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greysaddiction 07-27-2010 07:24 AM

Beautiful Geek Love {G/I} #136: Because (thanks to Red's fic!) they finally got their Someday

b e s t friends · l o v e r s · each other's p e r s o n · s o u lmates

Welcome to Beautiful Geek Love

;the c h a r a c t e r s

... he loves everything about her,
he loves the good and the bad. He knows her.
- Shonda Rhimes/Betsy Beers

They’re BEST friends. They spend most of their waking hours together.
They have many things in common. They confide in each other.
They look out for each other. They stick up for each other.
They worry about each other. They care very deeply about each other.

- Chris Van Dusen

;the a c t o r s
Good chemistry becomes great chemistry when actors are good friends off the set as well as on, and so it is with TR Knight and Katherine Heigl. The pair are often seen hanging out, going shopping, running errands or having fun together on their days off from the Grey's set.

Katie says she likes to call TR the "host of the show, as he always the first to greet anyone new to the set." She recalls that around the time she first met him, "I was single and he was single and I had my eye on him a little bit but I was getting nowhere!" TR jokes, "I don't know why!" He adds, "But it's rare when you meet someone you admire and respect and love and cherish so much, so I'm thankful for it. There are only a few people in our lives that you would lay down your life for, and she's one."

They support one another through thick and thin and we know they'll be friends for years to come. After the 2007 Emmy's, Katherine said of TR, "He's just a tremendous supporter and an awesome friend. It was so great that he was sitting there so I could just grab him." On Oprah some time later, TR serenaded Katie with a song entitled, "Katie, I love you, but I'm never playing Monopoly with you again."
As if that hilarious and adorable song isn't enough to show how much they care or how much fun they have, it's definitely obvious by pictures of them together.

TR's departure from the show has clearly affected Katie. “It’s really hard actually," she says. "For me, he was such a source of friendship and support, and love and laughter. It doesn't feel the same."
“I miss him a lot,” Katie said in another interview. “He was my guy. That’s who I went to every day when I wanted to vent, I wanted to share, I wanted advice.”

TR and Katie's real life friendship is as epic and sweet as George and Izzie's.

;latest p i c t u r e s

I’m really passionate about this storyline, I really believe in it.
I really believe in her and George. There are moments
where you see them together and I'm like, 'See, that's why.' -
because there is such pure joy for her to be around him because
he makes her happy. I think there‘s a lot of happiness there.
It makes the work worth it.

- Katie Heigl

You know, I like to think that George and Izzie didn't 'do it',
I like to think that they made love. Many, Many times they felt the
joys of love according to you. According to me... they did it like 84 times.
Which I dont know, is just this amazing thing. George and Izzie making love...
is something that I have actually been planning since we made the pilot, and I
saw how funny and great TR Knight and Katie Heigl were with each other
and how well they got along. And how genuine their chemistry is actually,
'cause they really, really do love each other.

- Shonda Rhimes/Betsy Beers
{ 1-360}

361. drcookchick
362. NoobDancerxx
363. katie
364. hellojojo
365. coconut16
366. LadyGemC
367. *Karen*
368. hannah&nick_fan
369. sunshinestate
370. SaRaBonesPortugal
371. ronsam
372. Nicky99
373. Fairy*
374. geoizz545
376. NBalways
377. quicksand
378. B.Chambers
379. cali89
380 MericP
381 shipperFan*

send an email ll sign the petition ll write a letter

George was her touchstone, the man she loved most of all.
- Krista Vernoff

Because this is a big loss, and as devastating as Denny's death was for Izzie,
George was somebody that she's known, and loved, and been physical with, and all of these things for 5 years.
They find this really beautiful way to honor that relationship, Izzie and George's relationship, and how much this is gonna just wreck Izzie.

