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Old 11-13-2010, 08:04 AM
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RULES: VOTE for your LEAST favorite moment, after 5 votes one gets voted off until only one remains.

[1] Harbingers in the Fountain

<Brennan returns to her office, drops her suitcase off by her desk and goes to sit on her couch. Instead she sits on Booth.>
Brennan: Whoa! Oh! Booth!
Booth: Bones!
Both: Hey! <They hug>
Booth: Hi! <They pull away from the hug> Look at that, I’m reinstated on the day that you come home. That’s the weirdest coinkidink ever.
Brennan: No, it’s not even the weirdest coinkidink today. But if you were reinstated today why are you dressed like a furniture mover?
Booth: Well Sweets he just um cleared me so I came straight over to tell ya.
Brennan: What took you so long to recover?
Booth: Oh, um, don’t worry, nothing wrong with me. I’m 110%.
Brennan: Well, you know there’s nothing more than 100%, right?


<Brennan is stabbed in the arm by the doctor. Booth breaks the door down and shoots the doctor in the chest.>
Booth: <holding her arm in both hands> Bones, you all right? You ok?
Brennan: Yeah, I’m all right, I’m okay.
Booth: Bones, your arm. Look.
Brennan: Oh god.
Booth: No, don’t pull it out. Don’t touch that! <Brennan pulls it out of her arm> Bones… Easy, I gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. It’s gonna be all right, alright? Alright.
Brennan: Thank you.
Booth: <rests his chin on her head> Easy. Ambulance is on the way, ok?
Brennan: Ok. Keep the pressure on it.
Booth: Ok, I got it. I got it. Just relax. Just trust me, alright? I’ll take care of you. Shhh. I’ve got you. Breathe. I’ll take care of you. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. I got you. <Booth kisses Brennan’s head> I’ve got you, baby.

Booth: This is usually when we go and drink.
Avalon: You two are going to keep doing things as usual.
Booth: Sometimes you gotta settle for second best.
<Avalon gives the two of them a look. Brennan looks a bit confused.>
Avalon: By the way, my cards tell me this all works out eventually. <She leaves>
Booth: Oh. <in disbelief> Really?
Brennan: What all works out eventually?<Booth just stares at her.> What?
<Booth walks into his office, Brennan follows him> What all works out eventually?

[4] The Bond in the Boot

<Cut to: Booth’s apartment. Booth and Brennan are seen huddle on the kitchen sink>
Booth: For the next step, you need to attach the elbow using a PVC cement there. <Brennan tries to fix the pipes> Stick that little fuzzy ball in there and swish it around. Got it?
Brennan: <applying PVC on the pipe> It stinks.
Booth: Yeah. Well you smell dead bodies and this stinks? Okay.
Brennan: There’s a beautiful logic to this. It’s like reconstructing the circulatory system. The water is the blood. The pipes are the veins.
Booth: Right right. So what you need to do is apply some pressure and hold it there for a minute <places his hand over hers to hold the pipe in place; both of them looked at each other> Right. You know, just making sure that it’s in place. Student-teacher, student-teacher. <Brennan laughs; followed by Booth laughing along> You know, Bones, I'm.. I'm glad that, uh, we don't have any secrets between each other.
Brennan: Yeah, I like that.
Booth: I mean if we have something on our mind we just, we just share it.
Brennan: Sure. <Pauses> Even with all of the financial and intellectual contradictions I, still feel close to you.
Booth: Right, because you know, none of that really matters anyway.
Brennan: Sometimes looking at it through your eyes, I believe that.
<They both look into each other eyes for a while before Booth speaks again>
Booth: Alright, pipe seems tight and secure. <removes his hand from the pipe> Hold on there, let me just open up the water <reaches for the taphead and turns it on> There. You can take your hands off now, Bones.
Brennan: <hesitating> You sure?
Booth: Bones- <Brennan lets go her hand quickly> Look at that, huh. Nice and secure.
Brennan: No drip
Booth: No drip. <Brennan chuckles> You’re a …you’re a good student.
Brennan: Oh. Only as good as my teacher <smiles>
<Pipe suddenly bursts out with water>
Brennan: Ahhh! <covers herself from the water> Turn it off!
Booth: <covering his eyes from the water> Huh? Ahhhh. Ahahahah!
Brennan: <already out from under the sink> My watch is ruined!
Booth: What do you mean your watch is ruined? It’s a Rolex!

Brennan: Hey, you're wearing your belt buckle again. Cocky.
Booth: Yeah. Ever since the whole coma thing, I just kept staring at it, thinking to myself, "Why would I wear something like this?"
Brennan: 'Cause you love it. You always have.
Booth: Yeah, that's what I landed on, Bones.secrets between each other.
Brennan: Well, I'm glad you did. I like it. It's... it's Boothy.
Booth: Boothy?

[6] The Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Booth: It takes a village, Bones.
Brennan: Uh, I, I beg your pardon?
Booth: A village to raise a kid properly. You know, it takes a village.
Brennan: But metaphorically; it doesn't mean we all must grow up in hamlets of 800 people or less.
Booth: Thanks, um... Will you be my village?
Brennan: Huh?
Booth: I-I need Parker to know that I lead a full and rewarding life.
Brennan: But you don't.
Booth: What? Yes, I do.
Brennan: No, you don't. You work too much, you don't socialize, all of which prevents you from having a full sex life.
Booth: Okay, please, let's just take a hint from, you know, the suburbs and just make it look good.
Brennan: You want to know if I'll help you fool your son into thinking your life is gratifying?
Booth: Yeah. Will you do it?
Brennan: Well, uh how?
Booth: Come to dinner with us. Have fun. Laugh at my jokes.
Brennan: That might actually turn out to be fun, thus becoming a self-fulfilling desire.
Booth: Right. So, you'll do it?
[B]Brennan: Yes, I will be your hamlet of 800 people or less.
Booth: My village.
Brennan: I was being amusing. You should laugh at my jokes, too.
Booth: I'm laughing on the inside.


Booth: So, the whole reason you wanted me to get a girlfriend was so that you could have a pool?
Parker: Mm-hmm. Why else would I care?
Brennan: There is a pool in my building... <She starts removing a key from her key chain> …that the two of you can use as my guests anytime. <She places the key on the table. Booth takes it>
Parker: Awesome. That's awesome, right, Dad?
Brennan: No, not awesome. Simple Socratic method of solving a problem.
Booth: Nope. Mm-mm, Parker is right. You're awesome, Bones.
Brennan: Yeah. I'm awesome. <Parker nods> Cheers. <Brennan raises her glass and Parker clinks his own against hers.>

[8] A Night at the Bones Museum

Booth: Stop right there. You said you weren't going to talk about me, and you talked about me.
Brennan: But I - I didn't mean to talk about you. I told him I didn't want to but, you know, I like that story and I guess it just popped out.
Booth: Popped out? I don't need Hacker knowing about my mother's meatloaf.
Brennan: Why are you so upset?
Booth: Because... what goes on between us is ours.
Brennan: Come on, Booth, you must've told a lot of people the meatloaf story, right?
<Booth just stares at her and she realizes that this is something that he's only shared with her.>


Booth: What are you talking about, Bones? You're great at these things. Listen, you changed history. How many people can say that?
Brennan: You can. Every arrest you make changes history. You make the world safer.
Booth: With your help. So, Andrew...I thought you were going to take him to this thing. That's what he told me.
Brennan: I was, yes, and I - this was our case and I guess...what goes on between us, that should just be ours. Isn't that what you said?
Booth: Yeah.
<They get closer and then there's a moment where you think that the two of them are finally going to kiss when they hear the murmurings of Angela, Hodgins, Cam, Sweets & Daisy - who then appear at the top of the staircase.>
Angela: Come on, you two. The Ambassador is about to speak.
<The rest of the group heads back up the stair, leaving Booth & Brennan alone again. They have another moment - she adjusts his tie and he pushes a strand of hair behind her shoulder.>
Booth: Thanks.
<They turn and walk back up the stairs to go to the party, together.>

[10] A Tough Man in the Tender Chicken

Booth: Listen Bones, I would do anything for you. I would die for you, I would kill for you. But I am not getting in between two best friends.

