of themselves to the world, all one has to do is look at them to witness their laid back easy intimacy. A year later my fangirl sensibilities were outraged, yet these two did it, they survived scandal, and were stronger than before. That’s what holds me, what persuaded me to board the SS Zanessa wholeheartedly, embracing them fully as a couple and as individuals, and I don’t plan on jumping ship anytime soon. Betty


Early 2007 - The very draw for me was seeing them singing SOSN; I'm pretty sure I saw ZV rather than TG in that scene. That scene started my ZV research mode - watch tons of YT videos; visited lots of sites, etc. I wish I know or can explain it. There are days when I'm like "What's the big deal?" and then I see pictures of them together and BOOM! The way they exchange looks - you know that one when they just make it seem as if there’s no one else there. Logic tells me they are just looking at each other but somehow, to me at least, they transported themselves some place where only the two of them existed. They have the same expression; same look on their eyes when this happens too, even if it's just for a second. I don't know what it is but I feel privileged to see it; and wonder why others don't. To witness it in person would probably be the death of me. Chay

I can vaguely remember when I became a shipper. Let me rack my brain. What I’m sure about was I wasn’t really that into the first HSM but I did memorize all the songs and watched it a bunch of times. Okay that really contradicted my sentence. According to my memory, my fondness towards the couple started around June last year. I don’t know how or why but I think it’s got something to do with the news that they really are a couple on and off screen. Then I started reading online gossips about them and the rest as they say is history. I can safely say the whole Hawaii buzz catapulted me into the world of Zanessa. I don’t just usually favor random couples especially in Hollywood and I swear this is my first time being a fangirl. There’s this just chemistry that drew me to them and even if they don’t announce it to the world how in love they are it just simply shows and radiates through the glances and stares they give each other. That’s how powerful it is - their love is. And I love FF because it keeps me sane and updated and I get to share this adoration with wonderful girls. I just love how they are private about their relationship. It sets them apart from all the young couples in Hollywood and to me it’s a very mature decision. How they never show it off leaves me all curious and want to even know more or drive my brain into loads of imagination – dirty or not. Strangely it’s their endearing and simple gestures like hand holding or just simply staring that makes me sigh and squee. Basically, these two are not just your ordinary couple. Alexia


One winter evening in early 2006, I fell in love with a boy and a girl who were staring at each other. Standing still on a silent stage, eyes sparkling like the enchanting, star-filled wall of deep blue behind them, their gaze emitting an indescribable chemistry which had me INSTANTLY captivated. As Kenny Ortega once said, Zac and Vanessa had chemistry before they even knew who each other were: I fell in love with that boy and that girl before I knew exactly who they were, and it was that very chemistry which drew me in in a way I never thought possible. Those sparks, that connection between them continues to intrigue me all the more as the years go by. Especially since they do not let anything or anyone come between that special bond. They protect it, they keep all that is between them sacred, living their lives in love with the boy whom she thought was cool the second she met him, with the girl who has always been easy to talk to, with whom sparks flew since that very first audition. Those sparks are evident every time they are near one another, every time blue orbs connect with a deep brown. Gladys

I became a Zanessa fan from the first time I saw HSM back in 2006. I knew about FF awhile before that, and when I noticed there was a Zac board, I immediately joined the LiL thread, where I found lovely people who shared my obsession! I just want to say a few things. Zac and Vanessa are still very young, but I am sure they are each others' one true love. You don't need to have special powers to see that, it's just there, glowing and shining! It has been 3 years and they still look deeply in love day by day. They have defied distance, rumors and media! That's what keeps me here, everyday. I just wish them the best for the future, hopefully together! Val


The truth?? In 2007 - that's the year when I saw HSM for the first time. Nothing specifically (made me board the ship). I just loved them together. I thought they were so cute and the way they always looked at each other always made me think there could be something more there, which was confirmed much later in Hawaii. What amazes me is the fact that being soooo young and having started dating sooooo young, they still look at each other with so much love. And that's something so rare at their age. I've fallen in love with their love, with the way they love each other. They give me hope. Vivi

