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MrღMrsStinsbatskys 11-07-2009 06:56 AM

6x07 Careful The Things You Say (Episode Discussion) 11/8/09
Susan suspects Katherine is Julie's attacker

Susan believes Katherine may be the one who attacked Julie; Meanwhile, Angie invites Bree and Orson to dinner; Gabby struggles to home school Juanita; Lynette had her own suspicions as to who attacked Julie; and Angie confronts Nick about the secret he's withholding from her.

Episode sneakpeaks!

Imzadi 11-07-2009 08:41 AM

Thanks for the thread :)

is it the 9 episode already? thought it was teh 7th :look:

Roaming Tigress 11-08-2009 04:26 PM

It is the seventh episode :)

Another clip can be found here:
YouTube - Desperate Housewives 6x07 SNEAK PEEK 4

HQ preview:

YouTube - 6x07 - Careful the Things You Say - HQ Promo

MrღMrsStinsbatskys 11-08-2009 05:24 PM

Sorry about that, I didn't know I did that. Of course I knew it was episode 7.

Julie 11-08-2009 06:01 PM

I'm psyched :yay:

smoothaise 11-08-2009 07:32 PM

This episode is fantastic so far.

Oh, Bree. You are not even 1% Italian. :lol: Nice try. ;)

Roaming Tigress 11-08-2009 08:25 PM

For the most part, I thought this was a fluffy episode but still good.

Loved Lynette's involvement in the storyline tonight. It's about time that she has more involvement in the main mysteries. Now, if only we can get more Gaby involvement . . .

On that subject, Gablos' storyline was my favorite, tied with Lynette's. The glare Juanita gave Gaby was hilarious and the last scene between Gablos was sweet.

Oh, Bree. I loved her interactions tonight with Angie and am looking forward to see where they'll be going with this.

Susan's storyline was fluff IMO, but still fun. It's amazing in a pathetic sort of way how long of a grudge high school students can hold.

MrღMrsStinsbatskys 11-09-2009 08:08 AM

This wasn't a great episode but some parts were alright. I feel with the last two episodes this one has felt flat to me for some reason.

Susan: I really liked her interaction with Kathy Najimy. Some people never forget what happens to them and some people never forgive either. And Denise is one of those people who never forgot or forgave Susan for stealing her boyfriend. Good storyline!

Gabby: My favorite storyline this season and it hasn't disappointed me yet. But Gaby home school, haha that was funny I would never ask Gaby to teach let alone teach her own daughter. But I loved the maid it's nice to see maids around the Solis's again.

Lynette: I really love that she is involved with the mystery. She hasn't been involved in a big mystery ever. I do think something will happen to Lynette when Nick finds out that she was the one who told the police about him being Julie's attacker.

Bree: Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I honestly think that the writers have lost the edge of Bree as a character. She has gotten bitchy, snotty, spoiled and annoying. Nothing against Marcia's brilliantness but the writing of her character is just not good anymore. Please, i'm begging you Mr. Cherry do not keep Bree like this. It's not good for her likelyhood and some (like me) are turning off of her character and I was one of the biggest Bree fans but i'm sorry she's just not a good person anymore.
Also, her being rude to Orson when he didn't even do anything but ate some food and gave her that broach. Honestly, I am not a BrOrson fan anymore and I just want this divorce to happen already. Orson deserves better!

^BTW> That had nothing to do with Bree's cheating.

Angie: Yes, I loved her and Bree in this episode. Angie is becoming thee character to feel for but is strong and will not put up with any bull from anyone. I'm shocked that she knew about Julie and Nick though I knew she would find out from someone but who is the question.

Alright, this was a good but not great episode but I think the next episode has some great scenes from hat i've seen in the preview last night. I'm hoping for something better!

I am so PO'd with Bree right now that I just had to vent with her.

Imzadi 11-09-2009 12:36 PM

good episode

remember when I didnt like Angie in the beginning? well that definitely changed. I think she might have something to do with Julies strangling and that with teh alibi she gave her husband . ..she is actually protecting herself.. still.. i love her character.. would be fun to keep her around for longer than just the optional season

I also loved GAbby and I am glad that Carlos noticed that he needed to do something about the homeschooling.. Gabby is good for a lot but she doesnt need to be disliked by her children more than they dislike hate her.. cause thats what it seems.. well we dont see celia a lot but juanita definitely doesnt think taht her mum is her favourite person

I also love that Lynette is a part of the mistery, loved her scenes with toma altough there werent many

loved Kathy as a guest star, I really like that actress

Bree - well.. I ship her scnees with Angie.. apart from that I couldnt care less for her in that episode

funky_chick 11-09-2009 06:08 PM

Very good episode :nod:

The Susan storyline was interesting, but not the best.

I think that Bree should just have hired Angie when she first suggested to use her recipies instead of lying to her to get them.

It's great that Lynette's a part of the mystery by finding out about Julie and Nick and telling the police.

Gabby having the maid teach her daughter was great :lol: Especially when she even scrubbed the floor herself so that the other gal would teach Juanita.

Can't wait for next episode :D

kisscool 11-10-2009 06:02 AM

great episode. I think it's Angie who strangled Julie.

MrღMrsStinsbatskys 11-10-2009 07:13 AM

I honestly don't understand Bree at all this season. Yes, Bree was being Bree with having to lie and get her way but what she did trying to be Italian to win a job and then almost totally islating Angie as a neighbor. Yes, Julie I agree she should have ask Angie first than maybe Angie would've worked with Bree.

Imzadi 11-10-2009 07:24 AM

I also think it was Angie.. especially since she knew tht her husband was having an affair and giving him an alibi

Sheebs 11-10-2009 02:42 PM

^Exactly. Once she said that she's known for weeks, my suspicions went to Angie.

I don't know why, but I feel bad for Orson.

MrღMrsStinsbatskys 11-11-2009 06:56 AM

There are some great spoilers out for this Sundays episode.

I feel so terrible cause Orson is being treated horribly. I hope he comes out of this happy.

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