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Old 03-08-2009, 11:31 PM
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Hot Seat #18: Sit at your own risk! [Now Lisa/SunnyHunny123456789]

Welcome to the Hot Seat thread!

Most of you FFers should be familar with the game but for those of you who aren't here are the rules.A person is in the hot seat for a week while in the Hot Seat the person will be asked questions about anything...after their term is up the next person on the reserved spots list will go!

Who's currently in the Hot Seat
Lisa [SunnyHunny123456789]

Past Hot Seaters
Em [tutorgirl_em]
Kelli [MineyMouse14]
Stina [butterflygoodbye]
Rach [Rachael_Sue]
Holden [Less Than Perfect]
Niki [queenofhearts]
Val [>>Val_haydenlover26>>]
Tash [tashalaka]
Kenz [Coopah]
Iola [midwest skies]
Rachel [iheartbrucas127]
Tay [Tayloriffic]
Sarah [sarahbeth0587]
Adie [othfan628]
Tay [Tayloriffic]
Nikka [bokayjunkie]
Meg [meg25]
Grace [protectthecats]
Hannah [hannah029]
Kat [kat03]
Molly [nyychick2]
Adele [lenada2002]
Lizzie [Lizzie♥Z&V]
Angel [twinkley_angel]
Lindsey [HSMloveOTH]
Izzy [bestwriter101]
Eli [chadsprincess1]
Kristen [kridrules]
Cris [crisTM]
Mel [PelMel]
Jordyn [Jordyn1234567]
Chay [chay]
Jill-Renay [Fearlessღ]
Peggy [~Blueyedbelle~]
Catch [catch0621]
Harley [zanessatroygabriellalover]
Riia [riia]
Sarah [sarahc]
Stina [butterflygoodbye]
Sam []
Holden [Less Than Perfect]
Taylor [Its_Tay37]
Michelle [letxmexfade]
Jemma [JemmaSaysSNAPS]
Steph [ssonfire]
Catch [catch0621]
Liv [liv_91]
Nikka [bokayjunkie]
Becky [missbecks]
Alexia [liv3inlov3]
Grace [stardazzle]
Jemma [JemmaSaysSNAPS]
Anastasia [ladyfalcon711]
Taylor [Its_Tay37]
Kelly [Time4Love]
Harley [zanessatroygabriellalover]
Jordyn [Jordyn1234567]
Rach [Rachael_Sue]
Melissa [krazy4zanessa]
MG [eMGee]
Mel [PelMel]

Reserved spots!
Rachel [sapphiress]
Andy [SomeHearts]
Diana [Sweet Awe]
Meltem [melliee]
Grace [stardazzle]
Nikki [LAchick]
Jo [jo2009]
Kiko [kikkokalabud]
music=passion [Mackenzie]
"I think I'm dying."
"No. No, you're not. I won't let you."
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Last edited by Less Than Perfect; 04-01-2009 at 03:24 PM
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Old 03-08-2009, 11:33 PM
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Previous questions:
Originally Posted by ladyfalcon711 (View Post)
Were you a girl scout?
Is it better to recieve an email or a letter?
Favourite childhood movie?
Did you ever get "married" when you were little?
"I think I'm dying."
"No. No, you're not. I won't let you."
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Old 03-08-2009, 11:33 PM
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Good thing I'm not on the reserved spots.

Have you ever said something embarrassing in front of your class?
Have you ever wished for someone's death?
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:18 PM
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Previous questions:

Were you a girl scout? Nope

Is it better to recieve an email or a letter? I have no idea, probably e-mail cause it is quicker to get than a letter
Favourite childhood movie? Free Willy
Did you ever get "married" when you were little? nope

Have you ever said something embarrassing in front of your class? I think so but I don't remember. I have a bad memory.
Have you ever wished for someone's death? YES!!!
I'm Engaged!!! August 6,2011
Jacob Simon born on July 19, 2012
Married September 29,2012
Nathan Simon born October 31st, 2014
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:22 PM
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And your week is up Melissa!

MG is in the seat now!
"I think I'm dying."
"No. No, you're not. I won't let you."
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Old 03-09-2009, 09:17 PM
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Great job Melissa!

Welcome to the hot seat MG!