[11] The Dwarf in the Dirt

Gordon Wyatt: Temperance Brennan. You’re in love with her. <Booth looks up in surprise.> You’re building a world around her, a family.
Booth: <He pauses, looking torn.> We’re not compatible. She sees the world one way, I see it the other way.
Gordon Wyatt: No of course, it’s absolutely ludicrous the idea of you together, but the heart chooses what it chooses, doesn’t it? We don’t really have any say in the matter.
Booth: <insistently> She doesn’t love me. I would know if she loved me.
Gordon Wyatt: May I counsel patience on this front. Hope and patience.
Booth: <He smiles slightly.> Right so, about my marksmanship certification – any advice?
Gordon Wyatt: Grow a set! Be a man, step up! She’s your partner, for heaven’s sake. The job you do together is highly dangerous, she counts on you for protection. So you’d damn well better protect her!
Booth: So that’s your big psychiatric advice, just “grow a set”?
Gordon Wyatt: Indeed. When it comes to a man and his gun, a woman is the natural cure. Take Dr Brennan to this um, this shooting event of yours. <Brennan enters> You won’t fail in front of her, trust me. Dr Brennan!
Brennan: Hello.
Gordon Wyatt: Please, take a seat.
Brennan: Oh, well, why can’t we sit out in the restaurant?
Booth: Oh no, Bones, this is a great honor to sit at the chef’s table. Huge.
Brennan: But it’s in the kitchen, it’s hot and noisy.
Booth: It’s a thing, alright, we just go with it. <Gordon Wyatt looks at him and indicates that he should ask that favor. Booth becomes nervous.> So! Bones um, would you do me a favor?
Brennan: Yes, as long as it does not involve me shaving my head.
Booth: <laughs after a moment> You are making a joke.
Brennan: I’m becoming quite amusing.
Booth: You are, it’s very funny. Honestly, will you do me a favor?
Brennan: Yes, as long as I don’t have to shave my head.
Booth: <snorts> Little advice on the humor; once the joke happens, don’t dog pile on it, just let it go.

[12] The Foot in the Foreclosure

Booth: I like that thing around your neck.
Brennan: What?
Booth: That thing that you're wearing around your neck. It looks really good.
Brennan: <touching the necklace> Oh. You've seen it before.
Booth: I don't think so.
Brennan: Well...thanks.
Booth: Sure.

[13] The Goop on the Girl

Brennan: No, but Cam is in touch with the hospital. <Setting last particles into a dish> Okay. I have to remove your clothing now.
<Brennan reaches to the front of Booth’s jacket and begins to remove it.>
Booth: <surprised> What? Why?
Brennan: Well, there may be particulates.
Booth: Particulates.
Brennan: Evidence for Hodgins, and flesh for Cam.
<Brennan sets his jacket aside and walks to stand in front of Booth.>
Booth: You know, the bomber said something about answering "the call." What do you think that means?
Brennan: <loosening his tie. Booth sits up straighter and looks uncomfortable> Many terrorists feel they're acting upon divine instruction.
Booth: I don't think he was a terrorist; I just think he was a bank robber.
Brennan: <lifting Booth’s tie over his head> There's spatter on the back of your collar.
Booth: Spatter?
Brennan: <unbuttoning his shirt> Okay.
Booth: I can take my own shirt off... <He lifts his hands to help and Brennan swats them away.>
Brennan: No, don't. You'll compromise the evidence.
Booth: Right.
Brennan: <uncertainly, continuing to unbutton Booth’s shirt> I'm... having Christmas dinner at my place this year with my dad. Considering you've been shunted aside by your own family, I'd... like to invite you.
Booth: That's a sweet invitation.
Brennan: <sliding shirt off his shoulders and moving behind him> So, will you come?
Booth: I... don't know. I was thinking about going up to Quebec to see Parker. I really don't care what Rebecca thinks.
Brennan: Well, if you do that, won't she retaliate by insisting upon coming to all your special times with Parker?
Booth: Yeah.
Brennan: You have a perfect acromion. <Booth looks pleased> Stand up.
Booth: Okay.
Brennan: Off the table. <Brennan kneels in front of Booth and reaches for his belt.>
Booth: Whoa. What... what, is there stuff on my pants?
Brennan: Yeah. Vascular tissue on your Cocky belt buckle.
<Brennan loosens his belt and removes it.>
Booth: Oh, right. Slides right off, and, uh, we're done.
Brennan: No.
Booth: Huh?
Brennan: I have to remove your pants.
Booth: <as Brennan unbuttons his pants> All right, you know, I'm just gonna start reciting some saints, you know. <Quietly to himself as Brennan lowers his pants> St. Joseph, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John... <Brennan slides his pants down Booth's legs.>
<Suddenly the door opens and Brennan inhales quickly. Cam is standing in the doorway.>
Cam: Anyone for mistletoe?
Brennan: I-I'm recovering evidence.
Booth: Just evidence, that's all.
Cam: Interesting


Max: Tempe. This is your gathering. Wouldn't you like to say something?
Brennan: Oh, um...Thank you, everyone, for coming. Let's eat.
Max: No. I-I mean, would you like to say something about Christmas?
Brennan: Okay. Um, Christmas has its roots in the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which is traditionally celebrated by intoxication, naked singing and the consumption of human-shaped biscuits.
Booth: I think what Bones is trying to say here is that we're all just happy that we are all together.
Brennan: Well, we're all together every day.
Margaret: Not me. No, I'm not here every day.
Max: Well, it's a different kind of together.
Booth: To family... friends... lovers... family... and food.
Brennan: You said "family" twice. It's repetitious.
Booth: It's a good toast, though. Cheers. Okay?
Brennan: Cheers.
Everyone: Cheers, Merry Christmas.
Booth: All right.
Margaret: What do we do now?
Booth: Ah, let's say a prayer.
Brennan: No, no prayer, not in my place.
Booth: Bones, I always pray.
Brennan: Maybe just a moment of silence.
Booth: Hold hands. <Everyone holds hands> Silent Night <Brennan looks at Margaret and Booth then smiles and closes her eyes. Booth looks and Brennan at grins>

[15] The X in the File
Booth: Oh, you just said that aliens are nice.

Brennan: I did not.

Booth: You just basically said that aliens are nice anthropologists.

Brennan: I don’t think so.
Booth: You think the aliens are you.
Brennan: <laughs> You got me. You know, I’m one of them.

Booth: I knew it.

Brennan: I was sent down as an advance scout.
Booth: I knew it! No probing. No probing!
Brennan: Hey, probing is a valuable way to gather information.

Booth: We know how you people like to probe. Did you hear that?
Brennan: What was it?

[16] The Proof in the Pudding

Brennan: Hi, Booth.
Booth: Is that pudding?
Brennan: Yes. I adjusted the specific gravity with a thickening agent to assure the test's efficacy.
Booth: But pudding? <Brennan looks over at the pudding and her eyes light up> Whoa, something happened.
Brennan: Yes. One of these bones sank and the other one floated.
Booth: In the pudding?
Brennan: Yes. The heavy bone is healthy. The one that's still floating is riddled with osteomyelitis. President John F. Kennedy never had osteomyelitis.
Booth: <relieved> Come here <he pulls her in for a hug>
Brennan: Wow! <laughing> You really didn't want this to be JFK.
Booth: You know, you kept looking because of me. Thanks, Bones.


Booth: Shall we? <He holds out his arm to Brennan, she links arms with him>
Brennan: We shall.
Booth: You know, you must think I'm crazy for being so happy that it wasn't JFK.
Brennan: I'm very impressed. You wanted the truth, even if it was going to hurt you.
Booth: I learned that from you.
Brennan: Really?
Booth: Yeah. I mean, sometimes you have to go with your brain over your gut.
Brennan: That's nice. But I prefer that you always go with your brain over your gut because your gut cannot think.
Booth: Your brain can't digest a breakfast burrito. Just saying, to each their own.
Brennan: To each their own.
Booth: Yep

[18] The Dentist in the Ditch

Brennan: <standing> I'd like to make a toast.
Jared: What is this?
Booth: t's her new thing. She likes to make--... She's really good at making toasts, though. M-Maybe we should get some champagne, though.
Brennan: No, Jared is an alcoholic, Booth.
Jared: No secrets.
Brennan: When Booth and I first met, I didn't believe that such a thing as love existed. I maintained that it was simply brain chemistry. But, perhaps Booth is correct; perhaps love comes first, and then creates the reaction. I have no tangible proof, but...I'm willing to accept Booth's premise.
Booth: To love.
Jared: To love.
Padme: To love.
Brennan: To love.

