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Old 10-12-2007, 03:45 PM
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Logan Appr. Thread #14 ~ Each day we celebrate the day Logan was born! Hallelujah!

Banner by JessBender

Banner by Genki


~ Our Master and Commander ~

Logan Huntzberger, son of Mitchum and Shira Huntzberger, is destined to step into his father's footsteps and become the head of his father's company, who runs a lot of papers.

Logan's two best friends are Colin and Finn and he has a sister named Honor, who married Josh in Season 6. In 2005, Logan first appeared on the screen, and asked Rory to call him Master and Commander. From that moment on, we all loved him.

Right now Logan is on Gilmore Girls for his third season. Logan is being played by Matt Czuchry.
Fans of Logan Huntzberger also like to call themselves Smitties, since he spoke of Smittie in the episode 'Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant'


Logan Fans
  1. cartiergurl01
  2. shinystar
  3. JessBender
  4. dna2000
  5. ln1
  6. Strega21
  7. AlwaysHoldingOn
  8. Falling~star

Why we love Logan
1. Because he wanted add his number to Rory's dorm door.
2. Because he took her to an LDB event so she could write her article.
3. Because he has an eye for dress sizes.
4. Because his smirk makes us swoon.
5. Because his smirk makes Rory swoon.
6. Because he told Rory that she's beautiful and intelligent.
7. Because he would rather not date Rory than break a commitment to her.
8. Because he got jealous at the QT party.
9. Because we love his bed-hair.
10. Because he makes climbing in windows revive chivalry.
11. Because he misses her when she's gone.
12. Because he calls her "Ace".
13. Because he made Rory feel better after Dean dumped her.
14. Because he keeps her on her toes.
15. Because he kisses so deliciously - with his entire body.
16. Because he's a true romantic
17. Because he loves to surprise Rory and us

Songs that remind us of Logan
Superman by Five for Fighting
Every Little Thing by Dishwalla
Like I Am by Rascal Flatts
See Me Through by Rascal Flatts
I'm moving on by Rascal Flatts
My Wish by Rascal Flatts.
Hero by Mariah Carey
Nothing Compares by Sinead O'Connor
'I am' by Die Happy

Previous Threads
#1 - We love our butt-faced miscreant
#2 - Because he's got great hands!
#3 - romance novel, $6..a vibrator, $20..Logan smut, Priceless
#4 - It's fun when Matt jr. comes out to play!
#5 - 'Cause we'd like to see Logan jr. dripping in pearls!
#6 - The definition of Love, Optimistic, Gorgeous, Attractive & Nice!
#7 - We're not quite ready to say goodbye, we may never be!
#8 - He was the best boyfriend we could ever ask for!
#9 - Because if there"s A line it starts with us!
#10 ~ We wouldn't mind seeing him running in circles in his underwear!
#11 ~ He definitley knows how to give a proper goodnight
#12 ~ We don't know a lot but we know that we love him...forever!
#13 ~ We admit, he is our work dork!

Future Title Suggestions
Because he's definetely way cuter than Pushkin!
Because if he jumps we jump too!
That's our Logan!


Where he became our 'Master and Commander'

Logan: Master and Commander
Rory: The movie?
Logan: No, that's what I want you to call me from now on.

Logan: Hello, city desk? Smitty here, take this down. I got a hot scoop on a tall blonde and I gotta put it to bed on the double!

You Jump, We Jump Jack

People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it’s one less minute you haven’t lived

Pushkin is cute but not as cute as Logan

Rory: "What are you doing in the library anyhow?"
Logan: "I got lost. Don't tell anyone I was here. It'll ruin my rep. Anna, it's been a pleasure. See you, Ace."

Logan's New side: Jealousy

Logan: "I don’t like this."
Rory: "Like what?"
Logan: "You here with Robert".
Rory: "You’re here with Whitney."
Logan: "I know!"
Rory: "So, what’s the problem?"
Logan: "The problem is you’re here with Robert and it’s bothering me, and I don’t like that it’s bothering me."