What made you a V fan?
Favorite V song?
HSM 1, 2 or 3?
Alltime favorite HSM song?
Alltime favorite HSM moment?
Which HSM character is most like you?
Which HSM character would you most have liked to play?
Do you have any siblings? If so are they older or younger?
What is your favorite color?
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Old 03-10-2009, 03:32 AM
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MG is up!

With every chapter closed, a new one opens
- a blank page ready to be writtenr
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Old 03-10-2009, 07:42 AM
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OhMyGod it's my turn!

What made you a V fan? That she's a Filipina. That she loves adobo, pancit and halo-halo. That she's unbelievably GORGEOUS. That she's amazingly talented (watching her tap dance for that Sears ad...omg! Perfect!). That she's both childlike and mature at the same time. That even if she is in a serious relationship, she still remains to be her own person. Her ability to bounce back from setbacks in life. Her maturity and strength at her age...astounds me.

Favorite V song? It varies...but right now, it's VULNERABLE

HSM 1, 2 or 3? Hmmm...i love HSM2 cause it gave us that pool scene and their first kiss and GGMOW...but storywise not so much, so I'm a bit torn between HSM and HSM3...I guess storywise I'd go for HSM but all in all (production value, numbers, TG sweetness)...HSM3

Alltime favorite HSM song? of all time? are you kidding me...can i just break it down into the 3 movies? HSM - Start Of Something New, HSM2 - Gotta Go My Own Way, HSM3 - Can I Have This Dance

Alltime favorite HSM moment? - I'm not liking this 'ALLTIME''s SO HARD TO CHOOSE one! I'll give out a few...when Troy first heard Gabi's voice in SOSN, all the balcony scenes, when Troy in HSM3 said that he chose the one who inspires his heart, Troy's grad speech, and the last scene of HSM3 after they jumped and they took a bow...

Which HSM character is most like you? - I've taken a couple of Which HSM character are you quiz and I always end up being Taylor. which is funny cause I absolutely HATE Science! Haha.

Which HSM character would you most have liked to play? Hmmm...i think Sharpay is a very interesting character but I could NEVER pull that off...haha.

Do you have any siblings? If so are they older or younger? None. I'm an only child.

