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Old 01-31-2014, 01:28 PM
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AppleJacks ||Her Jackson ♥ His April|| #93: Because we know there is NO WAY he will take it back!

- Welcome to the 93rd-

"They have a really interesting relationship so far in that it really started from a place of deep friendship."
- Sarah Drew
"Not only did we arrive together with a history at Mercy West before we got here,
but it's been established over the course of three-and-a-half years that they actually are friends, have been friends, have this sense of trust for each other."
- Jesse Williams

1. Anjelia
2. BrightTerri
3. Lempicka
4. PaceNJoForever
5. Hannahfan
6. Wowwowgabbzy
7. Xlennie
8. Rockin Robyn
9. Nellygrl
10. Emfinn
11. Xabiyoko
12. Hoopyfrood
13. DiBye23
14. SaarSuliet
15. Hanaish
16. Aguadosor
17. Let The Ball Drop
18. B.Chambers
19. CrimsonDawn87
20. Tyla4me
21. Aguadosor
22. Livexitxupx18
23. Miss Rose
24. Myr
25. Licia
26. Hlgreenie
27. Sparkleyღ
28. Christian'sKimberDoll
29. Herbokolog001
30. Whootwhooo
31. Karevluvsstevens85
32. Raphi1860
33. Kayleer90
34. Find something real
35. Swaythoo
36. Atinyinfinity
37. Eis4_erika
38. frenchgleek
40. BluePenguin
41. Karma Police
42. conn8d
43. Nikki K
44. emily898emily
45. valeria_11
46. bubblie1987
47. grey'sfan93
48. Chasity05
49. moonorchid84
50. Michele22
51. Free Bird
52. GBabe242
53. Giuly
54. ja366
55. tamiasangel
56. Jules166
57. Simply Because
58. jamiedianne
59. Freshgirlly908
60. hannahfran
61. applesab
62. posterity
63. InLuvWivLuv
64. DRA girl
65. Rine
66. novastarrs
67. sillycilla
68. Forget-me-not
69. Mrs. JW
70. Mari Boreanaz
71. marymr22
72. nicensweet28
73. the diem
74. Elena90
75. LayZ Greys
76. gwennylou
77. rialovespecan
78. curlz82
79. glittertears
80. -Feefs-
81. Ford_Frontier
82. Jindy Wahr
83. lalalaland
84. Petrovafire
85. LeytonForEver!
86. Sundae
87. ElizaSparrow
88. severalmiles
89. Trystan1540
90. Jerrypie
91. favamelie
92. Mountain_Girl
93. Japril
94. JaSam4life
95. Greys0928
96. Dafi
97. JaprilOTP
98. Itsalwaysbeenyou
99. I LOVE Japril
100. ami_07
101. KrazedMocha
102. Sarita234
103. zoi13
104. greysromance
105. niux
106. NotAShipperButITotallyAm
107. Anabell4life
108. DJNS
109. falling slowly
110. AlwaysCB
111. japrilrebelfan17
112. Addiction
113. ma9392
114. gabs12
115. miki_cza
116. Jaapril
117. pink_duchess
118. maultsby627
119. Carmela_1986
120. Laughing