A start of something new

Logan: "All right, fine. I'll do it."
Rory: "Do what?"
Logan: "I'll be your boyfriend."

His last felony

LOGAN [smiles]: I think I’ve been a bad influence on you, Ace.
RORY: Let’s go, Huntzberger.
LOGAN: Let’s go.

He knows how to work it blue!

Logan: I have to say, Ace. I like the new digs.
Rory: Yeah, its nice, huh? You haven't even seen the bedroom yet.
Logan: Oh, wow. Ok, but dont think this is going to work a second time. [gets up, wrapping the blanket around him]
Rory: No, Logan...I didn't mean...I seriously meant that you haven't seen the bedroom yet.
Logan: You're making me feel cheap, Ace.
Rory: Logan! I swear, I wasn't working blue!

Even though he didn't say it. He showed it!

Logan: Look, I've told a lot of girls that I love them before and I didn't mean it. So, I'm not going to do that to you. Boy, that didn't come out right. It was supposed to sound a lot more -
Rory: Hey, you don't have to say anything at all.

His prerogative...

Logan: Well, my perrogative, you know? Your damn straight, I'm gonna party, and I'm going to do it while I have the chance, because come June, my life is over!!!
Rory: OHHH....yes, your horrible life. Lets hear about it.
Logan: Gotta week?
Rory: You have every door opened to you. You have opportunities that anyone would kill for, including me.
Logan: No one is stopping you from making whatever you want happen. Go into journalism, go into politics, be a doctor, be a clown, do whatever you want!
Rory: Its not as easy when its not handed to you!
Logan: Really? Its all so easy for me? I dont want that life!! Its forced on me! You talk about all these doors being opened? All I is see one door, and Im being pushed through it! I have no choice!!! You try living without options!
Rory: How hard are you fighting it?!?
Logan: I didnt tell you to quit Yale, you did that! I gave you one month, you went beyond that month, it had nothing to do with me. It was all you! Now, you want to change, change it. But dont blame me, dont you dare blame me!!! You know what? Why dont you go off with Jay...Jack, whatever his name is.
Rory: Oh, I'm not going off with Jess!!
Logan: [sighs] Come on.
Rory: Where?
Logan: Go. Lets go, I dont want to be here.
Rory: I dont want to go.
Logan: Well, I drove, and I want to go.
Rory: I dont want to go!
Logan: Fine. I'll cover the bill, the cab, do whatever you want. Its your choice.

His First real and honest I LOVE YOU!

Logan: I though I wanted to break up. I thought it was a stupid experiment, me trying to be a boyfriend. That it didn't work and I would just move on and I didn't! Couldn't actually.
(Rory opens the door and starts to get the things she dropped on the floor)
Logan: Rory! I love you!

His Suicide Mission

Logan: Look, I figured this was a suicide mission, okay. Its probably something you and Rory will laugh about for years to come. But Im not giving up until I exhaust all my options, and asking for your help is one of them.
Lorelai: Really?
Logan: Yes.
Lorelai: You're seriously here to ask for my help with Rory? Its not a joke?
Logan: Im going for broke, here.
Lorelai:'ve got moxie, my friend. I'll give you that.
Logan: I think I get it from my dad.
Lorelai: I hate your dad.
Logan: Me too. See, we have things in common, you and me. Maybe this isnt so crazy.

His Journalistic skills

Logan: Well, then I guess you dont know everything, now do you? So come on, what do you got here?
Rory: Well, this is an article on Greenspan. He gave this interview with all this technical, economic jargon.
Logan: I know the jargon. Ill take this. Are these proofed?
Rory: Yeah, but they're not typed in yet.
Logan: Ill do that. It will be faster. I type 90 words a minute.
Rory: You do?
Logan: You really did only like me for my looks, huh? How are you doing on content?
Rory: Still a little short.
Logan: Ok, Ive got a couple of stories banked that I didnt give Paris, they're in pretty decent shape, we can make do with that.
Rory: Okay.
Logan: And remember, if you're still short on space, just cannonballize everything for Friday's issue, and use it for tonight's.
Rory: Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Logan: Peter's asking for it. Ok, so who do we have desking?
Rory: Bill.
Logan: Id put Sheila on it with him. She will hurt his ego and make him work faster. Ok? I'll be over here if you need me. And [to Bill] get that yo-yo off the floor. Someone's gonna break their neck.