(I boarded the SS Zanessa) just when the Hawaii pics surfaced on the Internet, one month after accident. It all started with watching HSM and thinking that it's a great movie so I wondered if a sequel existed. I searched YouTube and it just popped up on the laptop screen - a video about the two lead roles being caught in Hawaii. I was curious and wanted to know what these pics looked like. So I watched the vid and I couldn't stop smiling at these cute pics. I felt I really got to like this movie and ZV. After that one vid I was addicted and found VABN really soon. I wanted to know what they did and so much more. (What keeps me on the ship) I guess is that they're private people and share the most cutest moments that sometimes normal people who think that they are in love don't see and then break up. The fact is that I can't be jealous - I'm just like a proud mother (even though I'm younger than ZV) who sees her own daughter walking to the altar, and I am just attached to how normal love can be seen even without much attention. In movies you always see so much and think it’s love but ZV showed that you don't need that much to be in love, just two people - a girl and a boy - that love each other; then the other things don't have to exist. Live the moment...and that's why I love them and like to watch how they live a life that has its ups and downs - just normal reality but still just love. Liv


I remember it so clearly, it was the summer of 2006 (August to be exact) and I remember watching High School Musical for the very first time. It was me, my brother and my friend Aaron. I remember it being really late at night and we were sitting on my bed watching the movie. For every Troy and Gabriella scene I could feel myself getting all giddy or something us Filipinos call 'kilig'. However the one part that captured my heart was the part where they were on the basketball court joking about Gabriella inventing microwave popcorn. By the time they sang 'Breaking Free' I was already sold! After the movie ended I went online and started searching for pictures of the two stars and the moment I saw the Emmy and TCA 06 pictures I immediately knew that not only had 'Troyella' captured my heart but so had 'Zanessa'. After 2 years of sailing the Zanessa ship - the stories, the pictures and the videos of Zanessa still make me 'kilig'. Gayle

Fall 2006 - Breaking Free was the first thing that actually caught my attention the first time I watched the movie. It wasn't until I caught the end of the movie on DC, that I actually became interested in what is now my OTP. It’s the little things that they do. How he looks at her like she's the only one in the room. How they can make anyone the third wheel. The special smile she gets when she talks about him. The way they keep their relationship private. How they're the happiest when they're together. Simply put, because they are just Zac and Vanessa. Two people who managed to find someone who makes then happy and understands them best. They truly are the greatest love story ever told. Tay


While I didn't immediately view High School Musical upon its first airing, as soon as the buzz was going around about it, I knew it was a must see. So, some day, months after its premiere, I sat down and was pleasantly surprised to see it was airing on Disney. I had no idea what this movie was about, and truthfully, wasn't expecting much. However, come the closing of the finale, I sat dumbfounded staring at the television. Once I regained my composure, I immediately sprang to the computer, in search of the answer I assumed was true to the question, 'Were the two main leads dating?' At the time, I didn't know their names, or anything else about them for that matter, but that didn't matter. Their chemistry had popped off the screen, and, I had figured if they weren't dating, then this world was not right; it seemed like they just HAD to be together. I continued to follow their story, as I do still today, and knew that they would one day admit to their relationship. What first drew me to them, and does still today, is simply one thing: the way they look at each other. With most celebrity couples you don't see this, but with them, it's impossible not to. When they look at each other, they look at peace, completely satisfied, in love, I could go on and on. When they look at each other, you just know what real love is. Sarah