Brennan: I need to ask you some things.
Booth: You gonna ask me about God and the Devil?
Brennan: Yes.
Booth: You’re going to ask me how God could place such a burden on good people.
Brennan: No, I’m going to ask you how you can still believe in a kind God after a case like this.
Booth: Was my faith shaken? Yeah. Mm-hmm. It is.
Brennan: It is?
Booth: Yeah. I’ll go home tonight and I’ll lie in bed, and I’ll toss, and I’ll turn, and I’ll beat myself up, and uh…I’ll question everything.
Brennan: Will you get your faith back?
Booth: Always have in the past.
Brennan: So you have faith that you will retain your faith. <Booth nods> Why?
Booth: Because, Bones, it’s…the sun will come up, and tomorrow’s a new day.
Brennan: <laughs> I know that feeling.
Booth: Really?
Brennan: Mm-hmm.
Booth: You know what it feels like to get your faith back?
Brennan: When I see effects and I am unable to discern the cause, my faith in reason and consequences is shaken.
Booth: And then what happens?
Brennan: Two plus two equals four. I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet. The sun comes up because the world turns. These things are beautiful to me. There are mysteries I will never understand, but everywhere I look, I see proof that for every effect there is a corresponding cause. Even if I can’t see it. I find that reassuring.
Booth: And life is good again.
Brennan: Life is very good.
Booth: Yes it is. <Both laugh.>

[20] The Bones on the Blue Line

Brennan: Soul mates.
Booth: Soul mates. Yeah.
Brennan: The idea of soul mates actually originated with Plato.
Booth: Yeah, you mean the-the clay that kids play with.
Brennan: No, the...Oooh. <she laughs>
Booth: What?
Brennan: You're joking.
Booth: Me, joke? No.
Brennan: No, the ancient Greek philosopher. His theory was that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs and two faces. Zeus was threatened by their power and split them all in half, condemning us all to spend our lives trying to complete ourselves.
Booth: I don't believe that's true.
Brennan: I agree. It's ridiculous.
Booth: Right? Four arms. Four heads.
Brennan: Two faces.
Booth: Come on.

[21] The Parts in the Sum of the Whole

Brennan: .works quickly but the bone itself, is cooked; transforming the marrow. The first step is to use conventional surgical instruments being very careful that the scalpel, forceps never come in contact with the bone. Any questions?
Booth: <raising his hand> Yeah, I have a question. It seems to me if you, uh, remove the flesh aren't you, uh, destroying the evidence.
Brennan: On the contrary. I am revealing evidence. <the bell rings> Thank you. See you next week.
Booth: Ah, just, uh, one more thing. I mean, isn't all the good evidence in the flesh. You know, like, the poison and stab wounds and the bullets.
Brennan: All of the important indicators are written in the bone if you look carefully.
Booth: So that's your thing.
Brennan: Yes. I am the best in the world.
Booth: Oh. Okay. You're serious.


Booth: Hold on, hold on, listen. Hold that cab! Listen. I got something to confess.
Brennan: What? Is it the fact that you're a direct descendant of John Wilkes Booth? I already know that.
Booth: Wait...wait a second. How do you know that?
Brennan: From your bone structure.
Booth: Just keep that, um, under your hat. Okay? For now. Alright?
Brennan: Okay.
Booth: What I wanted to to confess was - see, I have a gambling problem but I'm dealing with it.
Brennan: Why did you feel you had to tell me that?
Booth: I don't know. I just feel like, um, this is going somewhere...
Brennan: Why did you feel this is going somewhere?
<She gets closer to him>
Booth: I just - I feel like I'm gonna kiss you..
<She closes the space between them and they start to kiss. With tongue contact>


Booth: I'm the gambler. I believe in giving this a chance. <He moves closer to her> Look, I wanna give this a shot.
Brennan: You mean us? <he nods> No. The FBI won't let us work together as a couple-
Booth: Don't do that. That is no reason why we can't...
<He cuts himself off and kisses her. She kisses him back and then places her hands on his chest and pushes him away.>
Brennan: No. No.
Booth: Why? Why?
Brennan: You-you thought you were protecting me, but you're the one who needs protecting.
Booth: Protecting from what?
Brennan: From me! I - <she starts to break down> I don't have your kind of open heart.
Booth: Just give it a chance..that's all I'm asking..
Brennan: No, you said it yourself; the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
Booth:Well, then let's go for a different outcome here, alright? Let's just - hear me out, alright? You know when you talk to older couples who, you know, have been in love for 30 or 40 or 50 years, alright, it's always the guy who says "I knew." I knew. Right from the beginning.
Brennan: Your evidence is anecdotal.
Booth: I'm that guy. Bones, I'm that guy. I know.
Brennan: I- I am not a gambler; I'm a scientist. I can't change. I don't know how. I don't know how. <and with that, she breaks Booth's - and her own - heart> Please don't look so sad.
Booth: Alright. Okay. <he sighs, and leans back against the wall> You're right. You're right.
Brennan: Can we still work together?
Booth: <after a slight pause> Yeah.
Brennan: Thank you.
Booth: But I gotta move on. I gotta find someone who's - who's gonna to love me in 30 years or 40 or 50.
Brennan: <softly> I know.
<Brennan wipes her eye and starts to walk away. Booth joins her. They bump shoulders and then she links her arm through his, puts his head on her shoulder and they walk off, together. Though they're not together, they'll still hold because they're the center.>

[24] The Death of the Queen Bee

Brennan: <stopping him> Oh! Can we dance? Booth?
Booth: What?
Brennan: It's Seal.
Booth: Well, it's a slow song.
Brennan: Oh, I'm sorry. Is that too difficult for you?
Booth: <hesitantly> Oh, I just don't want any misunderstandings, here, that's all, Bones. I mean, ya know, we, uh, opened a door that neither one of us wants to walk though.
Brennan: I know. I- I just was asking to dance. Because I remembered the song. I'm sorry.
Booth: Nah. You know what? Hey, it's just a dance. It's your reunion. Okay. Let's do it. Let's dance. Hey. Come on.
<Brennan moves towards him and wraps her hand around his neck, to get closer, but he pushes her away, placing his hands on her waist- leaving a huge space between them>Okay.
Brennan: Oh. <she laughs> Why are you so far away?
Booth: You know, just keeping room for the Holy Spirit. That's all. <he looks over towards Mr. Buxley.> Yow! <Brennan turns to look. Mr. Buxley is holding a sharp knife>
Brennan: Why are you all so suspicious of Mr. Buxley?
Booth: Why? Because, you know, he's psycho, he has access to the shop and he has a huge knife.
<Mr. Buxley is near a rope and takes the knife and cuts it. Stars come down from the ceiling and everyone applauds.> (
Booth: <looking at the stars> That is so cool. <he looks at Brennan> Bones, you're tearing up.
Brennan: This is the prom that I never got to go to.
<Booth smiles and moves towards Brennan, she moves in close and wraps her arms around his neck and places her head on his shoulder. At first, Booth is surprised but accepts the dance. They both seem apprehensive at first but after a few seconds, they both look content>

Brennan: I'm going to have coffee with Andrew.
Booth: Alright. Have a good time.
Brennan: Thank you.
Booth: I'm going to see someone too.
Brennan: Dr. Catherine Bryar.
Booth: The case is closed.
Brennan: She's very nice. The two of you seem compatible.
Booth: Maybe, we'll see.
Brennan: She's easily as pretty as I am. I mean, using me as a standard.
Booth: Bones, you are the standard.
Brennan: Andrew is not as handsome as you - using you as a standard. He is, however, taller. Catherine isn't as smart as I am.
Booth: I'm not as smart as Hacker.
Brennan: But you once said he was a doofus.
Booth: He is a doofus; a smart doofus.
Brennan: <heading into the elevator> Well, I hope you have a good time together.
Booth: Yeah, you too.
Brennan: Thanks.
[26] The Rocker in the Rinse Cycle

Booth: Ah, come on, Bones. Play along. <The musicians start to play the opening notes to "Hot Blooded" by Foreigner.> It's rock and roll fantasy camp. It's cool, right? You hear that? That is our song. Remember "Hot Blooded"?
Brennan: The last time we sang this song, Booth, someone tried to kill you.
Booth: Yeah, but it was fun up until the blast, right? Come on.
<Booth jumps on the stage and starts singing into the microphone>
Booth: <singing> I'm hot blooded, check it and see... <he notices Brennan strapping on a guitar> Wait a second. You play the guitar?
Brennan: Well, I play the akonting, the folk lute of the Jola tribe, but the guitar is not dissimilar.
<Brennan joins him on stage and starts to stum the guitar. They both start to sing.>
Both: <singing>Well, I'm Hot blooded. Check it and see. I've got a fever of a hundred and three. Come on, baby, you can do more than dance. I'm hot blooded, hot blooded!
<Brennan rocks on the guitar solo but receives a text message so she stops and checks her phone while Booth keeps rocking out>
Brennan: Oh. Cam got an I.D. the other blood found in the hotel room. Fred Keaton. He's also registered here as a camper.
Booth: Alright. <excited> One more verse.
<Brennan smiles and starts playing the guitar again, they start singing.>
Both: <singing> Well, I'm Hot blooded. Check it and see. I've got a fever of a hundred and three. Come on, baby, you can do more than dance. Hot blooded, hot blooded!
Booth: Woo!