- Katie Heigl

;their s t o r y

s e a s o n · 1

On paper, Drs. George O’Malley and Izzie Stevens made the unlikeliest of pairs. The tall, blonde, well-endowed, bubbly ex-model and the shy, ordinary-looking mathlete with a big heart and a baby face. But if you looked deeper, you could see they were very much alike. Both had troubles being taken seriously. Izzie’s past as a model and her beauty made people think she wasn’t anything other than a pretty face with not much brains in her head or skills as a doctor. She had to prove there was more to her than her exterior and work twice as hard as anyone. George barely made the cut into the program, and as a result he was immediately considered the underdog, the guy who wouldn’t be able to hack it as a doctor. Things didn’t get much better on George’s first day when cardiothoracic surgeon Burke chose George to do an appendicectomy and George froze right in the middle of the operation, nearly killing the patient and earning him forever the nickname 007. (licenced to kill)

The various, notable similarities between them might be why George and Izzie connected from the very start. After moving into Meredith's house they bickered constantly. From the size of the rooms to tampons. Izzie teased him mercifully although never in a cruel way. Alot of it was about George’s crush on Meredith, but she still kept his "secret" that wasn't much of a secret. When they first moved in together, George was upset at Izzie’s behavior with him. He thought she treated him like her sister. When Izzie realized she was really hurting his feelings, she apologized. Their fights never lasted long because in the end they valued their friendship enough to be able to compromise for it.

The friendship only grew as the season progressed. They quickly got to know each other inside and out. The teasing, which, in itself, is part of the established friendship, progressed also. When George got syphilis from his girlfriend, Nurse Olivia, and had to get a shot of penicillin in his behind, Izzie certainly didn't hesistate in teasing him about it. She even teased him about having a girlfriend in the first place. When it was revealed that Alex was the one responsible for the syph, because Olivia had been sleeping with Alex also, George pounced on Alex and punched him hard. Izzie even had to pry George off him.
;130 threads of l a u g h t e r

s e a s o n · 2

The small things, like Izzie baking for George, them brushing their teeth together and gossiping, her getting into his bed whenever she felt down, are what really showed their connection, how much they felt at ease with one another. These were two people who had each other’s backs. Two people who genuinely liked and loved each other, flaws and all.
Despite them being the best of friends, they still flirted. In one instance Izzie was sex starved and
grabbed George by his t-shirt and pulled him close, telling him how much she needed sex.
George humorously replied that he wouldn't "do" her, no matter how hard she begged,
but nodded and mouthed that he would, which made her smile.
Izzie didn't hesitate in standing up for George when Meredith hesitated
in chosing between George and their dog, which prompted George to want to move out.
She fought with Meredith, and George, about it, and luckily the issue was resolved after George
made clear of his place is Meredith's life, and that she shouldn't have valued him over a dog she found at the pound.
Despite this, George's love for Meredith still grew and showed no signs of faltering.

greysaddiction 07-27-2010 07:25 AM

The loyality in George and Izzie's relationship shone through even more after George's bad sex debacle
with Meredith, causing him to stop talking to Meredith completely. Izzie made it clear
that she was on George's side, even though she had no idea what transpired between them.
Both Izzie & George had very strong opinions about the other's choice of partners.
George was very critical of Izzie's relationship with Alex, and George's relationship
with Callie brought out Izzie's jealous side.

George ended up moving out because of the breakdown in his relationship with Meredith.
Izzie grew incredibly concerned for him, constantly questioning him about where he lived,
and George continuously shrugged her off. This resulted in a huge fight in front of a patient,
with whom they'd been spending alot of time with that day, causing her to seize. She later told
George that she knows fighting, and that Izzie only misses her friend. George decided to move
back in, and eventually forgave Meredith, and realized he was at fault too and apologized to her.

When Izzie met patient Denny Duquette, what started out as fun flirtations soon grew into something
much bigger and it quickly became clear that she'd fallen for him. Those feelings resulted in Izzie
risking her medical career for Denny, who needed a heart transplant. George was the first one she
went to for help in her crisis, and despite trying to convince her to stop, he stayed with her and helped
her regardless. Even after cutting Denny's L-VAD wire he stuck by her side and wouldn't tell the Chief
who had cut it. After everything that happened, Denny tragically died, leaving Izzie devastated and heartbroken.

s o u n d t r a c k

s e a s o n · 3

Izzie had just lost Denny, the man she was engaged to be married to. Her friends tried to comfort her, help her move on, but it took a long time for her to begin to move on. Through it all, her best friend George remained by her side, comforting and strong. He held her hand tight when she had to listen to an old voicemail left before Denny had died.