Ok, so after watching the 1st HSM, I liked Troy & Gabriella together...I didn’t think much about V and Zac because I honestly thought they looked too young or whatever to think of them in a romantic way. Plus, we didn’t get all the cute promo stuff over here (Philippines) and I wasn’t too aware of the Disney Channel back then (only got to watch HSM1 cause my mom borrowed a friend's DVD) anyway...I think it was early last year...when I saw V's SAY OK vid and I remember thinking that it was so cute that Zac was like her leading man in the vid and all, they looked different...slightly older, more I guess that's when it started. I think I gave a pretty lengthy answer for #1 and it's my answer here as well. Say Ok definitely did it for me!. I mean, obviously HSM paved the way, but Say Ok was what made me google them, you know. Hehe. And then the first set of candids I saw were the gas station ones with them all giggly and stuff....and then I saw the Hawaii pics and I was dead. But you know, happy dead. It's their undeniable chemistry that turns lots of people into happy dead people. You know what I mean. LOL. But seriously, I like how "real" they are. Like, I like the fact they do normal stuff, but because it's THEM, it becomes adorable and romantic. I mean, seriously, how may people out there who go gas up but look that adorably sweet? Because, you know, whenever I see pictures or clips of them, I smile and feel good, because I then realize that love still works, if not for me, then at least for them. MG


I'm pretty sure it was 2006, a few months after the movie came out. So this is what totally made me fall in love with them: I had just purchased the HSM soundtrack and inside was this poster of them singing SOSN and I just took a glimpse at it and the way they looked at each other was so amazing, like you could tell it was so much more than acting. After that I was curious, so I started looking at fanvids on YouTube and the rest is history. I honestly don't think I could ever stop shipping this couple. They are the definition of love itself. The way they look at each other and how much they mean to each other just defines love. When I see them happy, I'm happy. It’s amazing how much of an effect they have on me. As long as they keep on living in love, I'll be right behind them supporting their relationship. Isabella

Stand beside through thick and thin
Through all that life will throw our way
Knowing that this special love we share
Will guide us each and every day

2007 – Say OK – HSM2 – KCAs – Hawaii – Quail Glenn – Smoothies – MMAs – HS premiere – NYC promos

HSM2 premiere – TCAs – London – Gas Station – Orso – Paty’s – DVD Gala – Walk Hard – 2007

Now Playing in the Soundtrack of a Lifetime: The Deeper Commitment Phase

2006 - High School Musical, not very original, but it was the first time I watched it and realized that there was more to Troy & Gabriella than meets the eye. I did a little research and found myself lurking these threads, and loving the couple more than I could have known, and three years on, the love has never faded and has become stronger than ever. Their love for one another, the way they hold hands, the way they look at each other, the way that they show their love in a way that no-one else comes even close to. There is not just one reason why I'm still aboard SS Zanessa, there are a thousand ways and more that make them 'them'. I love them for being in love, because it makes me believe that one day, I will find that love, or I hope something close. Harley


I first boarded the ship, I would say.. in around.. late May, early June of 2007, and lurked FF until I finally joined in November. The minute i saw the Hawaii pics, i was literally shocked, with my mouth agape. I just had never even thought about the two being romantical. I had already been a HUGE HSM fan, so I kinda mulled over the idea, but thought, “don't get to carried away, who knows!” So, to see the Hawaii pics, just blew me away; to see them in a romantic capacity besides Gabriella and Troy, was so adorable, and so comfortable. It warmed my heart, and I've been hooked since. It's just really nice to see a true romance blossom between two people who live in such a crazy environment; to still have time to do sweet nothings; to make a point of spending time together; to still be close, and not let any ridicule, or prying of the public eye stifle their love. It’s beyond words, and keeps me coming back to swoon and root for their joy and love for each other. Kristen

Early 2007 - As a Filipino it’s in my system to be drawn to on screen couples with great chemistry. And it is part of my tween blood to want that couple to get together. So when I saw this I was drawn to them even more. Then the Hawaii pictures came and I was a goner. I think it’s the fact that when you look at them, you can see that it’s genuine. Not fake or forced. It’s just how love looks. Nikka