Brennan: You're a very good singer.
Booth: Thank you, Bones. And you-you play the guitar in a very interesting fashion.
Brennan: I know. Does Catherine play?
Booth: I don't know. I've only been out with her twice, Bones.
Brennan: Last night, Andrew gave me a CD with music he likes.
Booth: Mix-tape, huh? Talk about a social contract.
Brennan: That's what I surmised. <she pauses> Our partnership is still important to me. You know that, right?
Booth: Sure. Yeah. Die for your, partner. That's the way I look at it.
<They both pause>
Brennan: I liked Andrew's taste in music except for a band called Led Zeppelin.
Booth: Except for a band called Led Zeppelin?
Brennan: <hesitantly> Yes.
Booth: What? You kidding me? Led Zeppelin is, like, the best rock and roll band ever. I mean, they had a reunion tour in '07 in London. I would have killed for those tickets.
Brennan: Really? My publisher offered me tickets, but when I heard "Zeppelin," I thought it was for some sort of air show.
Booth: Air show? You turned down what probably was the last concert that Zeppelin would ever play?
Brennan: Are you going to kill me?
Booth: You're unbelievable!
Brennan: Well, it's just a band, Booth.
Booth: It's not just a band, okay? This is Led Zeppelin. You know what? I am your partner. You offer your partner those kind of things.
Brennan: I didn't know that!
Booth: Offer your partner the tickets.

[28] The Witch in the Wardrobe

Brennan: What is that?
Booth: This was given to me by the witches. Look, it's you, Little Bones.
Brennan: No, it's not.
Booth: <laughing> Yes, it is, you see? The witch said that if I burned this in your presence, then the wish I make for you will come true. <He opens a lighter.>
Brennan: You think I care, but I don't. It's just superstition. And for superstition to work, the person has to believe that he or she is cursed or under a spell--watch you don't burn your fingers!
Booth: Want to know what I wished for?
Brennan: No, it doesn't matter. Completely irrelevant.
Booth: I wished... I wished that you could find happiness.
Brennan: I don't know what that means.
Booth: Happiness. Love, laughter, friendship, purpose... and a dance.
Brennan: Oh. Well, then thank you.
Booth: <triumphantly> Ah...
Brennan: Why is that funny?
Booth: 'Cause, you know, you wouldn't have thanked me if you didn't think that part of it was true.
Brennan: No, I was, I was thanking you for your kindness, not because I believed in the outcome.
Booth: Ah, I detected relief.
Brennan: No, no, you didn't.
Booth: Relief, that the mojo was good and not bad.
Brennan: Okay, now you're just mixing up belief systems.
Booth: Really? Okay, you want me to burn another one?
Brennan: No, smoke isn’t allowed--how many do you have?
Booth: I’ve got a lot.

[29] The Boy in the Answer

Booth: So the Gilroy kid? He was last seen at the Rockland Mall on June 23. I'm gonna check all Taffet's credit card records for that day too.
Brennan: Caroline said you can't give expert testimony if she's prosecuting your case.
Booth: I told Caroline to drop my charges too. I'm not gonna let you do this alone. She's gonna see the judge tomorrow morning at 10 and then we can dive in on all this.
Brennan: Thanks, Booth.
Booth: We're partners. That's what we do. Right?
Brennan: If Taffet is acquitted on this count, she can never be tried again. Maybe that's why she wanted us to find the boy.
Booth: Yeah, well she arrogant, like Sweets said. And she's misjudging you.
Brennan: I have nightmares, Booth. Hodgins is bleeding, you're drowning. I-I can't help anyone.
Booth: Alright, you know what? She's never gonna get the better of you, alright? Just know that. Alright? I promise. Okay?
<He hugs her - she hugs him back.


Brennan: I know. I have this sense that everything's changing, Booth.
Booth: Well, not everything. Look, we're still partners. Right? And-and Taffet. She's-she's put away. I mean, you're feeling good about that, right?
Brennan: You almost died, Booth. That can happen again. What if, next time, I can't get to you?
Booth: It's not going to happen again.
Brennan: I envy your ability to substitute optimism for reality.
Booth: You know what? Maybe you just need to take some time off. Go to a beach. Lay in the sun.
Brennan: I might need more than a little time.
Booth: Don't make any decisions about your future right now.
Brennan: I'm just saying...
Booth: You know when a dentist gives you anesthetic and tells you not to operate any heavy machinery or make any important decisions within 24 hours? Alright, this case was bigger than a root canal. Come on, let's just go back inside and have one more drink. Come on. Just one.
<He reaches for her hand but she pulls away and goes to hail a cab.>
Brennan: No. I'm tired, Booth. I-I-I'm going to go home.
Booth: Alright. Come on. Let's-we'll get you in the cab. <the cab pulls up> I know, it's-it's been a long, long day. Alright, get in there, alright? <she gets into the cab> Hey. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?
<She doesn't respond. He closes the door and watches as the taxi drives away. She turns around and looks at him. It's like deja vu. They're back at the beginning.>

Booth: So, Bones, here we are. What's all the mystery about?
Brennan: I've been offered the chance to head up the Maluku Island project.
Booth: Yeah, I heard. Daisy told Sweets and Sweets told me.
Brennan: Oh. I'd like to accept.
Booth: Hmmm. I thought you already had.
Brennan: We've been partners for five years, Booth. I wouldn't make a decision like this without talking to you.
Booth: Bones, look, you don't need my permission. Okay, it's-it's cool.
Brennan: You say that, but you won't look at me. You're the one who taught me the value of making eye contact. So, please...?
Booth: <He looks at her.> I'm sorry. I just... I don't do really good with change, I guess.
Brennan: Well, you're better than I am.
Booth: The pyramids are better at change than you are. <Off her look> It was a joke. Hey, I was being affectionate.
Brennan: Oh. <Laughs> Will you go back to the Army?
Booth: It's what's best for me right now.
Brennan: I'll only be gone for a year.
Booth: Me, too. Right. So, hey, what's a year?
Brennan: It's the time it takes the Earth to make a full revolution around the sun.
Booth: In the scheme of things. You know, the grand scheme. Just saying, a year is just, you know... it's not too bad.
Brennan: Right.
Booth: Right?
Brennan: We can come back, pick up where we left off. Nothing really has to change.
Booth: No, things have to change. You know what? Hey, I taught you about eye contact, you taught me about evolution. So... here's to change.
Brennan: <They touch their coffee cups together> To change.


Booth: Sorry. Couldn't get a pass. I had to sneak off the base to come say good-bye. Listen, Bones, you got to be really careful in that Indonesian jungle, okay?
Brennan: Booth, in a week, you're going to a war zone. Please don't be a hero. Please just... don't be you.
Booth: <He steps closer, then reaches out and clasps her hand> One year from today, we meet at the reflecting pool on the mall. Right by the...
Brennan: cart. I know. One year from today.
<They stare at each other for a moment, then Booth takes a step back and lets go of her hand. He turns and walks away. Brennan watches him go for second before she turns and walks the opposite direction herself. Booth stops and turns around and she glances back one more time, with tears in her eyes. Then Booth turns again and walks away, Brennan does the same.>
Cry with me?
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Old 11-13-2010, 07:11 PM
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Aww I loved 25. "Bones you are the standard." It was so sweet.

Anyway I vote for #21.
Spike♥Buffy Cordelia♥Angel Puck♥Rachel Ron♥Hermione Tony♥Ziva Chuck♥Blair Kate♥Sawyer Booth♥Brennan Castle♥Beckett

Tell them how the crowds went wild. Tell them how I hope they shine...
Long live, the walls we crashed through. I had the time of my life...with you.
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Old 11-13-2010, 08:22 PM
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Waiting here with you and now, forever, I know
All that I wanted to hold you so close
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Old 11-14-2010, 01:30 AM
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be brave, like a lady in a song.
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Old 11-14-2010, 03:23 AM
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Old 11-14-2010, 04:43 AM
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I'll go with 27.

