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Tennessee Whiskey 04-17-2006 09:03 PM

Anti-Sara Tancredi #1: because the good doctor is seriously not all that good.
Hey Guys! Welcome to the :censored:Anti-Dr. Sara Tancredi-"THDD"/"WWSD?":crazy: Thread!

For those of you who dislike, can't stand, or just downright loathe the so-called "Good Doctor" of Fox River, this is the place for you! We all try to live by her "admirable", "ethical", "moral", "non-hypocritical", and "un-biased" traits up in here. After all, she is our role model. :D So rememember, when in doubt just refer to our motto, What Would Sara Do? (WWSD?), and you should come out commendable just like The Hypocritically Dumb Doctor (THDD)! ;)

Thread Rules:
-There is to be absolutely no bashing of the actress behind the character, Sarah Wayne Callies. Though please feel free to bash the character, Dr. Sara Tancredi as much as you'd like. Since that is what this thread is all about.

-There is to be absolutely no bashing of Dr. Sara Tancredi fans and or Anti-Dr. Sara Tancredi fans. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and should not have to feel guilty for how they feel.

Anti-Sara Tancredi "THDD"/"WWSD?" Followers:
1. ~CountryBumpkin~ (Bee)
2. PiCkLeS4dAwSoN (Anji)
3. heaven85 (Lina)
4. ocfan27

Reasons why we can't stand Sara Tancredi aka "The Hypocritically Dumb Doctor" (THDD):
1. Because the good doctor is seriously not all that good.
2. Because if she is intelligent, we want to be stupid.
3. Because she made it through medical school.....really?!
4. Because she was depicted as someone strong, but is utterly weak.
5. Because she makes decisions based on how fast she's fallen for someone in a short amount of time.
6. Because she defines hypocrisy in it's utmost form.....personified.
7. Because she shouldn't be working in a maximum security prison, she should be locked up herself!
8. Because she's committed two crimes (that we know of so far), she's stolen drugs from a hospital, and she's aided and abetted a full on prison break.
9. Because she lives by "Be the change you want to see in the world.", yet she really has no idea just what that means.
10. Because, "Grow up, Sara!"
11. Because when it comes to bending the rules, and breaking the law, she has no problem when it is in her favor.
12. Because she can't see the truth that's right in front of her face.
13. Because when things don't go her way, she results to being a five year old, and pouts.
14. Because she only plays the "Professional Card", after she's been personally hurt.
15. Because if being admirable is flirting, making out, and letting an inmate escape, we all want to be un-admirable!
16. Because she should take Bellick up on that Red Lobster gift card, they're a match made in heaven.
17. Because it's hard to believe there was ever a time some of us even admired her.
18. Because she is really compassionate towards her inmates.....or should we say inmate, with the exception of another related to Michael Scofield.
19. Because she said so herself the one thing we'd never see her do is get involved with an inmate.....flip to two episodes later when she's making out with one in the infirmary.
20. Because she tends to fall for the bad boys with the problems she can make her own.....maybe it's more the other way around. The problems were already in her to begin with.
21. Because we no longer buy her self-righteous crap!
22. She's a Humanitarian, Good Doctor, and Intelligent Woman.....more like, she's Immature, a Criminal, and a really Dumb Doctor.
23. Because she admits to not having a great relationship with her father, insults him, yet still goes to him when she needs an easy out.
23. Because she still flirted back with Michael after knowing he was married. Business arrangment or not, it's still un-admirable.
24. Because she kissed Michael back, knowing he was married, and then had the nerve to have coffee with his wife, without mentioning a thing.

What Would Sara Do? (WWSD?) aka "Spreading the morality that is Dr. Sara Tancredi!":
#1WWSD?: Pick an admirable, famous quote to live by, but do exactly the opposite.
#2WWSD?: Become a doctor in a maximum security prison so you can fall for an inmate within just a month, and help him escape in a prison break.
#3WWSD?: Make sure to collect needles to pass around to your friends. It's fun. Everyone does it, just as long as you act all self-righteous about it down the line.
#4WWSD?: Get it on with an inmate right there in the infimary! After all, it is the most sanitary place in a prison.
#5WWSD?: Earn a medical degree only to inject someone with insulin who isn't really diabetic at all. But you're a doctor who graduated from North were you to really know he was faking?
#6WWSD?: When a prisoner you've known for only a month that you've been falling for, comes to you and tells you he's breaking out, and needs your help, you stand up to him. You let him know what he's doing is wrong, and is asking you to break the law. You let him know you want no part of it. Yet in the end, you of course help him break the law, since after all, you've known him for so long, and everything he's told you has been a lie (which he'd just admitted you to you as well). But hey, when it comes down to your morals and the fuzzy wuzzies you're feeling for him.....fuzzy wuzzies should win out in the end.
#7WWSD?: When all else fails, run to daddy! Even though you might not have the best relationship, if you pout enough, he just might bail you out, as always.
#8WWSD?: Be completely un-professional around a specfic inmate you have the hots for, but whenever he hurts you personally, make sure it's then, that you pull out the Professioncal Card. Have to remember to be admirable and all.
#9WWSD?: Make sure to go above and beyond checking up on a patient, by stalking them. Just make sure, it's only the really dreamy ones. You do have standards, remember.
#10WWSD?: After admitting to a prisoner that you are obligated by law, to report any sign of mis-conduct or illegal deeds, make sure to completely ignore that fact and not only let him get away with said deeds, but in turn, take part in them yourself. Afterall, if he's a hot prisoner, with a great charming nature, who are you to be responsible for your actions.
#11WWSD?: After finding out the guy you are crushing on is married, you give a shocked looked, and walk away just before he (hugging his wife), can spot you staring at him. Then make sure to have a talk with him, letting him know things will have to change, IE: His shameless flirting with you, and you enjoying it. However, after he's sent you an origami rose you start to forget he was even married. But it's after he kisses you, and you kiss him back, that you really forget. Until, later that same day when his wife comes up to you in the parking-lot, you suddenly remember. Now, don't forget to act all guilty and surprised to see her, but don't let on you were just making out with her husband. You do have morals after all. And you wouldn't want to come off as aiding in cheating/adultry by spilling your secret.
#12WWSD?: After confronting the inmate you have feelings for, you pretend to want to know what is it that he wants by asking certain questions. And he tells you he does care for you then you pretend not to believe him when he asks for a favor but in the end it doesn't matter what it is he wants. You decide to help him just cause he said he care for you.