Our Disney Channel aired previews of HSM, exactly six months after it aired in the states, I didn’t know it was a phenomenon, but I was still enticed by seeing the two unknown leads onscreen. It was odd, because I knew nothing about them, but I was very much drawn to them as a pair, there was just something obvious about their chemistry. Although a lot of people and media folks were touting a different ‘ship, their coyness amused me. I came onboard to the Zanessa bandwagon because they were a mystifying puzzle at that time, well, until now actually. The way they seem separate but very much together, they way they ignored yet stole quick glances with each other, it’s their subtle body gestures that spoke volumes of truths. There’s just something about Zac and Vanessa that stirs a multitude of emotions in me. I guess I’m still onboard because they are very much unpredictable, they march to their own beats and they do what they both want. It’s great to see two people in love, and I’m on their team as long as they’re living in love. Arlene

I boarded SS Zanessa in 2006. The first time I fell in love with them? That’s easy. Just like them, it was the first time they took the stage together and began “The Start of Something New” in High School Musical. Their voices just blended together perfectly, and with each glance they stole away from each other, they stole a bit of my heart. After that, it seemed that every look they had for each other was something special. No words can really describe the love they hold in the air for each other. It portrays Disney’s number one theme perfectly, magical. Progressing through music videos, sequels, and tropical vacations that we would all die for, their love shows through. What keeps me on the ship? The fact that, as Chris Brown would say, “With every kiss, and every hug” they give hope that love is really out there. Neither Zac nor Vanessa anticipated they would be beginning the best ride of their lives when the signed up for High School Musical and neither did we. They prove love isn’t about searching, because it will find you. That is what Zanessa really is. Kelly


Sometime last summer - I don't remember when - I was bored and started to YouTube videos and decided to watch an HSM one. I had fought hard against watching the movie, because I was in high school when it came out and knew that wasn't what it was like. I mean who sings in high school and dances and stuff. I was anti-this movie for a while. But I saw SOSN and fell in love. The movies did it for me. I saw the first one about a week before the second one came out and then did some research on the actors and that is when I got hooked. And then I visited these boards and saw how cute they really were, from London to bts, to just going around LA; they were adorkable, and I was sold. I think the reality of them (keeps me on the ship). A lot of times in Hollywood, even fans get caught up in the glamour and productions, sometimes, of relationships and we forget that these are real people with cameras around them 24/7 and people trying to know everything about them. Not many couples keep it real and are still as successful as they have been. They understand how big they are and yet it doesn't get to them and they don't manufacture things about their relationship for the public. It's about them and only them, and at the end of the day that is what makes me admire what they have so much. Molly

2007 and somewhat 2006 - When I first saw HSM I thought they had tons of chemistry but then the Hawaii pics came out and I was aboard the ship. I love them because they aren't the annoying couple that flaunt their life out there and hire paps to take pics of everything they do; quite the opposite they don't talk about their relationship. I like the way they're able to talk...or do other not so innocent things with just their eyes. Lastly, it’s probably just the fact that they are genuinely in love. For most people, staying together with someone while they're in another country is impossible, but Zac and Vanessa are the two that make the quote, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” so true. Oh and they're the only couple that can make me write cheesy, lovey-dovey stuff. Taylor(cookie)


The year that I started to love Zac & Vanessa together is 2006. I love them mostly because of HSM. I saw them on- and off-screen and I can totally see sparks and chemistry between those two. (What keeps me on the ship are) the candid pictures that I see on Just Jared. Every time I see candid pictures they look so happy and so in love. That makes me love them even more every day. Adie

Art by Sydney(alias_charmed)
"She's somebody that I'm constantly in awe of the
things that she does and says and the way she looks.
It just doesn't get old to me."
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:16 PM
Master Fan

dreamingoutloud's Avatar
Joined: Jul 2008
Posts: 16,083

Forever is what I want with you
For the search is at an end
Our hearts have found each other
As lovers, as soul mates , as friends