George continued to move forward with his relationship with Callie. She told him she loved him, and he promised that while he couldn’t say it now, he would say it back when he meant it. When George’s father was admitted to the hospital, it was Izzie’s turn to hold George’s hand and be his rock as his father went into surgery. George’s father didn’t make it and it crushed George and the rest of his family. Izzie did her best to be the closest one to George during these hard times, and George, trying to move past his grief for his father and feeling that life is short, impulsively proposed to Callie. The pair eloped to Vegas, much to everyone’s surprise and Izzie’s dismay, who never particularly got along with or much liked Callie.

;our w o r d s

greysaddiction 07-27-2010 07:26 AM

George and Izzie struggled to maintain their strong friendship as Izzie fought new feelings for George and her dislike of Callie. She hugged him tight and told him she understood she had to support him and “let him go”. As Callie suspected George might also have feelings for Izzie, she and George finally had one particularly heavy fight which resulted in George once again turning to his best friend for comfort and support. Izzie and George got drunk and slept together, (and judging from George's flashback, was filled with extreme passion) unleashing feelings for each other that had steadily been building for quite some time, unbeknownst to them. Following their adulterous “mistake”, Izzie had fully realised her feelings for George were more than just platonic, she had fallen in love with him. The confrontation when both had realised what had happened turned into one of the most riviting, emotional and stunning scenes between two people this fandom had ever seen. Not even words were said in that linen closet, because they weren't needed.

I had sex last night... with the wrong person.
But the thing is it didn't feel wrong at the time.
It felt like something was falling into place.

- Izzie
by: Whitelighter

While George stuggled to come to terms with what they had done, confusion evident in him, Izzie struggled with the revelation that her biological daughter, Hannah, was very ill, and Izzie was the only one who could save her. Her devastation clearly noticed by George, his concern caused him to seek out Meredith and Bailey, demanding to know what was going on. He ended up by her side in a difficult time for her, despite what had just transpired between them, (showing the unbreakable strength of their bond) and ended up missing his lunch date with Callie.
You guys are just used to it. That's all. You already have it.
You have that thing everybody else wants. You can take it for granted.
But let me tell you, if you didn't, if you couldn't be with the person that you love,
I guarantee that hearing him promise to love you and honor you and cherish you, no matter what,
it would be pretty much all you could think about.

- Izzie

Alot of heartbreak followed "Time After Time". From George wanting to transfer to Mercy West after realising things were not, in fact, fine between them, to Izzie telling George that she had no feelings for him so he would stay. Unfortunately George believed this. Heartbroken, he agreed when Callie suggested they try for a baby. Shortly after, Izzie confessed her love for George. He was literally left speechless as the rest of the gang came into the locker room, anticipating Cristina's impending wedding to Dr. Burke, and their intern exam results. Everyone passed, except for George, who told no one of this, only saying to Izzie he'd talk to her at the church. The season ended with Izzie waiting in the empty church, with no sign of George, who had decided to quit after failing his intern exam.
;130 threads of l o v e

s e a s o n · 4

Over two weeks passed since Izzie last saw George, hearing nothing from him after her confession, not knowing he was still an intern and had, in fact, been in the hospital all along. It wasn't until he delivered a baby, and got a pep talk from Meredith’s half-sister, Lexie Grey, that he plucked up the courage to tell Izzie he loved her, too.

After his confession a sense of relief overcame George. He felt as though he were sleeping, and now has finally woken. He told Callie of his affair with Izzie and soon after they seperated, and began the process of annulling their marriage. George and Izzie were then finally able to be together, as a couple. Although the reaction from friends was not ideal, they still made it through, together.

Though they loved each other, something wasn’t clicking as they had expected, and George and Izzie found themselves having “problems”. They feared they’d ruined their friendship or that the timing wasn’t right between them and eventually they mutually decided to break up, just for now, but that “maybe someday” it’d be right for them again. They moved back to being best friends with a very special relationship, and they helped each other through ups and downs to come.

