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chazman 04-20-2012 06:41 AM

I'm going to see the play tomorrow. Will let ya know what I think. Don't ahve much time after, or would try to get pics, etc. Odd haven't seen any "stage door" pics. Saw them even for "Love, Lost..."

flightless♥bird 04-20-2012 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by chazman (Post 62693767)
I'm going to see the play tomorrow. Will let ya know what I think. Don't ahve much time after, or would try to get pics, etc. Odd haven't seen any "stage door" pics. Saw them even for "Love, Lost..."

Bring lots and lots of details ;)

anettbianka 04-21-2012 06:00 AM

YAY for you! I hope you'll like the play.

I'm very surprised by the lack of stage door pics, too. The only one I could find was this, but it's from a month ago and I'm not even sure it was taken at the theater.

pink velvet 04-21-2012 07:07 AM

so excited for you! :yay: wish I was the one going :P please do tell us all about it! :D have fun :hug:

chazman 04-21-2012 04:15 PM

OK...back from play! Took the train in, and up 55th st to the theater :bunny:

This is sign outside the theater.

You then go down some stairs and see this

Went into theater..not a big place. My seats were in the second row (!!!), but off to the side (:( ).
Still nice seats...I did get them at discount lol.

Think we've all seen the stage setup from the vids. For the first 15 minutes or so, there is no Alexis. It's just the guys who are spending time at the cabins so they can get residency for a Nevada divorce (this is1954).
Alexis then comes on stage. She is offering the fellows "haircuts" (;) ;) ), but she has to be careful not to be caught by the old lady who runs the cabins. A couple of the fellows are real smitten with Alexis, but she seems to only really like one of them. The first act is mostly the story of the 4 guys who are getting a divorce...each with a different reason they are there. Alexis's character is a mess, with an abusive father and it seems that her sisters are in the "hair-cutting" biz too. The first act was ok.

The second act is mostly taken up with the youngest guy being investigated for his non-American activities (i.e being a commie..this was 1954). It's also when the play sort of falls apart. I felt this was too cliche a storyline, and it wasn't done well. Alexis has a few scenes as she comes back to the cabin area after her Dad beat her. She thinks she can run away with one of the cabin dudes, but he'll have none of it. One of the other cabin dudes offers to take him back home with him, but he's a jerk, so she declines.

So yea....the play then ends as all the guys back the young guy who is accused of being a commie.

Have to give it a thumbs down. The performances were fine, but the second act was a big problem.

Alexis had the least amount of scenes of all the main cast. About 6 in all I think...3 each act. It's great though to be THIS CLOSE to's amazing really lol.
That made it worth the trip for me. Wish the play could have been better though...

Random tidbits.

- May have just been because it was a matinee, but the average age of the audience was around 72 lol.
- There were two old ladies sitting next to me. During the play didn't hear them say anything, laugh, clap...nothing. But as the play ended and after the cast took their bows, one old lady turned to another and said "What the fu*ck was that?" :lol:
- There was a discussion afterwards, which I assume would be the cast and audience discussing the play, etc, but I couldn't stay which bummed me out :(
But as I left the Men's room after the show, it seemed like most of the rest of the audience was leaving too, and not bothering to stay for the discussion. That kinda made me sad :(

Scanned the Playbill if interested..

pink velvet 04-22-2012 07:38 AM

awww it's too bad the play wasn't better :( it seemed like it had some promise, but maybe not so much! figures Alexis had the least amount of time :lol: but, like you said, at least you got to be THAT close to her :love: that much is amazing.

anettbianka 04-23-2012 07:54 AM

That sucks the play wasn't too good. Hopefully she'll pick a better project/bigger role next time she decides to do more stage work. But thank you for the feedback/pictures!

pink velvet 04-24-2012 09:51 AM

she needs to get her hands on better scripts :nod: :pout:

flightless♥bird 04-24-2012 03:37 PM

Thanks for the info :hug:

Well at least you had the experience of seeing Alexis in person. I wish it had been better too. Maybe she will get some better scripts soon in the future.

anettbianka 04-25-2012 04:11 PM

I'd gladly suffer through the most horrible play to see her from up close.

pink velvet 04-26-2012 08:49 AM

yup. I would too :lol:

flightless♥bird 04-26-2012 03:40 PM

Me three :lol:

pink velvet 04-28-2012 05:16 AM

but even so I hope she picks better projects :P

flightless♥bird 04-30-2012 03:04 PM

That'd be nice :lol:

anettbianka 04-30-2012 04:32 PM

It certainly would be much better to actually enjoy her plays/movies/etc. than just staring at her because she's so pretty. :lol:

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