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Old 03-05-2010, 03:19 AM
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T.R. Knight || George O'Malley || #34: Because he was the best fictional character to ever grace our TV screen

w e l c o m e | t o | t h e | 34 th
G E O R G E O ' M A L L E Y/T. R. K N I G H T
a p p r e c i a t i o n | t h r e a d

"As an actor - unless you're exceedingly lucky and you're one of the golden few - a lot of your life you're unemployed and a lot of your life you're poor. You gotta be a little insane and driven and have it be the only thing you want to do."

. . .
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. . .


Courtesy of fozzy81

Courtesy of Duffy

Courtesy of Red Bess Rackham


Because he's our Knight in shinning whatever.
Because he has talent far beyond the likes Grey's Anatomy has ever seen.
Because he's both beautiful on the inside and the outside.
Because its T.R. Knight...'nuff said.
Because he's so lovable and cute, its crazy.
Because he makes us swooon with his acting and his shirtless scenes...
Because he doesn't have an arrogant bone in his body
Because his smile can melt the coldest heart
Because he can express so much without saying a word
Because he brings warmth and heart to the show
Because he makes George O'Malley irreplaceable
Because he loves Elmo
Because his laughter is contagious
Because he is our yummy McNugget
Because he makes us smile
Because we always want to give him a big hug
Richard: What are doing with Baileys child?
George: Dr. Bailey and I are in love. I will be heading back to Vegas with her as soon as my divorce with Dr. Torres is final.

George: Aren't you gonna say anything or (pauses as Webber stares at him) I'm not gonna break (pause) I'm starting to get a little freaked out, but I'm not gonna break. It’s not because I don't care, because I do care what you think about me, I do. Care. I just can't tell you want you want to hear. Which seems to be a theme in my life right now. Just because you can't say something doesn't mean you don't want to, you can want to very much. You can be with a person and be happy with them and not love them. And you can love somebody and not want to be with them. You don't need to love someone to want them. Now that's frustrating, when what your brain tells you you want and what you actually want don't match up. It’s exhausting. And, well, it’s complicated. But that's life. And life... sucks.

George: I would've given my dad my heart if I could. If I could've saved him. I would've given him my heart.

Lexie: You're lookin' for a kid?
George: Yeah. His mom's in surgery and if I don't find this kid Bailey is going to change her son's middle name to Elvis or Tupperware... anything will be better than George.

George: [to Miranda] You said you would be straight with me. He could have lived for weeks. Months. We could have had months with him. My mom, she could have had months with him!
Richard: He wanted to fight the cancer, George.
George: He didn't know better! You knew better! You shouldn't have done it. You shouldn't have done it.

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard!

"I guess there have been a few questions about my sexuality, and I'd like to quiet any unnecessary rumors that may be out there. While I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I'm gay isnt the most interesting part of me."

"I remember saying to someone when I got one of those 'don't do it' [comments] – I just remember hearing my voice being calm and saying, 'No, it's going happen. It's going to happen. I'm just letting you know.'"
– T.R. Knight, on coming out, in The Advocate.

“If a guy wants to wear a dress, so what? It’s not a big deal. Let him wear a damn dress!”
-TR Knight, Speaking at Miguel Contreras Learning Complex’s School of Social Justice about the Day of Silence.

"But it's rare when you meet someone you admire and respect and love and cherish so much, so I'm thankful for it. There are only a few people in our lives that you would lay down your life for, and she's one."
(Referring to Katherine Heigl)
Top 5 TR pictures.

. . .