While George repeated his year as an intern he found a friend in Lexie, who soon wanted more from George than just friendship. He, however, hadn’t been looking for any sort of romance so soon and failed to take notice of her attentions. Izzie, meanwhile, grew closer to Alex as he lost the woman he loved, Ava, to mental illness.

s e a s o n · 5

Tragedy struck when Izzie began seeing strange visions of Denny. As George grew more concerned with her strange behavior, he tried to alert the others, particularly Alex, who was dating Izzie, but no one seemed to believe it was terribly serious. Izzie finally began to understand whatever was happening to her was very serious and had her interns try and diagnose “Patient X” who had a mystery illness. What they didn’t know, and George suspected, was that Patient X was in fact Izzie.

Izzie was diagnosed with Stage 5 Metastatic Melanoma cancer and was soon admitted to Seattle Grace as a patient
instead of an employee. Her friends stayed by her side and as Meredith and Derek’s wedding day drew near, Izzie’s condition
worsened and she threw herself into planning the “perfect” wedding for them. Come the day of the wedding and both Meredith
and Izzie realized the wedding was Izzie’s dream for a wedding and not Meredith’s, as well that Izzie may not live
to her own wedding day to Alex. As a result, as a gift to Izzie and Alex, Meredith and Derek gave them “their” wedding.

As Izzie was walking down the aisle, her strength began to fail her.
Even though he’d been keeping his distance because of Alex and because
Izzie seemed unable to confide in him as deeply as she used to, without hesitation,
George was at Izzie’s side the instant she faltered. He held her hand, offering her support
and the strength she needed, as he walked her down the aisle and gave her away to Alex.

Izzie battled cancer and George struck up a friendship with Owen Hunt, who noticed his skill for trauma.
After treating a young man from the army, George decided perhaps it was time for him to move on
from Seattle Grace and went to sign up to be a trauma surgeon overseas. Everyone back at Seattle Grace
was horrified and shocked by the prospect and worked on a plan to talk him out of it. Izzie meanwhile,
was struggling to recover from a particularly risky surgery that had left her memory in shambles.

When a young man with no ID was brought into the ER after having saved
a woman from being hit by a bus, Meredith and many others turned their efforts
to trying to save this man, nick-named John Doe. Izzie’s memory seemed to improve,
though as Alex hugged her, celebrating the fact, she suddenly flat-lined.
Though she’d signed a DNR, Alex passionately convinced the Chief, Cristina and Bailey
to ignore it. In another room in the hospital, “John Doe” held Meredith’s hand and “wrote” into her palm,
“OO7” and Meredith realized John Doe was in fact George.

As both Izzie and George’s lives hung in the balance in the real world, somewhere else,
Izzie climbed into an elevator wearing the pink prom dress she’d worn to go see Denny in the night of his death.
When the doors opened, she saw George, smiling in an army uniform. The real world struggled to pull Izzie back to it,
while George was already gone.

Though George may gone, he will never be forgotten, least of all by Izzie. He was always her rock, and she his. They were best friends who fell in love and though they chose to go separate ways, they never stopped loving one another.

;130 threads of f r i e n d s h i p

greysaddiction 07-27-2010 07:27 AM

{more here}
Where Art Thou George?
Like Lovers
Just a Daisy in the Shadow of the Sun
7 Days to Change Your Life
Contemplating Second
Toothbrush Next to Mine
The Etiquette of Chocolate
Something Better
Lying Is Easier [M]
One Thing Leads To Another
Do I Have To Say The Words
I'm Dead (But I Don't Know It)
Hysteria: Women
I Didn't Mean To Turn You On
Praise You
Wind It Up
The Air That I Breathe
Laughter In The Rain
Paris Nights
The Miracle of Love
A Mildly Entertaining B-List Movie
This is how I want us to end.
Follow Me Down
Your Clock is Better
The ABC's of Growing Up
Making the World Go Round
Maiden in Mayhem
Breathe Me
Mistletoe Kisses
Every Little Kiss
Don't Let It Haunt You
Izzie and The AntiGeorge
Special Cases
Bringing Sexy Back
The Fine Lines
The One I Love
From the Top
The Best Part of Waking Up
Lost and Not Yet Found
Baking Season
Of All the Things I've Done Wrong
A Merry Little Christmas
Wake Up
The Beginning after the End
I'm Here
Chocolate Chip Muffins, Rose Colored Glasses and the Man Who Loved Them
Falling Awake
Six Years Past
When I Look At You
The Worst Day
Crash Into Me
Last of Days

Special 130th O n e - S h o t s
(by Red Bess Rackham)

