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Old 12-19-2009, 12:23 AM
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The Specials [S♥C]#393: "Some would even say the show was truly born from Sylar's quest to find Claire"- Heroes Magazine

welcome to the
appreciation thread

different. specials. star-crossed. immortals. destined to be together.

So much struggle for meaning, for purpose. And in the end, we find it only in each other.
Our shared experience of the fantastic. And the mundane.
The simple human need to find a kindred, to connect.
And to know in our hearts... that we are not alone.

Cheerleader meets watchmaker. She's all about trying to kill herself and he's all about killing people. You might call this craziness vs craziness V2.0. Should be nice meeting because one can become the savior of the other.But actually, they are the same. Different from the others. But they learn about each other. That's the beauty of it. When they are together, that's sparkles blowing everyone. World seems more chaotic. For better or for worse. He needs her, she needs him. They both need each other to survive, to become someone. Each other’s missing pieces. They are a lot of things. On the surface, they are enemies. They ignore each other completely. But their relationship challenges all the laws. No, they might not be together, yet, but they are meant for each other. He gives her a reason to fight, to accept who she really is. She gives him a reason to believe he is not really a monster but a man with hard feelings. She knows, really deep inside of him, who he really is, and how good he is. Their eyes are the reflect of their emotions. We can never say never, why we don't when, time & time again. With every contact, you can see the intensity and passion. It's a journey, hard one, epic. Unleash the passion might be their motto, their own reason to believe. Two broken souls, and lots of scars that needs to be wounded. Only together.

Give it eternity.


"It's coming closer"

+Latest shippers
50. writeangel
51. quin611
52. _daydreambear
53. Ellie Cameron
54. AshleyInWonderland
55. roqi
56. *sunsetmemories
57. SCco06
58. thepoison
59. Angelcakes_UK
60. BreanBamonFan
61. B.Chambers
62. Insecure_Delusions
63. T.V. Addict17
{Ask in the thread or PM Dragonfly to be added}
Honorary Shippers
Tim Kring | 1
Aron Coliete | 2
Joe Pokaski | 3
NBC Network | 4
Angela Petrelli | 5
Danko | 6
Mr. Muggles | 7
Universal Channel | 8
Masi Oka | 9
Lydia's tattoos | 10
Our Words
I think it's Sylar's and Claire's dynamic that makes me love the idea of them as a ship. Namely that while they're so different they really do have several similarities, even though they pursue their wants in different ways. Claire trying to get her answers from those around her and Sylar attempting to get them from his victims with every power. Seeing Claire's darker side coming out, matched with Sylar's softer side I thought was also quite telling. That given the right (or wrong) circumstances they have the ability to completely switch roles which again proves, in my mind, that they're not too far off from one another. There's a constant intensity between them that never really gets boring and you really are watching to see what happens next. Be it would Sylar go after Claire again after having tried to kill him? Would he consider them to then be even? Already this ship within the fandom has overcome some great odds, be it Homecoming where he was coming for her and failed to kill her, be it Claire surviving his having finally taken her ability a season and a half later, or even him having survived her attept at killing him. All of that in addition to the seemingly endless "are they or aren't they related?" It's been an amazing ride so far and it's obvious that it'll still be going on long after Heroes is off the air and while I got to the party late I intend to stay for as long as I can. ♥ Lucy

Y'know the monster, coming for the cheerleader. That was not for her ability that he came. It was for her, completely. And it's actually where everything starts. After all those meetings with fear, She began to tame him, and he began to see her another way. That 's where my heart fall for them actually. In All type of Tv Shows or even movies, people fall for the hero and the demoisel in detress. But I, really fall in love for the bad guy and the heroine. Weirdo? Not so much. It became constant, persistent. And it grows later, when they handhold, when the bad guy saved the girl he hated first, but became to appreciate. You dont really see this in the whole TV thing, and that's what makes them different.
Complete, Soulmates, Them. ♥ Candice

I ship Sylaire because I couldn't deny the chemistry between them when I saw Dual - there's definately something there. A connection, a bond, whatever you want to call it. He's been obsessed with her since S1 and she's the same with him, in a more subtle way. Zach and Hayden are two of the best actors on Heroes, and they play off each other so well, it's always wonderful to see them on screen. Sylar and Claire are both immortal, he understands her in a way not many people do, in fact, like no-one else does. She's seen the forgiving side of him; regardless of the fact he couldn't actually kill her, he put the top of her head back on for her, he saved her life from Vortex guy, he tried to make her see how badly her father was behaving.

I can only see Sylaire becoming closer as the season progresses, with everyone becoming a victim in Fugitives, then they'll have to rely on each other more - and I can't see the writers letting all that good chem go to waste. ♥ Ellie

I love Sylar and Claire because they're bound together through blood, lust, want, violence, and power. Every scene of theirs is filled with subtext and he has been after her since Homecoming. Besides what better way to spend eternity than with a sexy serial killer who is obsessed with you? ♥ Sam
Scene of the Moment

Their Journey
 be continued.

lips so sweet
hard to beat
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:23 AM
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Their Words
“He wants a romance, sweet and lovin’. I want to hurt someone.” ~ Hayden Panettiere

“Sylar has one fatal flaw. He can be hurt. He can die. So he goes after Claire, because she’s the one thing he wants to be: indestructible.” ~ Hayden Panettiere

"He finally gets what he was after for a long time and he's able to get Claire's power. And keeping her alive of course, now we can never lose good old Claire Bennet" ~ Zachary Quinto