1. She makes him smile
2. He always protects her
3. He's her Jackman
4. "Me and You"
5. His Mama loves her
6. They are best friends who love each other
7. He's the only one that can handle her crazy
8. Somewhere along the way between the laughs, the tears, the smiles, they fell in love
9. He wants a wedding in the field with butterflies b/c that's her dream
10. She jumped the guy who punched him
11. She named her pig after him
12. She stayed a virgin for the man she's going to marry
13. They have mind blowing sex
14. No one's loved her until Jackson Avery
15. They look after each other
16. He sweetly kissed her goodnight even though she asked him to leave the first night
17. There is never enough Jackson Action
18. He won't let Alex call her weird anymore
19. She couldn't stop thinking about their time together
20.. Because if something feels this good, it can't be bad
21. They have a spark!
22. The next guy she sleeps with is suppose to be her husband.... and it was Jackson Avery
23. He has lots of feelings for Her.
24. She's willing to break her promise for him
25. Because it was never the last time
26. He didn't want to leave her
27. Because he wants to marry her
28. It's not just sex
29. They can't keep their eyes off each other
30. Because she listened to Mark Sloan
31. Because he is not going to pretend they didn't happen
32. He envisioned a life with her
33. He can't say No to her
34. Because he can't handle her naked shoulders
35. They can't keep their hands off each other
36. She misses him
37. Because he hurts when she hurts
38. He always has to comfort her
39. All she wants to do is kiss him
40. He still wants her in his life even though they are not together anymore
41. He broke the rules and risked his job for her
42. He can't see her w/ anyone else no matter how hard he tries to hide it
43. She wants romance and one day he'll give it to her
44. In a moment of desperation the only person she needs is Jackson
45. He would risk his career for her without a second thought
46. He would do anything for her
47. He knows what she's thinking
48. They will always be each other's Person
49. He'll break open a door for her
50. He knows her better than anyone else
51. She tells him everything
52. She's herself around him
53. They make each other laugh
54. He understands all "that"
55. It is too much...
56. He says "trust me" and she does
57. He knows when something is bothering her
58. He will follow her anywhere
59. He needs her to know that his current relationship isn't serious
60. Jackson is in April's heart ♥
61. He'll always be her shoulder to cry on
62. Because the universe is keep pulling them together
63. Their feelings for each other refuse to go away
64. Because Jackson likes the dessert
65. He will NEVER feel sorry for being with April
66. She wants HIM
67. She was going to run into an exploding bus for him
68. She only needs one reason
69. Even when she's physically hurting him he gets her
70. Jackson is her heart and her heart won out
71. When her world was falling apart it was Jackson's name she screamed out for
72. Because she makes him happy even if he does not want to admit it
73. Because he loves her
74. Because he interrupted her wedding to tell her
75. Because he listened to Mark
76. Because he burned his life to the ground for her
77. Because he loves everything about her
78. Because even the things he hates, he loves
79. Because he wants her with him
80. Because he wants her too

Mark Sloan

Cristina Yang

Miranda Bailey

"The simple act of being in love with you is enough for me..."
Pacey ♥ Joey
Icon by Christina

Last edited by Freshgirlly908; 01-31-2014 at 07:44 PM
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Old 01-31-2014, 01:33 PM
Master Fan

Freshgirlly908's Avatar
Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 17,868
Bar fights -
Fist fights -
San Francisco -
Men's Bathroom -
Desserts -
One Arm! -
The Cookie -
Mrs. Birkis -
Hallways -
Her Hands, His Face -
Speaking softly -
Lifting her up -
On-call rooms -
Carnival rides -
Fatal car crash -
The April face -
Lip biting -
Bus Explosions -
Curlers -
Farm Traditions -
Wedding Interruptions -
Wedding invite lists -
Spinning out -

[credit: BluePenguin]

[credit: jamiedianne]

(source: grace-park; april-kepner; emily898emily; BluePenguin, april-kepner)