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Cry with me?
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Old 11-14-2010, 06:46 AM
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Old 11-14-2010, 06:46 AM
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Old 11-14-2010, 06:53 AM
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RULES: VOTE for your LEAST favorite moment, after 5 votes one gets voted off until only one remains.

[1] Harbingers in the Fountain

<Brennan returns to her office, drops her suitcase off by her desk and goes to sit on her couch. Instead she sits on Booth.>
Brennan: Whoa! Oh! Booth!
Booth: Bones!
Both: Hey! <They hug>
Booth: Hi! <They pull away from the hug> Look at that, I’m reinstated on the day that you come home. That’s the weirdest coinkidink ever.
Brennan: No, it’s not even the weirdest coinkidink today. But if you were reinstated today why are you dressed like a furniture mover?
Booth: Well Sweets he just um cleared me so I came straight over to tell ya.
Brennan: What took you so long to recover?
Booth: Oh, um, don’t worry, nothing wrong with me. I’m 110%.
Brennan: Well, you know there’s nothing more than 100%, right?


<Brennan is stabbed in the arm by the doctor. Booth breaks the door down and shoots the doctor in the chest.>
Booth: <holding her arm in both hands> Bones, you all right? You ok?
Brennan: Yeah, I’m all right, I’m okay.
Booth: Bones, your arm. Look.
Brennan: Oh god.
Booth: No, don’t pull it out. Don’t touch that! <Brennan pulls it out of her arm> Bones… Easy, I gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. It’s gonna be all right, alright? Alright.
Brennan: Thank you.
Booth: <rests his chin on her head> Easy. Ambulance is on the way, ok?
Brennan: Ok. Keep the pressure on it.
Booth: Ok, I got it. I got it. Just relax. Just trust me, alright? I’ll take care of you. Shhh. I’ve got you. Breathe. I’ll take care of you. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. I got you. <Booth kisses Brennan’s head> I’ve got you, baby.

Booth: This is usually when we go and drink.
Avalon: You two are going to keep doing things as usual.
Booth: Sometimes you gotta settle for second best.
<Avalon gives the two of them a look. Brennan looks a bit confused.>
Avalon: By the way, my cards tell me this all works out eventually. <She leaves>
Booth: Oh. <in disbelief> Really?
Brennan: What all works out eventually?<Booth just stares at her.> What?
<Booth walks into his office, Brennan follows him> What all works out eventually?

[4] The Bond in the Boot

<Cut to: Booth’s apartment. Booth and Brennan are seen huddle on the kitchen sink>
Booth: For the next step, you need to attach the elbow using a PVC cement there. <Brennan tries to fix the pipes> Stick that little fuzzy ball in there and swish it around. Got it?
Brennan: <applying PVC on the pipe> It stinks.
Booth: Yeah. Well you smell dead bodies and this stinks? Okay.
Brennan: There’s a beautiful logic to this. It’s like reconstructing the circulatory system. The water is the blood. The pipes are the veins.
Booth: Right right. So what you need to do is apply some pressure and hold it there for a minute <places his hand over hers to hold the pipe in place; both of them looked at each other> Right. You know, just making sure that it’s in place. Student-teacher, student-teacher. <Brennan laughs; followed by Booth laughing along> You know, Bones, I'm.. I'm glad that, uh, we don't have any secrets between each other.
Brennan: Yeah, I like that.
Booth: I mean if we have something on our mind we just, we just share it.
Brennan: Sure. <Pauses> Even with all of the financial and intellectual contradictions I, still feel close to you.
Booth: Right, because you know, none of that really matters anyway.
Brennan: Sometimes looking at it through your eyes, I believe that.
<They both look into each other eyes for a while before Booth speaks again>
Booth: Alright, pipe seems tight and secure. <removes his hand from the pipe> Hold on there, let me just open up the water <reaches for the taphead and turns it on> There. You can take your hands off now, Bones.
Brennan: <hesitating> You sure?
Booth: Bones- <Brennan lets go her hand quickly> Look at that, huh. Nice and secure.
Brennan: No drip
Booth: No drip. <Brennan chuckles> You’re a …you’re a good student.
Brennan: Oh. Only as good as my teacher <smiles>
<Pipe suddenly bursts out with water>
Brennan: Ahhh! <covers herself from the water> Turn it off!
Booth: <covering his eyes from the water> Huh? Ahhhh. Ahahahah!
Brennan: <already out from under the sink> My watch is ruined!
Booth: What do you mean your watch is ruined? It’s a Rolex!

Brennan: Hey, you're wearing your belt buckle again. Cocky.
Booth: Yeah. Ever since the whole coma thing, I just kept staring at it, thinking to myself, "Why would I wear something like this?"
Brennan: 'Cause you love it. You always have.
Booth: Yeah, that's what I landed on, Bones.secrets between each other.
Brennan: Well, I'm glad you did. I like it. It's... it's Boothy.
Booth: Boothy?

[6] The Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Booth: It takes a village, Bones.
Brennan: Uh, I, I beg your pardon?
Booth: A village to raise a kid properly. You know, it takes a village.
Brennan: But metaphorically; it doesn't mean we all must grow up in hamlets of 800 people or less.
Booth: Thanks, um... Will you be my village?
Brennan: Huh?
Booth: I-I need Parker to know that I lead a full and rewarding life.
Brennan: But you don't.
Booth: What? Yes, I do.
Brennan: No, you don't. You work too much, you don't socialize, all of which prevents you from having a full sex life.
Booth: Okay, please, let's just take a hint from, you know, the suburbs and just make it look good.
Brennan: You want to know if I'll help you fool your son into thinking your life is gratifying?
Booth: Yeah. Will you do it?
Brennan: Well, uh how?
Booth: Come to dinner with us. Have fun. Laugh at my jokes.
Brennan: That might actually turn out to be fun, thus becoming a self-fulfilling desire.
Booth: Right. So, you'll do it?
[B]Brennan: Yes, I will be your hamlet of 800 people or less.
Booth: My village.
Brennan: I was being amusing. You should laugh at my jokes, too.
Booth: I'm laughing on the inside.


Booth: So, the whole reason you wanted me to get a girlfriend was so that you could have a pool?
Parker: Mm-hmm. Why else would I care?
Brennan: There is a pool in my building... <She starts removing a key from her key chain> …that the two of you can use as my guests anytime. <She places the key on the table. Booth takes it>
Parker: Awesome. That's awesome, right, Dad?
Brennan: No, not awesome. Simple Socratic method of solving a problem.
Booth: Nope. Mm-mm, Parker is right. You're awesome, Bones.
Brennan: Yeah. I'm awesome. <Parker nods> Cheers. <Brennan raises her glass and Parker clinks his own against hers.>

[8] A Night at the Bones Museum

Booth: Stop right there. You said you weren't going to talk about me, and you talked about me.
Brennan: But I - I didn't mean to talk about you. I told him I didn't want to but, you know, I like that story and I guess it just popped out.
Booth: Popped out? I don't need Hacker knowing about my mother's meatloaf.
Brennan: Why are you so upset?
Booth: Because... what goes on between us is ours.
Brennan: Come on, Booth, you must've told a lot of people the meatloaf story, right?
<Booth just stares at her and she realizes that this is something that he's only shared with her.>


Booth: What are you talking about, Bones? You're great at these things. Listen, you changed history. How many people can say that?
Brennan: You can. Every arrest you make changes history. You make the world safer.
Booth: With your help. So, Andrew...I thought you were going to take him to this thing. That's what he told me.
Brennan: I was, yes, and I - this was our case and I guess...what goes on between us, that should just be ours. Isn't that what you said?
Booth: Yeah.
<They get closer and then there's a moment where you think that the two of them are finally going to kiss when they hear the murmurings of Angela, Hodgins, Cam, Sweets & Daisy - who then appear at the top of the staircase.>
Angela: Come on, you two. The Ambassador is about to speak.
<The rest of the group heads back up the stair, leaving Booth & Brennan alone again. They have another moment - she adjusts his tie and he pushes a strand of hair behind her shoulder.>
Booth: Thanks.
<They turn and walk back up the stairs to go to the party, together.>

[10] A Tough Man in the Tender Chicken

Booth: Listen Bones, I would do anything for you. I would die for you, I would kill for you. But I am not getting in between two best friends.

