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Old 11-06-2015, 06:37 PM
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Reflections {Alex and Meredith}#27 Because from the beginning, they've understood each other's human complexities.

n u m b e r · 26

This thread is devoted to the friendship and potential for a romantic relationship of
Alex Karev & Meredith Grey
I’ve said before that Alex is Meredith’s mirror and I’m saying it again. He’s too screwed up to give Ava a reason to stay because he doesn’t think he’s good enough. And it’s no coincidence that this scene comes right before the MerDer scene where Derek is asking her, all pained and raw, to put him out of his misery and Meredith is WAY too screwed up to give him an answer. They’re damaged people, Alex and Meredith.
[writers blog]

their significant others said:
You know what, Meredith? Do whatever you want. Sleep with the guy for all I care. - Izzie

Who's next? Alex? 'Cause I hear he likes to sleep around. You two have that in common. - Derek

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m o m e n t s

{1.03: Winning a Battle, Losing the War}
Alex: God, I smell good! You know what, its the smell of an open heart surgery. It is awesome. It. Is. Awesome! You gotta smell me.
Meredith: I dont want to smell you.
Alex: [wraps arms around her] Oh, yes you do!
Meredith: [She grabs Alex and pushes him up against a locker] You've gotta to be kidding me! I've got more important things to deal with than you. Ive got roommates, boy problems and family problems... You wanna act like a little frat boy bitch, thats fine. You wanna take credit for your saves and everybody elses, thats fine too. Just stay out of my face! And for the record, you smell like crap!

{1.06: If Tomorrow Never Comes}
Meredith: Are you really as shallow and callous as you seem?
Alex: Wanna grab a drink and hear about my secret pain?
Meredith: Does that line ever work for you?
Alex: Sometimes.
Meredith: Oh. Must be because you look like that.
Alex: Like what? [She gives him a look and he laughs] So is that a yes?
Meredith: No. I cant, I'm seeing someone.
Alex: Look, if you don't wanna go out with me just say so, you don't need to lie.
Meredith: Okay - I don't want to go out with you... and I think I might be seeing someone.

{2.03: Make Me Lose Control}
Alex: Nah... I guess not. You could talk, you know, I mean, if you need to.
Meredith: I'm fine.
Alex: You said that word so many times today, it doesn't even sound like a word anymore. Just saying you can talk to me. Because, you know, even if I repeat every word you say, no one around here likes me, they just call me a liar and a moron.
Meredith: Izzie likes you. You're blushing.
Alex: Shut up. For what it's worth, I don't know how you're still on your feet. If I found out my mom might have cancer, I'd be under the bar right now.
Meredith: You want the ugly truth?
Alex: What, you have an ugly truth? I never would have picked you to have an ugly truth.
Meredith: I'm more afraid she doesnt have cancer.
Alex: You know, liver cancers' fast. Painful, but its fast and they give you morphine. They don't give you morphine for Alzheimers.

{2.06: Into You Like A Train}
Meredith: Addison yelling at you in front of a patient?
Alex: She didn't exactly yell. [Pause] Fine, she's Satans whore.
Meredith: Thank you. So, did you yell back?
Alex: No.
Meredith: Dude, you lost your mojo.

Meredith: I hope you find your mojo Alex, I find you disturbing without it.
Alex: Me too.

{2.09: Thanks for the Memories}
Alex: What are you doing here?
Meredith: Waiting for my patient to wake up.
Alex: Why aren’t you at the Thanksgiving?
Meredith: Why aren’t you at Thanksgiving?
Meredith: What?
Alex: I tell you something, you tell me something.
Meredith: Okay. I feel like one of those people whose so freaking miserable they can’t be around normal people. Like I’ll infect the happy people. Like I’m some miserable diseased dirty ex-mistress. Your turn.
Alex: I failed the medical boards. If I tell Izzie she’ll be nice about it and all supportive and optimistic. She might as well rip my nads off and turn them into earrings.
Meredith: Alex, you should go to Thanksgiving. I mean don’t tell her if you don’t want to, but you should go. Otherwise you’re just... me.
Alex: A miserable diseased dirty ex-mistress. It’s hot. [Meredith laughs] It’s really hot. I feel better already.
Meredith: [still smiling] See?
(Alex gives her a reassuring pat, ruffles her hair and stands up)
Alex: Happy Thanksgiving.

