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Junk_Yard_Slut 10-11-2022 12:27 AM

That doesn't surprise me! I have always got the impression from her that they seemed heavy or uncomfortable. They actually got rid of Melinda and Kelly's extensions in the this season, but Mischa keeps hers.

She looks fantastic with short hair, like she had at the end of S2, not sure what the insistence was!

stlavin95 10-11-2022 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Cristofle (Post 107373223)
Mischa didn't even like the extensions IIRC. So this wasn't a personal choice on her part, lol.

Makes even worse tbh

Cristofle 10-11-2022 04:53 PM

She talked about it in more than one interview - she preferred shorter hair and the extensions were frustrating. I think it's fine for a movie, but making her do it basically all year....then dress her in weird drab colors and make her look like a yoga mom instead of a high school student, lol.

stlavin95 10-12-2022 02:45 AM

Definitely, haha

Cristofle 10-12-2022 05:31 PM

Aww, she's sad about Angela Lansbury in her stories :(

stlavin95 10-13-2022 02:37 AM

It is sad news

Cristofle 10-13-2022 04:53 PM

I'm going to be completely honest and admit I wasn't 100% aware she was still alive :/ Ooops.

LOL, IG is labeling this look as controversial from S2 but I'll go ahead and say it's more suitable than yoga mom.

stlavin95 10-14-2022 01:01 AM

No doubt, haha

Junk_Yard_Slut 10-14-2022 09:57 AM

I LOVE that outfit, it was very cute and I think few others could make it look as good as Mischa did.

What I find very confusing in those scenes is just how much lighter her hair looks throughout the episode!

Cristofle 10-14-2022 05:13 PM

I actually really liked those somewhat longer skirts and even had a few. I thought they were flattering.

stlavin95 10-14-2022 08:51 PM

Think they suit her well too

KrisR1 10-15-2022 12:37 PM

Recently, I saw a reunion photo on IG of the people who hosted the infamous Memorial Day party years ago. Mischa was among them in the 'past' photo.

In the more recent anniversary photo right below that one, the same people were in it, except Mischa, who was nowhere to be seen.......

What exactly happened at that party, as the reason given for Mischa's illness at it was a reaction with Bronchitis medication? Did Mischa overdose on something there, and did Richie actually leave her to die from it?! If she did, Mischa's devastation at that must have been beyond belief....

Junk_Yard_Slut 10-15-2022 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by KrisR1 (Post 107402820)
Recently, I saw a reunion photo on IG of the people who hosted the infamous Memorial Day party years ago. Mischa was among them in the 'past' photo.

In the more recent anniversary photo right below that one, the same people were in it, except Mischa, who was nowhere to be seen.......

What exactly happened at that party, as the reason given for Mischa's illness at it was a reaction with Bronchitis medication? Did Mischa overdose on something there, and did Richie actually leave her to die from it?! If she did, Mischa's devastation at that must have been beyond belief....

Yes, Sophie Monk talks about it here:

Sophie Monk Recalls Saving A Hollywood Celebrity Who Nearly Died Of Overdose.

Mischa has understandably distanced herself from Nicole Richie in the years that have followed.

BTW, I think we might be having this very conversation on another website :) Nice to see you here too, I always enjoy your comments!

Cristofle 10-15-2022 05:43 PM

I am disbelief. Nicole acted like she was really Mischa's friend, to then do - or not do - what she did.

stlavin95 10-15-2022 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Junk_Yard_**** (Post 107403180)
Yes, Sophie Monk talks about it here:

Sophie Monk Recalls Saving A Hollywood Celebrity Who Nearly Died Of Overdose.

Mischa has understandably distanced herself from Nicole Richie in the years that have followed.

BTW, I think we might be having this very conversation on another website :) Nice to see you here too, I always enjoy your comments!

Thanks for the link

Can't blame her for that at all.

KrisR1 10-16-2022 10:15 AM

More information can be found here:

Mischa's reaction towards Sophie Monk's essentially saving her life afterwards, was a bit unfortunate. Although she probably wasn't aware of what happened until later, when presumably she was told about Nicole Richie's callous abandonment of her.... Shattering the image of friendship with Nicole, which she would have had until that moment.

Why on earth did they leave her in such a humiliating state? Unclothed, and with the shower running?!!