[11] The Dwarf in the Dirt

Gordon Wyatt: Temperance Brennan. You’re in love with her. <Booth looks up in surprise.> You’re building a world around her, a family.
Booth: <He pauses, looking torn.> We’re not compatible. She sees the world one way, I see it the other way.
Gordon Wyatt: No of course, it’s absolutely ludicrous the idea of you together, but the heart chooses what it chooses, doesn’t it? We don’t really have any say in the matter.
Booth: <insistently> She doesn’t love me. I would know if she loved me.
Gordon Wyatt: May I counsel patience on this front. Hope and patience.
Booth: <He smiles slightly.> Right so, about my marksmanship certification – any advice?
Gordon Wyatt: Grow a set! Be a man, step up! She’s your partner, for heaven’s sake. The job you do together is highly dangerous, she counts on you for protection. So you’d damn well better protect her!
Booth: So that’s your big psychiatric advice, just “grow a set”?
Gordon Wyatt: Indeed. When it comes to a man and his gun, a woman is the natural cure. Take Dr Brennan to this um, this shooting event of yours. <Brennan enters> You won’t fail in front of her, trust me. Dr Brennan!
Brennan: Hello.
Gordon Wyatt: Please, take a seat.
Brennan: Oh, well, why can’t we sit out in the restaurant?
Booth: Oh no, Bones, this is a great honor to sit at the chef’s table. Huge.
Brennan: But it’s in the kitchen, it’s hot and noisy.
Booth: It’s a thing, alright, we just go with it. <Gordon Wyatt looks at him and indicates that he should ask that favor. Booth becomes nervous.> So! Bones um, would you do me a favor?
Brennan: Yes, as long as it does not involve me shaving my head.
Booth: <laughs after a moment> You are making a joke.
Brennan: I’m becoming quite amusing.
Booth: You are, it’s very funny. Honestly, will you do me a favor?
Brennan: Yes, as long as I don’t have to shave my head.
Booth: <snorts> Little advice on the humor; once the joke happens, don’t dog pile on it, just let it go.

[12] The Foot in the Foreclosure

Booth: I like that thing around your neck.
Brennan: What?
Booth: That thing that you're wearing around your neck. It looks really good.
Brennan: <touching the necklace> Oh. You've seen it before.
Booth: I don't think so.
Brennan: Well...thanks.
Booth: Sure.

[13] The Goop on the Girl

Brennan: No, but Cam is in touch with the hospital. <Setting last particles into a dish> Okay. I have to remove your clothing now.
<Brennan reaches to the front of Booth’s jacket and begins to remove it.>
Booth: <surprised> What? Why?
Brennan: Well, there may be particulates.
Booth: Particulates.
Brennan: Evidence for Hodgins, and flesh for Cam.
<Brennan sets his jacket aside and walks to stand in front of Booth.>
Booth: You know, the bomber said something about answering "the call." What do you think that means?
Brennan: <loosening his tie. Booth sits up straighter and looks uncomfortable> Many terrorists feel they're acting upon divine instruction.
Booth: I don't think he was a terrorist; I just think he was a bank robber.
Brennan: <lifting Booth’s tie over his head> There's spatter on the back of your collar.
Booth: Spatter?
Brennan: <unbuttoning his shirt> Okay.
Booth: I can take my own shirt off... <He lifts his hands to help and Brennan swats them away.>
Brennan: No, don't. You'll compromise the evidence.
Booth: Right.
Brennan: <uncertainly, continuing to unbutton Booth’s shirt> I'm... having Christmas dinner at my place this year with my dad. Considering you've been shunted aside by your own family, I'd... like to invite you.
Booth: That's a sweet invitation.
Brennan: <sliding shirt off his shoulders and moving behind him> So, will you come?
Booth: I... don't know. I was thinking about going up to Quebec to see Parker. I really don't care what Rebecca thinks.
Brennan: Well, if you do that, won't she retaliate by insisting upon coming to all your special times with Parker?
Booth: Yeah.
Brennan: You have a perfect acromion. <Booth looks pleased> Stand up.
Booth: Okay.
Brennan: Off the table. <Brennan kneels in front of Booth and reaches for his belt.>
Booth: Whoa. What... what, is there stuff on my pants?
Brennan: Yeah. Vascular tissue on your Cocky belt buckle.
<Brennan loosens his belt and removes it.>
Booth: Oh, right. Slides right off, and, uh, we're done.
Brennan: No.
Booth: Huh?
Brennan: I have to remove your pants.
Booth: <as Brennan unbuttons his pants> All right, you know, I'm just gonna start reciting some saints, you know. <Quietly to himself as Brennan lowers his pants> St. Joseph, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John... <Brennan slides his pants down Booth's legs.>
<Suddenly the door opens and Brennan inhales quickly. Cam is standing in the doorway.>
Cam: Anyone for mistletoe?
Brennan: I-I'm recovering evidence.
Booth: Just evidence, that's all.
Cam: Interesting


Max: Tempe. This is your gathering. Wouldn't you like to say something?
Brennan: Oh, um...Thank you, everyone, for coming. Let's eat.
Max: No. I-I mean, would you like to say something about Christmas?
Brennan: Okay. Um, Christmas has its roots in the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which is traditionally celebrated by intoxication, naked singing and the consumption of human-shaped biscuits.
Booth: I think what Bones is trying to say here is that we're all just happy that we are all together.
Brennan: Well, we're all together every day.
Margaret: Not me. No, I'm not here every day.
Max: Well, it's a different kind of together.
Booth: To family... friends... lovers... family... and food.
Brennan: You said "family" twice. It's repetitious.
Booth: It's a good toast, though. Cheers. Okay?
Brennan: Cheers.
Everyone: Cheers, Merry Christmas.
Booth: All right.
Margaret: What do we do now?
Booth: Ah, let's say a prayer.
Brennan: No, no prayer, not in my place.
Booth: Bones, I always pray.
Brennan: Maybe just a moment of silence.
Booth: Hold hands. <Everyone holds hands> Silent Night <Brennan looks at Margaret and Booth then smiles and closes her eyes. Booth looks and Brennan at grins>

[15] The X in the File
Booth: Oh, you just said that aliens are nice.

Brennan: I did not.

Booth: You just basically said that aliens are nice anthropologists.

Brennan: I don’t think so.
Booth: You think the aliens are you.
Brennan: <laughs> You got me. You know, I’m one of them.

Booth: I knew it.

Brennan: I was sent down as an advance scout.
Booth: I knew it! No probing. No probing!
Brennan: Hey, probing is a valuable way to gather information.

Booth: We know how you people like to probe. Did you hear that?
Brennan: What was it?

[16] The Proof in the Pudding

Brennan: Hi, Booth.
Booth: Is that pudding?
Brennan: Yes. I adjusted the specific gravity with a thickening agent to assure the test's efficacy.
Booth: But pudding? <Brennan looks over at the pudding and her eyes light up> Whoa, something happened.
Brennan: Yes. One of these bones sank and the other one floated.
Booth: In the pudding?
Brennan: Yes. The heavy bone is healthy. The one that's still floating is riddled with osteomyelitis. President John F. Kennedy never had osteomyelitis.
Booth: <relieved> Come here <he pulls her in for a hug>
Brennan: Wow! <laughing> You really didn't want this to be JFK.
Booth: You know, you kept looking because of me. Thanks, Bones.


Booth: Shall we? <He holds out his arm to Brennan, she links arms with him>
Brennan: We shall.
Booth: You know, you must think I'm crazy for being so happy that it wasn't JFK.
Brennan: I'm very impressed. You wanted the truth, even if it was going to hurt you.
Booth: I learned that from you.
Brennan: Really?
Booth: Yeah. I mean, sometimes you have to go with your brain over your gut.
Brennan: That's nice. But I prefer that you always go with your brain over your gut because your gut cannot think.
Booth: Your brain can't digest a breakfast burrito. Just saying, to each their own.
Brennan: To each their own.
Booth: Yep

[18] The Dentist in the Ditch

Brennan: <standing> I'd like to make a toast.
Jared: What is this?
Booth: t's her new thing. She likes to make--... She's really good at making toasts, though. M-Maybe we should get some champagne, though.
Brennan: No, Jared is an alcoholic, Booth.
Jared: No secrets.
Brennan: When Booth and I first met, I didn't believe that such a thing as love existed. I maintained that it was simply brain chemistry. But, perhaps Booth is correct; perhaps love comes first, and then creates the reaction. I have no tangible proof, but...I'm willing to accept Booth's premise.
Booth: To love.
Jared: To love.
Padme: To love.
Brennan: To love.