{2.12: Straight to the Heart}
Alex: Could you be any more patronizing? I didn't ask for your help.
Meredith: Enough with the ego, you big baby! I gave up a surgery for this! [she lies back down and goes back to old womans voice] Now like I said, it hurts here, and here and back here. Oh and this morning I noticed my poop was a funny grayish color.

Izzie: Why does everyone care what kinda time Alex is having?
Meredith: Because he's dirty Uncle Sal.
George: Sorry?
Cristina: Huh?
Meredith: He's dirty Uncle Sal. The one who embarrasses everyone at family reunions and the one who can't be left alone with the teenage girls but you invite him to the picnic anyway.

{2.19: What Have I Done To Deserve This?}
Alex: Alright, so you slept with O'Malley. Big deal. Get over it already.
Meredith: He told you?
Alex: What? No. I...I was just kidding! Well, it's not like I should be surprised.
Meredith: Why not?
Alex: Because when your life is sucky, you get drunk and sleep with inappropriate men. It's your thing. Whatever. I find it charming.
Meredith: Well, you sleep with inappropriate women when you're sober.
Alex: Hey! Izzie forgave me for that. Why are you trying to piss me off?
Meredith: You're trying to suggest that its okay for you to sleep with Olivia, but not okay for me to sleep with George.

{3.17: Some Kind of Miracle}
Alex: I dunno... its just... Meredith always makes me think screwed up people have a chance.

{3.18: Scars and Souvenirs}
Izzie: Alex is moving in?! To this house?!
Meredith: He's taking George's room.
Izzie: Why?
Derek: I was asleep just a minute ago.
Izzie: Ugh! And I was naked - in the bathroom - when Alex walked in. I'm lucky I didn't come out of the shower to see him peeing all over the seat.
Derek: And we're up. [Derek leaves]
Izzie: What's wrong with where he was living before?
Meredith: I don't know where he was living before.
Izzie: Probably a whorehouse. [Meredith laughs] I can't have him living in the room right next door. It's weird.
Meredith: People are what matters. Alex is one of our people. We can't just leave him out in the cold.

{3.20: Time After Time}
Alex: You may be confused, since you were basically raised by wolves, but this is what mothers do. They stop by, they stock the fridge... Hey dude, you think she might do our laundry?
Meredith: Hey! Get your own fake mom!

{3.24: Testing 1-2-3}
Meredith: Are you gonna give me an inspirational speech, too?
Alex: No. [He sits with her, in silence]

{4.07: Physical Attraction … Chemical Reaction}
Meredith: The Chief just saw me naked.
Alex: Huh, nice.
Lexie: Um, Alex, do you want to get a drink at Joe's?
Alex: Yeah, sure.
Meredith: Alex.
Lexie: There's no rule that says he can't have a drink with me.
Meredith: Actually, there is. I'm making one. No drinking with Alex, no sleeping with Alex.

Meredith: I don't care if you sleep with Lexie.
Alex: Oh, I just can't do it at my house.
Meredith: It's my house.
Alex: Oh, get over it.
Alex: It was a one time thing anyway.
Meredith: Alex.
Alex: What? Seriously, one time. What's the problem with you and your sister anyway?

Alex: I told her I couldn't see her anymore.
Meredith: You did?
Alex: Whatever. I don't need another chick with issues.
Meredith: Thank you.
{5.10: All By Myself}
[Alex panics when Izzie doesn't show for his surgery and asks Meredith to scrub in instead]
Alex: I'm freakin' out. I told her I love her. I told her I love her before a solo surgery. I can't believe that. Who does that? And now she's not gonna show up, and I'm freakin' out.
Meredith: Stop. Stop freaking out. If you screw this up and kill this guy, I'm gonna be pissed. Then I'll know I should've won it. You have to kick ass in there, Alex. You have no choice.

{5.16: An Honest Mistake}
Alex: Admit it. Her being around your guy bugs.
Meredith: Okay. It bugs a little.