All I Want Is You
Life Is Short
Breathing Space
Fresh Feeling
Even Angels Fall
I'm Kissing You
Open Your Eyes
Best of Me
Something About You
Hanging By A Moment
It's You
All We Are
Time After Time
Quietdrive (Time After Time)
The Scientist
Fall To Pieces
She's So Lovely
Drop in the Ocean
Feel This
Love Song Requiem
With the Notes in My Ears

Katherine Heigl @fanforum
Falling Into Place - A George/Izzie Fansite
Altered Anatomy

;previous thread c e l e b r a t i o n s


Overall OP: AstronomySnap & Red Bess Rackham
Top 10 Moments Video: katie2323
Their Story: mariem201 & Red Bess Rackham
"Why I love Gizzie" Art: WalaBridget
Character Descriptions: greysaddiction
TR & Katie's Story: Red Bess Rackham
Soundtrack: NikitaWitter

greysaddiction 07-27-2010 07:30 AM

Post away!

I liked your title, Marie, but I was still feeling like celebrating Red's fic... just a little longer! :D

mariem201 07-27-2010 08:31 AM

Well, we can use it for another thread. Red's fic is worth celebrating. It was extraordinary and managed to make me forget the mess the show made of one of my favorite couples. I said it before, but you should totally write professionally, Red.

Thanks for starting this one.

OK, I'm pretty busy at work but will try and post more later.

Red Bess Rackham 07-27-2010 12:10 PM

TFTNT Cindy!! :hug: I am even more flattered that you named a SECOND thread after me. :blush:


I said it before, but you should totally write professionally, Red.
:hug: Thanks babe. I certainly hope to do so someday.

So, only since it was the very end of the last thread, I'mma gonna just repost my last post, if that's ok with everybody, so y'all don't have to try and jump back to the old one if you want reply to any of it.


Cindy, sorry to hear about your husband!! :hug: But I'm glad to hear he's doing better.


Ugh about the incest line. No offense against your sister, red, but the incest thing bugs me so much. Hello, they knew each other for a year. He had shower fantasies about her. They totally eye-sexed and flirted in the I just want some sex George, scene. They even had this whole convo about him NOT being her sister.
:nod: I hear ya, buddy. Her reasoning is that they (apparently) act so much like siblings that its "just wrong" to see them together romantically. I think she's mental. :lol:


Like what if a guy and a girl from two different shows met
Oh I *love* thinking up things like that. I go through phases where I come up with and am intrigued by obscure and/or random pairings, and I love trying to think of ways to create a pairing between two fandoms believably. I only wish more people would do it, and do it really well, so I could read some instead of going through the effort of trying to write it. :lol:


Red, I hope you have some Gizzie clips in mind in that long list, and some CS and maybe Ross and Rachel
Oh golly Marie, I have a separate list for G/I vids I someday want to make. :lol: And yes, there absolutely will be some Ross/Rachel and CS happening someday too.


So satisfying for G/I to finally get their Someday!
Thanks so much Cindy, and everyone else, for the wonderful comments. :hug: I'm so glad you liked.


I'm on a freaking buzz after that Chuck Comic-Con panel, and I wasn't even there!

I feel so out of the loop! I've been house-sitting all month at first my aunt's and then my grandparents (still have a few more days to go) and while they both have computers and internet, the computers and internet were so slow that I couldn't stand doing much more than checking my email. I can't wait to get back on my wireless interweb and finally take the time to catch up on all the vids, links, review replies and long list of stuff!!


HEY RED, guess who has been watching Firefly & Serenity these past few days?
SQUEEEEE!! How did I not know (or remember, apparently) that you watch those!? I freaking love Firefly with a burning passion. :lol: I may or may not carry a hefty vendetta against FOX.


:lmao: I haven't seen that movie yet, but the trailer is hilarious. And that anim... :lmao:


Seriously, though. I can't speak for everyone, but you really kept this place going and kept GI alive these past few months with that fic. And it's not like it was because we're so desperate and would take anything GI at this point, it was just written so damned well and true to character, it was natural we'd cling to it as though it were actually happening on the show.
:blush: Dudes, it's been so awesome to write for you. I love that you guys enjoyed it, and I can't help but want to keep GI alive. They're too good to let go. :D And I'd be lying if I said that at certain times when I was writing and/or editing, I didn't think something along the lines of, "Oooh, they are gonna kill me for this!" :lol: It was so much more entertaining that way.