Brennan: I need to ask you some things.
Booth: You gonna ask me about God and the Devil?
Brennan: Yes.
Booth: You’re going to ask me how God could place such a burden on good people.
Brennan: No, I’m going to ask you how you can still believe in a kind God after a case like this.
Booth: Was my faith shaken? Yeah. Mm-hmm. It is.
Brennan: It is?
Booth: Yeah. I’ll go home tonight and I’ll lie in bed, and I’ll toss, and I’ll turn, and I’ll beat myself up, and uh…I’ll question everything.
Brennan: Will you get your faith back?
Booth: Always have in the past.
Brennan: So you have faith that you will retain your faith. <Booth nods> Why?
Booth: Because, Bones, it’s…the sun will come up, and tomorrow’s a new day.
Brennan: <laughs> I know that feeling.
Booth: Really?
Brennan: Mm-hmm.
Booth: You know what it feels like to get your faith back?
Brennan: When I see effects and I am unable to discern the cause, my faith in reason and consequences is shaken.
Booth: And then what happens?
Brennan: Two plus two equals four. I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet. The sun comes up because the world turns. These things are beautiful to me. There are mysteries I will never understand, but everywhere I look, I see proof that for every effect there is a corresponding cause. Even if I can’t see it. I find that reassuring.
Booth: And life is good again.
Brennan: Life is very good.
Booth: Yes it is. <Both laugh.>

[20] The Bones on the Blue Line

Brennan: Soul mates.
Booth: Soul mates. Yeah.
Brennan: The idea of soul mates actually originated with Plato.
Booth: Yeah, you mean the-the clay that kids play with.
Brennan: No, the...Oooh. <she laughs>
Booth: What?
Brennan: You're joking.
Booth: Me, joke? No.
Brennan: No, the ancient Greek philosopher. His theory was that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs and two faces. Zeus was threatened by their power and split them all in half, condemning us all to spend our lives trying to complete ourselves.
Booth: I don't believe that's true.
Brennan: I agree. It's ridiculous.
Booth: Right? Four arms. Four heads.
Brennan: Two faces.
Booth: Come on.

[21] The Parts in the Sum of the Whole

Brennan: .works quickly but the bone itself, is cooked; transforming the marrow. The first step is to use conventional surgical instruments being very careful that the scalpel, forceps never come in contact with the bone. Any questions?
Booth: <raising his hand> Yeah, I have a question. It seems to me if you, uh, remove the flesh aren't you, uh, destroying the evidence.
Brennan: On the contrary. I am revealing evidence. <the bell rings> Thank you. See you next week.
Booth: Ah, just, uh, one more thing. I mean, isn't all the good evidence in the flesh. You know, like, the poison and stab wounds and the bullets.
Brennan: All of the important indicators are written in the bone if you look carefully.
Booth: So that's your thing.
Brennan: Yes. I am the best in the world.
Booth: Oh. Okay. You're serious.


Booth: Hold on, hold on, listen. Hold that cab! Listen. I got something to confess.
Brennan: What? Is it the fact that you're a direct descendant of John Wilkes Booth? I already know that.
Booth: Wait...wait a second. How do you know that?
Brennan: From your bone structure.
Booth: Just keep that, um, under your hat. Okay? For now. Alright?
Brennan: Okay.
Booth: What I wanted to to confess was - see, I have a gambling problem but I'm dealing with it.
Brennan: Why did you feel you had to tell me that?
Booth: I don't know. I just feel like, um, this is going somewhere...
Brennan: Why did you feel this is going somewhere?
<She gets closer to him>
Booth: I just - I feel like I'm gonna kiss you..
<She closes the space between them and they start to kiss. With tongue contact>


Booth: I'm the gambler. I believe in giving this a chance. <He moves closer to her> Look, I wanna give this a shot.
Brennan: You mean us? <he nods> No. The FBI won't let us work together as a couple-
Booth: Don't do that. That is no reason why we can't...
<He cuts himself off and kisses her. She kisses him back and then places her hands on his chest and pushes him away.>
Brennan: No. No.
Booth: Why? Why?
Brennan: You-you thought you were protecting me, but you're the one who needs protecting.
Booth: Protecting from what?
Brennan: From me! I - <she starts to break down> I don't have your kind of open heart.
Booth: Just give it a chance..that's all I'm asking..
Brennan: No, you said it yourself; the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
Booth:Well, then let's go for a different outcome here, alright? Let's just - hear me out, alright? You know when you talk to older couples who, you know, have been in love for 30 or 40 or 50 years, alright, it's always the guy who says "I knew." I knew. Right from the beginning.
Brennan: Your evidence is anecdotal.
Booth: I'm that guy. Bones, I'm that guy. I know.
Brennan: I- I am not a gambler; I'm a scientist. I can't change. I don't know how. I don't know how. <and with that, she breaks Booth's - and her own - heart> Please don't look so sad.
Booth: Alright. Okay. <he sighs, and leans back against the wall> You're right. You're right.
Brennan: Can we still work together?
Booth: <after a slight pause> Yeah.
Brennan: Thank you.
Booth: But I gotta move on. I gotta find someone who's - who's gonna to love me in 30 years or 40 or 50.
Brennan: <softly> I know.
<Brennan wipes her eye and starts to walk away. Booth joins her. They bump shoulders and then she links her arm through his, puts his head on her shoulder and they walk off, together. Though they're not together, they'll still hold because they're the center.>

[24] The Death of the Queen Bee

Brennan: <stopping him> Oh! Can we dance? Booth?
Booth: What?
Brennan: It's Seal.
Booth: Well, it's a slow song.
Brennan: Oh, I'm sorry. Is that too difficult for you?
Booth: <hesitantly> Oh, I just don't want any misunderstandings, here, that's all, Bones. I mean, ya know, we, uh, opened a door that neither one of us wants to walk though.
Brennan: I know. I- I just was asking to dance. Because I remembered the song. I'm sorry.
Booth: Nah. You know what? Hey, it's just a dance. It's your reunion. Okay. Let's do it. Let's dance. Hey. Come on.
<Brennan moves towards him and wraps her hand around his neck, to get closer, but he pushes her away, placing his hands on her waist- leaving a huge space between them>Okay.
Brennan: Oh. <she laughs> Why are you so far away?
Booth: You know, just keeping room for the Holy Spirit. That's all. <he looks over towards Mr. Buxley.> Yow! <Brennan turns to look. Mr. Buxley is holding a sharp knife>
Brennan: Why are you all so suspicious of Mr. Buxley?
Booth: Why? Because, you know, he's psycho, he has access to the shop and he has a huge knife.
<Mr. Buxley is near a rope and takes the knife and cuts it. Stars come down from the ceiling and everyone applauds.> (
Booth: <looking at the stars> That is so cool. <he looks at Brennan> Bones, you're tearing up.
Brennan: This is the prom that I never got to go to.
<Booth smiles and moves towards Brennan, she moves in close and wraps her arms around his neck and places her head on his shoulder. At first, Booth is surprised but accepts the dance. They both seem apprehensive at first but after a few seconds, they both look content>

Brennan: I'm going to have coffee with Andrew.
Booth: Alright. Have a good time.
Brennan: Thank you.
Booth: I'm going to see someone too.
Brennan: Dr. Catherine Bryar.
Booth: The case is closed.
Brennan: She's very nice. The two of you seem compatible.
Booth: Maybe, we'll see.
Brennan: She's easily as pretty as I am. I mean, using me as a standard.
Booth: Bones, you are the standard.
Brennan: Andrew is not as handsome as you - using you as a standard. He is, however, taller. Catherine isn't as smart as I am.
Booth: I'm not as smart as Hacker.
Brennan: But you once said he was a doofus.
Booth: He is a doofus; a smart doofus.
Brennan: <heading into the elevator> Well, I hope you have a good time together.
Booth: Yeah, you too.
Brennan: Thanks.
[26] The Rocker in the Rinse Cycle

Booth: Ah, come on, Bones. Play along. <The musicians start to play the opening notes to "Hot Blooded" by Foreigner.> It's rock and roll fantasy camp. It's cool, right? You hear that? That is our song. Remember "Hot Blooded"?
Brennan: The last time we sang this song, Booth, someone tried to kill you.
Booth: Yeah, but it was fun up until the blast, right? Come on.
<Booth jumps on the stage and starts singing into the microphone>
Booth: <singing> I'm hot blooded, check it and see... <he notices Brennan strapping on a guitar> Wait a second. You play the guitar?
Brennan: Well, I play the akonting, the folk lute of the Jola tribe, but the guitar is not dissimilar.
<Brennan joins him on stage and starts to stum the guitar. They both start to sing.>
Both: <singing>Well, I'm Hot blooded. Check it and see. I've got a fever of a hundred and three. Come on, baby, you can do more than dance. I'm hot blooded, hot blooded!
<Brennan rocks on the guitar solo but receives a text message so she stops and checks her phone while Booth keeps rocking out>
Brennan: Oh. Cam got an I.D. the other blood found in the hotel room. Fred Keaton. He's also registered here as a camper.
Booth: Alright. <excited> One more verse.
<Brennan smiles and starts playing the guitar again, they start singing.>
Both: <singing> Well, I'm Hot blooded. Check it and see. I've got a fever of a hundred and three. Come on, baby, you can do more than dance. Hot blooded, hot blooded!
Booth: Woo!