{5.19: Elevator Love Letter}
Alex: I said go away.
Meredith: You left the door unlocked. Thats bold.
Alex: The Chief send you in here?
Meredith: Nope. I offered to come in. In case you needed to talk.
Alex: Hah, you think talking will help? You think a dixie cup full of my swimmers will make everything ok? Its crap. This is crap! You just cant go messing with peoples heads like that. Even if she freezes the embryos do you think, you think well get a chance to use them? You think shell still be here? You think she’ll survive all of this? You think... I think... She told me... she told me she was seeing a ghost okay. And I'm so used to all the crazy chicks in my life, that I didn't even... I'm a doctor. A Doctor! And I didn't even think to... and now she's... this is wrong. This isn't how its supposed to happen.
Meredith: I know.
Alex: Its crap!
Meredith: I know.
Alex: I hate this.
Meredith: I know.
Alex: This isn't... this isn't how we were supposed... this isn't how I wanted to do this. This isn't how Izzie and I were supposed to make a baby.

{5.22: What a Difference a Day Makes}
Meredith: Alex.
Alex: Bailey says Shepherd found another tumor, in Izzies brain. Did you hear?
Meredith: I heard.
Alex: I just...
Meredith: Alex.
Alex: He doesn't think hes gonna get it out this time. I think... [crying] I think she's gonna die on me. I think she's really gonna die... What are you doing here? Arent you supposed to be getting ready for a wedding?
Meredith: Well, thats what I came to talk to you about.

Meredith: [tears up] Okay, so whose the maid of honor? Me or Cristina?
Izzie: Cristina. Alex, he needs a best man... and he was asking for you.
Meredith: [laughs, trying to hold back the tears] Haha.

r e a s o n s
1) Because they both slept with inappropriate people, it's their thing.
2) Because she makes him think that screwed up people have a chance.
3) Because they are each other's reflection.
4) Because she tried to talk boy.
5) Because if she needs to talk, he'll listen.
6) Because she was the first to help him study for the boards.
7) Because they 'get' each other.
8) Because he confided in her about failing his boards.
9) Because she gave up a surgery to help him study.
10) Because she believes that he's different when you get to know him.
11) Because he asked if she needed anything.
12) Because she asked if he needed anything.
13) Because she lets him live in her house.
14) Because she asked if he was ok.
15) Because she made him blush.
16) Because he made her smile at/on Thanksgiving.
17) Because she likes him with his mojo.
18) Because he's one of her people.
19) Because he didn't give her an inspirational speech, he just sat beside her.
20) Because she knows he's not as shallow and callous as he seems.
21) Because he would tell her about his secret pain.
22) Because she cheers him up.
23) Because of the head-pat!
24) Because she gets him to go inside for Thanksgiving.
25) Because she wanted to help him out in the spirit of Christmas.
26) Because they don't judge each other.
27) Because she doesn't hate him.
28) Because when Meredith was holding the bomb, Alex said "should we call Meredith's family?"
29) Because she can talk you know, if she needs to.
30) Because he didn't think she'd have an ugly truth.
31) Because they can sit in total silence and still be comfortable.
32) Because they are soulmates, they just don't know it yet...
33) Because they bring out the good in each other.
34) Because they both had rough childhoods.
35) Because if Ellis hadn't gotten sick, Meredith would probably be Alex.
36) Because they are cut from the same cloth.
37) Because Alex picked Meredith, chose Meredith, what comes next?
38) Because she's like him.

p r e v i o u s t h r e a d s

f a n a r t

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Credit for the OP: Lilla and Jaje
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Old 11-06-2015, 08:10 PM
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Tftt and preach on your last post. It was perfection.

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Old 11-07-2015, 04:35 AM
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prefer another title but TFTNT btw...

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Old 11-07-2015, 09:31 AM
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TFTNT. I just read the discussion that started in the last topic and felt like saying a few things. I've been a Merlex fan for years, they were my brotp for 10 seasons (I even thought I was in this shippers list but for some reason I'm not ), so I'm definitely not a hater that came to this topic to cause trouble, though I've probably voiced my issues with this friendship in the past year a lot in this forum.

I'm an Alex fan, have been for years, that's why I'm probably biased but I thought maybe you guys would wanna hear an Alex (and Jolex, since Jolex fans were mentioned too) fan's thoughts on this.

