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madness 05-21-2009 02:37 PM

Peter♥Claire(Paire) #634: B/C when people ask you "why do you love Paire?" Just answer: "It's destiny"
t h e c o u p l e y o u j u s t c a n 't s t o p s h i p p i n g, n o m a t t e r w h a t
Welcome to the 634th
Peter Petrelli&Claire Bennet
A p p r e c i a t i o n T h r e a d

"W r i t t e n i n t h e S t a r s"

From the moment Peter Petrelli and Claire Bennet met in Odessa, Texas- Union Wells High School Hallway the chemistry, bond and connection was automatic. When they at Homecoming met it was fate, they just clicked. They finally felt like they was a part when they met eachother, when they art apart from one another something is missing. Nothing can separate them cause at the end they will always find a way in eachother's arms. Destiny will Prevail for them.

Boy bumps into girl in a school hallway, boy comforts girl, boy save girl's life. Girl tells boy he's totally her hero. Then they find out they're related, and suddenly they turn into one of the greatest pairs of star-crossed lovers in the world.
~Ellie (elenwyn)
Th e i r S t o r y
Written By: cmn24601(Carrie/Chaka!)

“Save the cheerleader, save the world.”
If only he had known then how much significance that statement would have.

When she bumps into him he feels this odd surge or electricity and familiarity. He shakes it off, smiling apologetically as he helps her gather her stuff. She’s pretty, he notes, with her soft golden curls and her sad little smile, and the insecurity she shows when he talks to her makes him wish that he wasn’t here to save a cheerleader’s life. He just wants to make the lost look in her eyes disappear. When he sees her running towards him covered in blood he’s afraid he’s too late, and then he notices the uniform and the expression on her face. He realizes that she’s the girl from the painting, and he grips her arm and steers her away from the approaching shadow. Together they run up the stadium stairs. As he tosses himself and her would-be killer off the edge of the building he only hopes that she’s managed to get to safety. He wakes up and his first thought is I was dead, and then he sees her standing over him with an expression of half-shock, half-relief, and he figures that he should just be grateful he’s alive at all. He doesn’t know where the other man has run off to, but she’s safe and that’s all that matters. “What’s your name?” she asks breathlessly and he answers ‘Peter.’ She smiles and reveals, “I’m Claire.” Claire. The name rings in his head, and he knows he isn’t going to forget it anytime soon.

When the words the cheerleader’s dead float through his mind he feels a sudden, griping panic seizing his heart. Dead? Claire’s dead? No, that’s not possible--it can’t be possible. He saved her. She’s alive, they must have it wrong. When she shows up at his cell later that day he feels the fear lift instantly, and he wants to reach out and touch her, make sure she’s real, but her father’s watching and Peter’s sure that he won’t appreciate a near stranger touching his daughter. “You’re totally my hero,” she tells him and he wonders if she realizes that she’s saved him, too.

He dreams a lot, the same dream over and over again, and though he’s sure he knows what it means he doesn’t know why she’s running, running, running away. Running away from him. But, really, he would run from himself too. It just hurts every time she does. When Claude throws him off the side of the building he’s scared--no, not for his life, he’s died before (it’s no big deal, she said; maybe she was right). He’s scared that he’ll never be able to see her again to tell her goodbye.

When he really does die he thinks that it’s the end, that he’ll never see Claire or his family again. And then he’s awake and she’s leaning over him with a tear-streaked face and a bloodied glass shard in her hand.

“You saved my life,” he breath as he tries to sit up, and another tear rolls down her cheek. “I guess we’re even now,” she murmurs and as he wipes her tear away he doesn’t correct her by saying that she’s saved him more than she even realizes.