- JS breaking up
✔ Stephanie finding out about them
- MA breaking up
- April and Matthew saying goodbye/Matthew leaving (for good!)
- Jackson and April's second first kiss
- Jackson declaration of commitment
✔ ILY speech from Jackson/Jackson taking Mark's advice
- ILY speech from April
- Jackson and April Babysitting Zola and/or Sophia
- Jackson and April's first real date
- Jackson staying the night with April
- Sexy elevator scene/elevator scene
- An awkward scene between April's dad and Jackson / Jackson meeting April’s parents
✔ Jackson meeting April's sisters
- Mama Avery finding out about Jackson/April
- Apple Jacks baby/ maybe twins
- A kissing in the rain scene
- A real proposal from Jackson
- A wedding in the field with butterflies
- A shower scene
- Jackson kissing April on the forehead
- Jackson finding out she named her pig after him
- April kissing Jackson on the cheek
- Waking up next to each other after spending the night
- Them both tell the other what made them kiss the other
- A cuddling/hugging scene
- Jackson showing April some "good, old-fashioned romance."
- Jackson and April discussing their Mercy West days
- A stairwell scene.
- Jackson smirking at one of April's neurotic ramblings and kissing her because she's so adorable that he can't help himself
- Jackson helping April study for her boards
✔ Jackson being there when she finds out she passes or being the first one she tells
- Jackson kisses April first
- Jackson asking April's dad for her hand in marriage
- Mama Avery warning Jackson not to break April's heart bc she's the kind of girl you marry and Jackson saying "I know"
- A scene where Jackson is all nervous and bumbling around April bc of what she does to him
- A scene where there is high tension between the two, April tries to storm past him, but he grabs her arm and he whips her back to him
- He kisses her to stop her from rambling on
- To see him give her some flowers
- A Bedroom scene where April gets dolled up in lingerie for him
- A Scene where Jackson's acts protective/possessive of April in Matt's presence
- A scene where Jackson's wipes away tears off April's face
- Jackson and April dancing.
- April buying the t-shirt for Jackson that say's World's Greatest Dad
- Jackson telling April she is beautiful
- April wearing one of Jackson's shirts
✔ Jackson interrupting April and Matthew's wedding
- April telling Jackson she loves him too
- Jackson and April talking or flashback about how they met
- Jackson and April talking about Charles and Reed
- Finally seeing Jackson's apartment
- Finally seeing April's apartment
- Jackson and April moving in together
- Jackson's dad coming back into the picture and April seeing a new side of Jackson
- Jackson calling April his soulmate
- Alex teasing both Jackson and April
- Jackson and April going for a walk and holding hands
- Lunch scenes like in season 8 alone or with the group
- Cristina teasing April
- More OR scenes
- Jackson and April holding hands
- Kiss at Joe's
- Finally Meeting at Joe's
- Jackson gets frustrated with his job/the board and April cheers him up/April is there for him
- A throwback/callback to their first kiss (maybe with their SFK)
- A throwback/callback to her not meeting him at Joe's
- Jackson telling April he'd follow her anywhere.
- A throwback/callback to April running towards Jackson and the explosion
- April telling Jackson that she never had sex with Matthew
- A "me and you" callback
- Jackson kissing April's neck
- Jackson's reaction to April all dressed up
- Jackson and April celebrating Christmas with their families
- Jackson taking care of April when she is sick/making soup for her and making her feel better
- SFT/sex in one of their own beds
- April going with Jackson to a Harper Avery Foundation event
- Jackson and April going to a wedding/event/party as a couple
"The simple act of being in love with you is enough for me..."
Pacey ♥ Joey
Icon by Christina
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Old 01-31-2014, 01:37 PM
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Posts: 17,868


Credit: Anna (BluePenguin)

When We Think Jackson And April Will Get Back Together

Episode 4 - Faith, Hannah, Chasity05
Episode 5 - Ashly, Jerrypie
Episode 6 - Sundae, Laura, applesab
Episode 7 - Michele, favamelie
Episode 12 - lalalaland, Effy, Carmela_1986, Mountain_Girl

Episode 13 - Shweta

He Loves Her Because…
Now that Jackson has told April he loves her, we are passing the time until she responds by thinking of reasons why he loves her. We'll keep adding to this list until the next episode and beyond. Then when April says it back, when April tells Jackson she loves him to, we'll post a list for her. Feel free to post your ideas for either list in the thread and they'll be add to this list or the April list to be added later.

- He loves her because she's the only one who loves him for him--not his last name.
- He loves her because she lets him know everything about her
- He loves her because she knows everything about him
- He loves her because her first time was with him
- He loves her because he’s the only man she's ever been with
- He loves her because they were best friends first
- He loves her because their history goes back to Mercy West
- He loves her because she's the only friend he has left
- He loves her because she's the one who makes him smile...
- He loves her because they have a spark
- He loves her because it was never going to be last time
- He loves her because as far as them sleeping together, he'll never be sorry about that
- He loves her because she is his best friend
- He loves her because they can do anything together
- He loves her because she's his person
- He loves her because she's worth burning his life to the ground for
- He loves her because they have a connection that will never go away
- He loves her because aside from his mom, she's the most important relationship in his life
- He loves her because she doesn't care that he's pretty
- He loves her because she's the only one who believes in him
- He loves her because she thinks he's miraculous
- He loves her because she's the one who makes him smile

Jackson and April Rewatch
With so much time to kill, many posters are going to rewatch through Jackson and April's story. Now that Jackson has professed his love for April and that he always has, it adds new meaning to many of our longtime favorite moments. Some are going to watch the whole way through and some just the episodes with the bigger moments. Feel free to get involved in anyway you like or have time for. Starting with the 86th thread we'll included this list of episodes and the moments that make these episodes count in the opening to help everyone follow along.