Our Anti-Sara Tancredi Poem aka "Ode to "THDD":
There once was a woman named Sara
Who loved to stick herself with needles
Because they made her feel great
And let her forget what a mess her life was
Until one day, when she was being stupid
She was unable to help someone who needed it
So, she stood looking high and weak
And she decided she needed to change
So, she went into rehab to get better
And decided to look for a job
She managed to get a position at Fox River
Where she convinced herself of her change
Yet all she did was put on an act
And all it took was a pretty boy
With a manipulative charm act
and darling blue eyes....

Our Anti-Sara Tancredi Personal Ad aka "In need of a Prison Break?":
Tired of doing time for your crime? Want to get out of prison? Call 1-800-2ESCAPE. Ask for Dr. Sara Tancredi. (Killer blue eyes, master of manipulation/flirtation, and able to fake medical conditions are recommended.) No political prisoners need apply.

Future Title Suggestions:
-Anti-Sara Tancredi #: When in doubt, just ask yourself, WWSD?
-Anti-Sara Tancredi #: After helping a prison break, feel sorry for yourself, that way it's admirable.
-Anti-Sara Tancredi #: We all want to be just like THDD of Fox River!

*If you would like to be added to the Anti-Sara Tancredi list, please ask or PM the thread starter.*

XxAsHxX 04-17-2006 09:06 PM

Wow, I never thought I'd see one of these.... but carry on ;) More power to ya

Tennessee Whiskey 04-17-2006 09:14 PM

LOL we'll not suppose to be the only one in here. *looks* They know who they are LOL

BTW where did you get the pic for your icon? :)

XxAsHxX 04-17-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by ~CountryBumpkin~
LOL we'll not suppose to be the only one in here. *looks* They know who they are LOL

BTW where did you get the pic for your icon? :)

I got it at (I think the link's on her thread, I posted the original pic) It's a behind the scenes pic, SWC and Amuary paling around between shooting :)

Enigma 04-17-2006 09:41 PM

Ash - I love that pic of Sarah/Amuary!!

Well, I'm a fan of Sarah's, but I must admit as far as Dr. Sara goes......lately I'm feeling that she's not such a great doctor. And I really haven't liked some of her actions/decisions as of late. We'll see how the rest of the seaosn goes.

goodbreakingbad 04-17-2006 09:44 PM

Bee, you started it. ;)

I am so on the train now, I mean, I used to adore Sara, but not anymore! I still like Mel, like Sarah, but the character......she is such a hypocrite, such a poorly depicted doctor, and just not admirable to me anymore. There might still be a little part of me that likes her, but I've almost lost all respect for her.

jules166 04-17-2006 11:15 PM

I'm just trying to figure out why some are turning against Sara...She's human like the rest of us and has fallen for Michael against her better judgement. Haven't we all fall in love with someone who we should not haven fallen in love with? Yes, she is a doctor, but she also feels things. And I know the preview shows her kissing Michael...But that does not mean that she is a bad doctor. She fell in love, I don't think that's a huge crime...There are worser crimes in the world, today.

Anyway, not arguing or anything, just trying to figure out why all of a sudden she is a bad doctor...that's all...

Tennessee Whiskey 04-17-2006 11:30 PM

Ash thanks for the info! :hug:

Personally I've hated Sara since day one...her kissing Michael really has nothing to do with it. I just don't like her...not for any particular reason just in general.

goodbreakingbad 04-18-2006 06:10 AM

I just find her to be extremely hypocritical as of late....and kissing Michael next week, going with what she had said last week, about never getting involved with an inmate, just proves that.

