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~Lisa~ 04-16-2011 06:15 AM

BoothღBrennan [Gambler+Scientist] #397: Because they shoudn't make sense but they do

Six years ago Special Agent Seeley Booth and Forensic Anthropologist Temperance Brennan
worked their very first case together. It was instant attraction. They shared a passionate kiss in the
rain. They would have spent the night together if it wasn't for the tequila. Soon, things went sour.
They clashed and bad things were said between them. Brennan vowed to never work with him

But fate is funny that way. They would soon cross path's again and this time they would not be
able to be out of each other's lives so quickly. Another case would bring them together and they
would become partners, and best friends. Booth would become her protector. Brennan's walls
would slowly start to crumble because of Booth and she would let herself be closer to him in a
way than she ever has with anyone in her life.

Over time, their love for each other become more evident with each moment, each look. It seemed
like they could see down into each other's souls with just a glance, but nothing happened. Their
feelings remained unspoken. You could say they missed their moment on that rainy night and they've
been punishing each other ever since.

But someone had to break the stalemate. And that someone had to be Booth. He's the gambler after
all. And now he would be facing the biggest gamble of his life. The one he waited six years to
take: Temperance Brennan.

So he gambled. He desperately wanted to give a relationship with Brennan a shot. He knew from the
beginning that he was THAT guy for her. You know when people talk to older couples who have been
in love for thirty or forty or fifty years and how it’s always the guy who says “I knew”? Yep. He knew.

But Brennan was too afraid to give into her love for Booth. She had been protecting him from her all this
time because she thinks she does not have the same kind of open heart he does.

By saying no to them, Brennan broke Booth's heart in that moment but she also broke her own in the

Booth told her he had to move on. Brennan knew. She wanted nothing more than to still be able to work
with him, to still have him in her life. Booth agreed. After all, he could never deny her anything.

If you think this is how their love story ends, you’re wrong. This is just the beginning. Booth could never
truly move on. A part of him will probably always be waiting for her no matter who else he meets. We
know deep in our hearts that one day Brennan will learn to overcome her fears and realize that the risk
is worth it. She will just fall and fall into Booth’s arms and it will be beautiful.

Until that day, just remember everything happens eventually. And that Journey's Ends In Lovers Meeting
and most importantly: Hope and Patience.

the newest supporters:
♥528. Chucking4Bones
♥529. juststandingstill
♥530. Digital Love
♥531. F3v3r
♥532. LulubeeDavis

[1-528 here]

the newest reasons:

♥1310 - Because she helped him get the stadium seats - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1311 - Because they compared body parts - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1312 - Because she iced his back for him - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1313 - Because he shared more about his Dad and his history with her - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1314 - Because they know that they need to discuss their relationship - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1315 - Because she gave him a thai massage and he loved it - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1316 - Because they talked about making love and them as a couple... they had both thought about it - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1317 - Because even though the lights were back on, they sat and talked by candle light - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1318 - Because soon a time will come when he isn't angry and she is strong and then they will be together - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1319 - Because they made a wish on them, on something they want really really bad - 6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
♥1320 - Because we love their cute car scenes - 6x17 - The Feet on the Beach
♥1321 - Because Booth knows her the best - 6x17 - The Feet on the Beach
♥1322 - Because they feel compassion and regret , double meaning for Booth - 6x17 - The Feet on the Beach
♥1323 - Because he knows the person she is and wants others to know the secret too - 6x17 - The Feet on the Beach
♥1324 - Because Brennan thinks about Booth's quirkiness a lot and she still loves him for it - 6x17 - The Feet on the Beach

[1-1310 here]

~Lisa~ 04-16-2011 06:16 AM

“I think that when somebody, when people really have a connection with each other, they change each other. You become a different person, hopefully
a better person, because of it.” - Emily Deschanel (talking about their relationship)

"God, we love each other...we could just take our clothes off right there and do it against the wall." David Boreanaz (talking about their relationship)

"You're a good man. And I want that for her." - Max Keenan

"Is it always like this when you two are together? It's kinda hot." - Angela

"Dr. Brennan is actually upset because she had to face strong emotions that she'd rather deny. Striking Agent Booth indicated the depth of your feelings for him." - Dr. Lance Sweets

"Yes, one of them is acutely aware of that attraction, struggles daily with it, in fact." - Dr. Gordon Wyatt

"Ohh, that is why you need psychiatric treatment, because you have the hots for your partner!" - Agent Timothy Sullivan

"You two are obviously meant for each other." - Lucia Bertolino

"How long have you two been going out?" - Homeland Security Guy

"Okay. I'm sorry. Did I miss something? 'Cause I don't want to get in the way, or between... " - David Simmons:

"How about your girlfriend? That doctor." - Hank Lutrell

Their sexual tension and chemistry, constant bickering and their ability push each other's buttons charmed us and enthralled us
but what stole our hearts was watching their reluctant partnership blossom into a deep connection and beautiful friendship over the course
of the season.