The relationship between Peter and his biological niece Claire Bennet was always ambiguous and complex. Since their first meeting, there has always been a special understanding. The two share a bond that seems to annoy a lot Peter's brother and Claire's father, Nathan, and his mother, Angela, and seems to be approved by Noah Bennet, Claire's father.
Claire seems to be really disappointed when she discovers that he is her biological uncle, and both have never managed to really consider eachother as relatives, though they refere to other people one to another as uncle and niece.
The mechanism of their relationship is never really clear: many of their gestures (such as rather intimate hugs or caresses) are somewhat ambiguous, and in moments of tension between the two is clear also a certain attraction, but that seems held back by the bond of blood. Peter has a very gentle and protective attitude towards Claire, and more than once suggests that she is his favorite, if not among his family, at least of his nephews; on the other hand, after being rescued by Peter, the girl has begun to consider him her hero, and often the only person that she can really trust. Despite occasionally arguing due to their stubbornness or his excessive trust in other people (or the lack of hers), there is always a strong partiality shared by both. The ambiguity results in the third season after an enigmatic declaration of love (in reality "I've always loved you" can be seen from both an emotional and romantic view) from Future Claire to Future Peter before shooting him. The relationship between the two, however, still remains ambiguous and mysterious.
Source~ Italian wikipedia
Top 5 Paire Moments
By: lucky_star79 / Moments Voted By Fanforum
t h e Top 5 P a i r e m o m e n t s/ t h a t/ w e / w i l l n e v e r/ f o r g e t
P: You saved my life
C: I guess were even now
C: But you...when I met you I finally felt like I was part of something.
P: It's funny. Felt the same thing when I met you. *dries her tears*
Claire steps away from the camcorder and walks onto the train tracks. A train can be seen and heard coming towards her and Peter flies in from no-where, pushing her out of the way of the train. They both roll down a hill as the train goes past*
C: *getting up, angry* What are you doing?
P: What are you doing?
C: *hysterical* Trying to get hit by a train, what does it look like? I just wanted to feel alive again.
P: What happened to you?
C: Something awful. *starts to cry and embraces Peter. He hugs her back, tentatively*
*Peter glances up and quickly gets to his feet when he sees Claire.*
*Claire walks in. She smiles at him. Peter’s just so happy to see she’s all right.*
C: All this time, I thought it was just me. Now there's you. Is that why you came for me? Is that why you ... asked me if I was the one?
P: No, I just -- I knew I had to save you.
C: You're totally my hero.

*He steps away from the trophy display and bumps into Claire.*

P: Ooh, sorry!
C: Sorry.
*She drops her bag. He picks it up for her. *

*She starts to leave again.*
P: Hey, it gets better!
*Claire turns around.*
C: What?
P:Life after high school. It gets a lot better.

Fate Destiny Love Trust
Dedication Video for the 600th

Made By: Arinna

Their Story Continues

The revelation that she’s his niece both hurts and excites him at the same time, but Peter’s sure she’s meant to be here. It’s destiny, fate--whatever you want to call it--and he doesn’t care what his mother or his brother believe. He knows what is real and what has to be done. His dreams tell him she’s supposed to stay in New York and not go to France. And so that’s what she’s going to do.
“My destiny is not to shoot you. The universe cannot be that lame.” He knows he’s asking a lot of her, and he can see the pain of it etched on her face behind the incredulity but he’s sure this is what she has to do if it comes down to it. “You’re the only one who can get close enough to stop me,” he begs, and though her eyes still show she’s not happy with the idea she takes the gun and hides it. He really hopes, for her sake, that she won’t have to use it. She’s crying again, and it pains him. He hates it when she cries. “When I met you I finally felt like I was a part of something,” she admits quietly as if she’s embarrassed to say it but those words makes his heart thump irregularly in his chest as he brushes her tears away, his hand lingering. “That’s funny,” he murmurs, smiling gently. “I felt the same thing when I met you.” The police grab Ted before he can do anything to help him, but there’s no way he’s going to let the same thing happen to Claire. He grips her firmly, hoping with all his heart that Claude’s ability can carry over to others. The two of them literally disappear into the crowd, and Peter tries to ignore the tingling sensation spreading over his skin as she clutches desperately to his arm. As he pulls the car up and she sees Nathan he knows he’s made a mistake. Her gaze is fixed on him, her expression that of betrayal, as she thinks I trusted you. He tries not to let the hurt show as he thinks to himself, You really think I’d betray you? He slowly gets out to talk to Nathan, and when he glances back and sees Claire’s not in the car he can’t even pretend that he’s not scared. “Claire!?” He runs off before your brother can get another word in.

Maybe Claire is right not to trust Nathan.
Sylar’s dead, but his hands are the ones that are glowing. His body feels hot and he knows he’s losing control, so he throws his desperate gaze towards Claire who already has the gun pulled and aimed. “Please tell me there’s another way,” she pleads with him, and he wants to tell her there is, that it doesn’t have to be this way, but there’s no other option. Her hand is shaking as the tears spill out of her eyes, and he hates that it’s because of him that she’s crying.
When Nathan swoops down in front of her he’s never felt more relieved. Right before the two of them disappear into the sky his eyes meet hers and he can see the apology in them: You were right about him. He’s dreaming of a girl on the phone, her voice distant and sad as she says, “I miss him too, you know.” He doesn’t know who she is but she feels so familiar to him, and somehow he has the sinking suspicion that the him she’s missing is... well, he doesn’t know his own name, but... He sputters awake when he’s suddenly drenched in ice-cold water and he instantly remembers where he is. He can’t help but feel that the dream seemed too real to simply be his imagination. The first thing he remembers when he regains his memory is the name Claire, and his heart thumps in his chest as he wonders how he could have ever forgotten about her. (But, really, he never truly did, did he?)
He wants to visit her right away but then he remembers his promise to Adam. Claire will still be waiting for him after he destroys the virus, he figures.
Right now he has to save the world.
By: Mel

