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Old 04-11-2009, 12:35 PM
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Peter♥Claire (Paire) #569: B/C Claire is the only one Peter can stand to be around at the moment


All quotes complied by Natalie (ronniekins77)

Season 1, Episode 9: Homecoming

Peter: Ooh, sorry!
Claire: Sorry.
(She drops her bag. He picks it up for her.)
Claire: That was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going.

Season 1, Episode 9: Homecoming

Peter: Hey, it gets better!
Claire: What?
Peter: Life after high school. It gets a lot better.

by Vale

Season 1, Episode 9: Homecoming

Claire: Hey. What's your name?
Peter: Peter.
Claire: I'm Claire.
Peter: Are you the one? By saving you, did I save the world?
Claire: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

I always thought they would be romantically good together, because when they first met you saw the chemistry between them and you saw sparks fly. I thought it was destiny and I still think that, 'cause it's amazing that he met the person he was supposed to save and Hiro told him to save the cheerleader. It's fate, I still love them together and I always will 'cause they had to meet each other to feel like they were a part of something; it shows you how important they are to one another. I believe that they would do anything for each other and I love the protection thing. I love watching all Paire scenes cause they are good to watch and I hate not seeing them.~BrathanSupporter (Tia)

Season 1, Episode 11: Fallout

[I]Claire: All this time, I thought it was just me. Now there's you. Is that why you came for me? Is that why you ... asked me if I was the one?
Peter: No, I just -- I knew I had to save you.
Claire: Why?
Peter: To save the world.

Season 1, Episode 11: Fallout

Claire (to Peter): You're totally my hero.

Paire Moments: Wallpaper Made by Arosia

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By Dragonfly (Laurie)

Soundtracks by all the Paire Shippers!
100th Paire Soundtrack

200th Paire Soundtrack: Part 1 Part 2

350th Paire Soundtrack:
Present Paire Future Paire


I love Paire because it helps me believe that any love is possible and can last no matter where you are ~Hannah ere *mwah* (Hannah)

Season 1, Episode 14: Distractions

Peter to Claude: "Before I hit the ground when I knew what was about to happen. I had this flash in my head of this girl that I met in Texas . This cheerleader - she could heal herself. God she's a sweet kid. Sad little smile, she just— You were wrong! I don't have to cut her out. I have to remember her! Remember how she made me feel!"

by Amy (BoopyBear, formerly Potato19921992)

Season 1, Episode 18: Parasite

Claire to the Haitian: "Peter Petrelli is the only person I trust… More than you… he cares about me."

I like their forbidden relationship. The eyesex,the emotions,the caring that they have for each other is just precious. I've never seen any such thing between an uncle and niece before, so it makes me want to ship them even more. It's a completely different relationship that they have, beyond words.The first I started shipping them was after watching the jail scene. It was just full of eyesex and being each others hero is just . Yeah the hero thing is definitely why I ship.~ minihpluver (Mini)

Season 1, Episode 21: The Hard Part

Peter: I found you, in Odessa . We save each other, you end up being my niece...this isn't just random, okay, this is destiny.

by Amy (BoopyBear, formerly Potato19921992)

Season 1, Episode 21: The Hard Part

Peter: I think I figured out a way for you to save the world. *hands her a gun*
Claire: A gun? That's how I save the world, that's your plan?
Peter: I can handle Ted, but if I lose it you're the only one who could get close enough to stop me. Right through the back of the head, you know the spot. Same place you pulled the piece of glass from.
Claire: My destiny is not to shoot you, the universe cannot be that lame.

The Peter and Claire Fanforum Thread Fansite
Peter and Claire | Not Just Some Fantasy

by Amy (BoopyBear, formerly Potato19921992)

]Because Paire are more than we can bear, because Claire is the only one for Peter...because it wasn't just random they was destiny.~ Pinkjodz (Jodie)

Season 1, Episode 21: The Hard Part

Claire: I'm not normal. I tried to pretend that I was and I just hurt everyone. My mom, my dad. I ruined everything because of what I am. I hated it. But you...when I met you I finally felt like I was part of something.
Peter: It's funny. Felt the same thing when I met you. *dries her tears*

Season 1, Episode 22: Landslide

Claire: You know, I've been thinking after we save the world, I may go on patrol. You know, jumping in front of bullets and dragging people out of burning buildings.
Peter: You're not going to catch me wearing a cape, zipping around with my underwear outside my pants.
Claire: Why do we have to rent a car, can't we just fly to Nebraska ?
*Peter turns around and gives her a look*
Claire: In a plane.
*Peter turns back around, smirking*

Previous Threads

by Dragonfly (Laurie)

Peter and Claire - how can it look so right and it be so wrong at the same time?~ BL.Arinna_1982 (Arinna)

Season 1, Episode 23: How To Stop An Exploding Man

Peter: Do it. Do it. You're the only one, Claire.
*Claire is clearly struggling, her hand shaking with the gun, crying
Claire: *sobbing* Tell me there's another way, please!
Peter: Shoot me. There is no other way.