We saw that Booth would do absolutely anything to protect her and Brennan would be there for him, when he needed it the most. As the truth
came to light about Brennan's parents (after discovering her mother's remains), that they not only abandoned her but were criminals who had
changed their identities, Booth was the one standing by her very side, holding her in is arms, telling her he knew who she was. The season started
with two people brought together only by their quest for justice but ended with two people with a connection that only comes around once in a
and that one was clearly destined to flourish into more.

This is the season of Tony/Roxie, Jasper, "Guy Hugs", "More than One kind of family", "Keep on Trying", Where Booth ran down
a hill to rescue Brennan and the season where we find our characters with other people. Ironically, the more we saw them with
other people, the more we knew they were only meant to be with each other and we know deep down they know that to, though
they keep continuing their dance of denial, struggling to define their relationship and what they mean to each other.

We know that Booth would rather sit and do paperwork over thai food with Brennan than spend time with the person he was
involved with. We know that Brennan would rather stay with Booth then go sailing around the world with her then boyfriend.
When Brennan's father mysteriously reenters her life, Booth was by her side every step of the way. When Booth got kidnapped,
despite her fragile relationship with her father, she went to him for help, because she was so desperate to find him.

As the season comes to a close, and Booth and Brennan share an embrace by the alter at Angela and Hodgins wedding
it's clear, that our two characters still have a long road ahead to each other. Yes, what they share is a love that wouldn't be
given into easily. It's also just as clear that it is a love that could never falter, never ever perish. They would always chose
each other

This season further strengthened the deep relationship already shared between the two. Their partnership was tested more than
once and therapy became a constant for them as they battled their way through Zack in Iraq, Max Keenan's murder trial and Booth’s fake
death. Yet they remained undeterred by all these troubles, emerging stronger than ever before; showing that nothing, no matter how great, could
ever seriously come between them.

Booth’s dedication to Brennan’s happiness was proven time and time again. Whether this meant a mistletoe kiss for far longer than the set five steamboats
allowing Russ to visit his step-daughter in hospital or even helping Max Brennan escape a guilty verdict. It was evident that, despite any pain he may feel, if it helped
her he was willing to try. Brennan’s own growth was clear, through Booth she had learnt to put her heart ‘into overdrive’ and take a step back from the logical and rational
allowing herself to really feel emotions rather than just define them.

Through his intense speeches and touching gifts, Booth went a long way in confirming that, despite Hodgins’ insistence to the contrary, boys can change after high school
inside and out. He had evolved, and though Brennan was still painfully unaware, it was clear a lot of that had to do with her. The season ended with the poignant scene of her
head resting against his shoulder, it was now undeniably obvious to all that they shared a lot more than the ‘coffee’ relationship they had attested to in Sweets’ office at the start
of the season.

Season four delved further into the growing relationship between the two, focusing on struggles each of them had to overcome;
Booth’s with his past and Brennan’s with love and its worth. Yet, despite all the obstacles they faced, their connection and bond only
deepened further as each shared the most personal details of their inner battles, helping each other in a way no one else could.

However, internal issues were not the only obstacles in their way, jealousy soon arose in the form of Jared Booth and Special Agent Perotta.
But, whilst unnerving at first, it soon became clear that Booth-Lite and the twinkly-eyed Perotta were only mere distractions on Brennan and
Booth’s path to each other. Brennan even placed her belief in Booth higher than her anthropological studies declaring ‘Anthropology may have
it wrong’,
he was better than his brother. And Booth in turn told her to forget about Agent Perotta, nothing was going to change between them, he
was always there.

Whether staying up all night ice-skating, stealing a dead body to prove murder or even agreeing to father Brennan’s child, the implications were
clear; there was nothing the two wouldn’t do for each other. By the end of the season it was evident to all that both Booth and Brennan had finally
come to recognize their feelings. While sitting by Booth's side after his brain surgery, Brennan was writing about her love for him as he was dreaming
about his love for her. We got to see a glimpse of a life we know they both, deep down, yearn to have, married, with a baby on the way. We along with
Brennan, were devastated when Booth's last words to her where "Who are you?" Yes, what's to come next for these two on their journey to love, we do
not know. But we know one thing: they'll always find each other somehow, they'll always be connected.
"You know I'm just.. I'm just one of those people who doesn't get to be in a family. That's...
"Listen, Bones. Hey, there's more than one kind of family."