All quotes complied by Natalie (ronniekins77)

Season 1, Episode 9: Homecoming

Peter: Ooh, sorry!
Claire: Sorry.
(She drops her bag. He picks it up for her.)
Claire: That was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going.
by Amy (BoopyBear, formerly Potato19921992)

Season 1, Episode 9: Homecoming
Peter: Hey, it gets better!
Claire: What?
Peter: Life after high school. It gets a lot better.

Claire: Hey. What's your name?
Peter: Peter.
Claire: I'm Claire.
Peter: Are you the one? By saving you, did I save the world?
Claire: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Please PM Lauren if you would like to be added to the Shippers List.
By Dragonfly (Laurie)

30 Memorable Paire Fan Videos

01. My Hero is You 02. Wherever You Will Go 03. Change the World (Finger Eleven) 04. Behind These Hazel Eyes 05. I'll Keep Your Memory Vague 06. Hot N Cold 07. My Immortal 08. Empty World 09. Silver Bullet 10. Corner of your heart 11. Getaway 12. Your Guardian Angel 13. Can't Take It 14. Living in a World without you15. Bring me to life 16. When You're Gone 17. For You 18. Love Song Requiem19. Crawling (Carry Me Through) 20. Forgotten21.30 Minutes 22. Secret Smile23. Let Me Sign24. River flows in you 25. Almost Lover 26. Never Too Late27. Run 28. She Is The Sunlight 29. Everything30. Epic Destiny

30 Memorable Paire Fanfiction
1. Dance With a Stranger2. It Gets Better3. Saviours 4. Nine Strange Ways to Bond with Your Uncle5. Not Looking Back 6. Obsession7. Ballad Of Big Nothing 8. My Cheerleader, My World9. The Long Wait till Judgment10. Try Kissing11. The Elegy Season12. Tainted Love 13. Setting Them Up Is Only Half the Fun 14. Glass Ceiling 15. The Dust of Ages 16. So Close 17. Walk Through The Memories 18. Volcano 19. Always 20. Seeing Double 21. Thirty Days22. Innocent Sunday Morning 23. Ugly Love 24. The Road Home 25. Truth 26. Evolution 27. Three Reasons 28. Nascent 29. Salvation 30. The Queen of Hearts

Season 1, Episode 11: Fallout

Claire: All this time, I thought it was just me. Now there's you. Is that why you came for me? Is that why you ... asked me if I was the one?
Peter: No, I just -- I knew I had to save you.
Claire: Why?
Peter: To save the world.

Claire (to Peter): You're totally my hero.

Paire Moments: Wallpaper Made by Arosia

Their Story Continues

“I always loved you,”
she tells him and somehow, despite the cold edge to her voice, he knows it’s the truth. As he freezes time and takes her gun he leans in close, thinking the words clearly in his own head in the hopes that she will be able to hear them when he disappears. He never knows if she does.
She must have seen the shooting on the news Peter figures as he answers his cell and hears her. He clenches his jaw as he listens to her voice--the voice of the wonderful teenager he has missed so terribly over the years as she’s slowly disappeared. Or maybe he’s the one that was doing the disappearing. It’s hard to tell anymore. But he knows he can’t talk to her, not now. So many things could happen. So he gives a curt goodbye and hangs up. He hopes she can forgive him later. His mother’s words are ringing through his ears as he flies as fast as he can towards where he knows Claire will be. He scoops her up in his arms just before the train hits, and they tumble in the grass together before he rolls to his feet, approaching her with a mix of fury and worry. The butterfly effect is forgotten. “What were you doing?!” He demands and she’s looking at him with a pained anger. “What did it look like? Trying to get hit by a train!” She starts to sob and he draws her to him, wondering just what he did that caused this to happen.