One chance meeting that changed their lives forever. Boy bumps into girl in a school hallway, boy comforts girl, boy save girl's life. Girl tells boy he's totally her hero. Then they find out they're related, and suddenly they turn into one of the greatest pairs of star-crossed lovers in the world. Peter and Claire share something that transcends the usual bonds of family, friendship and even love. They're connected in ways people cannot comprehend, and always will be. Their need to protect each other shines through at the best and worst of times, and every time they share a scene together, it seems like they are drawn to each other. Paire are soul mates, maybe not in the traditional fashion, but soul mates nonetheless.~ Elenwyn (Ellie)]

Season 3, Episode 1: The Second Coming

Peter: *runs in to an abandoned warehouse. A gun clicks behind him. He stops, knowing instinctively who it is* Come on, Claire. It’s me. Put down the gun.
Claire: *walks towards him, gun in her hand* Can’t. It ends here.
Peter: *holding his hands up* Wait, wait! I’m going back to the day they all found out.
Claire: It’s too late.
Peter: *softer* What happened to you, Claire? How did you get to this place?
Claire: *bitterly* I’m different remember, special.
Peter: I can fix it. All of this, everything, please
Claire: *pointing a gun to Peter*: I'm sorry, Peter. I always loved you.

by Twiny

Season 3, Episode 2: The Butterfly Effect

Angela: You don’t screw with time. It’s called the butterfly effect. Step on a butterfly today; three years from now a million people are wiped out.
Peter: Let’s just hope it isn’t anyone I know.
Angela: *stops in front of him* And what if it is? What it if turns out to be someone you do know, someone you care about. *A pause* Claire.
Peter: *Pauses in what he’s doing, looking unnerved*

Claire: *steps away from the camcorder and walks onto the train tracks. A train can be seen and heard coming towards her*
Peter: *flies in from no-where, pushing her out of the way of the train. They both roll down a hill as the train goes past*
Claire: *getting up, angry* What are you doing?
Peter: What are you doing?
Claire: *hysterical* Trying to get hit by a train, what does it look like? I just wanted to feel alive again.
Peter: What happened to you?
Claire: Something awful. *starts to cry and embraces Peter. He hugs her back, tentatively*

A simple meeting in a deserted hallway. That’s what attracted me to Paire. These two strangers, living completely different lives, were suddenly irrevocably connected. The long look they shared was nothing short of instant attraction and understanding. Since that fateful meeting, Peter and Claire have been each other’s rocks. Their connection runs deeper then anything that can be explained by two attractive people. They are equal halves of a whole, their relationship built on trust and caring. They balance each other, Peter, the dreamer, and Claire, the realist. These two people will do everything necessary to protect the other, and love like that, it never dies. ~VDStar (Val)

*Peter and Claire are walking in a field. Claire has no idea Peter is from the future.*
Peter: What happened to you never should have happened, Claire. It’s my fault.
Claire: You can’t save me all the time, Peter. What happened was my fault. I can’t defend myself. Yeah, I can heal, but what kind of lame power is that? I’m still just a victim. You have to teach me. You learned how to use your power, you’ve fought him.
Peter: Claire...
Claire: You could help me do that.
Peter: I can’t. Not me, not now.
Claire: *confused and frustrated* Why not? I don’t understand!
Peter: *shouting* Because something can go wrong, and it changes everything!

moments by Dragonfly

by lucky_star79

Season 3, Episode 4: I Am Become Death

Present Peter: I want to see Nathan, Claire, Suresh.
Fut. Peter: They are not the people you think they are
Present Peter: Why not?
Fut. Peter: Not all of us were born with abilities, okay? Some of us were made with them. A line was drawn. Sides were chosen, tore us apart.
*gun shots are heard. Future Peter is shot down. Future Claire appears, holding the gun*
Present Peter: *shocked* Claire?

Fut. Daphne: I’m not afraid of you.
Fut. Claire: No, but you are afraid of Peter and you know he won’t stop. Not ever. Until we find him and kill him.

Fut. Claire: I just killed my uncle and I have to do it again. Just give me a second to be a human being.