The main argument "against" Meredith seems to be she isn't there enough for Alex - and it was even mentioned she doesn't want to be there for him. And yet, this is not something that Alex himself is struggling with. We haven't seen him wishing Meredith could offer him support while she doesn't show up ... him being frustrated because he wishes she could listen to his problems. This hasn't happened AT ALL.
And this is the main problem Alex fans are struggling with these days. Like you LG Stargirl mentioned in your post, Alex would've usually called Meredith out on her behavior. He used to have that edge to speak up and be brutally honest, but he hasn't done that at all in the past two seasons. Not only to Meredith, he doesn't seem to be doing that at all anymore. Let's look at the situation in episodes 11x01 - 11x20 when Derek was still alive (because after his death the situation changed massively of course). The entire season I, as an Alex fan, have waited for one scene where Alex would say "Mer, I'm sorry, but I can't listen to your marriage problems right now, I have more important stuff to do." Because to me, as a viewer, it looked like Meredith was complaining to Alex about her problems a lot (and at all hours ) and while Alex has always been a loyal friend, he's been one of the most impatient people on this show and at some point I was just expecting him to blow up and say that they have to tune this "person thing" down to a more moderate level. Which never happened.

I think my biggest issue with that was when in 11x15 Meredith had just taken over his patient without telling him, and even then he wouldn't say "what are you doing? Being your person is one thing but you can't steal my patients!", you know? In a typical Alex way. Instead he just said nothing and then blew up at Jo when she mentioned Meredith's streak because he was so worried that it would mess with her head. To me it felt like he was babying Meredith, and Meredith is God knows the last person who needs that. I have talked to several Alex fans, hardcore fans, and none of us can understand why he was acting like this. To us it just felt like the writers changed his personality in 11x01 and softened him up immensely, which turned him into the person who would just support everyone unconditionally without ever saying "what you're doing is wrong", which was one of the things we always admired most about Alex. That he wouldn't take anyone's bull**** and wouldn't pick sides, and that he still managed to be a great friend.

So I definitely agree with your post, Alex has never complained about anything regarding his situation with Meredith in the past two seasons. And that's exactly what bugs us fans so much, that the writers seem to be using him to prop other characters (not just Meredith and believe me, him being there for Meredith is something I prefer seeing over him giving Maggie a sappy pep talk just because she needed an ego boost) but that Alex doesn't even mind. That's what makes everything so frustrating. Because to me it shows that the writers don't have any other plans for him other than being everyone's support system. And for a character that has been neglected a lot in the past 10 seasons we fans just think that it's unfair to him, because he deserves to get his own stories and move forward in his career or personal life.

In fact, in both of the previous two episodes Alex has iNSISTED on supporting Mer even when she was telling him it wasn't necessary. Last night, he 100% sought her out to comfort her ... she seemed pretty content to be in the chapel "talking" to Derek before he came. At the dinner party, she even reminded Alex that Jo was waiting for him when he didn't want to leave her by herself and she told him she would be okay. Oops - there blows the theory that Meredith insists and demands he be her "person" at his own personal sacrifice. Make no mistake about it, Alex WANTS and CHOOSES to be there for her.
And you're absolutely right about that too. While last season it looked like Meredith was bugging him with her problems a lot (again I know, he never said that he didn't wanna hear about them) this season it's all Alex. I can't blame him and I definitely understand him, Meredith has been through a lot and now she lost her husband too. Alex was already worrying about her a lot last season, so seeing him be more supportive and worried now after Derek's death is something I was expecting and which makes sense to me. I think while a lot of Alex fans had issues with Meredith's behavior towards Alex last season, this season none of us could blame Meredith one bit. She's told him countless times that she's fine and she's trying to deal with her problems on her own.

The only issue I had at all with Merlex this season was Alex's beahvior in 12x05, because for me that was completely over the top. Not after he found out about Penny, but before. Because it looks like Alex is so fixated on Meredith's every look and move that he can't think about anything else anymore and tunes out everyone else, even his girlfriend, just because he sees that Meredith has a weird look on her face. It's admirable that he cares so much about her that he would realize something like that, but it also makes it look like again, providing support for Meredith is his only purpose in life. I think I would've understood his constant worry better if let's say the dinner had been hosted on the anniversary of Derek's death or another date where Meredith would've been very vulnerable and sensitive. Or if Derek's death was still very fresh, you know? But it's been 1.5 since his death and 6 months since Meredith returned to Seattle, so him hovering so much just because Meredith looked a little weird (I want to emphasize: BEFORE he found about Penny) made me cringe, because as an Alex fan I felt like that was pretty ooc.

