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meggie525 04-30-2011 05:23 PM

Sorry I'm making people hungry. :lmao:

Mo Nighean Donn 04-30-2011 05:24 PM

We should definetly take advantage of having new episodes and post as much as we can when they are airing, just cause it will be a while before we get something again. But other then that, no big deal if the post count isn't as high. Happens occasionally. Yeah it is a bitch posting from your phone Megan, I hate doing it. I used to do it more often, like when I was at work all day, but the ads and all, make it a bitch to type in.

I think I need a drink :lmao:

DizzyLizzy 04-30-2011 05:27 PM

I still need to get off my butt to get something to eat...and maybe drink :lol:

Yeah I'll do my best to post again during the's just frustrating with the time delay with you guys and it's so much later...okay an hour :lol:

meggie525 04-30-2011 05:32 PM

Well, as long as you post ABOUT the ep it's not a huge deal. Why is it so delayed for you?

DizzyLizzy 04-30-2011 05:35 PM

I'm not sure...but the past few episodes we've head you're 3-4 mins ahead. It seems to start after the first commerical. So it must have something to do with the Canadian station putting in Canadian commericals. :shrug:

Mo Nighean Donn 04-30-2011 05:36 PM

At least your not like Jess and have to get up at 4 am to watch it :lol: I don't know how she does that :lol:

God we got to 3k a lot sooner then I expected :yay:

meggie525 04-30-2011 05:39 PM

That's so dumb, Liz. :P

I'd get up at 4 AM for Matt. :lmao: I'd never get back to sleep, though, would just have to caffeinate my way through the rest of the day.

Mo Nighean Donn 04-30-2011 05:45 PM

Jess doesn't sleep, she is a evil machine, she proved that tonight :lmao:

Yeah I probably would too, but the next day, I wouldn't be able to function :lol:

DizzyLizzy 04-30-2011 05:46 PM

Yeah it does...

I don't know how she does it...I'm still getting over the wedding 4 am wake up. That's why she's younger than me :lol:

I've decided I want a fly over for my wedding...

meggie525 04-30-2011 05:47 PM

I need a little sleep but I don't need a whole lot. As long as I get 4-5 hours I'm functional all day. Any less than that and I'm going to either need extra caffeine or break my no nap rule. :lmao:

I used to be able to routinely do the all-nighter thing but I tried once a couple of years ago and was sick for a week.

DizzyLizzy 04-30-2011 05:51 PM

I haven't done an all nighter in a long time....and I need 6-7 hours of sleep...a night!!!

I got a glass of if I wasn't sleepy already!

Mo Nighean Donn 04-30-2011 05:52 PM

A fly over for your wedding, you think big, I like it :D :lol:

Yeah, I did in college all the time, I don't know how I graduated :lmao: Caffeine and a lot of booze I guess :cheers: :lol:

meggie525 04-30-2011 05:53 PM

I've never envisioned a huge wedding for myself even when I have tried. Just not that kind of person I guess.

I think that's why things like yesterday are kind of a turn off for me. But I LOVED her dress. My mom and I were discussing it and we agreed it's because of the simplicity of it.

DizzyLizzy 04-30-2011 05:57 PM

Oh yeah I would never want a big wedding (or a fly over I was being sarcastic - I just left that out of my post :lol:)...small with my family and friends and a simple dress and food...and dancing...I have a feeling my mom will stick that in her brain and get like mini planes or something to fly...

Mo Nighean Donn 04-30-2011 05:59 PM

That would be funn if your mom remembered and then all the sudden randomly there would be plans flying over your head at the reception or something :lmao: I knew you were joking before, I was just teasing you, badly obviously :lol:
I don't spend a lot of time thinking about my wedding, it just depresses me even more that I am single so I don't think about it :lol:

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