They wrote them as epic romance from day one, whether or not they intended to make them related. Once I ship, I ship. The signs pointed more towards true romance than uncle/niece. Then there was the chemistry. The only “Relations” I get out of that is sexual, not kin. It’s so rare to find that combination that I’m not about to give it up because the show continues its misguided path.~ Lethally Floral (Bob)

Present Peter: You’re going to kill me.
Fut. Claire: A bullet in the back of the head should do the trick. Dead. I’ll let the boy go.
Present Peter: *pleading* I’m not the guy who did this, Claire. This is me. You’re not going to kill me.
Fut. Claire: *coldly* Yes, I am.

by lucky_star79

Fut. Claire: *walks towards Peter with a scalpel in her hand. He is strapped down on an examination table, shirtless* Are you trying to teleport? That’s not going to work with my friend here. Two hundred thousand people died in Costa Verde. I want you to feel the pain for every single death that you caused. *slices his chest* That’s one.
Present Peter: I can save them, everyone in Costa Verde. This whole world doesn’t have to be like this, Claire. You don’t have to be like this. I saved you once and I can save you again.
Fut. Claire: *slices again. He winces in pain* That’s two.

The reason I love Paire so much not just the instant chemistry between the people playing them, but the way they look at each other and speak of each other. The looks people give them when they mention each other, it feels like they're saying, "Wow, I wish I had that," or "Destiny." Sometimes when I see them and watch videos I just know that no matter what twist and turn they face they will get through it together. They have shown that in past episodes. I will always have my fingers crossed for them. Believe and they will happen. ~SaraLove8 (Sara)

by Dragonfly

Season 3, Episode 7: Eris Quod Sum

*Claire looks up and sees Peter falling from a window high up in the building. He hits the ground*
Claire: *running over to him* Oh, my God, Peter.
Peter: What are you doing here?
Claire: Why are you bleeding?
Peter: He took my ability, we need to go.

Peter: *shirtless as Claire is dabs at his wounds with a cloth* I keep thinking about that fall. How I didn’t hit as hard I should’ve. What if Sylar didn’t want me to die, what if he wanted to get me out of there alive?
Claire: By throwing you out of a window?
Peter: He could’ve used his ability to slow me down. I’m telling you, he saved my life, Claire.

by Shadow Dreamer (Tabs)

Season 3, Episode 9: It’s Coming

Peter: *packing a suitcase in his apartment*
Claire: *coming in through the door* We have to get out of here.
Peter: I know. And you’re not coming with me.
Claire: What?
Peter: *pulling on a jacket* I’m gonna go someplace where they can’t find me. And you’re going home.
Claire: Peter, I have to protect you.
Peter: I can protect myself, Claire.
Claire: How? You don’t have your powers, your father’s trying to kill you!
Peter: This isn’t your fight. I need you to stay…*he trails off*
Claire: Stay what?
Peter: *pauses* Innocent.
*banging can be heard from the apartment door*

by Dragonfly

*Peter and Claire have escaped from Knox and Flint and are walking along a sewer*
Peter: I told you, you have to go home.
Claire: I’m not going home, Peter.
Peter: *stopping* You still have a chance, Claire.
Claire: I left home so I could fight these people and I have. I can protect myself now, I can protect you.
Peter: *looks back the way they just came, clearly troubled* That’s the problem.
Claire: What’s this all about?
Peter: That alley back there? That’s where you kill me.
Claire: *in disbelief* What?
Peter: In the future you find me and you shoot me. Twice, in the chest.
Claire: *wrought with emotion* What are you talking about? Why would I do that?


Peter: Claire, just – just go home. Please.
Claire: No. It’s not gonna happen. And it’s all your fault. You never should have come to Odessa to save me and you should have never become my friend or my hero. Now I can’t leave you, because I have a favour to return.
*They proceed to have massive eye!sex before Flint and Knox catch up with them*

by Dragonfly

by lucky_star79

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Old 04-11-2009, 12:35 PM
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:36 PM
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You was really on the look out Matt
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:38 PM
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i went out to get the mail
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:39 PM
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You waited for me to start the thread for you could be number 1 post
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:40 PM
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i came back just in time it was a coincidence
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:40 PM
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Why does Matt always have to be first?
; who's afraid of little old me?
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:41 PM
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that's just the way it has to be
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:41 PM
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I don't know he just love it
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:41 PM
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b/c he probably has a complex?
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Love is a feeling...
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:42 PM
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ur projecting ur issues on me
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:43 PM
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Matt's always first cause he's almost always the fastest one...thought I've beat him to the punch a few times..
Are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me?
It's just a game, but really
I'm bettin' on all 3 for us two
No onе's ever had me, not like you
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:44 PM
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Matt, let me tell you something ..You can never be first unless you start the thread!
; who's afraid of little old me?
{ MEL } pjo
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:44 PM
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Halo - Robsten - Edward/Bella - Paire
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:45 PM
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I could beat Matt at being 1st if I wanted too
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