Brennan: You're a very good singer.
Booth: Thank you, Bones. And you-you play the guitar in a very interesting fashion.
Brennan: I know. Does Catherine play?
Booth: I don't know. I've only been out with her twice, Bones.
Brennan: Last night, Andrew gave me a CD with music he likes.
Booth: Mix-tape, huh? Talk about a social contract.
Brennan: That's what I surmised. <she pauses> Our partnership is still important to me. You know that, right?
Booth: Sure. Yeah. Die for your, partner. That's the way I look at it.
<They both pause>
Brennan: I liked Andrew's taste in music except for a band called Led Zeppelin.
Booth: Except for a band called Led Zeppelin?
Brennan: <hesitantly> Yes.
Booth: What? You kidding me? Led Zeppelin is, like, the best rock and roll band ever. I mean, they had a reunion tour in '07 in London. I would have killed for those tickets.
Brennan: Really? My publisher offered me tickets, but when I heard "Zeppelin," I thought it was for some sort of air show.
Booth: Air show? You turned down what probably was the last concert that Zeppelin would ever play?
Brennan: Are you going to kill me?
Booth: You're unbelievable!
Brennan: Well, it's just a band, Booth.
Booth: It's not just a band, okay? This is Led Zeppelin. You know what? I am your partner. You offer your partner those kind of things.
Brennan: I didn't know that!
Booth: Offer your partner the tickets.

[28] The Witch in the Wardrobe

Brennan: What is that?
Booth: This was given to me by the witches. Look, it's you, Little Bones.
Brennan: No, it's not.
Booth: <laughing> Yes, it is, you see? The witch said that if I burned this in your presence, then the wish I make for you will come true. <He opens a lighter.>
Brennan: You think I care, but I don't. It's just superstition. And for superstition to work, the person has to believe that he or she is cursed or under a spell--watch you don't burn your fingers!
Booth: Want to know what I wished for?
Brennan: No, it doesn't matter. Completely irrelevant.
Booth: I wished... I wished that you could find happiness.
Brennan: I don't know what that means.
Booth: Happiness. Love, laughter, friendship, purpose... and a dance.
Brennan: Oh. Well, then thank you.
Booth: <triumphantly> Ah...
Brennan: Why is that funny?
Booth: 'Cause, you know, you wouldn't have thanked me if you didn't think that part of it was true.
Brennan: No, I was, I was thanking you for your kindness, not because I believed in the outcome.
Booth: Ah, I detected relief.
Brennan: No, no, you didn't.
Booth: Relief, that the mojo was good and not bad.
Brennan: Okay, now you're just mixing up belief systems.
Booth: Really? Okay, you want me to burn another one?
Brennan: No, smoke isn’t allowed--how many do you have?
Booth: I’ve got a lot.

[29] The Boy in the Answer

Booth: So the Gilroy kid? He was last seen at the Rockland Mall on June 23. I'm gonna check all Taffet's credit card records for that day too.
Brennan: Caroline said you can't give expert testimony if she's prosecuting your case.
Booth: I told Caroline to drop my charges too. I'm not gonna let you do this alone. She's gonna see the judge tomorrow morning at 10 and then we can dive in on all this.
Brennan: Thanks, Booth.
Booth: We're partners. That's what we do. Right?
Brennan: If Taffet is acquitted on this count, she can never be tried again. Maybe that's why she wanted us to find the boy.
Booth: Yeah, well she arrogant, like Sweets said. And she's misjudging you.
Brennan: I have nightmares, Booth. Hodgins is bleeding, you're drowning. I-I can't help anyone.
Booth: Alright, you know what? She's never gonna get the better of you, alright? Just know that. Alright? I promise. Okay?
<He hugs her - she hugs him back.


Brennan: I know. I have this sense that everything's changing, Booth.
Booth: Well, not everything. Look, we're still partners. Right? And-and Taffet. She's-she's put away. I mean, you're feeling good about that, right?
Brennan: You almost died, Booth. That can happen again. What if, next time, I can't get to you?
Booth: It's not going to happen again.
Brennan: I envy your ability to substitute optimism for reality.
Booth: You know what? Maybe you just need to take some time off. Go to a beach. Lay in the sun.
Brennan: I might need more than a little time.
Booth: Don't make any decisions about your future right now.
Brennan: I'm just saying...
Booth: You know when a dentist gives you anesthetic and tells you not to operate any heavy machinery or make any important decisions within 24 hours? Alright, this case was bigger than a root canal. Come on, let's just go back inside and have one more drink. Come on. Just one.
<He reaches for her hand but she pulls away and goes to hail a cab.>
Brennan: No. I'm tired, Booth. I-I-I'm going to go home.
Booth: Alright. Come on. Let's-we'll get you in the cab. <the cab pulls up> I know, it's-it's been a long, long day. Alright, get in there, alright? <she gets into the cab> Hey. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?
<She doesn't respond. He closes the door and watches as the taxi drives away. She turns around and looks at him. It's like deja vu. They're back at the beginning.>

Booth: So, Bones, here we are. What's all the mystery about?
Brennan: I've been offered the chance to head up the Maluku Island project.
Booth: Yeah, I heard. Daisy told Sweets and Sweets told me.
Brennan: Oh. I'd like to accept.
Booth: Hmmm. I thought you already had.
Brennan: We've been partners for five years, Booth. I wouldn't make a decision like this without talking to you.
Booth: Bones, look, you don't need my permission. Okay, it's-it's cool.
Brennan: You say that, but you won't look at me. You're the one who taught me the value of making eye contact. So, please...?
Booth: <He looks at her.> I'm sorry. I just... I don't do really good with change, I guess.
Brennan: Well, you're better than I am.
Booth: The pyramids are better at change than you are. <Off her look> It was a joke. Hey, I was being affectionate.
Brennan: Oh. <Laughs> Will you go back to the Army?
Booth: It's what's best for me right now.
Brennan: I'll only be gone for a year.
Booth: Me, too. Right. So, hey, what's a year?
Brennan: It's the time it takes the Earth to make a full revolution around the sun.
Booth: In the scheme of things. You know, the grand scheme. Just saying, a year is just, you know... it's not too bad.
Brennan: Right.
Booth: Right?
Brennan: We can come back, pick up where we left off. Nothing really has to change.
Booth: No, things have to change. You know what? Hey, I taught you about eye contact, you taught me about evolution. So... here's to change.
Brennan: <They touch their coffee cups together> To change.


Booth: Sorry. Couldn't get a pass. I had to sneak off the base to come say good-bye. Listen, Bones, you got to be really careful in that Indonesian jungle, okay?
Brennan: Booth, in a week, you're going to a war zone. Please don't be a hero. Please just... don't be you.
Booth: <He steps closer, then reaches out and clasps her hand> One year from today, we meet at the reflecting pool on the mall. Right by the...
Brennan: cart. I know. One year from today.
<They stare at each other for a moment, then Booth takes a step back and lets go of her hand. He turns and walks away. Brennan watches him go for second before she turns and walks the opposite direction herself. Booth stops and turns around and she glances back one more time, with tears in her eyes. Then Booth turns again and walks away, Brennan does the same.>
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Old 11-14-2010, 08:53 AM
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Ok, I vote #12.
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Old 11-14-2010, 08:58 AM
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Old 11-14-2010, 09:24 AM
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I vote for #12 as well.
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Old 11-14-2010, 09:26 AM
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Old 11-14-2010, 10:12 AM
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Old 11-14-2010, 11:14 AM
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