"Grey's Anatomy" .... Dr. George O'Malley (102 episodes, 2005-2009)
Max's Words (2007) (V) .... Narrator
The Last Request (2006/I) .... Jeff
"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" .... Zero Adams (1 episode, 2004)
"Law & Order: Criminal Intent" .... Neil Colby (1 episode, 2004)
"Frasier" .... Alex (1 episode, 2003)
"Charlie Lawrence" (2003) TV series .... Ryan Lemming (unknown episodes)
Garmento (2002) .... Daniel

future title suggestions;
1. Because we all will find our place in the world, like he did
2. He's got the moves
3. We find his shyness truly endearing
4. Because Shonda was missing George. And so were we!
5. George makes us wanna have babies.
6. Cause we're proud to be members of Team TR!
7. Because he is sweet, sexy and funny, what is not to love?
8. Because his smile lights up the room
9. Because George will always be alive in our hearts

previous thread;

Last edited by ganymede20; 03-30-2010 at 04:00 AM
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Old 03-05-2010, 03:35 AM
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Last edited by nililah; 03-05-2010 at 03:46 AM
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:34 AM
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Meric, your banners are wonderful and the blue blue eyes on TR is .

How do I post a pic?????????
First you have to make sure the link is for the jpg or whatever format itself. The address should look something like this:

otherwise the image won't appear as it has no directive asto which one should be displayed.

I understand that there has to be a certain interest to keep viewers glued to the pair but creating artificial angst and/or making the pair combative isn't good drama. Cindy, offered a good example with MerDer that was drama stemming organically through the circumstances. Another one is Eric and Cameron from Modern Family. They're functional but they're also a gay couple who adopted a baby and must cope with the fact society is ill-equipped to handle them. Thankfully the writers chose to let this play itself instead of adding more problems. Gizzie had a full plate of issues to sort through that the drama was overwhelming.

At the core you have to be a healthy couple to endure strong tests. Frankly if you're a duo who're competitive or on the verge of ripping each other's throats out at the slightest then you're not going to weather the smallest of storms. The other problem I had with her thinking was nowhere did she ever factor in communication. What I love about Gizzie is that they can do so non-verbally and often finish each other's sentences. That's an amazing synergy. How often do we ladies want a man who can read us where we don't have to write a mile long list of instructions everytime we send them on an errand. When I asked her about this she said she wouldn't bother them with matters they don't comprehend or dismiss easily. This tells me her past experiences weren't exactly sound.

Her thinking, however, is echoed in women's mags like Cosmo where the purpose of a romantic partner is for sex, light companionship (walking on the beach), and financial security but not for support. I've heard of many women who don't confide in their significant other with their woes instead relying on friends and family for succor. That's sad. Honestly I'me beginning to think Shonda is turning to those publications to shape her ships.

I tend to write my characters as you have stated above, because for me, writing the functional/unconditional love is slightly...dry. I can't find drama in it, and I don't have any ideas. LIke, once I have a character overcome whatever it is to bring him/her into a relationship, they are backburnered
I'm sure you're more creative than you give yourself credit for. Gather all the traits your characters have their past and present situations and the relations to those around them. For example say Gizzie survived the stigma of the adultery one very potential SL is having George's mom disapprove highly of Izzie. Louise, while loving, is also smothering of her son and sometimes I wonder if she has an internal filter because whatever she thinks goes straight to her mouth. George who's very family-oriented has to deal with a serious breach in cohesion and learn to assert himself within and to stand up for his love. Izzie has to navigating co-existing with his mother who's trait is similars to hers. In a way it's a journey of self-discovery as well. Afterall many people seek partners with the attributes of one parent. Could you imagine the conversations she'd have with Mer and Cristina over the fact she and Louise are so forthright in their opinions and slightly high strung.

Shonda said other than the hate mail from fans she broke Gizzie up also because they were best friends and it ruined their friendship. Isn't your husband or boyfriend supposed to be your best friend???? This is what I do not get. Also how do they have "amazing" sex one night and then "horrible" sex after that, it just doesn't make sense. Like if you are going to break them up at least give them a good reason. Plus when they broke up George told her it was just not a good time and then Izzie asked him maybe someday? And then he said myabe someday and we never got maybe sunday and we are never going to get, which really sucks.
In having this discussion Gizzie had plenty of drama to overcome so isn't boring. It just seems many didn't give it a chance because they already had a preconceived notion that romance and friendship is mutually exclusive and that George wasn't sexy enough for Izzie. The biggest obstacle was the media, which amplified the chorus of negativity, because it disapproved. Shonda/ ABC couldn't withstand that kind of firestorm and ended them abruptly.