Moving in with his girlfriend

Logan: Look, we'll figure this out. Now, you said you got movers.
Rory: Starving students. How starving can they be if they cant come for five hours after you call. Plus, I heard the guy crunching on something during our call. Sounded like Baked Lays.
Logan: And you've got to nowhere to go, right?
Rory: Right-a-mundo.
Logan: can move in with me.
Rory: What?
Logan: Move in with me. Paris' place is a hole anyway. I never liked that you lived there, and that Doo-Wopp group downstairs...I dont think they're an honest to goodness singing group.

Showdown of the Huntzbergers!

Mitchum: You don't get to decide whether you're needed or not. I decide that do you hear me?
Logan: They heard you in Nantucket.
Mitchum: You were not to be here. You were supposed to be on a red-eye to London last night. I was in a room full of colleagues!
Logan: How many time do I have to go to London, I've met all of them. I’ve met them all for God’s sake!
Mitchum: Some of them actually come from other bureaus to meet you, and you blow it off to be with your little girlfriend! You embarrassed me!
Logan: You want to talk time about embarrassment?
Mitchum: You embarrassed me, you embarrassed yourself! You listen to me. You're getting on a plane to London. You're getting on a plane to London today.
Logan: Dad!
Mitchum: And you're going to explain to my colleagues why you wasted their Saturday and robbed them of their Sunday. And let me tell you this you better start acclimating yourself, because you're in London for at least a year starting the day after you graduate, as we discussed.
Logan: You discussed it.
Mitchum: You're doing this, Logan, and I'm driving you to the airport myself right now. Get packed. You've got 10 minutes.

It was never hard for me..

Logan: Look, I understand that you're upset and I really wish that you hadn't found out like that. But Rory, I LOVE YOU! You know that I love you. When I said that I was your boyfriend, I agreed to be faithful to you, which by the way was a first for me. And I thought it would be hard, but it wasn't. Then I asked you to move in with me. I asked you to move in with me, and I thought that was going to be hard, but it wasn't. I have been completely faithful to you, Rory. I have not been with another girl, I have not looked at another girl, I have not even thought about another girl.
Rory: Except for Walker, Alexandra....
Logan: We were broken up, Rory.
Rory: No, you were.
Logan: I thought we were broken up, I thought that's what tht fight was. I thought that's what the seperation was. Do you believe me? Do you believe that I honestly thought we weren't together?

Avoiding Death with the 'LDB'

Rory: How? By pointing out that the stunt your planning doesnt exactly sound safe?
Logan: Its called the Life and Death Brigade, Rory.
Rory: Yeah, and aren't you supposed to avoid the death part?

We could have lost him..

Rory: I should hve stopped you.
Logan: Hey, you couldn't have stopped me. A team of psychiatrists with tranquilizer guns couldn't have stopped me. I was going no matter what. It's my fault. Do not feel guilty about this.
Rory: I just you out the door. I didn't even care. I was so cold. I just....I could have lost you.
Logan: You didn't lose me.
Rory: But I could have, though.

Still waiting for Rorys mail with the screen saver butt picture.

RORY: [Looking at the camera] Oh-ho. I have outdone myself photographically. Every one of these is a keeper.
LOGAN: Okay that's a close-up of my naked butt. That's not a keeper.
RORY: You're right. That's a screen saver.

Blow off the Huntzberger destiny

LOGAN: Tell me not to go.
RORY: What?
LOGAN: Tell me not to get on that plane. Tell me to blow off my father, the paper, the whole Huntzberger destiny. Just tell me I can figure something else out. Just tell me not to go.