1. 6x20 – Jackson Teasing April

2. 6x22 – Party At Meredith’s House/April Whacks Jackson

3. 7x01 – Gurney scene 7x01 - When will they stop staring? - April Just ignore them - Jackson (Resident's lounge)

4. 7x02 - Tiny moment where he grabs her hand and pulls her out of the residents lounge

5. 7x05 - Jackson and April tease each other when they get the navy scrubs

6. 7x07 – This Is Why You Have One Friend

7. 7x08 – Jackson punches out Alex

8. 7x12 – Head Slap

9. 7x22 – Jackson Congratulates April On Getting Chief Resident

10. 8x02 - Jackson comforts April, tells her she won't be fired
8x02 - April acknowledges Jackson being the Gunther, he teases her about it

11. 8x03 - April sells Jackson out to the group, "What does between me and you mean?"

12. 8x04 - Jackson inadvertently tells April he has erectile dysfunction.

13. 8x05 – We’re Friends On Facebook

14. 8x06 - April makes the speech about "flirting with boys" to Lexie, Alex, and Jackson. Jackson smiles to himself

15. 8x08 - Jackson consults April about Lexie's reaction to Julia at the game. A tells J to suck it up

16. 8x10 – Gallery Scene

17. 8x12 – Looking For Apartments
8x12 – Party Scene/We Couldn’t Afford The Nice Apartment Just The Two Of Us?

18. 8x15 - Jackson and April study for their boards

19. 8x16 - Mark Sloan's "Sexual Encouragement"

20. 8x17 – Stop Facebooking My Mom

21. 8x20 - Jackson knocks Alex when he says that "it makes one of them" that likes April and says that she doesn't have to not be herself, just "be a little less you".
8x20 - April scoffs at Jackson's "I'm an Avery: we know these things"

22. 8x21 – Knee Rub
8x21 – Bar Scene
8x21 – Hallway
8x21 – First time

23. 8x22 – Waiting For Boards
8x22 – Men’s Room

24. 8x23 – Bar Scene

25. 8x24 – I’m Sick To Leave Here…To Leave You

26. 9x02 – Wait For Me At Joe’s

27. 9x03 – April?
9x03 – Lounge Scene/I’m Revirginizing
9x03 – Filing Cabinet/I’m Not Going To Pretend It Didn’t Happen

28. 9x04 – The Last Time
9x04– The Last Last Time/And We’re Done Here
9x04 – You’re Mom Keeps Asking Me Why I Look So Tired
9x04 – Wanna Go Have Sex

29. 9x06 – A Fatal Car Crash
9x06 – Delicious
9x06 – Feelings

30. 9x07 – April Tells Jackson
9x07 – Jackson Proposes
9x07 – They Break Up

31. 9x09 – Setting Each Other Up
9x09 – Glances

32. 9x11 – I Miss You/I Want To Kiss You

33. 9x14 – Phone call

34. 9x15 – Mrs Birkus
9x15 – Trust Me

35. 9x19 – April and Jackson Treating Their Patient/Their Patient Dies
9x19 – Jackson Comforts April

36. 9x21 – April Blames Jackson
9x21 – I’m Never Gonna Be Sorry

37. 9x22 – The OR
9x22 – April Asks Jackson To Get A Drink

38. 9x23 – I Don’t Want You To Fight For Me
9x23 – The Look

39. 9x24 – The Explosion
9x24 – You Could Have Died
9x24 – I Want You

40. 10x01 – Unless I’m Not

41. 10x02 – This Is What It’s Supposed To Look Like

42. 10x03 – Congratulations/April Finds Out She Passed

43. 10x07 – You Being An Ass Help Me Get My Act Together

44. 10x10 – Why Should I Be There?/Because Of Me

45. 10x11 – Jackson Meets April’s Sisters
10x11 – Don’t Call Me Ducky

46. 10x12 – Hunting Bridesmaids/I’ll Be There
10x12 – I Love You April

Future Thread Titles
This list is not set in stone and the order is subject to change. Please post any suggestions in the thread and they'll be added to the list.

And I need you now tonight, and I need you more than ever -

op credit:
Miss Rose

Note: Feel free to make additions to the OP, Wish List, or Title List by posting on the thread or sending a PM to the thread opener
"The simple act of being in love with you is enough for me..."
Pacey ♥ Joey
Icon by Christina
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Old 01-31-2014, 01:55 PM
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Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 17,868
#25 - 3
#27 - 2
#32 - 1

#25 is out!

