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Raonaild 01-01-2007 02:05 AM

Questions Thread ~ Please read the first post! Please note that Guests can post!
Fan Forum FAQ

What is Fan Forum? Who owns it?
Fan Forum is a group of message boards created by Goldenboy. Goldenboy is the owner.

Registration is required if you plan to post new topics or reply to existing topics. Joining Fan Forum consists of just 3 simple pages of steps:
Page 1- asks for your date of birth
Page 2- States Fan Forum rules and asks you to agree to them
Page 3- asks for a username, password, your e-mail, and your time zone.
Your e-mail is also kept absolutely confidential and will never be given out for soliciting purposes. To join- please go HERE

How do I add a message board?
We have a board to handle Requests HERE. You need 500 posts to request a board, and you need 50 posts to vote for a requested board. Please make sure to read the Request board guidelines HERE.

Using vB Code
You may use vB Code in your posts. vB Code is similar to HTML, but offers just a few basic functions, such as hyper linking, image display, bolding and italicizing. Complete details on vB Code are listed HERE.

Moderators / How do I become one?
Please see the details on the Moderator Application thread topped here on this board.

Changing Info In Your Profile
You may easily change any info stored in your registration profile, using the "UserCP" link located near the top of each page. You must be logged in in order to update your profile.

This bulletin board uses cookies to store the following information: the last time you logged in, your login identification, and your preferred "topic view." These cookies are stored on your browser. Cookies are not used to track your movement or perform any function other than to enhance your use of the message board. If your browser does not support cookies, or you have not enabled cookies on your browser, many of these time saving features will not work properly and you will not be able to post new messages.

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If you ever experience login problems, you may have a problem with the cookies that have been set in your browser. If this happens, you can try clearing all cookies set on this message board by clicking on the Clear All Forum Cookies button in your member profile and logging into your account again.

Editing Your Posts
You may edit your own posts at any time. Look for the "Edit Message" feature under your post to be edited. No one else can edit your post, except for the forum Moderator(s), Managers (all forums), or the Message Board Administrator. A note is generated at the bottom of each post that is edited so that everyone knows when a post has been edited.

Editing A Thread Title
Members that start a thread may edit the title of a thread up to two weeks after it was started. After this grace period, only the Moderators of the board the thread was started on can edit a thread title. If you need a thread title changed after the two week grace period, please send one of the moderators of that board a Private Message.

Adding Signatures
You may use a signature (commonly used in email messages) on your posts. You may set your signature in your UserCP in the Edit Signature section. Once you have a signature stored, you can choose to not include it with any post you make by unchecking the "Show your signature" box when you create your post. Please note: only up to four Fan Forum smilies are allowed, and images/banners aren't allowed in a signature. Please make sure that your signature and signature length does not break the rules of this website by reading the Fan Forum Rules Announcement found HERE.

Attaching Files
For security reasons, you may not attach files to any posts. You may cut and paste text into your post, however, or use vB Code to provide hyperlinks to outside documents.

Searching For Specific Posts
The search feature is currently turned off. You can try using Google to search for threads/posts, adding to your search: - Google Search That way you only get search results from FF.

Subscribing To Threads
Inside a thread, you'll find Subscribe to this Thread listed at the bottom of the page. When you subscribe to a thread, those threads will be listed in your UserCP and will show if a new post has been made in those threads. You can also choose to be notified by email if new posts are made there. This feature is useful to keep track of where you regularly post.

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A private message is not email. Private messages are one-to-one communications that can only be read by the recipient. You can read private messages in your profile section. You can also elect to be notified by email whenever someone sends you a private message (you can set this in your profile). You can also prevent anyone from sending you a private message (also configurable in your profile) by adding them to your ignore list. Only registered members may send private messages. To send someone a private message, click on a members profile to click on the link to send them a PM, or go to your UserCP section, click on Send New Message, and enter the username of the person you want to send a private message to. The maximum amount of characters in PM's is 8,000. Your private message box is limited to 150 messages total (inbox and outbox combined). Once it is full you will need to delete messages before you can receive any more.

Ignore Lists
Ignore lists apply to private messages only. When a member is on your ignore list, that person cannot send you a private message. You can put someone on your ignore list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to ignore list" link or typing in their username in the Buddy/Ignore list section in your UserCP page. Forum leaders will not be ignored even if they are on your list.

Buddy Lists
You can put someone on your Buddy list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to buddy list" link or typing in their username in the Buddy/Ignore list section in your UserCP page. Their username will then be marked with a '+' beside it in the Currently Active Users list at the top of the board if they're online, at that board and visible.

Censoring Posts
The message board administrators have the power to censor certain words that may be posted. This censoring is not an exact science, however, so certain words may be censored out of context. Please realize that the censoring, if any censoring is being performed, it is being done by a computer based on the words that are being screened. Words that are censored are replaced with asterisks. It is against the rules to alter a curse/censored word to deliberately avoid Fan Forum's censor filters.