Leaving on a jetplane

Rory: You are leaving for London. Who knows when we'll see each other again?
Logan: I thought that was all set.
Rory: What was all set?
Logan: With Christmas, Thanksgiving, Guy Fawkes Day?
Rory: Thats so far away!
Logan: Rory. If you come with me, I won't get on the plane. I've paid for the apartment for the next year, so you don't have to worry about that. [Rory starts to cry] There's still a few weeks left on the car service, so use it whenever you want. I know that you wont, but just in case you need to. [he kisses her] I'll call you when I get in, okay? [he kisses her again, and she cries harder] What?
Rory: I keep trying to think of fabulous things to say, but all I can think is "Say hi to William and Harry for me."
Logan: I love you, Ace.
Rory: Thats so much better than "Say hi to William and Harry for me."
Logan: [he kisses her] I have to go.

"Matt is a scene-stealer of the best kind.
He's an emotional powerhouse,
delivering something memorable with every scene."
{9/27 08 & 5/11 15}

Last edited by heartღaflutter; 12-25-2007 at 05:18 AM
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Old 10-12-2007, 03:47 PM
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Matt Czuchry
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Because London did suck for Logan!

Rory: Logan! Where are you?
Logan: Heathrow. I just landed.
Rory: I miss you so much.
Logan: I miss you too. I've only been here two and a half minutes, and I can already tell it sucks.
Rory: It does suck. Ive heard that about London. You should just get on a plane and come home. You gave it a chance.
Logan: Are you on campus? I tried you at the apartment, but I didnt get an answer.

Work Dork


RORY: I thought the pitch was at breakfast.
LOGAN: It is, but we can't walk in there unprepared. We got to go over our notes, talk strategy. It's a pre-breakfast breakfast.
RORY: [rolls eyes] Work dork.
LOGAN: Did you just call me a work dork?
RORY: Admit it, just admit that you're a work dork.
LOGAN: I'll admit that I’m a work dork, if you admit that you love that I'm a work dork.
RORY: Done.

'Not ashamed for who he is'

RORY: No, no. I was just writing. I mean I was worked up. I was mad at my mom. Maybe that kind of got into the piece somehow. But, no, this was meant to be funny. I didn't think you would take it personally. I mean you're totally different from these people.
LOGAN: No, I'm not, and you know what I don't want to be.
RORY: Logan…
LOGAN: What I'm a rich trust-fund kid. I'm not ashamed of it.

Talking Businesseee with Logan!

Logan: i went to him i pitched him the idea, and he rejected it. I have to move fast i have to take this deal off the market before one of the big-dog companies sniff me out and try to outbid me. You still want to take this chess thing?
Rory: yeah, we should. Well, you sound really excited.
Logan: i am. It's exciting. The economies of scale are incredible. I just need to prove out the business model first.
Rory: yeah and the barriers to switching for your current clientele will probably increase, too.
Logan: yes exactly that's what my father doesn't understand. The opportunity cost of not doing it is that somebody else will, and the barriers to switching -- hey.
Rory: what?
Logan: are actually you using business-speak? Are we speaking businessese?
Rory: i believe we are.
Logan: color me impressed.

Poor birthday boy

LOGAN: I'm not used to all this hoopla. Birthdays aren't a very big deal in the Huntzberger family.
RORY: Why not?
LOGAN: Because birthdays aren't something you achieve. Why should you be lauded for something that just happens?
RORY: Well didn't you have birthday parties when you were a kid?
LOGAN: They were parties, sort of, but not with any kids I actually knew.
RORY: That sounds like a blast.
LOGAN: And I never had a regular birthday cake. I always wanted just a good old, plain yellow cake. You know with cake frosting but desserts were some fancy flambé thing with alcohol in them.
RORY: Well, those years of birthday neglect will become a faint memory after the Gilmore treatment.