As frustrating and nonsensical as it was with the "horrible" sex I'm thankful she didn't destroy Gizzie by making them hateful to each other. The "some day" is another level of hurt because it never happened and I had extreme doubts that it would. It was nice that she left the door open and showed that she herself loved Gizzie and wanted them together since the beginning.

Aww, James Stewart. He is one of my favorite actors of all time. It's funny that at the end of his career, he played some gruff guys in western because he was so salt-of-the-earth to me. He represented integrity and kind-heartedness. He wasn't handsome in the conventional way but he had something very special about him that made you take notice and want to give him a big hug at the same time. Henry Fonda, I don't know so well, having only seen him in Grapes of wrath. He did have a lot of charisma and talent in that movie. And TR does have that same charisma. And yes, he does have the same sort of awkward cuteness Woody Allen has. He is a mix off many actors and it makes for quite the unique combination.
Couldn't you see TR as Tom Joad in Grapes of Wrath? There was a musical comedy actor named Donald O' Connor, who reminds me of TR in his whacky abandon and his sweet vulnerability. In There's No Business Like how Business he ended up with Marilyn Monroe. Their relationship was completely believable. She was looking for the nice guy and found him. In the film's finale they're arms are linked for the show's bow and DO grabs her hand and kisses it so sweetly. Marilyn is almost tears because she wanted to be with him so badly. That was the last lingering shot. That's just so George to me. BTW, DO isn't close to striking as TR.

I have a suggestion to the casting gods out there. If the Judy Garland biopic with Anne Hathaway is going to cover her collaboration with Mickey Rooney than may I suggest TR for him. TR can convey MR's on-screen wholesome charms and his off-screen alcoholic womanizing. MR while depicting an innocent teen in the Andy Hardy franchise he was a notorious womanizer who bedded Lana Turner and Ava Gardner. MR was 5'2" with a cute but plain face. If there's anyone who could dramatize the appeal of a seemingly nerdy person it's him. Besides he has a timeless quality that transcends eras.

Marie, it was my friend who met TR's parents in Minneapolis. If it were me I'd never stop talking about it. I did ask many questions from him although he hasn't answered all of them . He did say Shirley is quite funny and is probably whom TR gets his sense of humor from.

Gwen, do you know the name of the person who made those George arts? With the way she feels about George, she'd be a very welcome member here.
There's actually two people who did the art I linked to. There's plenty from one artist, whom I don't know but I should drop her line and invite her here. Also there seems to be plenty of Gizzie love at Deviant Art, the site, so they'd love it here.

By Soap opera channel, do you mean Soapnet? I didn't know that as we don't get this station here
Yes, it's on digital cable so they don't have a wide viewership yet but it do rerun foreign English-language soaps. For awhile it produced that GH spin-off, which some critics said was better than GH itself. If only you had it you'd love it.
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Old 03-05-2010, 06:41 AM
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Good morning!

TFTNT, Gwen!

Ah-- I so love that pic of TR & PD... I'm going to snag it this time!

Gwen-- I love your call to the casting gods... quite honestly TR would be peerfect for that role!
Originally Posted by ganymede20
I have a suggestion to the casting gods out there. If the Judy Garland biopic with Anne Hathaway is going to cover her collaboration with Mickey Rooney than may I suggest TR for him. TR can convey MR's on-screen wholesome charms and his off-screen alcoholic womanizing. MR while depicting an innocent teen in the Andy Hardy franchise he was a notorious womanizer who bedded Lana Turner and Ava Gardner. MR was 5'2" with a cute but plain face. If there's anyone who could dramatize the appeal of a seemingly nerdy person it's him. Besides he has a timeless quality that transcends eras.