2008 – NY’s Dinner – PS – UO – Audi Swap – V nurses Z – HSM3 filming – Jazz/Rockets – HSM3 Press Con

Game 4 – MMAs – T&C – Airport Pick-up – Best Buy – Ash’s Bday Pool Party – TCAs – Elle – 2008

Now Playing in the Soundtrack of a Lifetime: Domestic Bliss

Between late 06, early 07 - Oblivious to anythin && everythin HSM, friend had me listen to ‘Say Ok’, instant fixture in my iPod. Saw the video && the words “they’re going out – I know it. Look at them!” escaped my mouth && I’ve never looked back. They make my jaded && fickle heart truly believe in real love. That love still exists; that chivalry, loyalty, passion, friendship, && commitment, all of it - they invoke that. They leave me speechless half the time. I truly cannot fathom the depths of their love for one another. We only get small glimpses && it leaves me in absolute awe. For one thing, I have no doubt in my mind that they've been tempted - yet, they both still look at one another with such immense love && adoration. From being relative unknowns to becoming known world-wide, to quote Usher && Alicia, “Even before, all the fame && people – screaming your name. I was there && you were my baby.” Through everything && then some with the scandal, paps, false accusations - the love is still there. If anything it’s even more evident, even deeper && more profound than it was three years ago && that is what keeps me believing. They're so protective of their personal lives. They fight for what they have && they don't give a damn otherwise. I’m just blessed that we’re able to revel in what they do chose to let slip. Plus, they’ve led to meeting some amazing people – what more could you ask for? Bee


I boarded the SS Zanessa in the year of 2007 after noticing Zac's hotness and talent just after Hairspray was released. I knew who Zac was from watching HSM with my daughters, but really didn't notice his magnetic sex appeal and true talent as a performer until after watching Hairspray and then HSM 2. What really drew me to both Zac and Vanessa as a couple was the turbulent time of the pic scandal. I was amazed at Zac's maturity and devotion to his lady. Both Zac and Vanessa impressed me beyond words with how they coped with such embarrassment and devastation. I then started to fall in love and admiration with Vanessa and realized these two beautiful souls were meant to be together forever. I continue to support them because they are unlike any young celebrities out there. I feel they are incredibly honorable and genuine in their words and actions both with their fans and each other. Their talents as entertainers are immeasurable and like a fine wine will only get better with time. Dalia

2007 was the year it all began - but it feels like a lot longer! I think I noticed them after I saw HSM for the first time. After it had finished, I was reflecting over what I'd just seen, and I tried to find what made me enjoy it so much. I quickly realised that it was the outstanding chemistry I'd witnessed between that jock and that freaky math girl - I immediately googled them to find out who they were, and found myself in the LIL threads - that's where it all began, and I've never looked back. It's the undeniable love that they share (that keeps me on the ship) - I admire them for keeping their relationship as hidden from the public as possible though it would be so easy not to, and it amazes me that all we need to see is a simple look or gesture to realise how much they truly care for each other. It shows that true love still exists, and that fate - in the form of one little made-for-TV movie - can bring two soul mates together for the beginning of the rest of their lives... Rachel


I became mildly interested in them after HSM2 premiered in 2007, but I didn't become obsessed a fan until January of 2008. I watched HSM1 by accident the weekend before HSM2 premiered. I found myself drawn to the chemistry between "Troy" and "Gabriella" and watched the movies over and over again. Over Christmas, I watched Hairspray - against my will - and my friend mentioned something about Link Larkin dating his costar from those High School movies. And I was intrigued...In December of last year, I started reading everything I could get my hands on about Zac and Vanessa. I began lurking on FF and that's where I saw the pictures at Palm Springs. I was hooked. I couldn't believe that kind of emotion could be captured on still photography...and I've happily been proved wrong again and again. Cris