He sees himself shot down in an alley, and he’s not healing. Why isn’t he healing? He dares to look up then and, seeing Claire standing there with a smoking gun firmly in her grip, all his breath leaves his body. “Claire?!” He breathes out in shock but as she takes aim at him he decides not to stick around to find out just why this dark-haired replica of his niece shot him down. She’s cutting into him for something he knows he didn’t do and he’s not healing. She’s smirking down at him with a cold gaze and Peter wonders just what his future self has done to make Claire hate him so much. He’s starting to realize why why it is so imperative for him to change this future. Any world that transforms Claire into a killer is not a world worth having. Peter hits the ground with a whompf, and he has no idea how he’s still alive. But she’s there touching him gingerly around his wounds, and even though he doesn’t have his powers anymore he swears that the pain dulls. She leads him away from Pinehearst, and he leans heavily against her. She really is his hero too.
He tries to ignore the feeling of his heart attempting to burst out of his chest as she dabs him gently with the cloth. He turns his gaze away as he remembers the feel of the scalpel biting into his skin.

He knows this Claire isn’t the same; he’s aware this is the Claire he knows and adores (loves), but he can’t shake the feeling that he still has to keep her from becoming what he saw. She’s babbling on about how it’s her turn to protect him, but he can’t explain to her why he doesn’t want her to. He can’t explain to her how he saw himself being killed by her. “I need you to stay--” he cuts himself off as she meets his gaze, her eyes questioning. “Stay what, Peter?” “Innocent,” he breathes out and he knows she doesn’t understand what he means. He needs her to go home and the only way he can think of convincing her is to tell her the truth. “That alley back there? That’s where you kill me.” Off her bewildered expression, he elaborates. “In the future you find me and shoot me. Twice. In the chest.” He knows she’s upset; he’s her hero and he’s telling her that she kills him. “You should never have become my friend or my hero,” she tells you decidedly and for a second she pauses and you think she’s going to say something else, but she just sighs and says instead, “Now I can’t leave you.” He hears her crying out, and that’s when he realizes that it’s not him they want at all. It’s her. He’s rushing back in her direction without even thinking about how he doesn’t have anything to defend her with against them. But it doesn’t matter--he can’t let her get hurt. She just said it--he’s her friend and her hero. She’s his, too, and so much more.The explosion sounds throughout the tunnels as he steers her through, hands resting on her elbow and her back as the surprised shouts of Flint and Knox fall farther and farther away.

Saving each other--this is what they do.

By BrathanSupporter (Tia)

Soundtracks by all the Paire Shippers!
100th Paire Soundtrack

200th Paire Soundtrack: Part 1 Part 2

350th Paire Soundtrack:
Present Paire Future Paire

Peter and Claire | BELIEVE IN PAIRE SITE
Dedication Video for 500 threads

Made By: Tia

Season 1, Episode 14: Distractions

Peter to Claude: "Before I hit the ground when I knew what was about to happen. I had this flash in my head of this girl that I met in Texas . This cheerleader - she could heal herself. God she's a sweet kid. Sad little smile, she just— You were wrong! I don't have to cut her out. I have to remember her! Remember how she made me feel!"

Season 1, Episode 18: Parasite

Claire to the Haitian: "Peter Petrelli is the only person I trust… More than you… he cares about me."

Season 1, Episode 21: The Hard Part

Peter: I found you, in Odessa . We save each other, you end up being my niece...this isn't just random, okay, this is destiny.

Season 1, Episode 21: The Hard Part

Peter: I think I figured out a way for you to save the world. *hands her a gun*
Claire: A gun? That's how I save the world, that's your plan?
Peter: I can handle Ted, but if I lose it you're the only one who could get close enough to stop me. Right through the back of the head, you know the spot. Same place you pulled the piece of glass from.
Claire: My destiny is not to shoot you, the universe cannot be that lame.

The Peter and Claire Fanforum Thread Fansite
Peter and Claire | Not Just Some Fantasy
by Amy (BoopyBear, formerly Potato19921992)

I always thought they would be romantically good together, because when they first met you saw the chemistry between them and you saw sparks fly. I thought it was destiny and I still think that, 'cause it's amazing that he met the person he was supposed to save and Hiro told him to save the cheerleader. It's fate, I still love them together and I always will 'cause they had to meet each other to feel like they were a part of something; it shows you how important they are to one another. I believe that they would do anything for each other and I love the protection thing. I love watching all Paire scenes cause they are good to watch and I hate not seeing them.~BrathanSupporter (Tia)

I love Paire because it helps me believe that any love is possible and can last no matter where you are ~Hannah ere *mwah* (Hannah)