Now go write another one.
:lol: Eventually, I promise. Right now I have so many different ideas and things going, I just have to get those out and down and done before I move on to anything else. For example, I have this (hideously ridiculous) Harry Potter story I started about a billion years ago, and it just became more forced and strained, the girls turned into Sues, I hated it... Anyways, it's been sitting three-quarters-finished on for like ever, and I am DETERMINED to rewrite it, finish it and never look at again. Any volunteers to help me with it? :lol:

I do, also, however... may have a large Grey's story, half-written, that will contain a very small hint of GI, as well as other pairings, which may spawn spin-offs. But don't get excited b/c that one's a very long way off. :lol:


I've been watching for years, I don't feel like giving up now.
Masochist. :lol:


Cindy, I haven't read the Stephanie Plum novels by order.
I haven't read them at all, but keep meaning to.


Bees are bastards. End of.
@Ausiello: Meh. To me, there are so many critics and columnists out there, just because he's a popular one, doesn't mean he's that great or truthful or whatevs. He is kind of a tool, but I just take whatever he says with a grain of salt. Most of it is just his opinion, just as any other article-writer, I think.

Could what he wrote actually been damaging to TR and/or Katie? Sure. But it's not like he was the only one out there who was bashing them or their characters or their romance, or whatever, right? Collectively, all the writers and responses to those writers is what's damaging. One blog with a hundred readers won't sway a network or a writer to change the direction of their show, I really don't think. It's if there's maybe forty blogs with a few thousand readers put together and the majority of them are against it, then they'll rethink it.

That being said, I tend to think Shonda changes her mind too easily with whichever way the winds of fandom blow. :shrug:

Mostly, I'm trying to say is I don't much stock in Ausiello. :lol: I'm neither here nor there about him.


You see things from many different angles and can understand different POVs.
You do Nic :nod:, and I appluad you for that. I suck at doing that. I'm more like... fixated on my ship and usually can't fathom why someone can't agree with me. :lol: In most cases, that is. I'm better with seeing other people's sides in pretty well anything else, except when it comes to picking ships and fav characters. :lol:


Including the Old Spice guy! (I'm on a horse)
Wait, hold up - are you telling me Old Spice man is gonna be on Chuck?


And if we do get a fifth season, I'm totally going to Comic-Con next year.
If they do, I will meet you there, for reals. :lol: Then I'll stop (half-)mourning having missing it when I was there last summer.

[/epicly long post]


greysaddiction 07-27-2010 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Red Bess Rackham (Post 49026957)
[COLOR="DarkRed"]TFTNT Cindy!! :hug: I am even more flattered that you named a SECOND thread after me. :blush:



Cindy, sorry to hear about your husband!! :hug: But I'm glad to hear he's doing better.
Thanks Red! He's def feeling better... not 100% though. I think he's going to go to work tomorrow. It was super scary but I stayed calm but it had me all sorts of spun up and nervous! Finally starting to come down a bit.


Oh I *love* thinking up things like that. I go through phases where I come up with and am intrigued by obscure and/or random pairings, and I love trying to think of ways to create a pairing between two fandoms believably. I only wish more people would do it, and do it really well, so I could read some instead of going through the effort of trying to write it. :lol:
It's a very cool concept.
Did you watch House at all? There's a Cameron (from House)/George O'Malley video out there on YT somewhere... I'll have to see if I can find it.... I thought that was such an interesting idea and I had never thought of it before... putting those two together.