2008 - I first discovered "SS Zanessa" when I stumbled upon a video of their Hawaii vacation. Watching that video and seeing love and affection practically ooze out from these two's looks and glances, I simply couldn't resist being suckered in. They showed me that love could be real, and is. They just appeared so youthful and carefree, just like kids our age should be, celebrities or not. They were like any other young couple, jumping in the waves and building sand castles. Just being themselves, just being real. I was further vortexed in when I saw a BTS video of "Everyday." You can tell how heartfelt the song is to ZV from the way they're singing to each other. The song fit them perfectly. I started watching other BTS videos and then HSM1, which further cemented my 'ship membership. Their chemistry was practically tangible, I swear I could reach out and feel the magic they were emanating from my monitor. I was officially hooked. What keeps me on the ship even to this day is the way ZV handle the pressure of Hollywood's fame and fortune. Together they trudge on through rumors and controversies, holding hands with their heads held high. The fact that a young couple of their stature in this lalaland can stay together and not be phased by the media, it's a little supernatural. Throw in the fact that they've been doing so for three years leaves me amazed and speechless. Whether these two stay together or not, I’ll forever be thankful for the brief peeks they've allowed us into their love. I hope everyone finds inspiration just like I have in these two to always LIVE IN LOVE. Stephanie


I started shipping ZV in 2006, but it was The Golden Weekend that solidified my love for them. There was just something about these two that seemed to genuine, so real, that it couldn’t possibly be just amazing acting. They seemed to radiate this incredible amount of chemistry that I couldn’t help but be drawn towards. There are many reasons why I still ship them today, but it’s the little things keep me glued to them. The way the throngs of paparazzi seem to disappear when they grin at each other. How he holds her hand protectively as they blindly make their way through the flashing lights. The way one little smile from her direction makes him smile too. It’s the fact that even though they’re constantly in the spotlight, they refuse to talk about their relationship because it’s theirs, and it’s sacred. And to find two people as in love as these two, especially at their age and in their business, who have their privacy constantly violated and have been through as many obstacles as they have… that has to be a sign of something special. Holden

It was mid-2006 when I first saw the movie on DC-Asia. And the moment, SOSN was finished, the movie and more importantly, Troy & Gabriella, captured my heart. Of course that meant going online and researching my newfound obsession and there I found 2 stars who were saying they were "just friends" but their body language and actions clearly show that they were more. And I was fascinated. In my quest to find out everything I can about the HSM stars, I stumbled upon the "the making of HSM" and saw Zac & Vanessa with their arms around each other and Zac coming from behind and lifting Vanessa. Their chemistry was palpable and they were flirting like mad with each other. From that moment on, they became my number one 'ship. Funny enough, a friend I met through ZF asked me this about a month ago. She asked why the fascination still since we already know that they're going out and the thrill of investigation and espionage to decipher little clues are long gone. I guess it’s more than just the excitement of breaking the 'Zanessa code', although that in itself was so much fun back in the old days. now, the fascination lies in being privileged enough to watch them continue to live in love, and as most pictures have shown us, go through life in matching strides, hand in hand. awesome!Kat

My Zanessa compulsion first began out of boredom and curiosity. Having recently watched High School Musical, and finding the chemistry of the main pairing intriguing, I randomly typed ‘Troyella’ into YouTube…only to stumble upon several entries for ‘Zanessa.’ That must have been a year and a half-ago. Flash-forward to another bored afternoon where I poked my head into the Zac FF and began a successful run of lurking; my compulsion gradually growing until we reached Palm Springs. After this amazing event, where their incomparable love for one another was inescapable, I had no option but to hold my hands up in defeat: I was an addict. After the 300th BF thread I decided to fully embrace my compulsion: because over the course of a year and a half of keeping in touch with the Zanessa news, I didn’t grow bored of it; in fact, I grew more interested and more in awe of this couple…