“For the longest time, he’s been after her and her power. She’s his ultimate goal and pursuit. I mean, that’s how my character was introduced...” ~ Zachary Quinto

"Sylar had been chasing Claire... it was everything that drove most of season 1. So being able to have Sylar catch her and being able to see what the aftermath of that was, it was a really wonderful oportunity." ~ Jeph Loeb

“The bad and the really bad” ~ TV Guide

“And then - hooray! - came my all-time favourite TV drama line, the one no self-respecting show should ever avoid deploying, given the opportunity:
'What do you want from me?' Claire asked Sylar.
'I want what you have. I want your power.' Which swiftly translated into some dirty, Dexter-ish, deliciously shot and rather disturbingly erotic brain surgery.” ~ Kathryn Flett

“Another storyline where the acting shines is the encounter between the series' two breakout stars. If you had any idea of how this scene would go, you were wrong. Between the special effects, the writing and the acting, fans will definitely be talking about their scenes together.[...] the midst of what could be Quinto's and Panettiere's best acting to date.” ~ Remy Minnick

“He starts to leave, but pauses at Claire's hair and skullcap, which are lying there on the floor like a wig at the end of a drag show. Seemingly moved by some affinity for Claire, he picks it up and replaces it almost affectionately atop her head, and once it's reattached itself, she regains her ability to move normally. She sits up and disbelievingly asks the exiting Sylar if he isn't going to kill her, but he merely looks at her with a mixture of curiosity and sympathy: "Poor girl. There's so much about yourself you don't understand." He tells her that her brain, and her whole self, are not like the other Heroes. "You're different. You're special. And I couldn't kill you even if I wanted to." ~ TWOP

“Sylar steps forward and apologizes, saying when he touched her, he could feel the pain he caused her, but Bennet gets all Protecto-Dad and tells him he doesn't get to talk to her. "Ever." Nice try, Bennet, but in a couple episodes they're going to be IMing about how you just don't understand them. You should see the emoticon they're going to pick out for you!” ~ TWOP

“The battle between good and evil is heightened on Level 5 in a showdown between Sylar and Claire.” ~ Tim Kring

"This volume of Heroes began with Sylar scalping Claire and taking her power, and ended with Claire jamming a shard of glass into Sylar's skull and taking his power. All's fair in love and war, and our little Claire-bear is a fighter after all." ~ Kristin Dos Santos

“Their dynamic is more interesting than you could ever imagine.” ~ Aron Coliete and Joe Pokaski

“Claire will have this talk in the last chapter of “Fugitives.” With the only person alive who can relate. Yes. Him.” ~ Aron Coliete and Joe Pokaski

“There will always be that elephant in the room. They are both going to live forever. Just the two of them. So all of those things you put forward Sonja will be touched on. Heck, they have a lot of time.” ~ Aron Coliete and Joe Pokaski

“"Sylar [Zachary Quinto] corners Claire [Hayden Panettiere] and springs a proposal on her. He has this theory that she will come to love him because he can never die and she can never die--and thus, they're destined to be together." ~ Tim Kring

“There's always something intriguing whenever a heroine finds love in a villain, so who knows what the future holds for these two? I guess only time will tell.” ~ BuddyTV

"Sylar and Claire have a scene together in the season finale where he makes known his theory about why they are destined to be together, and you see again a strange twisted chemistry the two characters have with each other. It's one of those great creepy fun scenes to watch. They're so good together." ~ Tim Kring

“It will not go away. That was kind of Sylar’s point. Lovers or not, these two are certainly star-crossed.” ~ Aron Coliete and Joe Pokaski

One True Pairing

020. 20 threads of beautiful twisted love, paranoia & dirty thoughts.
050. 50 threads of wanting Kring to deliver us Sylaire. Thank-you.
100. 100 Threads of the Tale as Old as Time and Brain Sex!
150. 150 threads of mutual obsession, handholding, spanking & hot brain scenes!
200. 200 threads of making love stay, unfinished apologies, handholding & twisted connection.

Hayden Panettiere at Fan Forum
Zachary Quinto at Fan Forum

Sylar/Claire at Livejournal
Coming Soon

Zachary Quinto's Official Site

lips so sweet
hard to beat
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:28 AM
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hopefully he does find her again
there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way
Sweet Child of Mine ♥ JR
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:29 AM
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what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:29 AM
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lips so sweet
hard to beat
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:32 AM
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the title i want the mag
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:33 AM
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ooo cuz then she can giev him then and do so much more mwhahaaaaa
what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:45 AM
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Can't wait for the reunion

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Old 12-19-2009, 12:50 AM
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me too

January 4th we need you right now
there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way
Sweet Child of Mine ♥ JR
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:51 AM
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it will be epic riding fun
what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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Old 12-19-2009, 12:56 AM
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Dude, that reunion better happen. I accept no bad timing now.

Night guys

lips so sweet
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Old 12-19-2009, 01:43 AM
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dont jinx it eek

what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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Old 12-19-2009, 09:44 AM
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YES! Those spoilers from last night gave me a Sylaire dream It's about damn time Although in my dream, Sylar went to visit Claire first at college and then went to the carnival. And ofc, Claire flipped out because Sylar threatened Gretchen and then when they went to the Carnival she was even more freaked to see him there Oh yes, the crack dreams are back!
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Old 12-19-2009, 01:50 PM
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Your dreams ftw, dude!

lips so sweet
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Old 12-19-2009, 03:21 PM
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stalker syalr in ur dreams
what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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