Originally Posted by ganymede20
I understand that there has to be a certain interest to keep viewers glued to the pair but creating artificial angst and/or making the pair combative isn't good drama. Cindy, offered a good example with MerDer that was drama stemming organically through the circumstances. Another one is Eric and Cameron from Modern Family. They're functional but they're also a gay couple who adopted a baby and must cope with the fact society is ill-equipped to handle them. Thankfully the writers chose to let this play itself instead of adding more problems. Gizzie had a full plate of issues to sort through that the drama was overwhelming.

At the core you have to be a healthy couple to endure strong tests. Frankly if you're a duo who're competitive or on the verge of ripping each other's throats out at the slightest then you're not going to weather the smallest of storms. The other problem I had with her thinking was nowhere did she ever factor in communication. What I love about Gizzie is that they can do so non-verbally and often finish each other's sentences. That's an amazing synergy. How often do we ladies want a man who can read us where we don't have to write a mile long list of instructions everytime we send them on an errand. When I asked her about this she said she wouldn't bother them with matters they don't comprehend or dismiss easily. This tells me her past experiences weren't exactly sound.

Her thinking, however, is echoed in women's mags like Cosmo where the purpose of a romantic partner is for sex, light companionship (walking on the beach), and financial security but not for support. I've heard of many women who don't confide in their significant other with their woes instead relying on friends and family for succor. That's sad.
ITA 100% Gwen! Very well said all the way through And, quite honestly, you peaked my interest about Eric & Cameron from Modern Family!

Originally Posted by MericP
I guess you can't have that with every couple, really. JMO.
You're right... you can't have that with every couple... ITA... but my point is that it is often the trend to have it with no couples and that show writers can get lazy and depend on the on again/off again fighter couple angst to generate viewer interest way too much... to the point where it's just not that interesting to me anymore. In terms of GA, IMHO, MerDer are one of the few things Shonda & Co. have done right... and I'm fairly certain the only reason that it was done right is b/c of fan pressure and critic pressure during the writer's strike, otherwise we'd still all be tortured with Rose or Rose-esque triangle angstiness... the call was big and loud to stop this craziness b/c everyone was ready for something more for MerDer. However, every single other couple are a complete mess in that show-- MerDer are the only ones in a sea of characters that keep hopping in and out of bed with each other all over the place and angsty triangles, etc... if this is the best writing they've got... well, I don't find it good enough to bother watching.

Originally Posted by ganymede20
He did say Shirley is quite funny and is probably whom TR gets his sense of humor from.
Aww... that's too cute! It's too bad your friend has not answered all your questions about his meeting them, but the little info he did give you has been a wonderful little window into our TR
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Old 03-05-2010, 06:46 AM
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Old 03-05-2010, 06:50 AM
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And, quite honestly, you peaked my interest about Eric & Cameron from Modern Family!
I'll stand by this in saying it's the funniest show I've seen in years. I highly recommend watching it. =)

Who is Shirley? His mother?