Everything is failing apart

PHILLIP: I'm afraid I've got some grim news.
LOGAN: What, what’s going on?
PHILLIP: I just got off the line with our lawyers. They say they just got a cease-and-desist letter from Prism Active, this tech company in Palo Alto, claming prior art on our media 10 platform. They're reviewing the patent now, but…
LOGAN: What do you mean, "prior art"?
PHILLIP: They're claiming patent infringement.
LOGAN: But that’s what we bought. Our patent’s pending. We bought that technology. That’s the entire value of the company.
PHILLIP: But they are saying it’s worthless. It was already owned. They were just waiting for someone with deep pockets to buy in before they sued.
LOGAN: Oh, my god.
PHILLIP: I'm so sorry. Happy birthday, man.

We are proud, too

LOGAN: When the whole deal fell apart... I knew I was in so much trouble, I just -- I totally lost it. I couldn't face anything. I had so much invested in it in every way that, when it all collapsed, it was like I fell into this hole I couldn't pull myself out of. And I also realized that my dad was right. He had every reason to be pissed at me. I mean, I would have fired me for what I did. So, I decided the only way to fix this is to not be my dad's employee anymore.
RORY: What?
LOGAN: I went to him, and I just -- I said -- I was calm, apologetic, no shouting, no threats. I just said I didn't want to be a pawn in whatever game he had in mind for me.
RORY: Really.
LOGAN: I am officially not working for the Huntzberger group anymore.
RORY: Oh, my god.
LOGAN: Yeah, and it feels really good. I mean, it felt great finally standing up to my dad.
RORY: How did he take it?
LOGAN: He tried to put up this cool, detached front, you know but I think I actually saw steam coming out of his ears. Basically, he told me to hit the road.
RORY: And you took him literally.
LOGAN: I just needed to see you. The thing is, even though he was mad, I swear I saw the slightest glimmer of pride in his eyes, you know just for a second. I mean, no one walks out on Mitchum Huntzberger.
RORY: I'm proud of you, too. I almost wish I'd saved you a bite of cake. Hmm.

Ready to work hard

LOGAN: I get that, and I respect that because I just spat out a whole place setting of sterling silver royal Danish. I left my dad’s company, I left that world because I have my own values.
LORELAI: I understand that.
LOGAN: I thought you would because that’s what you did. You left the world of privilege to do things your way.
LORELAI: I guess I never thought of it that way.
LOGAN: And you did it when you were younger and had a baby to take care of. It was really impressive.
LORELAI: I don't need you to be impressed by me. I just need you to know it wasn't easy.
LOGAN: I know that.
LORELAI: I didn't get anything like "boom," you know? I worked hard for everything I got.
LOGAN: I want to work. I'm ready to work. And I want to work hard.

A New Start in Life

LOGAN: Well, I've been offered a position with an emerging internet company.
LORELAI: Wow, that's great.
LOGAN: Yeah it's pretty similar to what I was doing in New York, but actually they're willing to make me a full partner. I'll be getting in on the ground floor.
LORELAI: That's exciting!
LOGAN: It is. It's gonna be a lot of long hours and an incredible amount of work building the company, but I really feel this venture has a bright future. I mean, these are serious people.
LORELAI: And you're a serious guy. Look, you don’t have to convince me. I voiced my concerns, and you told me your plans. We had pie. I'm cool.
LOGAN: Thank you. I appreciate that. That means a lot to me.
LORELAI: Oh. You're welcome.

Pursuing Permission

Logan: Look, I love Rory. She means the world to me, and I want her to come with me to California
Lorelai: Oh...
Logan: But not just as my girlfriend-- which is why I'm here. I'm here to ask your permission, your permission to ask Rory to marry me

Will you marry me?

Logan: You amaze me, Rory Gilmore. Every day. Everything that you do. Everything that you are. This past year I realized that I don’t know a lot more than I thought I knew. If that makes sense. Sorry, I’m a little bit nervous! I didn’t think I would be. What I’m trying to say is that I don’t know a lot. But I know that I love you. And I want to be with you. Forever. (Logan pulls out a ring box) Rory Gilmore, will you marry me?