I like their forbidden relationship. The eyesex,the emotions,the caring that they have for each other is just precious. I've never seen any such thing between an uncle and niece before, so it makes me want to ship them even more. It's a completely different relationship that they have, beyond words.The first I started shipping them was after watching the jail scene. It was just full of eyesex and being each others hero is just . Yeah the hero thing is definitely why I ship.~ minihpluver (Mini)

]Because Paire are more than we can bear, because Claire is the only one for Peter...because it wasn't just random they was destiny.~ Pinkjodz (Jodie)

Peter and Claire - how can it look so right and it be so wrong at the same time?~ BL.Arinna_1982 (Arinna)

One chance meeting that changed their lives forever. Boy bumps into girl in a school hallway, boy comforts girl, boy save girl's life. Girl tells boy he's totally her hero. Then they find out they're related, and suddenly they turn into one of the greatest pairs of star-crossed lovers in the world. Peter and Claire share something that transcends the usual bonds of family, friendship and even love. They're connected in ways people cannot comprehend, and always will be. Their need to protect each other shines through at the best and worst of times, and every time they share a scene together, it seems like they are drawn to each other. Paire are soul mates, maybe not in the traditional fashion, but soul mates nonetheless.~ Elenwyn (Ellie)]

A simple meeting in a deserted hallway. That’s what attracted me to Paire. These two strangers, living completely different lives, were suddenly irrevocably connected. The long look they shared was nothing short of instant attraction and understanding. Since that fateful meeting, Peter and Claire have been each other’s rocks. Their connection runs deeper then anything that can be explained by two attractive people. They are equal halves of a whole, their relationship built on trust and caring. They balance each other, Peter, the dreamer, and Claire, the realist. These two people will do everything necessary to protect the other, and love like that, it never dies. ~VDStar (Val)

They wrote them as epic romance from day one, whether or not they intended to make them related. Once I ship, I ship. The signs pointed more towards true romance than uncle/niece. Then there was the chemistry. The only “Relations” I get out of that is sexual, not kin. It’s so rare to find that combination that I’m not about to give it up because the show continues its misguided path.~ Lethally Floral (Bob)

The reason I fell in love with Paire was cause...well dang. Just go back to season 1 when Peter & Claire “run” into each other in the hallway of her high school, then go to the jail scene..forget they're related..and now you wonder why me and everyone else love these two till the end. Doesn't help with the hot eye!sex and UST either! They truly care for each other..and it was destiny...fate that they found each other.
~Shadow Dreamer(Tabs)

They had that whole damsel in distress hero thing going on when they first met not to mention the two of them were dripping with chemistry in their first meeting. When we found out that they were related it certainty didn’t stop the chemistry between them. What could I say they have the whole forbidden love thing going on which just scream epicness. ~ warangel88(Beth)

Because even though they are related and everybody knows it, they still manage to act like a couple even when other people are watching, they don't care if it is one of their friends or even their family, we all love when they hug in public
(and we all know TK is so, so wrong)
~ Heroes.Laur� � h(Mel)

I love Paire because its wrong and Peter's hair is hot ( the long emo bangs of course!)~Ariannette

Season 1, Episode 21: The Hard Part

Claire: I'm not normal. I tried to pretend that I was and I just hurt everyone. My mom, my dad. I ruined everything because of what I am. I hated it. But you...when I met you I finally felt like I was part of something.
Peter: It's funny. Felt the same thing when I met you. *dries her tears*

Season 1, Episode 22: Landslide

Claire: You know, I've been thinking after we save the world, I may go on patrol. You know, jumping in front of bullets and dragging people out of burning buildings.
Peter: You're not going to catch me wearing a cape, zipping around with my underwear outside my pants.
Claire: Why do we have to rent a car, can't we just fly to Nebraska ?
*Peter turns around and gives her a look*
Claire: In a plane.
*Peter turns back around, smirking*
By BrathanSupporter (Tia)

Paire Wishlist

Paire WishList

Season 1, Episode 23: How To Stop An Exploding Man

Peter: Do it. Do it. You're the only one, Claire.
*Claire is clearly struggling, her hand shaking with the gun, crying
Claire: *sobbing* Tell me there's another way, please!
Peter: Shoot me. There is no other way.

madness 05-21-2009 02:38 PM

The characters had “hooked up” on the level that they had an emotional, caring, protective relationship, along with a strong bond~Milo Ventimiglia

I keep getting these questions, Tim. Someone keeps asking when Peter and Claire are going to get together. We'll have to do some crazy dream sequence
~ Hayden Panettiere