I'm looking at a Mickey Rooney picture from way back when, and I can see TR play him, yeah. Plus it'll be interesting to see TR try at the alcoholic womanizer role.
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Old 03-05-2010, 06:54 AM
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my point is that it is often the trend to have it with no couples and that show writers can get lazy and depend on the on again/off again fighter couple angst to generate viewer interest way too much... to the point where it's just not that interesting to me anymore. In terms of GA, IMHO, MerDer are one of the few things Shonda & Co. have done right... and I'm fairly certain the only reason that it was done right is b/c of fan pressure and critic pressure during the writer's strike, otherwise we'd still all be tortured with Rose or Rose-esque triangle angstiness... the call was big and loud to stop this craziness b/c everyone was ready for something more for MerDer. However, every single other couple are a complete mess in that show-- MerDer are the only ones in a sea of characters that keep hopping in and out of bed with each other all over the place and angsty triangles, etc... if this is the best writing they've got... well, I don't find it good enough to bother watching.
I agree with this Cindy.
It toke so much to get MerDer back together for good for Shonda. I think it weren't for the strike there would been never ending angst and they would still be broken up till now. I do think the strike spared MerDer and their fans a painful fate and now Shonda is punishing MD fans or at least it feels this way for me by shoving into the background. Obviously as a MerDer fan I don't expect for them to be front and center all season but my god it get absurd when you YouTube their scenes and it come on less than 1 minute and Krista was rude to MD fan who told why can't we have more than 1 minute she was like she's scared she timed it up. Anyway I think with MerDer that's as good as it gonna with couples in the show Krista is divorced and she did tweet a marriage is not a white contract and a white dress last year yeah I remember that and I think everyone know where I'm going ..
Also remember how we were talking about the writer trying to make Lexie into a George well she kinda now doing sex with no feelings with Alex ..
I feel like the writers had no clue with to do with Lexie at some point so they keep changing her
With George they had a character that was stable at least in some sort lol.
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Old 03-05-2010, 07:46 AM
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Thanks for the new thread guys.

It looks gorgeous.

Wow, Meric. You are very talented. I love what you did with George's eyes. I hope you make more.

And the Lumi banners are so beautiful (I miss them; I like Safe but would sacrifice them and Rafe in a minute to get them back).

As for Ejami, I don't see more chemistry between james and Ai than Galen and Ali but even if I did, they are so toxic. Verbal banter can be fun, but it gets very tiresome after more than four years. And they are not even bantering. He i manipulating her and lying to her, and she is buying every lie and manipulation he tells her and totally putting her faith in him, which makes her look like a complete and total idiot. If a pairing requires one of the partner to look like a complete stupid child being manipulated by a creepy adult, there is a problem. He kidnapped their child and made her think the child was dead, knowing she has buried another child the same year. While she was crying her eyes out and he was pretending to console her, he had a big evil happy smile on his face. He loves torturing her. He loves seeing her in pain. He puts a camera in her house so he can spy on her every movement, including her sex life. Even if they had TR and Katie like chemistry, nothing could ever make me root for this couple.

He makes Alex look like an angelic prince charming to me and AI like a really healthy couple, so that tells you something.

I'm sorry, LOL, but I feel very passionate about this but I totally respect your opinion to like them.

I do agree with Wala and the others you can have drama without hating the other or wanting to destroy them. Look at MerDer. They loved each other but circumstances kept them apart for so long. They still always cared and never tried to destroy the other. They stayed friends throughout. Orr look at Ross and Rachel. They were their biggest enemies and had problem keeping their relationship, but the love was always there. Even when they were with other people, they were always there for each other no matter what and always liked each other. There was never any hate in there. They were angsty without being toxic. Mondler was the best exemple of a functional couple being interesting. They always stayed together, yet were always interesting.

Then there was John and Marlena on Days. They had problem after problem, but their love was always so pure and unconditonal. They loved each other so deeply (Gwen's colleague would have said too much) and he treated her as an equal. They were total and complete partners, investigating together, taking down bad people together. So it is possible to have an epic angsty love and be interesting and still love, trust and respect each other.

I think if you watched mcLeod, you would have loved Nick and Tess. They were the epitome of angsty. Took four years to get together and even after, they were always so tortured and angsty. While they did fight a lot, from day one, if one of the two was in trouble, the other would jusst drop everything to help them even if they were in a fight. They had the whole epic unconditional love thing.

I think Gizzie would have been like that. The scenario Gwen described would have been perfect. Dealing with his mom and the others' disapproval. George loving his mom so much but loving Izzie too. Or they could have try running the clinic together but have had different styles and try to cope with being partners personally and professionally. There was so much possibilities for them that they would never have been boring, especially not with TR and Katie and their sense of humor. Gizzie was always so funny.