Lost Login ID and/or Password
Retrieving your login ID and password is simple. All of the pages that require you to identify yourself with your username and password carry a "lost password" link that you can use to have your username and password emailed instantly to your email address of record. Please make sure that your email address listed in your profile is kept up to date, and that you can access it to recover your password. If you have further problems, please post your request on the Old Username/Password Problems thread located on this board.

MST (Moderator Support Team)
The MST consists of some of our most experienced moderators. They temporarily moderate new boards, fill in for the regular moderators of the permanent boards when the regular moderators are away, or temporarily moderate a board when a moderator has resigned and the board either doesn’t have a moderator to cover it or the remaining moderator needs help. All of their assignments are temporary and they won’t be appointed as the permanent moderators for any of these boards. A list of who is on the MST can be found HERE.

Board Graphics / Graphics Team
If you have any questions about graphics for a board, please PM one of the Graphics Team Managers found HERE.

Avatars: What are they, and how can I add a custom one?
Avatars are the images under a member's username in their posts. The size limit for an avatar is 100 X 100 and a maximum of 40,000 bytes. You need to have made 101 posts in order to add a custom made avatar. Once you have reached 101 posts, an option to upload a custom avatar from your computer will be added (it may take up to 24 hours for this to start) in your UserCP page in the edit avatar section. When you upload a new avatar, it can take up to an hour for you or others to be able to see it. It's because custom avatars are only uploaded to one server initially and it takes time for it to be copied to the other server (whenever you connect to now, you can end up on either of the two servers). If you would like help making a custom avatar you can ask on the Avatar Help/Request thread on the Webmasters Board for someone to make one for you, or you can learn how to make your own on the Fan Art Board.

What are the different ranks on the forum?
Regular members have gold stars, the graphics team members have diamonds, moderators have crowns, and the management team have lightening bolts. The stars are permanent and their color can't be changed. The ranks look like this:

New Fan
1 post

Part-Time Fan
100 posts

Dedicated Fan
500 posts

Loyal Fan
1000 posts

Extreme Fan
2000 posts

Passionate Fan
3000 posts

Addicted Fan
4000 posts

Obsessed Fan
5000 posts

Absolute Fan
6000 posts

Total Fan
7000 posts

Ultimate Fan
8000 posts

Supreme Fan
9000 posts

Master Fan
10000 posts

Elite Fan
25000 posts

Fan Forum's Finest
50000 posts

Graphics Team



Forum Icons and what they mean = New posts since your last visit = No new posts since last visit = closed thread, you can't post on it = Hot thread with new posts = Hot thread with no new posts = You have posted in this thread = Announcement, you can't post on it = Online & visible = Offline or Online and invisible to others. If you are invisible, you will see a '*' beside your username listed at the top of the board in the Currently Active Users list and only you will see your username listed.

Icons shown when making a post and what they mean = Remove text formatting = Undo = Redo = Check spelling = Decrease size = Increase size = Bold = Italic = Underline = Align left = Align center = Align right = Ordered list = Unordered list = Decrease indent = Increase indent = Insert link = Remove link = Insert email link = Insert image = Wrap [quote] tags around selected text

- cris - 01-02-2007 04:48 AM

Frequently Asqued Questions : Icons/Avatars
Avatars (or Icons, they have several names) are a little form of art. They are, basically, a tiny little picture that captures a moment, and we use them because we like our posts here at Fan Forum to show ourselves as we are by letting people know what we like. In Fan Forum, an avatar is like an identity. That's why we give it so much importance.

This thread is our way to help you understand them a little bit better, and our way to provide you all answers to the most frequently asked questions. You can expect tutorials from our part, or even graphic examples. Just sit tight.

Hi! I'm new. Why can't I get an avatar?

New posters have to wait until they reach 101 posts to get an avatar.

Why? The waiting is too long!

Just think that it could be worse. A while ago you had to wait until you reached 500 posts to get your custom avatar. Think that this is just a way to make things clearer around Fan Forum. If you stick around, you'll get your avatar pretty fast...if you don't ever come back here won't even remember.

I have 101 posts. How do I upload my avatar?

First of all, you need to have the avatr you want saved in your computer, once you've done that...Go to your User Control Panel (User CP), look at the left of the PC screen, right where it says Settings and Options you will find a link that says Edit Avatar you just have to click the link and you will be inmediatly directed to the page where you can upload your avatar.

My avatar isn't working / I can't upload my avatar

First of all, take in mind that sometimes it takes some time for the software to upgrade itself and that the avatar option may take some hours to appear. Other than that make sure you clicked the "Use Custom Avatar" option. Make sure your avatar had the right size. Make sure you are selecting the right avatar...and if you still are unable to upload it, come visit us right here, tell us what your exact problem is, we'll help you out .