"You're the only FBI agent I want to work with."

"Listen Bones, if I don't make it..."
"Booth, you're going to be fine."
"But if I'm not, I want you to have my stuff. You know, for a kid."
"I want you to... You're going to be a really good mom."

"Because you all want to lose yourself in another person. You believe that love is transcendent and eternal... I want to believe that too.
"Hey, you will... I promise. Someday you will."

“Do you need time and space?”
“Just some time.”

" Evolution is a long, long process. It takes hundreds of years."
"Why do you have to always correct me?"
"To help you evolve."
"There's so much sexual tension between David and Emily that you don't have to write it into the script." - Creator Hart Hanson

"I mean this sexual chemistry - it’s like Barry White. You know what I’m saying? This is like Marvin Gaye, ‘Let’s Get It On." - David Boreanaz

“The show is full of surprises, and the biggest surprise is the chemistry between Boreanez and Deschanel—they're Tracy and Hepburn as
modern crime fighters and the subtleties, the layers—they slay me every time." -

"If sexual tension was illegal, these two would be locked up." - Ann Craig (FOX announcer)

Emily: "Chemistry?"
David: "You think we have some?"
Emily: "I don’t know. I can feel it right now."
David: "Electrifying."

"I'm telling you, these two are lightning in a bottle!" - Kristen, Eonline

YouTube - Booth and Brennan: Nothing happens unless first a dream (100th episode tribute)
YouTube - Booth/Brennan : Dreamer [HD]
YouTube - Seeley Booth and Temperance Brennan: "Everything and Nothing"
YouTube - |5x16| two is better than one ; (booth/brennan)
YouTube - Booth&Brennan - A Drop In The Ocean [SPOILER WARNING!!!]
YouTube - Breathing Space - Booth/Brennan (100th Episode)
YouTube - Booth and Brennan: Gravity
YouTube - Pieces | Booth & Brennan [HQ]
YouTube - Bones - Brennan & Booth - Back To Me
YouTube - Bones - Brennan & Booth - Save You
YouTube - Bones - Requiem [ Booth / Brennan ]
YouTube - I'm Always All For You [Bones; Booth/Brennan]
YouTube - Booth/Brennan ~ For You I Will (Confidence)
YouTube - Easier To Lie (Booth/Brennan)
YouTube - Booth & Brennan - Say when [for Becca - aka ciaimpala]
YouTube - Booth/Brennan : Anywhere but Here [HD]
YouTube - Bones/Booth - Shattered
YouTube - Seeley Booth and Temperance Brennan: "So Close"
YouTube - Bones~ BB ~ Never Say Never
YouTube - Your Guardian Angel [Bones; Booth/Brennan]
YouTube - It's been awhile (Booth/Brennan)
YouTube - Crawl (Booth/Brennan)
YouTube - 1234 -- Bones -- B/B
YouTube - Booth and Brennan; Shattered
YouTube - Booth and Brennan; Two people become One [The Epic Contest]
YouTube - Holding Onto You (Booth/Brennan)
YouTube - All the Right Moves (Booth/Bones)
YouTube - Two is Better than One (Booth/bones)
by onebreath

your creation 04-16-2011 06:17 AM

Thanks for the new thread:D

~Lisa~ 04-16-2011 06:24 AM

np :)

I really loved when Booth said that because he knows how well they do work


Booth: "Just because you can explain something doesn't mean it's explainable"
Brennan: "Do you mean explicable?"
Booth: "Sure like us. We don't make any sense at all"


your creation 04-16-2011 06:26 AM

They don't make sense but oh it works:sigh:

~Lisa~ 04-16-2011 06:38 AM

they really do

and the way Booth said WE and US sounded so coupley :love:

your creation 04-16-2011 06:40 AM

They are a couple, they are so close now.

~Lisa~ 04-16-2011 06:47 AM

yeah like Angela said they are a couple just missing the sex :lol:

your creation 04-16-2011 06:48 AM

She is so right and that sucks for them:lol:

fall into your smile 04-16-2011 06:59 AM

Angela is always so blunt, but always so right! :)

juststandingstill 04-16-2011 07:59 AM

Thanks for the new thread! I love the title :sigh: It's so true. I love when Booth said that :love: It did sound couply and beautiful and all Brennan could do was smile and gaze at him :in_love:

your creation 04-16-2011 09:55 AM

And she was even looking at him and smiling in the cab:sigh:

Ms Cyatt 04-16-2011 10:22 AM


I love the title.:love:

your creation 04-16-2011 10:31 AM

it's the best:love:

Ms Cyatt 04-16-2011 10:37 AM

It is.

I'm in the process of fixing all my Bones pics.

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