A Glimpse into the Future

LOGAN: Rory, I got the job out in silicon valley.
RORY: What? You did? When?!
LOGAN: They offered me the position about 45 minutes after the meeting, but I wanted to save the news until after I proposed.
RORY: Wow. You've been thinking about this for a while.
LOGAN: Yeah. Back when everything was up in the air business-wise, I realized as long as I had you, I'd be okay. You would love Palo Alto, Rory. We could go hiking in the Dish on weekends, biking at the Baylands.
RORY: Wow. California sounds really athletic.
LOGAN: Or coffee drinking on university avenue.
RORY: That’s much easier to imagine.
LOGAN: I went exploring a little, and there is this house that we could rent. It has a backyard with an avocado tree

The Last of Logan


"Matt is a scene-stealer of the best kind.
He's an emotional powerhouse,
delivering something memorable with every scene."
{9/27 08 & 5/11 15}
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Old 10-12-2007, 03:54 PM
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A new thread

thnx for the thread Jess!!

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Old 10-12-2007, 04:09 PM
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No prob

So let's talk again about that pretty hot and sexy butt Matt has
"Matt is a scene-stealer of the best kind.
He's an emotional powerhouse,
delivering something memorable with every scene."
{9/27 08 & 5/11 15}
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Old 10-12-2007, 04:11 PM
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the sexy butt it's pretty sexy!
"Lies roll of us. It's the truths we work hardest to silence."
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Old 10-12-2007, 04:11 PM
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well its hard not to see it.. Its lovely in this ep!

We can't forget about the finger licking

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Old 10-12-2007, 04:26 PM
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the icing licking that was HOT! sooo HOT! and sexy! OMG the icing licking!
"Lies roll of us. It's the truths we work hardest to silence."
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Old 10-13-2007, 02:40 AM
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that was really hot, I was jaw dropped when I first saw it and like 'Oh my God! What is he doing? And can he do it again?'

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Old 10-13-2007, 05:35 AM
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maybe once you see the manip Mariana you'll get the vibe too!
That was hot too and cute He did the same in HBM

'Oh my God! What is he doing? And can he do it again?
I even had a animated icon from that moment
"Matt is a scene-stealer of the best kind.
He's an emotional powerhouse,
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Old 10-13-2007, 05:49 AM
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I think you're quoting from other threads again Jess

I remember that animation!!

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Old 10-13-2007, 06:14 AM
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I think you're quoting from other threads again Jess
I did?

Geez, something is definitely wrong with me

that was HOT! sooo HOT! and sexy! OMG the icing licking!
That was hot too and cute He did the same in HBM

Now everything should be normal
"Matt is a scene-stealer of the best kind.
He's an emotional powerhouse,
delivering something memorable with every scene."
{9/27 08 & 5/11 15}
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Old 10-13-2007, 06:22 AM
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You did. You quoted this:
maybe once you see the manip Mariana you'll get the vibe too!
but that was posted on the Sophies thread

oh yeah the licking happened in 18 too when he was cooking!!

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Old 10-13-2007, 07:11 AM
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oh yeah the licking happened in 18 too when he was cooking!!
That was so hot in both episodes, I can watch that over and over again
"Matt is a scene-stealer of the best kind.
He's an emotional powerhouse,
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{9/27 08 & 5/11 15}
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Old 10-13-2007, 07:15 AM
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yeah I hit repeat on those moments too... same with the butt moment.. It's nice to look at!

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Old 10-13-2007, 08:49 AM
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I also loved the talk in bed ( to move forward ) Sad, that he never got a real birthday party but great that Rory wanted to give him a proper Gilmore birhtday day.
"Matt is a scene-stealer of the best kind.
He's an emotional powerhouse,
delivering something memorable with every scene."
{9/27 08 & 5/11 15}
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