Jackson and April Quote Survivor

Round 24

Vote for your least favourite quote.
You can vote once every round.
A quote will be eliminated when it has four votes or after a few days

1. Eliminated Round 1
8x05 Love, Loss, and Legacy

2. Eliminated Round 2
8x10 Suddenly

3. Eliminated Round 15
8x12 Hope for the Hopeless

4. Eliminated Round 3
8x15 Have You Seen Me Lately?

5. Eliminated Round 5
8x16 If Only You Were Lonely

6. Eliminated Round 9
8x17 One Step Too Far

7. April: We're falling apart. Meredith's sick and Alex... What the hell was he thinking?
Jackson: See, you gotta put all that out of your head, okay? Concentrate on your own game.
April (exhales): I'm a solider.
Jackson: What?
April: Nothing. Hey, but we're still standing, right?
Jackson: Hell yeah we are. Me and you.
April: Me and you.
8x21 Moment of Truth

8. April (laughing): Oh my, God. That was amazing.
Jackson: You just punched a guy.
April: I punched a guy.
Jackson: You were freakin' crazy in there.
April: Jackson, we are gonna do this. I- I- I can feel it. This is our last night as residents.
Jackson: Let's hope.
April: No, stop that! You just stop doubting yourself. We freakin' kicked that guy's ass in there. We are going to kick this test's ass.
Jackson: How come you're so confident all of a sudden?
April: I'm a solider.
Jackson: Yeah, I still don't know what that means, but--- (April kisses him) Mm. April.
April: Should I not have done that? (kisses him again) If you want me to stop, just say so. And I'll stop.
Jackson: I just-- You're... The way you're kissing me right now, you just-- (whispering)You're a virgin. You're a virgin.
April: Yes, because my whole life, since I was a kid, I had this idea of how my life was supposed to be, these rules that I was supposed to follow, but I'm not a kid. I'm not the same person I was when I started my residency. I just punched a guy. And it felt really good. And if something feels really, really good. It can't be bad, right?
Jackson: I, uh...
April: Jackson, hey. It's okay. Really. It's okay. (they start making out and go inside April's room)
8x21 Moment of Truth

9. Jackson: You're right and I'm sorry. My mom is the examiner in the room right next to mine. It's throwing me. I know. It's-- It's I'm worried about my mom and what she's going to think if I fail. It's pathetic. Right?
April: No. God, no, Jackson. It's not pathetic. That's the most important relationship in your life. (sighs) The problem isn't that I broke my promise. That's not the problem. The problem is... The problem is...
Jackson: That it felt good.
April: It felt good.
Jackson: I shouldn't have taken advantage.
April (laughs): Taken advantage? What?
Jackson: Oh, we should-- We should go.
April: Taken advantage? I kissed you, remember?
Jackson: Yeah, but I kissed you back.
April: Yeah, and then I unbuttoned your shirt.
Jackson: Yeah, and then I... pulled up that skirt.
April: Yeah, but then I kissed your neck.
Jackson (locks bathroom door and walks over to her): Yeah, and then I took off your shirt.
April: And I... But then I unbuckled your belt.
Jackson: And then... I slipped my hand up your back.
April: And I wrapped my arms around your neck. (April does this, Jackson lifts her on the counter)
Jackson: And then I...
April: Then you... (they start making out)
8x22 Let The Good Times Roll

10. Eliminated Round 12
8x23 Migration

11. Jackson: I chose Tulane.
April: Good. That's good for you.
Jackson: Yeah. ... I feel sick, by the way. Sick to leave here, to leave you. But, uh, I'm glad-- I'm glad you're so friggin' happy about it.
April: I'm not. I'm not happy with any of it. I'm not happy that everything I thought I was turns out not to be true. Um, I'm not a board certified surgeon. I'm not a virgin. I'm not a good Christian. I don't know what I am, but I know I'm not happy. I loved having sex with you. You made me feel things... You changed me, Jackson. And I loved that. But I hate that I'm not a virgin for the man I'm gonna marry. (voice breaking) I'm not freakin' happy about that. And I'm really not happy that you feel bad about it, 'cause you're my best friend. But you know what? Torres is right. My problems will still be my problems tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. And in a few weeks, my best friend will be at Tulane, and I may never see him again, so... For one night, I'm just gonna forget all about that. And I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try to be happy. I'm happy tonight. I am gonna be happy, Jackson. 'Cause this is a happy time, and we should be celebrating, okay? So can you please just wipe that freakin' frown off your face and be happy with me?
Jackson: You look really nice.
April: So do you.
8x24 Flight

