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wickedfiend 03-11-2007 09:51 PM

...among other things. Rawr.

I think secretely, Cameron did have ulterior motives for asking Chase. She could have had a couple of one-night stands. I mean, Cameron is a very pretty girl. An hour in a bar, and she'd have at least seven numbers, minimum.

I think she chose Chase because she actually liked it when they slept together. I think her chasing after House and then having Chase, it might have made her realize that there is a man who will actually care for her and treat her the way Cameron needs to be treated. Chase has always been very sensitive to Cameron's needs - always looking out for her and always concerned.

The way Cameron should be treated reflects on her personality and the way she treats people. People who want to fix people are often in need to be fixed themselves.

House is damaged as how can he fix her back when he himself needs that protection? In all honesty, Cameron needs someone stronger than House. And I find that's where Chase fits in. Chase --can-- take care of Cameron and not only that, he --wants-- too, and I think that's where Chase and Cameron can indeed find each other.

Cameron proposing a solely physical relationship, for me, reflects her fear of getting too attached, emotionally to Chase because he's the one guy she can not only fall for, but actually continue to love.

csikicksurass22 03-11-2007 10:37 PM

Totaly, i dont think that she can fix anyone when she is broken. To quote a song "How can you mend a broken heart" when one is already damaged. Chase has had a crappy life a very crappy one for that matter but he isn't the one to hold grudges, he just lets go and he doesn't act like he depressed or anything, he will smile and say he's fine because he wants to believe it and some day he will be. If Cameron keeps acting this way and thinking that one is broken then we must have something in comman then how is she gonna heal herself.

And whether it's sex or love you always have a connection either way so if Chase were to just go up and move or die (Which would lead to a good C/C story but god i hope he doesn't) she will be a total mess and knowing Cameron she is going to feel guilty thats why she should have thought about things. i mean really thought about it before she got into this thing with Chase. But i also think she wanted something else then sex or else she wouldn't have had asked him. Seriously she will have to be blind in the head not to see that he has a thing for her, he asked he out twice and even Foreman brought him up to her and if she just wanted sex Wicky is right she could have just went to a bar or man whore lane but NO she asked Chase. Wheather it's a evil plot to break his heart i dont know :lol:

Chrissy 03-11-2007 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by wickedfiend (Post 14440152)
Haha, sorry Chrissy. I guess I should have phrased it better.

;) I know this is the delicious Chase/Cam thread. I was just playing off the House/Cam thread. Cos Chase and Cam kissed first.

I know. :lol: Now. ;)

Welcome maria77 :wave:

adambrodyluva 03-12-2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by wickedfiend (Post 14441617)
I think she chose Chase because she actually liked it when they slept together. I think her chasing after House and then having Chase, it might have made her realize that there is a man who will actually care for her and treat her the way Cameron needs to be treated. Chase has always been very sensitive to Cameron's needs - always looking out for her and always concerned.

Cameron proposing a solely physical relationship, for me, reflects her fear of getting too attached, emotionally to Chase because he's the one guy she can not only fall for, but actually continue to love.

I completely agree.

babyblue54 03-12-2007 08:09 AM

yep chase and cam kissed first and chase liked her first and besides cam even said he was cute

csikicksurass22 03-12-2007 11:01 AM

And lets not forget he kissed her back ;) it was something that she said that made him to it, just made him click and get lost out of reality :lol:

Roally 03-12-2007 12:17 PM

Yeah, Cameron can made Chase to lose control with only a sight ;-)

Teriberri21 03-12-2007 03:09 PM

I haven't been watching how as much as I used to :( (my sister insists she tivo veronica mars :( ) but i tuned in to last week's episode and then suddenly cam and chase are together?! :lol:

does anyone know where I can find clips from episode 3.14 when this happened? :lol:

babyblue54 03-12-2007 03:45 PM

man i cant wait any longer 4 house 2 come back on i just love the previews

Roally 03-12-2007 03:53 PM

At least you can see it. I have to dowload it and watch it in English and I don't understand the half lol... that sucks! I think I'm gonna get the proficiency in English by watching House!

babyblue54 03-13-2007 08:24 AM

OoO that does suck :( :(

cutejanam 03-13-2007 08:25 AM

pleasee add me to the supporter list!
i've loved chase and cameron since the begining! and i love house and cuddy!! cant wiat to see the new eps!

Miss Zennie 03-13-2007 09:38 PM

Added :)

csikicksurass22 03-13-2007 10:59 PM

Welcome :D

Grrr i dont want to wait any more! i hate hiatus's like seriously! they left us with something and then thats it :(

adambrodyluva 03-14-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by csikicksurass22 (Post 14478927)
Welcome :D

Grrr i dont want to wait any more! i hate hiatus's like seriously! they left us with something and then thats it :(

I know right? We waited like a month for new episodes and then they give us one. One episode and another 3 week hiatus. Um, hello!? That's too long without House.

And the suspense of what's gonna happen with Cameron & Chase is killing me.

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