There's something... you guys have a really good dynamic~ Greg Grunberg

"Lately though, I’ve been having some trouble with characters having too much of the wrong kind of chemistry. I’m seeing sparks where I shouldn’t. And it’s weirding me out. I can date my issues back to last year, during the first season of Heroes. Hayden Panettiere’s Claire and Milo Ventimiglia’s Peter. I know he was way too old for her, and, as we later found out, her uncle – I know all that. But I saw something. Sparks. Maybe it was just me, but it seemed like Peter wanted to save the cheerleader, save the world, and then get into her pants. ~TV Guide

What can you tell us about the season finale? Is this the episode where Peter and Claire finally get it on? People want it! So many people want them together.~Austrilo Interview

"God, they're chemistry..."
~Dennis Hammer

'The chemistry between these two is fantastic."
~Allan Arkush

We think they're related, just so you know... Well, what if Candace became Claire? And hooked up... Yeah! i mean legally, it's right, but then everyone can act out their.. I- don't know.
~Masi Oka

"...and they're terrific together, these two." "Great Chemistry"
~Tim Kring

Do you guys joke about that though? Because a lot of people are talking about that too and wanting them to hook up. I mean there's obvious chemistry, You know, we can dream. Maybe 3rd or 4th season we'll see things change.
~Austrilo Interview

Maybe he's having some fantasy or dream. Maybe.. maybe as a bonus scene.
~ Hayden Panettiere

When I found out the Nathan was Claire father I was shocked...and I think it's also kinda of wired that Peter's niece.
~James Kyson Lee

I think Claire loves Peter and she is the only one that understands her.
~Hayden Panettiere

He thinks that everything is going to go back to normal. It’s been months since his father was killed (again), and though his brother has been stirring up rumors he’s still managed to get a steady job as a paramedic. And then Claire calls. He thinks that it’s just one of their regular chats, that maybe she just wants to tell her about the latest college she’s looking into (she’s been calling him at least once a day), but when she speaks the words “we have to stop them” he realizes that he should’ve known better. Nothing can ever be normal again. It’s not the world he has to save this time. It’s himself--it’s her. It’s all of them. He’s drowsy when he wakes up but one look at her in an orange jumpsuit is all it takes for him to remember what’s happening. Bastard, he thinks as he remembers how easily Nathan tricked him. She’s looking at him with determined eyes as he breaks out of the shackles and Peter knows that she wants to do something, anything, to help. She wants to be a hero (it’s silly, he thinks, that she still doesn’t realize how much she already is one). “Wake everybody up,” he tells her gently but firmly, and she’s instantly removing the other prisoners’ masks. He makes a note in his mind to tell her later that she might have just saved all of their lives. He finds her a few minutes after the plane crash when everything is in complete disarray and she throws herself at him in relief. He knows not everyone made it out of the crash alive. “We have to go,” he murmurs into her hair softly and she nods, once weakly but then again more firmly, and the two of them run together, away from the crash and closer to freedom.

“My father, your brother,” she’s hissing out in frustration, and the significance behind her words isn’t lost on him. He wonders, though, if it was lost on her. When he’s in Costa Verde he wants to visit her, wants to let her know he’s okay and quell his own fears by finding out that she’s okay too. But he knows it’s not a good idea; if he knows Nathan as well as he thinks than she probably has agents watching her night and day. He can’t put her in that kind of danger. Plus, they’re here to kidnap her father. He may have betrayed them all but he knows Claire still loves Noah with all her heart. That news would only hurt her. So he watches her from a distance just to make sure she’s all right. He’s furious to see his brother arriving with Claire. He’s the one that’s supposed to save her, not Nathan. It’s what they do. They save each other. But, really, wanting her all to himself is selfish, isn’t it? “Peter,” her voice drains the tension out of his shoulders and he grips her arms gently as soon as she’s close enough to touch. ‘Hi,’ he mouths, a ghost of a smile touching his lips, and she smiles gently back. “Save the cheerleader, save the world.”

The world might always be in peril, but his world is saved so long as she is.
This is only the beginning on this story......

Season 3, Episode 1: The Second Coming

Peter: *runs in to an abandoned warehouse. A gun clicks behind him. He stops, knowing instinctively who it is* Come on, Claire. It’s me. Put down the gun.
Claire: *walks towards him, gun in her hand* Can’t. It ends here.
Peter: *holding his hands up* Wait, wait! I’m going back to the day they all found out.
Claire: It’s too late.
Peter: *softer* What happened to you, Claire? How did you get to this place?
Claire: *bitterly* I’m different remember, special.
Peter: I can fix it. All of this, everything, please
Claire: *pointing a gun to Peter*: I'm sorry, Peter. I always loved you.