Jolex/Jo fans have some issues with Meredith, but they're certainly understanding that Alex has some responsibility in his friendship with Meredith.
I also wanted to say something about this since I'm also a Jolex/Jo fan. Saying we have no issues with Meredith would be a lie, but this only happened because the writers created issues out of nowhere. To this day I don't get why all of a sudden they had to make Meredith dislike Jo and why Shonda can't just solve this situation already like she wanted to last season. Jolex also have no storylines because Alex is always needed for Meredith, but that's not Meredith's fault, it's the writers fault and I think Jolex fans have always acknowledged that fact.
But we Jolex fans have long realized that the real problem here is Alex and the (for us) ooc writing for him that makes him completely ignore his girlfriend in order to be a good friend. We certainly understand that Alex feels responsible for Meredith (in my case it's one of the few things about Alex that I still understand lately ) and I'm glad that Meredith fans see that we do. The writing for Alex is our main problem, because while it makes him look like a great friend it also makes him look like a crappy boyfriend and that pretty much diminishes everything about Jolex relationship that I have loved in seasons 9 and 10 (including the fact that Shonda had made Jo Alex's person before Cristina left and he became Meredith's). And to me that just sucks a lot because IMO not only made a one-eighty when it comes to his personality but he also did it with Jo. Which does arise doubts in me about a potential Alex/Meredith pairing that I had pretty much ruled out after Shonda emphasized their brother/sister relationship.

Today I watched the chapel scene with Alex and Meredith for the first time and I loved the scene. To me it was great, without Alex being too over the top protective or sweet, just being there for Meredith. It maybe sucked a little that it was his only scene in the episode, but I liked that Alex seemed to be acting like Alex to me.

So of course I'd like to see a scene where maybe Alex has problems and Meredith is there for him, just to see a little more of the other side of the Merlex friendship again, but I think my (and other Alex fans') main problem isn't Meredith or how she treats Alex, but how the writers treat Alex and how they've been writing him for the past two seasons. We feel like they've reduced him to be the sweet, supportive friend while being a careless boyfriend, and sadly I for example don't see a lot of his old character traits that I've always loved so much anymore. That, and the fact that he doesn't get storylines anymore. It's very painful for me to watch him like this (I hope me saying that doesn't make me sound like a crazy fan who is too invested, because I think to some extent we all are. ), but sadly I don't know why Shonda is writing him like that. At first I admittedly blamed the fact that he had become Meredith's person for it, but I think Shonda could've just easily kept his old personality to make him a good person for Meredith. So again, I'm not blaming Meredith, I'm blaming the writers.

That's all I wanted to say. I'm not a native English speaker which sometimes makes it a bit hard for me to express exactly what I wanted to say (I do a lot better job in my native language) which is the reason I don't engage in discussions much and rather stick with the Jolex thread. I hope I didn't come off as rude or offensive. Maybe I also don't fully understand some things, like Meredith's behavior at times, because I've pretty much mainly focused on Alex while watching Grey's for the past 11 seasons, but that's maybe where you Meredith fans can enlighten me.

I also realized now that most of my post is based on the theory that Alex Karev is acting out of character since 11x01. I guess someone who doesn't agree with that theory will probably not see where I'm coming from, which is okay too. I just thought that since the person who started this discussion claimed to be neither an Alex nor a Meredith fan and that a lot of Meredith fans are posting here, I as an Alex fan would just talk about how I feel about this. Just so you have a different POV too that maybe helps you understand how Alex fans feel.
"Jo is the love of his life." - Justin Chambers

Last edited by xsweetgirlx91; 11-07-2015 at 09:44 AM
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Old 11-07-2015, 09:49 AM
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Last edited by darkxtwisty; 11-07-2015 at 10:25 AM
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Old 11-07-2015, 09:54 AM
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Well this is a forum that we're here to discuss fictional characters... for those who still care.