Oh golly Marie, I have a separate list for G/I vids I someday want to make. :lol: And yes, there absolutely will be some Ross/Rachel and CS happening someday too.
:woot: for Red making G/I vids someday! :D


Thanks so much Cindy, and everyone else, for the wonderful comments. :hug: I'm so glad you liked.
Much deserved. Oh- and I still intend on a final comment... got a bit side-tracked this w/e w/ the whole nasty bee-stuff and being all sorts of spun up, but once my synapses slow down on the nervous-energy fire, perhaps then I'll be able to organize my thoughts better! :lol:


They're too good to let go. :D
Yes! They are! :nod:


@Ausiello: Meh. To me, there are so many critics and columnists out there, just because he's a popular one, doesn't mean he's that great or truthful or whatevs. He is kind of a tool, but I just take whatever he says with a grain of salt. Most of it is just his opinion, just as any other article-writer, I think.
ITA. And I just take what he says with a grain of salt too (well I used to when I used to read what he says) but I do no some fans who take his spoiler and what he says very seriously :rolleyes:


Could what he wrote actually been damaging to TR and/or Katie? Sure. But it's not like he was the only one out there who was bashing them or their characters or their romance, or whatever, right? Collectively, all the writers and responses to those writers is what's damaging. One blog with a hundred readers won't sway a network or a writer to change the direction of their show, I really don't think. It's if there's maybe forty blogs with a few thousand readers put together and the majority of them are against it, then they'll rethink it.
Oh, ITA 100% that he's not the only one out there that was bashing them or their characters or their romance. He just irks me to no end. And the cover stories/his chance to capitalize on it all... ick. I guess I could go into all the reasons why he irks me but, like I said b/f, I really don't think he's worth the time & energy to do so :lol:


That being said, I tend to think Shonda changes her mind too easily with whichever way the winds of fandom blow. :shrug:
:lmao: If that isn't ever the absolute truth! :lol:


You do Nic :nod:, and I appluad you for that.
:nod: Yes, it really is a good thing. There are other situations/instances in life when I'm good at that too... but the shipper stuff/fav character stuff isn't one of them :blush:


I suck at doing that. I'm more like... fixated on my ship and usually can't fathom why someone can't agree with me. :lol: In most cases, that is. I'm better with seeing other people's sides in pretty well anything else, except when it comes to picking ships and fav characters. :lol:
I'm exactly the same way about it... I think!

Got to go... interrupted :gone:

gingerly 07-27-2010 02:33 PM

I have now found a solution to the large OP issue, just stop loading the page. :lol:

So how is everyone on cutting the OP down and linking to Red's amazing site? A good amount of OP stuff is there. But, like, it's up to yourselves. I don't mind either way.

Anyway, thanks for the new thread! The title is ace.


<sorry, I had to say it, it was bubbling out... /rant now>
Never be sorry! Ranting is good for the soul. :lol:


That would be not to put Sarah in w/ another love interest, eh?
Am I correct in my assumption that CS is so widely shipped by the fans, you might almost say universally shipped?
That would be correct. :lol: But not just a love interest for Sarah, but a love interest for both. The days of serious love triangles for CS are over, me thinks.
Yeah, I mean, most of the people who watch may not "ship" them, but certainly like them very much and root for them to work as a couple and enjoy their scenes.


Ah, yes... and I did know this about you. You see things from many different angles and can understand different POVs. This can be good... and sometimes it can aggravate too <says she who's been known to aggravate plenty herself>. But I do understand this about you

And I'm glad you do care
:lol: I can indeed aggravate. But it creates good discussion, I think. (not counting matters concerning Ausiello, of course. :lol:)

But you guys get that what I don't care about is Ausiello's opinion on GI, right? And he's incredibly accurate with matters regarding Chuck. (unlike Kristin from E!, who's an even bigger tool, IMO) So (sorry to bring it up again, but I wanted to be clear, heh) I don't hate him, but I don't love the guy either.


So satisfying for G/I to finally get their Someday!
It is, it really is. <3


:lmao: I am. I really am.



Wait, hold up - are you telling me Old Spice man is gonna be on Chuck?
*clears throat*

So the panel started off with a highlight reel from season 3. Got good reactions. Then, a single question showed up on the screen: Who is Chuck's mother? That text was followed by "Okay, we'll tell you." The next image seen was a shot of a woman's back and the camera slowly started to zoom in. The woman turned around it was none other than Linda Hamilton. Everyone lost their minds, apparently. Immediately after that reveal, there was a faux ring take over video with Zac & Josh. In an attempt to clear the audience's minds of the Ring intel they had just recieved, they decided they were going to play us a video. They went through a bunch of dvd's including Transformers (boos!), Tron (massive cheers!), and then, finally decided on one... Jeffster!

