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heartღaflutter 10-13-2006 03:10 AM

Derek & Mark Sloan Appreciation Thread #1 ~ One day they might be friends again!
Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan
Appreciation Thread
by niam

Once, they were good friends, until Derek's wife slept with Derek's best friend Mark Sloan. Though who knows, they might be friends again one day? Derek and Mark both pointed out though that in the past that they were once like family to each other, or like Derek put it, brothers to each other. So in the past they were very important to each other! It will be interesting to see some of that back in the show some day!

:star: Supporters List
1. shinystar
2. Kiara99
3. Tanique33
4. -Louise-
5. *~Sophia~*
6. niam
7. BrucasForever<3
8. sweety86
9. marykateo

by niam

:star: Derek and Mark Memorable Moments
Courtesy of serenachan

Episode 3.16 - Drowning on Dry Land
Mark supporting Derek by a simple gesture of putting his hand on Derek's arm, while Meredith is fighting for her life in the other room.
YouTube - Mark Joins Derek... (Grey's Anatomy S3 E16)

:star: Quotes:
Derek: If only every love triangle could be fixed with a scalpel.
Mark: You would've come after me with a 10 blade a long time ago.

Mark: I don't really have a family. Derek was my family

Mark: Derek's damaged goods. I damaged him.

Derek: He was like my brother. I have four sisters. Four very…annoying sisters. Mark was my brother, it’s hard.

Mark: I made an excellent best man.
Derek: (turns to Burke) Worst case scenario, I sleep with your wife in 10 years.

Brilliant Disguise 10-13-2006 10:20 AM

Cool thread Karen!

You can put me on the list as well :nod:

heartღaflutter 10-13-2006 10:32 AM

I'm adding you Es :)

If anyone has pictures of the two of them together, feel free to post them because I couldn't find one straight away :lol:

mcdreamylover 10-13-2006 01:37 PM

I don't know about them being friends again. I mean if your best friend slept with your boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife would you want to be friends with her or him again? I never would. No much how much apologizing she did.

heartღaflutter 10-13-2006 03:41 PM

I think it will be hard but they're co workers... They have to interact around each other and perhaps even become friendly.. I'm hoping to see that in the future..
But like Mark said, they're not that different from each other..

thegreenlight 10-15-2006 04:08 PM


But like Mark said, they're not that different from each other..
I thought that was so lame when Mark said they were the same. I don't think they're very similar.

So far, I don't like Mark. He seems very selfish. Like he's only looking out for himself.

heartღaflutter 10-16-2006 06:25 AM

He is a bit selfish, but he's worked in a clinic right, just like Derek? Perhaps he doesn't know how to act in a big hospital.. And he's selfish, cocky but during that moment with Meredith, you saw a different side of him. I like that you don't know what to expect from Mark to be honest.

I think how he said they were alike can say a lot of things. They're both torn by a woman they care deeply for and both of them have participated in affairs.
They may not be completely alike but I do think that in some levels they are alike, despite their other differences.

thegreenlight 10-16-2006 12:34 PM

Where you work, really shouldn't affect the way you present yourself as a doctor. Going from your own practice to a large teaching hospital shouldn't change your attitude on anything, it's just a new environment. So, in my opinion, Mark moving to a hospital didn't turn him into an ass. He just is one.

I think the only way they're alike is the whole affair thing.

heartღaflutter 10-16-2006 03:43 PM

Perhaps I'm trying to give Mark the benefit of doubt, since we know so little about him :P


I think the only way they're alike is the whole affair thing.
and their taste in women ;)

thegreenlight 10-16-2006 03:52 PM

I think if Mark really valued his friendship with Derek, he would just tell him about what really happened with Addison. I know it should be Addison's job, but she isn't owning up to it, so it just seems to me that if Mark really wanted to be friends again, he'd tell him.

heartღaflutter 10-16-2006 03:54 PM

I hope he does that in the next episode, or at least hints at it, urging Derek to talk with Addison about the subject..
It should be Addison's job to tell Derek, but I wouldn't mind to see Mark nudging Addison some more to finally tell Derek or to hint at it himself when talking to Derek.

thegreenlight 10-19-2006 08:19 PM

I think Mark kind of urged Addison to tell him a little bit. I think she knew toward the beginning from the divorce meeting thing, but Mark definitely helped her along.

The last scene with Derek and Mark. I like that Mark knows what Derek was thinking, and they obviously were good friends, but I'm with Derek on this one. I don't think I would ever be able to forgive Mark for it. It'd just be so demoralizing that the two people you care for most have completely destroyed you.

heartღaflutter 10-20-2006 09:21 AM

I guess it's just me being hopeful, but anything is possible on GA :P

Though I do understand Derek... Betrayed by two persons he cared for... It hurts...


thegreenlight 10-20-2006 12:49 PM


I think they'll eventually end up being friends again, but I kind of hope they aren't. :look:

heartღaflutter 10-21-2006 10:36 AM


I want them to take a really long while for them being friends again.. this angry stuff between them, works for them! :)

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