12. Eliminated Round 11
9x02 Remember the Time

13. April: I- I'm sorry I ran off like that. I just...
Jackson: So I am not gonna pretend it didn't happen. I can't do that.
April: I know. I, um, me either. I ca-- I cant stop thinking about it. The more I think about it, the more-- The more I try not to think about it, I'm thinking about it. So--
Jackson: Yeah, I know. I know. Do you want to get married?
April: Uh, what?
Jackson: Because if you're serious about this whole revirginizing thing, that means that the next guy that you sleep with is probably going to be your husband. Right? That's what you want. And I am not ready to be anybody's husband. And I really don't think you're ready to be anybody's wife. So let's remember that it happened. Make sure it doesn't happen again. Unless we want it to. Unless we are... ready.
April: I'm, um, I can't... I can't be near you or I might...
Jackson: Me too.
April: Okay, so we, um--
Jackson: We stay away from each other... for-- for a while.
April: Okay. Um, so I'm just gonna... walk away now.
Jackson: Um... bye. (neither of them move and April kisses him)
9x03 Love the One You’re With

14. Eliminated Round 16
9x04 I Saw Her Standing There

15. Eliminated Round 8
9x06 Second Opinion

16. Jackson: Alright, listen--
April: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sure that you would prefer your booty calls to be uncomplicated and void of feeling so I think you should probably just seek them somewhere else, okay? 'Cause I know this is just sex to you. And it's--
Jackson: It's not just sex., I mean, I wish it was. I pretend that it is, 'cause you have a good thing going with Jesus, but it's not.
April: It's not?
Jackson: No, and stop calling me a car crash or dessert or acting like I'm bumming out Jesus.
April: I'm sorry. You-- You made it seem like it was--
Jackson: And stop acting like I don't have any feelings, okay? I have feelings. I have a lot of 'em.
April: About what?
Jackson: You. About you, April. For you.
April: I'm-- I'm so sorry... that I hurt them, your-- your feelings--
Jackson: It's okay. Just--
April: I- I thought it was just sex.
Jackson: Mm. Yeah, so did I.
April: Okay.
Jackson: Have a good night.
April: Talk to you tomorrow.
9x06 Second Opinion

17. April: I don't have the results yet. I-I told you I would text you...
Jackson: I'm in. All the way.
April: What?
Jackson: Come on. (leads her into an on-call room) I know it might not be what you planned or how you planned it, but we can do this. We'll get married, have an awesome kid, be amazing parents. I'm in.
April: Don't say that if you don't mean it.
Jackson: I mean it. We can do this.
April: You really think that--
Jackson: You said it yourself. Something that feels this good cannot be bad.
April: So you-- You really want this?
Jackson: I want this. We get married. We have a house. We get a big yard.
April: And we have a wedding?
Jackson: And we have a huge freakin' wedding.
April: In a-- In a field with butterflies. (laughs) I don't know.
Jackson: Butterflies, a field-- Whatever you want. Okay? Your family's gonna be there. My family-- I mean, my crazy mom's gonna be there. She'll probably bring Webber. Whatever. That's fine. (they kiss)
April: Are we really... You sure? We can do this?
Jackson: We can do this. (they kiss)
9x07 I Was Made For Lovin’ You

18. Jackson: Hey.
April: Hey.
Jackson: I am kind of sleeping with Stephanie. I was hoping that you wouldn't have to find out about it all. But of course, it's probably gonna get out. So I just wanted to make sure that you didn't have to hear about it from anyone else.
April: Okay. ... I miss you. (sighs) I just-- I feel like we were friends, and now everything is just so--
Jackson: So we can still be friends.
April: You know what I'm thinking about right now? Kissing you. Standing here looking at you, all I want to do is kiss you. (sighs) So, no, I-I-- I'm-- I'm not ready to be your friend yet.
Jackson: You sure?
April: Yes. Yes, I'm sure. Thank you for telling me.
9x11 The End is the Beginning is the End