The IG before-and-after photo is here:

Cristofle 10-16-2022 05:44 PM

I think Mischa was probably not immediately aware of exactly what had gone down, and this was not in a good period in her relationship with her mother. But I hope she realizes now that Sophie helped her when her supposedly close friend did not.

stlavin95 10-16-2022 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cristofle (Post 107410440)
I think Mischa was probably not immediately aware of exactly what had gone down, and this was not in a good period in her relationship with her mother. But I hope she realizes now that Sophie helped her when her supposedly close friend did not.

Hope so too

Junk_Yard_Slut 10-17-2022 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by KrisR1 (Post 107408170)
More information can be found here:

Mischa's reaction towards Sophie Monk's essentially saving her life afterwards, was a bit unfortunate. Although she probably wasn't aware of what happened until later, when presumably she was told about Nicole Richie's callous abandonment of her.... Shattering the image of friendship with Nicole, which she would have had until that moment.

Why on earth did they leave her in such a humiliating state? Unclothed, and with the shower running?!!

The IG before-and-after photo is here:

Yes, I remember Nicole gave some radio interview at the time and was moreso trying to cover herself than actually make sure her supposed friend (I want to say best friend because I feel that's what they were at the time?) was okay?

The aftermath of the party and its consequences was interesting too because Nicole's PR got ahead and a lot of articles came out about how Mischa was suddenly too wild for Nicole to be around... as opposed to the fact that Nicole left her friend to die and maybe that's why their friendship never recovered?

I find the whole throwback distasteful given all that happened that night TBH.

Also reminds me of that period where Rachel Zoe was styling them both, and I have absolutely no doubt, was a bad influence. Very disappointed to hear an ad for her podcast. She should not have a career anymore.

Cristofle 10-17-2022 04:43 PM

Ugh. Rachel Zoe. I thought she'd faded into oblivion.

stlavin95 10-18-2022 02:36 AM

Still can't wrap my head around certain people still have careers in Hollywood after everything they have done.

Junk_Yard_Slut 10-18-2022 11:54 AM

I'm very surprised she has a podcast, didn't think she would be a relevant name anymore.

Thank God that era of styling has passed now, though. What an awful time that was. I recall Nicole's split from her but don't recall exactly her and Mischa parted ways.

There was also that time period where walking barefoot was a thing. The early-mid 2000s were something else, lol.

KrisR1 10-18-2022 02:57 PM

Sadly, there seems to be a simple equation in Hollywood.

Anyone's behaviour is tolerated if they are good at bringing in the dollars - unless they make a mistake big enough to threaten that situation.

This is usually through generating bad publicity, which starts to overshadow the current project which they are working-on.

If that happens, the person is ruthlessly disposed of to solve the problem.

Despite his long track record of success as a film/TV creator/director, Joss Whedon was sacked from his then current movie because the bad publicity that he was getting due to his past Buffy/Angel set behaviour was starting to overshadow the movie.

So, to make that problem go away, its producers got rid of him....

Become seen as a liability by the industry, and your career is quickly in trouble. Mischa, sadly, is also a victim of this mindset, due to her tabloid reputation........

It also, very likely, explains Nicole Richie's actions, and those of her PR people, 15 years ago in the aftermath of that party. Mischa was forced to take the fall for Nicole's treatment of her to save Nicole's reputation, and employment opportunities, or they would surely have been wrecked by the news that Nicole Richie had left Mischa Barton to die just to save her own skin. Everyone associated with Nicole would have been impacted, and forced to pick sides, leaving Nicole to sink into disgrace and career oblivion........

This would likely still happen if the truth about that night ever becomes public knowledge on a wide scale. Sadly, Sophie Monk's revelations did not cut through in 2014, maybe because she didn't name Mischa as the person who she saved that night, and Nicole Richie's PR people, if they found out about Sophie's interview, kept quiet to avoid people making the connection with Mischa's hospitalisation.

Cristofle 10-18-2022 05:12 PM

I do think a large part of it was that it was not widely obvious at the time that it was Mischa Sophie was referring to. Which IS a bit sad - it wouldn't have been any better if it had been an obscure friend who wasn't famous. But it's the reality of the situation.

stlavin95 10-19-2022 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Junk_Yard_**** (Post 107421002)
I'm very surprised she has a podcast, didn't think she would be a relevant name anymore.

Thank God that era of styling has passed now, though. What an awful time that was. I recall Nicole's split from her but don't recall exactly her and Mischa parted ways.

There was also that time period where walking barefoot was a thing. The early-mid 2000s were something else, lol.

Me neither

Sure was, lol

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