What is your favorite color? GREEN is my favorite color
“Don’t think happy endings. Think happily ever afters."
~ The Beginning of Forever
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Old 03-10-2009, 12:46 PM
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is you name just MG or is it a nickname?
what did you thought about the Sleeping Beauty picture?
Do you look like a real filipino?
Are you the younger generation of zv fans or the older?
which name of jills(ff) names was better? BrendaSaysHi or fearless?
you get invited to a celebrity party... who do you meet?
Jonas brothers?
Demi or Selena or Miley?
Vanessa or Ashley or Momo?
Corbin or Zac?
HSM 1 or 2 or 3?
the best song to sing with?
What color eyes do you have?
What is your favorite nickname someone has gave you?
Do you have any pets? if yes What pets do you have?
Describe yourself in 3 words.
why the sky is blue?
why the grass is greener on the other site?
why the sun is yellow?
High School Musical...
PB or Tinypic?
Black or White?
Red or pink?
dirty or innocent?
weirdest you ever heard?
most childish thing you did ever(no childhood story.... I‘m talking about this year!!)
Dream job?
if life is a .... i would be ....?
are you afraid of the dark?
what time are you planning on sleeping tonight?
do you like the rain?
beach or mountains?
ocean or sea?
most favorite place on earth?
Favorite Vanessa pic.
What place would you live in if you had the chance?
Boxers or briefs?
What would you do if Zac Efron offers you his body?
Do you like Taylor Swift?
RENT or Grease or Hairspray or Footloose?
Do you curse?
Elle or else!!!?
love song or party song?
your allowed for one day to break all the rules, what would you do?
you bump into ZV ... what do you do .... by the way your voice is hoarse and you can‘t talk?
hell or heaven?
the best place on earth is................?(can also be a virtual place)
who of you really want to meet?
who you want in the hot seat?
you would turn gay for .............?
birds flying or birds eating?
most favorite fanfic?
are Jill or Chay secret agents?
if James bond would become Jamie bond who would be the perfect actress for it?
you could decide the next movie of Zac and Vanessa... which would it be(you can make them film together or separate them)
if Paris Hilton becomes president then I‘m gonna be ....................?
Bungee Jumping?
The movie you watch that you can never get tired of?
are cupcakes your favorite dessert?
if you could kidnap somebody... who would it be?
if life is not a fairytale what is it then?
winter or summer?
is England a land or a country?
did you ever cried in a movie?
the most weirdest rumor you heard ever about you or a friend?
you are alone at an island and you just can take 3 people and 3 things what would you take and who?
what kind of food is the best: cupcake or pasta or sushi or cookie?
what color is your room wall?
do you like livvy?(i need my ego kick again )
what would have happened if Zac was not the part of troy but Corbin was and Vanessa would have been Sharpay and Ashley Gabriella? would you still watch it?
if you could live everywhere on the world were would you live?
vegetables or fruits?
ocean or sea?
bikini or swimsuit?
Holden or .....?
do you have any other name than …?
butterflies or planes in the stomach?
if Vanessa would be pregnant from zac and you can decide the name and sex... what would it be?
without my ...... I can‘t sleep?
Have you ever walked more than a mile?
Do you believe in magic?
Have you ever been suspended from school?
Have you ever skipped school?
do you swear a lot?
do you sound really English?
Britney fan?
Song that instantly reminds you of V?
How many languages do you speak?(i think i had that question already
What time is it there right now?
Do you like to read?
What's your favorite fic of all time?
Have you ever stolen anything from a store?
Ever been arrested?
Do you have any weird habits?
What's your least favorite animal?
If you could be a highlighter, what color would you want to be?
What's your dream vacation?
Have you ever cheated? (work or person, you decide)
CD or DVD?
Do you drink a lot of water?
How often do you exercise?
Can you trace your family tree back to your great, great, great, great, grandparents?
Are there any traditions in your family you'd like to carry on?
Which parent looks like you?
Do you have a sixth sense?
Have you ever made something you were proud of?
Your favorite car?
Scariest movie you've ever watched?
If you could change on thing about yourself, what would it be?
The most annoying song you know is...
The catchiest song you know is...
Blond or blonde?
Favorite midnight snack:
City life or countryside?
Thing you love about V most?
What about ZV?
New York or California?
Collar popped or normal?
Have you ever asked someone out?
Do you have any collections?
Can you whistle?
If you could dye your hair any color what would it be?
The movie you've seen the most in a movie theater?
Favorite piece of art you've made?
Ice cream or chocolate?
Hot or cold?
Do you want to go to college? Or are you already in college?
What direction in college you would choose?(Medicine,…)
Do you read much?
Favorite country?
Do you find yourself killing time on the internet by watching random YT vids?
Vanessa wearing black, red or white?
Troyella or Zanessa?
Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
Zanessa in Hawaii or T&C?
If you had the chance to shoot anyone, and get away with it, who would it be?
What are you most afraid of?
milk chocolate or white chocolate?
Do you consider yourself religious?
How do you usually dress?