And I think she is such an unrealistic depiction of a doctor......she seriously should have found out he's really not diabetic by now. And last week when he she admitted him to Psych-Ward after she examined him............turning out he was also faking that, again reflects poorly on her doctor skills, imo.

gssilver22 04-18-2006 10:22 AM

Hi guy's .....I usually lurk but Sara's behaviour towards Michael is a little irritating to say the least to me as well ( the previews next week for one) so I just wanted to speak up. I'm far from hating her, but she's making a lot of silly mistakes with him, and it's slowly ruining a character that I used to have high respects for. First of all, seeing how Michael is a prisoner should have nipped this thing right in the bud. Second of all, despite the fact that he has saved her life and has a connection with her, he's been lying to her (she knows this) and withholding a lot vital information from her (the burn etc..). Three, he's recently (from her persepctive anyway), suffered a near psychotic breakdown, and last but not least, he's MARRIED!! (maybe not traditional, but that's besides the point). How much more clues does the good docter need to know that this could potentially have large consequences for her (like, I don't know, LOSING her job!). I don't know but it's getting a little ridiculous, and with the previews for next week in mind.....I just don't know.

I still love SWC though

LastRomanticistLeft 04-18-2006 11:06 AM

Lemme just comment I how freakin' boring it has been without FanForum.:lol:
My life has no meaning. haha :blush:

Anyway, about Sara, yeah don't get me started. A big D for disappointment right there. I liked Sara at first, her character had potential. I know you guys may not agree, but I really thought she did. And now she's all bleh...It just feels like the writers tried too hard to make the romance between her and Micheal happen, that everything is just not working out. Now, it may get better, you never know. But as of right now, I don't see anything improving.
But since I'm a real sucker for romance, I'm willing to wait and see how everything turns out. I'm patient enough for that. I'm still a big M/S fan despite how many flaws that relationship has.:lol:

jules166 04-18-2006 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by PiCkLeS4dAwSoN
I just find her to be extremely hypocritical as of late....and kissing Michael next week, going with what she had said last week, about never getting involved with an inmate, just proves that.

And I think she is such an unrealistic depiction of a doctor......she seriously should have found out he's really not diabetic by now. And last week when he she admitted him to Psych-Ward after she examined him............turning out he was also faking that, again reflects poorly on her doctor skills, imo.

Anji, I can understand where you're coming from. But this is a fictional show. She is not a real doctor. If we were to discuss how unreal certain elements of the show are, then we'd be doing it all day. I mean how realistic is it for someone to get thrown into jail and then devise a master plan on his huge tatoo to get his brother out. This show is fictional, from start to the finish. So Sara being an unrealistic doctor does not even compare to how unrealistic other aspects of the show are. Plus even people who are very intelligent sometimes listen to their hearts as opposed to their heads. I mean there were cases of priest molesting little children...They're priests, and yet they've done these horrible things. Besides, what about doctors who make errors in medical judgement. That happens on a daily basis. Michael is that smart. If he were able to devise such an incredible plan, then it is way too easy for him to pretend to be insane and get away with it. And as for her saying that she will never get involved with a prisoner, that's her brain talking, not her heart. We always say that we won't do certain things, but then sometimes, we do. In a way, we can all be hypocrites at times. We're not perfect, we're just human.

And anyway, I think it rather refreshing that Sara has flaws. I don't like perfect people because they don't exist. I like characters that have dimensions to them. She was junkie before. She was never perfect and especially did not always have good judgement. And then again, we all make mistakes. It's part of life. We live and learn.

Just giving my 2 cents again. I'm just a huge fan of both Michael and Sara. I think both characters are really flawed, but that's what makes them real. If she were to restrain from her feelings, would that be realistic? Not in my opinion. She is not a robot, and therefore, for her to close off her feelings for Michael would be unrealistic and bad depiction of a human being. LOL..okay, going to the M/S thread

goodbreakingbad 04-18-2006 06:50 PM

Silver and Steffany, I totally agree! She is so not admirable at all anymore!

Jules, but shows should have some amount of realism to it, and this one, especially with her does not, at least imo.

silver, the thing that gets me about the psych-ward thing is she being a doctor diagnosed that, she is seriously a really bad doctor!

And I get her not being perfect, it's not about that, I don't believe there is such a thing. But she is not admirable and being a good person/doctor around him and that does reflect poorly on her.

Pebbles_and_Pink 04-18-2006 07:05 PM

I'm in no way against Sara.....but I had to step in and say that she does deserve some credit. She turned Michael in to Pope.

Somewhere in a previous post her not realizing he's not diabetic was mentioned. Being the good doctor she is she tested him and because his blood sugar levels were that of a diabetic why should she question it? Sure she could test him again but he's still taking the Pugnac.

She is doing what she's supposed to it's just that the story line has started to shift away from the details of her actual job. The story isn't about what Sara can do with her forceps and needles, it's about the mind game that she is dealing with, with Michael. She is as much a physical doctor as a psychological doctor.

goodbreakingbad 04-18-2006 07:09 PM

Okay, guys, I've gotten a few complaints from some posters, if you are a Sara fan, please don't come in here defending her or her actions, because this is the thread where no one will agree with you. She still has her appreciation thread for that. :)

I think for her to sense he wasn't really diabetic, she needed to run way more tests that just what she did, but it was because he was attractive and charming she didn't, which is so unprofessional.

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