Then the cast gave out FREE t-shirts that said NERD on them. They were designed by Zac. =) Unfortunately the panel started 10 minutes late. Add that to the highlight reel, Jeffster performance, cast giving out t-shirts and the moderators taking their sweet time in introductions, they only talked for about 15 minutes and there wasn't any fan Q & A. They were all disappointed.

love replaces fear More pictures, etc, here! And here,

GUESS who's starting a family this season? <3


Thanks Red! He's def feeling better... not 100% though. I think he's going to go to work tomorrow. It was super scary but I stayed calm but it had me all sorts of spun up and nervous! Finally starting to come down a bit.
That's good. =) And good on you for staying calm for him, despite the situation. Give yourself a breather now. :hug:


If they do, I will meet you there, for reals. Then I'll stop (half-)mourning having missing it when I was there last summer.
It's a date! :lol:

greysaddiction 07-29-2010 04:14 AM

*just popping in quickly*


:lol: I can indeed aggravate. But it creates good discussion, I think. (not counting matters concerning Ausiello, of course. )
:nod: Yes, it does typically create good discussion :nod:
except where Ausiello's concerned :lol:


But you guys get that what I don't care about is Ausiello's opinion on GI, right? And he's incredibly accurate with matters regarding Chuck. (unlike Kristin from E!, who's an even bigger tool, IMO) So (sorry to bring it up again, but I wanted to be clear, heh) I don't hate him, but I don't love the guy either.
I understand now... you might see beyond what he has said about KH/TR and G/I... beyond to other things, but that doesn't mean that you like what he did/said on those subjects (you're actually saying you don't) I think I get it now :nod: Although, I guess I'll just reiterate that I can not see beyond in this case, like you do... so, I guess on the subject of Ausiello, we just respectfully agree to disagree :)


Never be sorry! Ranting is good for the soul. :lol:
thanks! :hug: Well, only now and then it is.... :lol:


I have now found a solution to the large OP issue, just stop loading the page.


So how is everyone on cutting the OP down and linking to Red's amazing site? A good amount of OP stuff is there. But, like, it's up to yourselves. I don't mind either way.
Especially w/ Red's new site, I think I'm OK w/ that.... there's still needs to be some of that beauty directly visible on the page though.... I'm love it all but am especially fond of your art in the Top 5 epi section... :) oh, and Red's EPIC LOVE banner... will always be one of my all-time favs!

hate to say it, but I gotta run.... :( :gone:

mariem201 07-29-2010 05:55 AM

I am with Cindy, you can cut it a little bit down because it takes super forever to load, buit please leave some opf the beautiful eye candies on the page so we can see them whenever we open the thread. Maybe like cut half?

I don't think we will ever agree on Aussiello and his role on Gizzie breaking up and TR leaving, but I won't say anymore on it. The man is certainly not worth the energy and the words, and certainly not worth fighting over with people I like.

I will say I do like that he has good tastes in some things (Chuck:D).

I wanted to post a cute Gizzie video I found:
YouTube - George and Izzie- Never say never

You know what would be fun? A George, Izzie and Sara video?

Have to go now. Have lots of work.

Kyls 07-29-2010 06:12 AM


It's been a long time since I stopped by!

OP is so pretty. :sigh:

mariem201 07-29-2010 09:54 AM

Hey Kylie. Long time no see. Who is the couple on your icon?:confused:

Red, I forgot to say I cannot wait to see all your Gi, Ross and rachel and CS videos. Not enough GI videos those days:(

Our OP still leaves me in awe every single time I see it. So beautiful like our couple.

OK, back to work now.

greysaddiction 08-03-2010 10:52 AM

hey there Kylie :wave:
:nod: the OP is pure beauty! :nod:

so... :ff: is back up now, but seriously slow still. how long was it down for? i had company Fri, went to Maine Sat&Sun and then tried to get on yesterday and it was down, like, all day...

mariem201 08-03-2010 11:26 AM

Not sure. I was in Kinston all weekend and when I came back Sunday evening, it was down. Someone from here wrote me an email saying it had been down all day Sunday and it was down until Monday evening.

Red, I finally left you a review on the latest part. I really loved it. If only you could have been writing the show when George and Izzie were on....

You would have given them their someday, I'm sure.

Cindy, did you get to watch the GI video I posted?

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