sing or dance?
favorite childhood tv show.
playhouse disney or nick jr?
Would you date someone older than you?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
have you ever been to a haunted house (either one considered "real" or fake)
Are you a loser or a huge loser?
Corrie or Gabriella?
What is your favorite male name?
Do animals go to Heaven?
Rock or Pop?
Would you sell your soul to the Devil?
Coke or Pepsi?
Hug or kiss?
Who do you have a crush on now?
Would you date someone you met online?
Do you wear deodorant?
Do you hate yourself?
Have you met anyone online?
Have you ever smoked?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Do you have any piercings?
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Are you a bully?
Do you have a job?
What time did you wake up this morning?
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Do you know how to drive a car?
Have you ever been camping?
How many times a day do you go on myspace?
What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
Will the world end in fire or ice?
Have you ever been on a roller coaster?
Would you like be president if you could?
Do you like cats?
How are you feeling right now?
Mom or Dad?
Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart?
Disney or Warner Brothers?
Do you know how to drive stick?
Do you ever use your full name?
Do you get annoyed easily?
Do you like seafood?
Do you like photography?
Pain or no gain?
Cappuccino or coffee?
Have you ever been on a plane?
NCIS or Criminal Minds or CSI Miami or Bones or CSI New York or other?
Would you run from the police?
Have you ever been asked for an autograph?
Do you wear makeup?
Do you believe in karma?
Do you believe in luck?
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?
Do like to draw?
Do you like hot sauce?
Last time you took a shower?
Do you need to do laundry?
What do you want to know about the future?
Would you rather have money or love?
What is your favorite animal?
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Do you like things that glow in the dark?
Do you like sushi?
When is the last time you ran?
What's the last sporting event you watched?
Next trip you are going to take?
Ever go to camp?
Were you an honor roll student in school?
Are you someone's best friend?
Are you rich?
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Do you ever cook?
Are you scared of elevators?
What do you like better: oranges or apples?
weirdest moment of your life?
if you could have v's legs for a day what would you do?
Are you a normal fan girl or a professional passionately dedicated enthusiast?
Do you prefer calling or texting?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
What is your perfect pizza?
Have you ever faked sick?
Ever had surgery?
Ever broken any bones?
Do you trust easily?
Any phobias?
Wear glasses/contacts?
Have/ever had braces?
snow is wet or cold?
does blue blood exist?
what was the first thing that you remember jill or holden said to you?
are you a princess or a rockstar in your heart?
what would happen if we were at the same place in the same time.... would you
want to meet me then?
who'S fault is the global warming?
if somebody would tell you tomorrow the world is going to explode... what would you do?
what is you last name?
If i were a boy...?
would you be shock if i tell you that i'm not going to do the hotseat again.. You
never going to have revenge... sucks?
do you like a disney movie(no hsm!)vintage or new stuff?
are you afraid of dogs?
pirates of the carribean?
harry potter fan?
what kind of books you like?
do you love us?
the best song ever in music history?
whitney houston... good or bad?
would you want a career or life like pink?
how does your normal school day lookslike?
the worst song you ever heard?
are you like English English or American English English?
how many languages you can speak?
did you ever met a FF person?
am i boring?
would you say you are pretty?
did somebody ever dumped you in a really ******* kind of way?
any stuffed animals?
how many books you have in your room?
are you a punk.. emo... Barbie...athletic...jock… nerd ... or artist?
do you can ride on a horse?
ice skating?
did you ever ran with bare feet through the snow?
is American dirt the same like European?
are you more the romantic kind of type?
if you could meet 5 celebrities... who would it be?
ever been to hospital(no you can‘t say birth)?
worst illness you ever had?
Moulin Rouge?
Paris or London?
the most value thing you have?
are you gonna watch bandslam?
dirty dancing?
what was the weirdest thing a teacher said to you?
are you addicted to something?
are my questions are getting weird?
you are a super hero.... what is your symbol?
the most horrible gift you ever got?
do you sometimes wish to be a boy for a day?
do you like the Simpsons?
Paris Hilton?
do you lie about your age?
are you getting punished for things you didn't do?
ever thought of being gay?
scariest moment of your whole life?
do you like popcorn?
did you know that George W. Bush was in Yale the president of the cheerleader squad?
what has more genes... a human or rice?
These words are my own from my heart flown
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you, I love you...ღ
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Old 03-10-2009, 02:27 PM
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Oh shoot! That's a lot! I'd work on those when I get back from work later...
“Don’t think happy endings. Think happily ever afters."
~ The Beginning of Forever
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Old 03-10-2009, 04:56 PM
Elite Fan