I love Mer/Alex friendship and I love Alex as a character on his own too. He was always my third fave character, now he's my second fave, now I lost my other fave character , and I agree they didn't give him any storyline on his own since s10, while the writers had no problem shoving Amelia and Maggie everywhere since last season, I guess that's what they do when they have someone new. Which sucks, cause the originals should always be treated the best.

The chapel scene last episode was so good and just so heartbreaking.

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Last edited by QueenMeredith; 11-07-2015 at 10:05 AM
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Old 11-07-2015, 10:07 AM
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Did I offend someone? My bad.
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Old 11-07-2015, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by darkxtwisty (View Post)
Long posts... Wish I had time to read them. But to each her own. I truly just don't care at this point, tbh. I just think the whole situation is sad, and I wish the show had ended back in S9, back when everyone could have had a happy ending. It's too late now, and they're going to milk it for as long as they're making money. The characters of Meredith and Alex aren't who we <or I, at least> fell in love with. Period. I don't recognize this Meredith and Alex. S11+ is a different show with the same title. I'll be honest, I don't analyze why the characters do what they do anymore like I used to, because, frankly, it makes my head spin when I try to. I'm not even sure if Shonda knows why they're doing what they're doing anymore. I don't think it matters much to her or the writers. They're just trying to create drama... and bad drama, at that.
Sorry for my post being so long, it was more so people would get an impression on how an Alex fan feels about all of this and it became a little lenghty. Read it or skip it but your reply to that post is pretty much my post in short. You've expressed how I feel shortly and precisely. Trying to analyze the characters gives me a headache too because like you said, I can't recognize them anymore and their actions make little to no sense to me. Not understanding your favorite character anymore is very frustrating but I'm at that point with Alex right now and I certainly can understand that you as a Meredith fan feel the same.
"Jo is the love of his life." - Justin Chambers
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Old 11-07-2015, 10:26 AM
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lOVE THE LAST SCENE AT THE CHAPEL SO GOOD! it was like old time and no forced.

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Old 11-07-2015, 10:29 AM
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I wasn't really talking about your post. I was talking about the posts left in the other thread. It's okay. I understand some are still so passionate about these characters, and I was too. I just see them differently now... It's hard to analyze the show's version of them. That's why I write fanfic, though, to try to make sense of what doesn't make sense... But seasons 11 and 12 are such a mess it's difficult to even begin. And it all feels contrived.
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Old 11-07-2015, 10:32 AM
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have some fire, be unstoppable. lots of gifsets of it on tumblr

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Old 11-07-2015, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by TheShepherds (View Post)
have some fire, be unstoppable. lots of gifsets of it on tumblr
Great! thank for the link

Elodie"Aujourd'hui il va pleuvoir,mais demain le soleil brillera..."
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Old 11-07-2015, 10:39 AM
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Thank you for your post xsweetgirlx91. Never apologize about the length, you can say what you want. You bring up a lot of interesting points and I wish I had time to reply to some of them but I'm headed out the door. Maybe later.

Originally Posted by xsweetgirlx91 (View Post)
Not understanding your favorite character anymore is very frustrating but I'm at that point with Alex right now and I certainly can understand that you as a Meredith fan feel the same.
Just to clarify, Meredith is not darkxtwisty's favorite character. Derek is darkxtwisty's favorite character. She's not going to see this situation as a Meredith fan would.
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Old 11-07-2015, 11:11 AM
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Meredith AND Derek were my favorite characters for ten seasons. I also liked Alex and Meredith's friendship more than Meredith and Cristina. Season 11 changed my perspective on a lot of things. I related to Meredith more than any other character, but that doesn't mean I justify her actions at all times.

I don't understand why you always make this personal, Michelle. You're always attacking someone in your posts because they don't defend Meredith 100% of the time.
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Old 11-07-2015, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by darkxtwisty (View Post)
I don't understand why you always make this personal, Michelle. You're always attacking someone in your posts because they don't defend Meredith 100% of the time.
You were not attacked in any way, shape, or form. Read it again. Try again. You have have completely said repeatedly Derek is your favorite character and have listed the multitude of grievances you have with Meredith ... that's exactly where my statement comes from, your own words. Did I say at all you're not allowed to have Derek as your favorite character? Is it not true you would see things differently than someone who has Meredith as their favorite character?

There was zero malice in my post. You made it personal and attacked me.
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