Season 3, Episode 2: The Butterfly Effect

Angela: You don’t screw with time. It’s called the butterfly effect. Step on a butterfly today; three years from now a million people are wiped out.
Peter: Let’s just hope it isn’t anyone I know.
Angela: *stops in front of him* And what if it is? What it if turns out to be someone you do know, someone you care about. *A pause* Claire.
Peter: *Pauses in what he’s doing, looking unnerved*

Claire: *steps away from the camcorder and walks onto the train tracks. A train can be seen and heard coming towards her*
Peter: *flies in from no-where, pushing her out of the way of the train. They both roll down a hill as the train goes past*
Claire: *getting up, angry* What are you doing?
Peter: What are you doing?
Claire: *hysterical* Trying to get hit by a train, what does it look like? I just wanted to feel alive again.
Peter: What happened to you?
Claire: Something awful. *starts to cry and embraces Peter. He hugs her back, tentatively*

*Peter and Claire are walking in a field. Claire has no idea Peter is from the future.*
Peter: What happened to you never should have happened, Claire. It’s my fault.
Claire: You can’t save me all the time, Peter. What happened was my fault. I can’t defend myself. Yeah, I can heal, but what kind of lame power is that? I’m still just a victim. You have to teach me. You learned how to use your power, you’ve fought him.
Peter: Claire...
Claire: You could help me do that.
Peter: I can’t. Not me, not now.
Claire: *confused and frustrated* Why not? I don’t understand!
Peter: *shouting* Because something can go wrong, and it changes everything!
moments by Dragonfly

Season 3, Episode 4: I Am Become Death

Present Peter: I want to see Nathan, Claire, Suresh.
Fut. Peter: They are not the people you think they are
Present Peter: Why not?
Fut. Peter: Not all of us were born with abilities, okay? Some of us were made with them. A line was drawn. Sides were chosen, tore us apart.
*gun shots are heard. Future Peter is shot down. Future Claire appears, holding the gun*
Present Peter: *shocked* Claire?
by lucky_star79

Fut. Daphne: I’m not afraid of you.
Fut. Claire: No, but you are afraid of Peter and you know he won’t stop. Not ever. Until we find him and kill him.

Fut. Claire: I just killed my uncle and I have to do it again. Just give me a second to be a human being.

Present Peter: You’re going to kill me.
Fut. Claire: A bullet in the back of the head should do the trick. Dead. I’ll let the boy go.
Present Peter: *pleading* I’m not the guy who did this, Claire. This is me. You’re not going to kill me.
Fut. Claire: *coldly* Yes, I am.
by lucky_star79

Fut. Claire: *walks towards Peter with a scalpel in her hand. He is strapped down on an examination table, shirtless* Are you trying to teleport? That’s not going to work with my friend here. Two hundred thousand people died in Costa Verde. I want you to feel the pain for every single death that you caused. *slices his chest* That’s one.
Present Peter: I can save them, everyone in Costa Verde. This whole world doesn’t have to be like this, Claire. You don’t have to be like this. I saved you once and I can save you again.
Fut. Claire: *slices again. He winces in pain* That’s two.
by Dragonfly

Season 3, Episode 7: Eris Quod Sum

*Claire looks up and sees Peter falling from a window high up in the building. He hits the ground*
Claire: *running over to him* Oh, my God, Peter.
Peter: What are you doing here?
Claire: Why are you bleeding?
Peter: He took my ability, we need to go.

Peter: *shirtless as Claire is dabs at his wounds with a cloth* I keep thinking about that fall. How I didn’t hit as hard I should’ve. What if Sylar didn’t want me to die, what if he wanted to get me out of there alive?
Claire: By throwing you out of a window?
Peter: He could’ve used his ability to slow me down. I’m telling you, he saved my life, Claire.

