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ElectricHearts 03-24-2009 07:55 AM

daphne is dead for sure.. beeman wrote a goodbye message on his blog

for tracy, yea the fact we saw her face tear up.. means she aint dead.. but yea she faked her death..

semmanclana 03-24-2009 11:02 AM

Also happy that their was no Claire. Shes getting on my last nerves.

And so happy tracy is still alive. Her power is amazing and love her personality!

Gizziefan1 03-24-2009 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by simplyinfatuated (Post 33141728)
daphne is dead for sure.. beeman wrote a goodbye message on his blog

for tracy, yea the fact we saw her face tear up.. means she aint dead.. but yea she faked her death..

So now we know Tracey was the fake death :cool:

smoothaise 03-24-2009 11:14 AM

Thanks God! I didn't like Daphne, at all. And her insta-love to Parkman :rolleyes:

I had a feelin' Tracy isn't dead. But do you think she'll have a different power - or is that a bit reaching?

ElectricHearts 03-24-2009 11:21 AM

most likely she is the fake death.. danko and noah do think she is dead too

i dont think tracy would have a new power.. unless barbara comes in later.. then barbara would have a different power.. :cry: i hate how they made ali have so many different characters.. its kinda annoying

Princess Pinky 03-24-2009 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by simplyinfatuated (Post 33147587)
i dont think tracy would have a new power.. unless barbara comes in later.. then barbara would have a different power.. :cry: i hate how they made ali have so many different characters.. its kinda annoying

Ditto. I was really hoping that Tracy would be a real death because as much as I love Ali Larter, her coming back all the time is getting so old. And she still has another character to come back as, so I was really hoping that they'd just kill off Tracy and then not have Barbara come in for a while.


Originally Posted by no limits (Post 33147339)
Thanks God! I didn't like Daphne, at all. And her insta-love to Parkman :rolleyes:

Me too! Their relationship really got on my nerves. (But I don't like Janice either. Maybe she will be a real death?) Matt's one of my favorites, so I don't want to see him loveless, but all of his romances stink. He had a lot of potential with Audrey though. That's someone they should bring back and pair him with, not Daphne or Janice.

Elenwyn 03-24-2009 12:34 PM

Tracey's not dead, that was definately a wink :nod: But I like how they had a water droplet running down at the same time so it kind of disguised it.

Noah :love: I hope he's in more eps, seriously. I love Micah being back.

Angela = FTW. Cristine kills me every time.

Daphne/Matt actually made me cry. :(

Best episode of the entire season so far.

And oooh the beginning with Danko shaving and how they cut the shots and the feel of it heeee Fuller I love you :love: Stick around pleeeeaseee.

Edit: Baby!Matt was adorkable as well! And I like how they brought back Hiro's powers - and how he hasn't got them back fully yet. Hiro/Ando made me laugh this ep :)

Oldrguy 03-24-2009 03:12 PM

I just watched the eppy (I was to sick last night took me a while to feel up to it today). Killing Daphne was wrong! :evil: :mad: :furious: :rant: :hammer_head: They couldn't have just given her a little Claire blood? :irked: Tracy blinking after being shattered to pieces? :confused: Weird! :yay: Micah is Rebel! Matt Jr. gave Hiro his time freezing power back! :cool: It's interesting that when heroes lose there powers they come back limited. I mostly liked the episode...but I'm not forgiving the loss of Daphne! :no:

Oncer4Ever 03-24-2009 05:13 PM

I loved last night episode!

It was great.

First of all, I'm happy to see Micah is back. He's getting big. I knew he was Rebel, I mean, who here didn't? Ever since they introduced Tracy I had my doubts about her but after what she did, she has my respect. I thought it was awesome the way Tracy risked her life just to protect Micah. It shows that she really is good. I'm just wondering how they're going to introduce Ali Larter back into the show this time. But to be honest I wish they wouldn't. It's getting old, I mean, they can't keep killing off whatever character Ali's playing and giving her another one, it's not fair to the other actors. What makes her so special?

I'm so sad that Daphne is gone. I almost cried at the end. It was a beautiful thing what Matt did for Daphne. All he's ever wanted was to make her happy and he did. That just proves that he really loves her. I mean, he flew her around Paris and flew her to the moon (in the dream of course). How can you not love a guy like that?

Hiro and Ando with Baby Matt was my favorite part in the whole episode. I thought it was so funny that Hiro thought Matt turned into a baby. LOL. And baby Matt was so cute. Aw! I'm so happy that Hiro has his powers back. I mean, not all of them, but I'm still happy. Baby Matt is one powerful baby. It was awesome seeing Ando use his power as a weapon. I can't wait to see more of that in the future.

I'm disappoint there wasn't enought Peter in this episode. And I didn't Sylar at all. I am glad there wasn't any Nathan and Claire. I'm still not ready to forgive Nathan because he's the one who started all this and even though I like Claire but she's in almost every episode and I'm sick of it. Sometimes she doesn't do much other than then complain about her powers or her daddy issues or just get injured in some way. And I swore if I have to see her in that cheerleading outfit one more time I'm gonna hurl.

Next week we get Sylar, yay!

I bet Micah is helping everyone because of Monica. Maybe she was captured. And also, I hope they bring back Molly. Please bring back Molly! I miss her.

semmanclana 03-24-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Princess Pinky (Post 33149651)
Ditto. I was really hoping that Tracy would be a real death because as much as I love Ali Larter, her coming back all the time is getting so old. And she still has another character to come back as, so I was really hoping that they'd just kill off Tracy and then not have Barbara come in for a while.

Me too! Their relationship really got on my nerves. (But I don't like Janice either. Maybe she will be a real death?) Matt's one of my favorites, so I don't want to see him loveless, but all of his romances stink. He had a lot of potential with Audrey though. That's someone they should bring back and pair him with, not Daphne or Janice.

I STRONGLY disagree. I absolutely love tracy. they need to start giving tracy more storylines cause she is such a complex character. I mean how many times as Syler come back. Thankfully Tracy is alive.

If you read spoilers you would understand that Tracy is alive.

Flora Bora 03-24-2009 09:42 PM

Yeah, they never really killed Tracy. I think she THOUGHT she could die. Her intention was definitely to kill herself to save Micah. I don't think she knew she could survive her own catastrophe.

But yeah, that's what the blinking was: them telling us SHE'S NOT DEAD. I thought it was clever and I'm wondering if Bennet is in on it. I doubt he it, but it'd be cool if he was.

ElectricHearts 03-24-2009 10:10 PM

danko shaving is a reminder of sylar shaving in season 1 :lmao: and then noah needs a better razor :lmao:

Elenwyn 03-25-2009 12:49 AM


I like Claire but she's in almost every episode and I'm sick of it. Sometimes she doesn't do much other than then complain about her powers or her daddy issues or just get injured in some way. And I swore if I have to see her in that cheerleading outfit one more time I'm gonna hurl.
She hasn't been in her cheerleading outfit since the very beginning of S3 :P :lol: And she's had about the same amount of screen-time as Peter :shrug:

Oh, I loved the Angela/Noah talk scene in the car :lol:

Gizziefan1 03-25-2009 09:09 AM

She's had the same amount of screen time as Peter =O

=-Kathy-> 03-25-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by no limits (Post 33147339)
Thanks God! I didn't like Daphne, at all. And her insta-love to Parkman :rolleyes:

I didn't think there was any chemistry between Daphne and Matt. Their relationship just seemed forced. I did like her interaction with Hiro and Ando much better. If they had kept that 3 way dynamic going I would probably liked her better. But since they wrote her into the Matt relationship glad to see the end of that.

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