Gwen, I know Donald O'Connor from Singing in the rain. You are right, TR is a billion times more attractive but they do have the same sweetness, wacky sense of humor and talent. While Gene Kelly was amazing as always, Donald pretty much stole the show in some scenes of the movie. Like TR, he could take a few minutes and make them golden.

Mickey Rooney? yes, that could be interesting. Watching TR play someone with a sweet guy image but really being all kind of troubled in real life. TR playing drunk would be great. I'm sure he would rock it. We should be casting agents. Seriously, there are so many roles TR would be perfect for.

Wow, I just have written a telenovela, sorry.
Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley - Tess Silverman McLeod Ryan and Nick Ryan = true love forever and eternal soulmates
Nikki Nav Caetano and Josh ET Holiday: an unforgettable forbidden love
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Old 03-05-2010, 07:51 AM
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Mondler was the best exemple of a functional couple being interesting. They always stayed together, yet were always interesting.
I adored Monica and Chaldnar and it makes me sad when I see MD barely getting anything like them
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Old 03-05-2010, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by WalaBridget (View Post)
I adored Monica and Chaldnar and it makes me sad when I see MD barely getting anything like them
They were amazing, weren't they? Friends was suppose to be a comedy, but they sure knew how to write a great couple. Mondler is the couple everyone should inspire to be like. They were so different, yet they made it work by compromising a whole lot. Not that they didn't fight at times, but that made them real. I have not known a lot of couples as well written as those two were. And they weren't popular at first, but the HW believed in them and didn't let a few angry fans scare them away. And it paid off. They became one of the most beloved couples. Shonda said Friends inspired her, but you wouldn't know it.

Gizzie was similar to Mondler in many ways, and could have been as everlasting if Shonda hadn't chickened out.

I wish MerDer had more airtime too, Wala. When I watch on YT, I'm so saddened to see they get almost nothing. Reminds me of watching YT season 5 George clips
Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley - Tess Silverman McLeod Ryan and Nick Ryan = true love forever and eternal soulmates
Nikki Nav Caetano and Josh ET Holiday: an unforgettable forbidden love
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Old 03-05-2010, 08:03 AM
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Bringing this over from the last thread:

There's another kind of angst that I like too... the we're not together yet and haven't been and don't know if we'll ever be but we love each other angst. You know... classic Moonlighting. (oh boy, I'm dating myself now ) When this is done well, it is also fabulous!
I love this kind of angst too. Funny you should mention Moonlighting because, being a fan of the Chuck/Sarah angst for quite some time and discussing them at length, I've read about the Moonlighting "curse". That's basically when a WTWT pairing get together the show basically loses it's appeal and becomes bad. Many think this is the reason the writers of Chuck are using to not put Chuck and Sarah together, but many argued that it wasn't the two leads on Moonlighting getting together that ruined the show in the first place. (If it was, in fact, ruined) But I think CS are one of the few WTWT couples out there that have both genuine reasons for not being together, (I hear the two leads on Bones haven't gotten together yet, and it doesn't seem like much is stopping them, and they're on their 5th season. =/) and the writers can do so much with them, whether they're together or not, with Chuck being the show it is and CS's unique situation.