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Posts: 26,848
Well I'll wait to post more until you're done with the Liv litany.
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Old 03-11-2009, 07:55 AM
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*takes a deep breath*

Here goes nothing...

is you name just MG or is it a nickname? a nickname, it's the initial of my name
what did you thought about the Sleeping Beauty picture? i was so excited! since Sleeping Beauty is one of my fave Disney Classics. they looked GRRRRREAT!
Do you look like a real filipino? I guess...although I have chinky eyes in formal pictures...I dont know why...haha.
Are you the younger generation of zv fans or the older? How old is older? hehe..I'm older than V but younger than Momo
which name of jills(ff) names was better? BrendaSaysHi or fearless? I like Fearless.
you get invited to a celebrity party... who do you meet? All of 'em!
Jonas brothers? I don't love 'em, but I don't hate 'em either. I like some of their songs.
Demi or Selena or Miley? hmm...i dont know. If u ask me who i think is prettier, i think i'd go for Selena. But im kinda indifferent with these 3 so i dont know...
Vanessa or Ashley or Momo? Vanessa. Although I obviously love all 3. I wish we get more of Momo though. Momo interviews are the best!
Corbin or Zac? Zac. Really like Corbin but I love Zac!
HSM 1 or 2 or 3? I think I answered this before...HSM3
the best song to sing with? you cannot make me answer this
What color eyes do you have? black-ish/brown-ish....
What is your favorite nickname someone has gave you? MG
Do you have any pets? if yes What pets do you have? before...a dog
Describe yourself in 3 words. Hmmm....Fun, Childlike, Lazy...
why the sky is blue? because it is.
why the grass is greener on the other site? it's not.
why the sun is yellow? probably the same reason why the sky is blue
High School Musical... who says we have to let it go?
PB or Tinypic? PB
Black or White? both
Red or pink? red
dirty or innocent? middle ground
weirdest you ever heard? wierdest what?
most childish thing you did ever(no childhood story.... I‘m talking about this year!!) picking fights w/ my younger cousins and telling my parents that they (cousins) started it...all this in baby talk too...hahaha...
Dream job? I dont know...something that's challenging, pays good, yet doesnt eat up my time..
if life is a .... i would be ....? If life is a... MUSICAL I would be...ecstatic!
are you afraid of the dark? not really
what time are you planning on sleeping tonight? hopefully before 12
do you like the rain? only when it involves TG/ZV...hehe
beach or mountains? beach
ocean or sea? hmmm...same
most favorite place on earth? the Philippines
Favorite Vanessa pic. i have to get back to you on this one
What place would you live in if you had the chance? still here in Manila
Boxers or briefs? Boxers
What would you do if Zac Efron offers you his body? take him up on his offer
Do you like Taylor Swift? Yes
RENT or Grease or Hairspray or Footloose? I dont think I've watched Rent. I've only watched bits of Grease and Footloose. I have seen the Hairspray movie. I dont know. Can't decide.
Do you curse? yes
Elle or else!!!? ELLE-O-V-E
love song or party song? depends on my mood
your allowed for one day to break all the rules, what would you do? Get REALLLLLLLY drunk
you bump into ZV ... what do you do .... by the way your voice is hoarse and you can‘t talk? For the record, I dont think I'd actually be able to talk to them if I see them in person even if there's nothing wrong with my voice. I'd probably just stare...and I dont know, work up the courage to say hello ro maybe ask for a picture.
hell or heaven? Heaven
the best place on earth is................?(can also be a virtual place) wherever you're with people that you love...doesnt matter WHERE it is
who of you really want to meet? LOTS of ppl!
who you want in the hot seat? have u been in the hot seat Liv? I swear, where do you get these questions?
you would turn gay for .............? V!
birds flying or birds eating? Flying
most favorite fanfic? A lot! But first thing that comes to mind is I FEEL SPARKS
are Jill or Chay secret agents? YES!
if James bond would become Jamie bond who would be the perfect actress for it? Vanessa in a few years
you could decide the next movie of Zac and Vanessa... which would it be(you can make them film together or separate them) I want them to be in separate movies first and then after some time maybe make a movie again soon....I'd love to see them in something like Moulin Rouge...I mean, it's another musical but...I just think that they can so pull off those type of characters
if Paris Hilton becomes president then I‘m gonna be ....................? Even more glad I live in the Philippines
Bungee Jumping? I'd be too scared.
Skydiving? Same w/ bungee jumping
The movie you watch that you can never get tired of? High School Musical Trilogy
are cupcakes your favorite dessert? Nope
if you could kidnap somebody... who would it be? ZV and take them in a private getaway vacation and just let them do their thing while I watch them...hahahaha
if life is not a fairytale what is it then? Life is what you make it
winter or summer? haven't experienced Winter...
is England a land or a country? This confuses me too.
did you ever cried in a movie? all the time
the most weirdest rumor you heard ever about you or a friend? nothing remotely weird....can't remember
you are alone at an island and you just can take 3 people and 3 things what would you take and who? Food. Music. Clothes. I'd take... 3 of my friends, at least one of who knows how to cook. Hahaha.
what kind of food is the best: cupcake or pasta or sushi or cookie? pasta, cookie
what color is your room wall? peach
do you like livvy?(i need my ego kick again ) Love LIVVY as much as i Love ELLE...sometimes even more so
what would have happened if Zac was not the part of troy but Corbin was and Vanessa would have been Sharpay and Ashley Gabriella? would you still watch it? I'd probably still watch it but wouldn't be as fanatic-al
if you could live everywhere on the world were would you live? I answered this. Manila
vegetables or fruits? fruits
ocean or sea? same
bikini or swimsuit? on V? Bikini... on me? NEver mind.
Holden or .....? Holden!
do you have any other name than …? Yes
butterflies or planes in the stomach? Butterflies
if Vanessa would be pregnant from zac and you can decide the name and sex... what would it be? I dont know. Just not something overly unique. I can see them having a girl first then a boy.
without my ...... I can‘t sleep? I dont know. I was about to say pillow but I can even sleep while sitting down so i dont really need it...i dont know
Have you ever walked more than a mile? not quite
Do you believe in magic? In a way
Have you ever been suspended from school? Nope
Have you ever skipped school? During college, all the time! Haha
do you swear a lot? not a lot
do you sound really English? nope
Britney fan? I'm not a FAN but I like most of her songs...

