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teena1013 08-16-2008 03:41 AM

jenn, brian was really sweet helping justin when he came out of the hospital. i was bummed when jennifer, sunshine's mom, told brian to stay away in the end of the first eppy. but i could understand that, in her mind, brian was indirectly the cause for justin's bashing. anyway, it's going to be a rollercoaster ride watching brian & justin's :love_story: so just be prepared to feel everything with them. good luck with choosing a great icon & sig. :)

james, how did you watch kung fu panda with jersh? :confused: were you on the phone or chatting online? it is a cute and funny movie. jack black is just hilarious. :lmao:

it does suck that some threads were closed. :(


Jaymez_NY 08-16-2008 05:14 AM

I sent her the dvd earlier this week, and we watched it together last night :nod:. we were on MSN. started watchin at the same time, and it ended at the same time too. it was sooo much fun :yay:. She want to watch Rules of Attraction with me (with all the nudie scenes and all). but I'm all :embarrassment: to watch it with her :blush:. we might watch PS I love you tonight :nod:

crash landing 08-16-2008 05:34 AM

James :back_hug: Your welcome

Josh and I watched What Happened In Vegas :nod: Surprisely, I loved it and its weird because I don't usually do romance/comedies or even those genres on their own. Give me action or sci-fi and I'm good

Jaymez_NY 08-16-2008 05:39 AM

sis :back_hug:

I loved that movie too (surprisingly) :lol:. I don't do romantic movies and sci-fi at all :look:. I'm surprised you don't like romantic movies, sis. I ain't never met a gal who doesn't like 'em :lol:

I'm prolly watching PS I love you, with Princess later. I already saw it before but I didn't like it at all. too romantic :lol:. but she needs someone to comfort her when she cries during the movie. I wanna be that someone :). and shes reluctant to watch romantic movies these days coz it makes her sad. so, I'm just gonna be there for her to NOT make her feel THAT sad, ya know

crash landing 08-16-2008 05:48 AM

I'm not a normal woman :lmao: I perfer guy type movies

Jaymez_NY 08-16-2008 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Talkative One (Post 25735415)
I'm not a normal woman :lmao: I perfer guy type movies

are you perhaps weird then? :P

Join the club, sis :cheers:

so...guy type movies, eh :eyebrows:...ya :love: porn? :innocent:

crash landing 08-16-2008 05:52 AM

Not porn :headslap: :kiss:

I'm actually looking forward to Babylon AD and Death Race

Jaymez_NY 08-16-2008 05:58 AM

no porn? :lol:...that sucks :P....heheh :kiss:

I'm lookin forward to Death Race aswell :nod:

I gotta go now, sis :( to ya later today :wave:
by the way, I have a new CUUUUTE picture of Tiger that I'm gonna share with you, later :)

crash landing 08-16-2008 06:01 AM

TTYL :hug:

Tiger picture :clap:

bring me home 08-16-2008 08:11 PM

My computer is lame! I have no clue if I have a virus or not! It's not affecting the way my computer runs but it keeps opening up Internet Explorer for no reason!

crash landing 08-17-2008 10:55 AM

Mine was infected :no: Had to reinstall last night

bring me home 08-17-2008 07:20 PM

What kind did you have?! I think mine is on a time table or something! I just have no clue what it is..or if it is even a virus.

crash landing 08-17-2008 07:27 PM

Don't know what it was, just that AVG wouldn't update and a file was missing. Boyfriend said it was a virus when he looked at it and it sucks that we are networked with both getting it

bring me home 08-17-2008 07:43 PM

At 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock, I had 2 different .exe open and IE start. Just all by tiself. And I found files in my system32 folder but I've been told to not delete those. So I have no clue what's going on! It's annoying.

Teeeeena - I'm on season 3!! I loved season 2...loved all the Brian/Justin moments. Hated the end :pout: And I totally love Emmett more each episode! He's such a sweetheart!

crash landing 08-17-2008 07:44 PM

Ok, so IE is starting on its own :look: Honey, it sounds like a virus

What anti-virus are you using? Has it done scans to find the virus, if not. It looks like, you need to back up and reinstall whatever operating system you are using

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