Season 3, Episode 9: It’s Coming

Peter: *packing a suitcase in his apartment*
Claire: *coming in through the door* We have to get out of here.
Peter: I know. And you’re not coming with me.
Claire: What?
Peter: *pulling on a jacket* I’m gonna go someplace where they can’t find me. And you’re going home.
Claire: Peter, I have to protect you.
Peter: I can protect myself, Claire.
Claire: How? You don’t have your powers, your father’s trying to kill you!
Peter: This isn’t your fight. I need you to stay…*he trails off*
Claire: Stay what?
Peter: *pauses* Innocent.
*banging can be heard from the apartment door*
by Dragonfly

*Peter and Claire have escaped from Knox and Flint and are walking along a sewer*
Peter: I told you, you have to go home.
Claire: I’m not going home, Peter.
Peter: *stopping* You still have a chance, Claire.
Claire: I left home so I could fight these people and I have. I can protect myself now, I can protect you.
Peter: *looks back the way they just came, clearly troubled* That’s the problem.
Claire: What’s this all about?
Peter: That alley back there? That’s where you kill me.
Claire: *in disbelief* What?
Peter: In the future you find me and you shoot me. Twice, in the chest.
Claire: *wrought with emotion* What are you talking about? Why would I do that?


Peter: Claire, just – just go home. Please.
Claire: No. It’s not gonna happen. And it’s all your fault. You never should have come to Odessa to save me and you should have never become my friend or my hero. Now I can’t leave you, because I have a favour to return.
*They proceed to have massive eye!sex before Flint and Knox catch up with them*

Video of the Moment
by Dragonfly

Future Titles
B/C It's Paire what other reason do you need
B/C Even In ten more years we will still ship them; stronger then ever
B/C No Matter what we will keep showing our support for Paire
B/C Peter+Claire= Destiny, Eye!Sex, Connection and Fate
B/C Paire always deserves the best
B/C No Matter how much Paire scenes we get, we will keep wanting more
B/C Paire is like a drug addiction to us
B/C They was Peter and Claire look at eachother *sigh* It's no words
B/C They always have inappropriate thoughts about each other
B/C We wouldn't be shocked if Angela had a dream about Paire
B/C They would do anything to make sure eachother is safe
B/C When the show end or everyone would say was remember how great Paire was
B/C No one will ever have the strong chemistry like them
B/C Alot of Paire scenes in Season 4 would mean Ratings jumping up again
B/C Next Season should be all about Peter and Claire
B/C If we get a Paire kissing scene the thread will go on fire
B/C In any discussion, Paire will always get mentioned
B/C To this day people still have a hard time believing Peter and Clare are related
B/C He will always there for her, No matter what
B/C No Matter what happens it will always lead back to Paire
B/C It's no words to explain the way that they love eachother
B/C The looks they give eachother, Is pure love, lust and desire
B/C they're the perfect Pair(e) in the show
B/C One day the writers will get a fantastic idea, making Paire Unrelated
B/C When they look at eachother, the whole world stops spinning
B/C we don't want Claire to go out with another guy (that's not Peter)
B/C which couple can be in jail and still look so cute? *Fallout*
B/C the first time he saw her, he felt hope.
B/C "For the 1st time in so many years, I felt hope"
B/C Everybody has a soulmate and Peter met his

Poem Titles
'I wish he knew the impact he has on me,I want to become a better person when I see him'
'He has a great spirit, heart and soul, He will forever be My Hero'
Finding you was always the way it was meant to be, It was always destiny'

Song Titles

"If you're going to erase the pain in my heart, then don't hesitate, kill me"
"Unable to find what I need, breaking the peace, repeating the same mistakes."
"Clad in leather, guns, they sure as hell made why badass couple"
"Even my heart drowned, And now in this place i gaze only at you"
by lucky_star79


Last Thread

BL.Arinna_1982 05-21-2009 02:43 PM

tftnt Mel :thud:

madness 05-21-2009 02:44 PM

np! :back_hug:

BL.Arinna_1982 05-21-2009 02:48 PM

I like the title. :eyebrows:

madness 05-21-2009 02:50 PM

Yeah, me too..Who came up with it? :lol:

BL.Arinna_1982 05-21-2009 02:52 PM

Mh-mmm wonder... just a moment... you?:P

madness 05-21-2009 02:53 PM

Really..well, I have pen and paper and I'm going to bed...So you can expect more titles to come :lol:

Night twin :kiss:

BL.Arinna_1982 05-21-2009 02:55 PM

Night twin :hug:
gtg too my bed is calling

see ya :kiss:

The Darkling 05-21-2009 05:07 PM

nice title :lol:

Ariannette 05-21-2009 05:16 PM


The Darkling 05-21-2009 05:17 PM


Ariannette 05-21-2009 05:21 PM


warangel88 05-21-2009 05:22 PM


Ariannette 05-21-2009 05:25 PM

omg beth! :hug: i'm SO glad you're on!!!! I have to PM you about something :D it ok???

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