Can I do these tomorrow? I feel so tired

***BATCH 2 for tomorrow***
Song that instantly reminds you of V?
How many languages do you speak?(i think i had that question already
What time is it there right now?
Do you like to read?
What's your favorite fic of all time?
Have you ever stolen anything from a store?
Ever been arrested?
Do you have any weird habits?
What's your least favorite animal?
If you could be a highlighter, what color would you want to be?
What's your dream vacation?
Have you ever cheated? (work or person, you decide)
CD or DVD?
Do you drink a lot of water?
How often do you exercise?
Can you trace your family tree back to your great, great, great, great, grandparents?
Are there any traditions in your family you'd like to carry on?
Which parent looks like you?
Do you have a sixth sense?
Have you ever made something you were proud of?
Your favorite car?
Scariest movie you've ever watched?
If you could change on thing about yourself, what would it be?
The most annoying song you know is...
The catchiest song you know is...
Blond or blonde?
Favorite midnight snack:
City life or countryside?
Thing you love about V most?
What about ZV?
New York or California?
Collar popped or normal?
Have you ever asked someone out?
Do you have any collections?
Can you whistle?
If you could dye your hair any color what would it be?
The movie you've seen the most in a movie theater?
Favorite piece of art you've made?
Ice cream or chocolate?
Hot or cold?
Do you want to go to college? Or are you already in college?
What direction in college you would choose?(Medicine,…)
Do you read much?
Favorite country?
Do you find yourself killing time on the internet by watching random YT vids?
Vanessa wearing black, red or white?
Troyella or Zanessa?
Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
Zanessa in Hawaii or T&C?
If you had the chance to shoot anyone, and get away with it, who would it be?
What are you most afraid of?
milk chocolate or white chocolate?
Do you consider yourself religious?
How do you usually dress?
sing or dance?
favorite childhood tv show.
playhouse disney or nick jr?
Would you date someone older than you?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
have you ever been to a haunted house (either one considered "real" or fake)
Are you a loser or a huge loser?
Corrie or Gabriella?
What is your favorite male name?
Do animals go to Heaven?
Rock or Pop?
Would you sell your soul to the Devil?
Coke or Pepsi?
Hug or kiss?
Who do you have a crush on now?
Would you date someone you met online?
Do you wear deodorant?
Do you hate yourself?
Have you met anyone online?
Have you ever smoked?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Do you have any piercings?
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Are you a bully?
Do you have a job?
What time did you wake up this morning?
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Do you know how to drive a car?
Have you ever been camping?
How many times a day do you go on myspace?
What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
Will the world end in fire or ice?
Have you ever been on a roller coaster?
Would you like be president if you could?
Do you like cats?
How are you feeling right now?
Mom or Dad?
Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart?
Disney or Warner Brothers?
Do you know how to drive stick?
Do you ever use your full name?
Do you get annoyed easily?
Do you like seafood?
Do you like photography?
Pain or no gain?
Cappuccino or coffee?
Have you ever been on a plane?
NCIS or Criminal Minds or CSI Miami or Bones or CSI New York or other?
Would you run from the police?
Have you ever been asked for an autograph?
Do you wear makeup?
Do you believe in karma?
Do you believe in luck?
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?
Do like to draw?
Do you like hot sauce?
Last time you took a shower?
Do you need to do laundry?
What do you want to know about the future?
Would you rather have money or love?
What is your favorite animal?
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Do you like things that glow in the dark?
Do you like sushi?
When is the last time you ran?
What's the last sporting event you watched?
Next trip you are going to take?
Ever go to camp?
Were you an honor roll student in school?
Are you someone's best friend?
Are you rich?
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Do you ever cook?
Are you scared of elevators?
What do you like better: oranges or apples?
weirdest moment of your life?
if you could have v's legs for a day what would you do?
Are you a normal fan girl or a professional passionately dedicated enthusiast?
Do you prefer calling or texting?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
What is your perfect pizza?
Have you ever faked sick?
Ever had surgery?
Ever broken any bones?
Do you trust easily?
Any phobias?
Wear glasses/contacts?
Have/ever had braces?
snow is wet or cold?
does blue blood exist?
what was the first thing that you remember jill or holden said to you?
are you a princess or a rockstar in your heart?
what would happen if we were at the same place in the same time.... would you
want to meet me then?
who'S fault is the global warming?
if somebody would tell you tomorrow the world is going to explode... what would you do?
what is you last name?
If i were a boy...?
would you be shock if i tell you that i'm not going to do the hotseat again.. You
never going to have revenge... sucks?
do you like a disney movie(no hsm!)vintage or new stuff?
are you afraid of dogs?
pirates of the carribean?
harry potter fan?
what kind of books you like?
do you love us?
the best song ever in music history?
whitney houston... good or bad?
would you want a career or life like pink?
how does your normal school day lookslike?
the worst song you ever heard?
are you like English English or American English English?
how many languages you can speak?
did you ever met a FF person?
am i boring?
would you say you are pretty?
did somebody ever dumped you in a really ******* kind of way?
any stuffed animals?
how many books you have in your room?
are you a punk.. emo... Barbie...athletic...jock… nerd ... or artist?
do you can ride on a horse?
ice skating?
did you ever ran with bare feet through the snow?
is American dirt the same like European?
are you more the romantic kind of type?
if you could meet 5 celebrities... who would it be?
ever been to hospital(no you can‘t say birth)?
worst illness you ever had?
Moulin Rouge?
Paris or London?
the most value thing you have?
are you gonna watch bandslam?
dirty dancing?
what was the weirdest thing a teacher said to you?
are you addicted to something?
are my questions are getting weird?
you are a super hero.... what is your symbol?
the most horrible gift you ever got?
do you sometimes wish to be a boy for a day?
do you like the Simpsons?
Paris Hilton?
do you lie about your age?
are you getting punished for things you didn't do?
ever thought of being gay?
scariest moment of your whole life?
do you like popcorn?
did you know that George W. Bush was in Yale the president of the cheerleader squad?
what has more genes... a human or rice?
“Don’t think happy endings. Think happily ever afters."
~ The Beginning of Forever
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Old 03-11-2009, 11:06 AM
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*pets* poor MG!
you gonna survive it! everybody did!

