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defyprobability 10-03-2009 12:35 PM

haha, lucky you, my two sisters, my twin and my younger one are SO annoying! It's ridiculous :lol:

oh me too, i hope that Zayden were filming together! :yay:

building bridges 10-03-2009 12:37 PM

AW :hug: :lol:

Same here! I mean, they have to cross paths at one point... right?! :look:

defyprobability 10-03-2009 12:39 PM

they HAVE to cross paths, Sylaire looooves her he's not gonna let her get away that easy right? :lol: all points just are pointing crazily towards Sylaire

building bridges 10-03-2009 12:43 PM

Yes, exactly! Plus, the Nathan thing... She has to find out and confront him :look:

defyprobability 10-03-2009 12:50 PM

yes yes! she will want to have her word about that for sure to him, whenever that is it happens, i would imagine she wouldn't just let that go without tearing a strip out of him :lol:

building bridges 10-03-2009 12:52 PM

I think the same :lol: She would like to give him the good spanking even more. :lol:

I just hope we don't have to wait till the last episode again. :pout:

defyprobability 10-03-2009 12:55 PM

hehe, that'd be funny if she mentioned that again! :lol: I'm sure Sylar would be like 'k, what?' :lol: I reeally hope we get that conversation with them when Sylar returns to his body. Ugh, we better get SOMETHING soon, lol. We usually get mentions in random episodes, so let's hope we get one on monday! :D

building bridges 10-03-2009 01:02 PM

:rotfl: And then he would make some witty remark. :lol:

I hope the same, and Claire isn't on Monday's episode. :pout:

defyprobability 10-03-2009 01:05 PM

oh i hope for some witty remarks, it's Sytlar were talking about :lol:

What? Geez. Well that sucks, but at least Sylar will be in it I hope. Maybe he'll mention Claire to Matt haha :lol:

building bridges 10-03-2009 01:07 PM

And the haircut! He needs to make a comment about her hair :lol:

Yes please, just to see Matt's WTF face. :lol:

defyprobability 10-03-2009 01:09 PM

haha yes, mention how it looks a lot from the last time he saw her :lol: i'm sorry but the wig was horrible :lol: Sylat should be hitting on Claire next time we see him hehe!

Oh man, that would bring the lolz, Matt would be just like, Really What? Claire?...and Sylar just smirks haha!

building bridges 10-03-2009 01:13 PM

Oh, I agree about the wig dude, trust me. Poor Hayden, now she looks gorgeous. :love: And indeed, he has to! She would probably :evil:-glare at him but he must. :nod: :lol:

:rotfl: Claire is the main reason he wants his body back ;)

defyprobability 10-03-2009 01:17 PM

Yes finally Hayden has her natural beautiful hair back :D She looks tons more pretty, not that she wasn't before or anything :lol: Well of course she has to glare at him, and he smirks at her it's their thing :lol: she gets pissed he finds it even more funny! haha

Hell yes, he wants to finish what he started with her :lol:

building bridges 10-03-2009 01:21 PM

But the wig was just plain eviiiil. :lol:
And yes, that's how they roll. And then they proceed to have angry-eye sex :nod:

They have unfinished bussiness :eyebrows: :lol:

defyprobability 10-03-2009 01:30 PM

angry eye sex ftmfw! :nod: God, I need to watch their s3 scenes again sometime :lol: we were so spoiled last season :lol:

And that buisness needs to be finished, like ASAP, regardless of whatever else is going on. :lol:

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