Towards the end of season 3 I saw a little of this angst with George and Izzie, adding in that forbiddon aspect. I found it very believable, mainly due to TR and Katie's performances.
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Old 03-05-2010, 08:14 AM
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I love angst and all but not angst for my couples for 4 years like with MD it got tiring so I prefer them now together in the background other than the break up angst I had a lifetime enough of that and not to mention right before I shipped Ryan and Marissa in the OC a Josh couple FILLED with angst for 3 bloody years.
Chuck and Sarah can depend on they are end game at least I rooted for a couple for years filled with angst and misery and break up and third parties just to have Marissa die and Ryan fall in love with his stalker
Sorry but I'm bitter you can tell
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Old 03-05-2010, 08:17 AM
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Yes on McLeod, they had two main couples, Alex and Claire and Nick and Tess, two couples basically everyone wanted together. But it took Alex and Claire 69 episodes to be together. And Claire died in episode 72, so I think they only put them together so soon because the actress was leaving. They loved each other, but didn't realize it. They had been best friends for 15 years, and he was a womanizer, going from women to women. She was a bit of a tomboy, totally in her work. They dated other people, and she had a kid with someone else before they finally realized this was more than friendship. Through it all, they were always there for each other. Then you have Nick and Tess, who had love at first sight, but took four years to officially get together. They hooked up very briefly in season 2, and had a few kisses but had a bad breakup and never slept together until episode 93. Tess was terrified of love because of the horrible divorce between her parents (and the toll it took on her mom, she tried to kill herself several times after) and Nick wasn't extremely patient with her and was extremely insecure because his brother Alex was the ladies's man and had dated Tess and because of an accident he had that left a big scar on his body. Plus, his mom hated Tess and really messed with her head. So basically, it was fear, pride, insecurity, bad temper keeping them apart. He had a kid with someone else. She got engaged to another guy before they finally got together.

So they had very valid reasons for not putting those couples together sooner. When they did put NT together, they had drama after drama (but also a lot of very romantic, loving moments) so they were never really boring. Putting them together sure didn't hurt the show's ratings at all.

And they had plenty of airtime after, so i'm not sure why MerDer has none.

Yes, George and Izzie had all that angsty forbidden thing going on in season 3. They played the UST and the pining longing and love so well, and a lot of that is due to TR and Katie's wonderful talent and their out-of-this-world chemistry. They just sold it.

With them as Gizzie, Gizzie could never ever have become boring. The second they were together on screen, they just lit up the screens.
Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley - Tess Silverman McLeod Ryan and Nick Ryan = true love forever and eternal soulmates
Nikki Nav Caetano and Josh ET Holiday: an unforgettable forbidden love
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Old 03-05-2010, 09:07 AM
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I love angst and all but not angst for my couples for 4 years like with MD it got tiring so I prefer them now together in the background other than the break up angst I had a lifetime enough of that and not to mention right before I shipped Ryan and Marissa in the OC a Josh couple FILLED with angst for 3 bloody years.
Chuck and Sarah can depend on they are end game at least I rooted for a couple for years filled with angst and misery and break up and third parties just to have Marissa die and Ryan fall in love with his stalker
Sorry but I'm bitter you can tell
That's alright. And he fell for his stalker?

Considering Josh is only really the steering wheel, if you will, and wouldn't be as hands on, I would guess, in Chuck and Gossip Girl as he was with the O.C., I think we're good. We have a kick-ass writing staff. But Schwedak (Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak respectively) are great to the fans, despite the growing tradition of bringing in 2 love interests for Chuck and Sarah in every season. Which I'm sure is Josh's idea.

I don't think it's a case of "are these guys endgame?" with CS, it's more of, "will they be given a chance before the show is over?". It's a common fear that they'll wait until the end to give CS a go and we'll never see them as this kick-ass spy couple. And even though the first year was pretty light-hearted stuff between these two, the drama has been pretty much full-on since season 2. They seriously need to have an honest conversation, unfortunately neither can talk to the other right now, considering where they're at now. Plus the changes both are going through, and now Sarah is with Shaw thinking she can recreate what her and Chuck kind of had, and nghhhhh, so much more. Sarah has to deal with her identity crisis and they both need to find a balance of being a spy but still holding on to their humanity. And when they both find that balance and be in sync, we're gonna have one awesome spy team on our hands.

OH, SHOW. The things you do to them.

OOPS. Wend off on a rant there. My bad.

You know, the Chuck writing staff would have handled George and GI PERFECTLY. They're experts at writing lovable nerds and when the beautiful blond falls for them.
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Old 03-05-2010, 01:40 PM
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That's all i got for now.
George was her touchstone, the man she loved most of all.”
- Krista Vernoff

Piece of Cake!
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