19. Eliminated Round 10
9x14 The Face of Change

20. Eliminated Round 13
9x15 Hard Bargain

21. Jackson: April. Tell him who you are. If he doesn't get it, then you don't need him anyway.
April (sighs): But I really like him, and... I think if I tell him, it's all gonna be over.
Jackson: So wait... A little while, let him get to know you better. Once he does, he's gonna want to follow you anywhere. Trust me.
April (smiles): Thank you.
9x15 Hard Bargain

22. Eliminated Round 19
9x19 Can’t Fight This Feeling

23. Eliminated Round 20
9x19 Can’t Fight This Feeling

24. Eliminated Round 21
9x21 Sleeping Monster

25. Eliminated Round 23
9x22 Do You Believe In Magic

26. Eliminated Round 14
9x23 Readiness Is All

27. Jackson: Don't. Whatever it is that's bugging you, just keep it to yourself, alright?
April: I want you... Jackson. I want you.
Jackson: April--
April (crying): I haven't been fair to you, I know, and I've-- I've really hurt you.
Jackson: And you're getting married.
April: When that bus exploded, and I thought you were gone, I... (sobs)
Jackson: You're getting married.
April: Unless you can give me a reason not to?
9x24 Perfect Storm

28. Eliminated Round 4
10x01 Seal Our Fate

29. Eliminated Round 6
10x02 I Want You With Me

30. Eliminated Round 18
10x03 Everybody’s Crying Mercy

31. Eliminated Round 7
10x07 Thriller

32. Jackson: You realize that Stephanie and I are serious, right, you get that?
April: Yeah I think it’s nice that you guys are…whatever you are.
Jackson: Right, so why is that you invited her to your wedding plus a guest and you’re going to invite me plus a guest? What’s going on?
April: Right, yeah, um, I wanted to talk to you about that. You are actually not getting an invitation, but Stephanie is so you can just be her plus one.
Jackson: Mmhmm.
April: Look I put your name on the invite list. Your name is Avery. We don’t know any other A’s. You’re literally the top of the list. The first thing we see when we look at it. I just…I didn’t want to rub it in Matthew’s face.
Jackson: If he has a problem with my name on a piece of paper, why should I be at this wedding?
April: Because of me. Because you’re my friend and I want you to be there.
Jackson: Yeah, well, I wanna be there, too, but, come on.
April: Jackson, I can’t go through with this, if I don’t have your blessing.
Jackson: Well, you have it. Alright, but I don’t think I should be there.
10x10 Somebody That I Used To Know

33. Eliminated Round 17
10x11 Man on the Moon

34. Eliminated Round 22
10x12 Get Up, Stand Up

35. Jackson: I love you. I always have. I love everything about you - even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you and I think that you love me, too. Do you?
10x12 Get Up, Stand Up
"The simple act of being in love with you is enough for me..."
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Old 01-31-2014, 01:55 PM
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Post away!

"The simple act of being in love with you is enough for me..."
Pacey ♥ Joey
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Old 01-31-2014, 03:02 PM
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Tftnt Laura. LOVE the title

#27 for me too
I don't just want to date, April. I want the whole damn thing! Jackson
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Old 01-31-2014, 04:01 PM
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#27 I'm really starting to have a hard time with these!
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Old 01-31-2014, 04:34 PM
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Old 01-31-2014, 04:38 PM
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#27 for me too
I'm counting down but unfortunately I didn't see 10x12 until the middle of Jan when it was released on iTunes in Australia. 10x13 won't be on iTunes until end of March at earliest. I'm going to rely on you guys and you tube for her answer although I'm sure it will be Jackson.
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Old 01-31-2014, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Anna14 (View Post)
#27 for me too
I'm counting down but unfortunately I didn't see 10x12 until the middle of Jan when it was released on iTunes in Australia. 10x13 won't be on iTunes until end of March at earliest. I'm going to rely on you guys and you tube for her answer although I'm sure it will be Jackson.
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Old 01-31-2014, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by I LOVE japril (View Post)
Thank you!
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Old 01-31-2014, 05:26 PM
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Tftnt! Yay 93...
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Old 01-31-2014, 05:36 PM
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93!!!! Tftnt
Something that feels this good, can't be bad.
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Old 01-31-2014, 05:38 PM
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This little thread has come so far!!
I don't just want to date, April. I want the whole damn thing! Jackson
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Old 01-31-2014, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Anna14 (View Post)
Thank you!

your welcome
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