How many couples meet when they are 16/17/18 only to fall madly in love and survive numerous extended periods of separations? Not many. Add constant attention, pressure from the media and the industry, numerous other temptations and it is easy, in my view, to see precisely why Zanessa are so special. It is not that they have simply ‘survived’ these difficulties; but that their relationship has evolved and blossomed in spite of these roadblocks. And that is why I am going to continue supporting and admiring and most importantly fangirling over them! Kate

Art by Kristen(kridrules)

Fan Appreciation

Someone once said that: "The energy born of love is creative. It makes everything it touches new. To see how passionate you are, look around at what you have created." It speaks volumes for the nature of the love between Zac and Vanessa that they touch people to the extent that they have…they haven’t just produced smiles from their observers, or inspired fan fictions and videos and arts, but they have created threads like this one; where friendship and mutual respect blossom... Kate

300th Fan Fiction: Love of a Lifetime
By Chelli
Note: You must be a Registered Member of MiM in order to read

His thoughts were pulled back to the large leather binder resting in his lap. His fingers gently traced over the engraving on the front as he thought of Vanessa nervously chewing her lip when she gave it to him the previous Christmas. He couldn’t even imagine the amount of time she had spent compiling the album, carefully selecting pictures and memories that epitomized their relationship together. Every page was filled with precious moments they had shared; some privately and some much too publicly for his liking. This album represented ten of the most amazing years of his life and gave him a glimpse at all the happiness that was to come…

Art by Sam(

Art by Kristen(kridrules)

Art by Sydney(alias_charmed)

300th Video: Zanessa Evolution
By mod!Kat

R e c e n t S i g h t i n g s

The Live In Love Official Listing

To be added, please PM BrendaSaysHi or Less Than Perfect

Previous Threads
389 390

Their f o r e v e r has just begun…

"She's somebody that I'm constantly in awe of the
things that she does and says and the way she looks.
It just doesn't get old to me."

Last edited by Fearlessღ; 10-28-2008 at 09:48 PM
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:18 PM
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Thanks Cookie!
Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you,
it will SET YOU FREE.
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:22 PM
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o wow new thread!

thanks for opening <3

remember not to go over 395 by the end of the month =]

&& becky, thanks for the earings! theyre lovely <33
youre awesomeee!!
[ the optimist builds the airplane. and the pessimist invents the parachute. ]
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:24 PM
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if you all want the title changed just say...
"She's somebody that I'm constantly in awe of the
things that she does and says and the way she looks.
It just doesn't get old to me."
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:27 PM
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Thanks Tay!
With every chapter closed, a new one opens
- a blank page ready to be writtenr
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:29 PM
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no taylor the titles great.......

subversion rocks!!!!

thanks for opening
There will always be...
"True love does exist and Zac and Vanessa are proof."
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:34 PM
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title rocks
a shout out to all those haters

now im supposed to be updating my pb but i just cant resist.
al x. sha
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"The ring, idiot, the ring!"
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by kat_ (View Post)
o wow new thread!

thanks for opening <3

remember not to go over 395 by the end of the month =]

&& becky, thanks for the earings! theyre lovely <33
youre awesomeee!!
They have 3 days. I hope they don't.
'i know what you are, and I love you.
nothing can change that.'

beautiful creatures
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by BrendaSaysHi (View Post)
They have 3 days. I hope they don't.
i think that's a pretty manageable time frame

but just in case jill, maybe you should put on your RM hat and demand that ZV stop giving us goodies
There will always be...
"True love does exist and Zac and Vanessa are proof."
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:45 PM
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yeah 3 more days =]

we plan to open on monday... so yeah =]
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:48 PM
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You're welcome Kat

What time are we opening on Monday? Monday morning or monday night our time?
Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you,
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:49 PM
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Monday your time is Sunday my time!

I can't wait to get the go head to kill.

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Old 10-28-2008, 08:51 PM
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um i think monday morning... like really early so we can share more time with people who have it sunday night. =]

depends though.. but yeah most likely monday morning =]
[ the optimist builds the airplane. and the pessimist invents the parachute. ]
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