have fun with the other half....

then what is your first name? is it a secret like holdens name?
how lazy are you?
What part of moulin rouge the movie you liked the best?
favorite shows?(name 4)
do you prefer drama or comedy or thriller or romance or all together?

eta.: i was already in the hotseat!
These words are my own from my heart flown
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
There's no other way to better say
I love you, I love you...ღ

Last edited by liv_91; 03-11-2009 at 11:53 AM
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Old 03-11-2009, 11:35 AM
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I see there's still plenty of questions left so I'll refrain once again.
Mel | Icon by Me
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Old 03-11-2009, 01:46 PM
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Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 13,300
Thank you Mel YOu're too kind. And OMG Liv, follow up questions already? OMG! I'll answer these for now...

then what is your first name? is it a secret like holdens name? not as 'secret' as Holden's but just not sumthing I'd broadcast all over the net...haha
how lazy are you? too lazy for my own good
What part of moulin rouge the movie you liked the best? Loved the Elephant Song Medley!!!
favorite shows?(name 4) OMG. I dont watch as much as TV as I used to before...I don't even know half of the shows now... I guess, American Idol and Ellen...hehe...oh and I was a regular watcher of Dawson's Creek and Gilmore Girls when it was still on
do you prefer drama or comedy or thriller or romance or all together? rom-com is always good. Light drama too. I'm not a big fan of thrillers, horror, suspense and the like
“Don’t think happy endings. Think happily ever afters."
~ The Beginning of Forever
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