Where can I find avatars ready to use?

As we said before, avatars are a very important part of Fan Forum, that's why you will find an specific thread dedicated to them in almost every board here. You can find Avatars in Websites or in Live Journal communities aswell. We recommend you to visit the Home Made Avatars thread at the Webmasters board, where not only you'll find amazing avatars but you will find a very long list of links to sites with avatars.

I don't want to snag any avatars. I want to make them myself!

There are various programs that will help you make avatars, we recommend you here to use Paint Shop Pro, or Photoshop. Every person has their own style and way to do it.

How come I've seen people with less than 100 posts using an Avatar?

As we have mentioned before, posters had the right to have default avatars until they reached 500 posts. When the rules changed, so did the system but it seems that there are posters that never got their options changed and so it is possible that you may bump into a poster with less than 100 posts being able to use an avatar. There's nothing we can do about it, though.

I still have some doubts...

That's normal. This thread is dedicated to avatars, so you can formulate all the questions you have to us, we will try our best to answer them fast and correctly.

Still, I cannot seem to be able to upload an avatar!

We want to stress on the software upgrading itself solution. You will NOT have the option to upload an avatar inmediatly after you make your post number 101. It will take a while. Maybe seconds, maybe minutes, maybe more. We cannot assure you how much it will take, but the option will appear. You just have to be a little patient. And when the option doesn't appear, and you have been patient enough then...worry!

Interesting Links:
Webmaster's Avatar Help Thread
Webmaster's HomeMade Avatars Thread

(...more to come!)

felizabeth20 01-03-2007 08:36 AM

Hey, I was just curios as to why the Newbie board has been closed :( I left for two months and now I do not know how I will be able to catch up with my friends.

- cris - 01-03-2007 09:06 AM

Fallon!! :hug::hug:

The Newbies board wasn't exactly closed, it was merged with the Questions and Answers board and is now this: The Info Center board. It was basically due to the lack of traffic we had been suffering for so many time. We are positive this new board will be a better place to help Newbies.

Feel free to PM me or Vi, we're still in a transition phase so we are not sure which threads will be opened in here. But if you hang around here I'm sure you'll find many of the posters that used to post regularly at the Newbies board!

felizabeth20 01-03-2007 09:20 AM


Thanks my sweet for the prompt reply!

TessShipper 01-03-2007 11:41 AM

every time I post at this thread my post is added and when I´m on the actual board it says the last post is mine but when I open the thread my post isn´t there. I already posted three times :look:

also I had the database error again this morning after a really long time.

- cris - 01-03-2007 11:46 AM

Ok, ignore me. I thought you were talking about this thread :lol:

Jaysgal 01-03-2007 12:06 PM

well I have 101 post but i cant get my Avatar

Chris 01-03-2007 12:22 PM

Steffi - hmm ... there's a fair bit of time between your posts there, so I'm not sure why they weren't showing up for you. If it happens again, please PM Rachel with a link to the thread and the approximate time you posted. :)


Originally Posted by Jaysgal (Post 13369590)
well I have 101 post but i cant get my Avatar

It takes a little while for the software to update and move your account to the next user group. If you check back in a few hours, it will probably work. The option will definitely be there for you tomorrow.:)

Jaysgal 01-03-2007 01:50 PM

oh ok thank you very Much !!

Chris 01-03-2007 04:35 PM

You're welcome.:) I see it's working for you now.:nod:

*BabyBuncher* 01-05-2007 07:38 AM

hey, a little random question.. wasnt sure where to ask it but...
Is there a limit to how many threads you can start at a brand new board??

Johnnie 01-05-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by *BabyBuncher* (Post 13394350)
Is there a limit to how many threads you can start at a brand new board??

No, though if the board is brand new other people may want to start some threads as well, usually when a new board is put up it isn't long after that topics are started. :)

Endless Fighter 01-06-2007 07:07 AM

ok, my friend has a problem and i have no idea how to ask whats wrong so i do it here.

My friend registered here in december 06 but she can't reply to threads. She can't even write PNs...the only thing she can do is log in.
Whats wrong with her account?
Oh btw, her user account is NarcoBB

Chris 01-06-2007 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by germanJavaJunkie (Post 13410045)
ok, my friend has a problem and i have no idea how to ask whats wrong so i do it here.

My friend registered here in december 06 but she can't reply to threads. She can't even write PNs...the only thing she can do is log in.
Whats wrong with her account?
Oh btw, her user account is NarcoBB

NarcoBB - it appears that she never replied to her confirmation email. She should check the email account she used to regisiter, but since that was over a month ago, that could well be gone. If she can't find the email, please PM Johnnie with the profile and he can get her moved to the Registered Users group.:)

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