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Chris 12-25-2007 12:29 PM

Jen - yeah, maybe an update is in order. If you and Val have time to work on something, that would be terrific. Meant to mention yesterday ... cute Santa hat on your avie.

Roz - you're right, there's a nice mix of established posters and newbies regularly participating here.:nod:

Aroa - I hope you drop by more often.:)

Kristina - find something good to watch? We watched The Grinch and the first Shrek last night.

:wave: Sara, Tina & Jessie

Merry Christmas everybody!

I hope everybody received one thing they really wanted for Christmas.

My cranberries are made, turkey is cooking, potatoes are peeled, corn & green beans are ready to cook, buns are ready to go in the oven ... sis is bringing dessert ... I think I'm ready.:spineyes:

kristinand 12-25-2007 12:40 PM


Kristina - find something good to watch? We watched The Grinch and the first Shrek last night.
Was watching some of my DVDs, Theres nothing interesting on tv today.

Tina 12-25-2007 04:18 PM

I hope everyone got everything they wanted for Christmas! :back_hug:

I got quite a few things! Sean and I went over to my mom's today and had Christmas lunch/dinner. It was yummy! She had turkey, green beans, mac&cheese, (peeled) potatoes, gravy, and rolls! :drool: Of course I had to take a plate with me. :D

:back_hug: everyone!

4N6 DNA 12-25-2007 05:09 PM

Hey Chris hey guys! :wave:

She waited for you this time to start dinner? Glad to hear you had fun :)

indigo sunrise 12-25-2007 05:15 PM

:wave: hi everyone, MERRY CHRISTMAS once again! :D

Seems like everyone is having a good time :group_hug:

I just watched the new Doctor Who Christmas special, so I couldn't be happier :lol:

4N6 DNA 12-25-2007 05:19 PM

Sounds like your kind of christmas val :)

K so I am a bit worried about my puppy. Usually we can not get her to stop jumping around and hopping on everything for more than a second. But today at like 2, she started shaking and hiding from us and she wouldnt eat. I am sure that is a sign she isnt feeling well. Earlier she threw up a bit on our floor but we thought she just choked on something. Our vet is not in today we are bringing her in tomorrow but im still worried. at around 6 she had started to eat a little bit but she still just lays there looking sad :( There are a lot of people in our house right now for dinner (people that she knows and usually plays with) but she is still in her puppy house not wanting to come out. Anyone have any ideas what might be wrong with her?

indigo sunrise 12-25-2007 05:26 PM

Awww Jessie, give your puppy a big hug from me! :hug: I wouldn't worry too much if I were you though - this happens. Dogs just get sick from time to time, just like we do. I remember the first time my dog wasn't feeling well and it really scared me too, he was acting exactly the way you described, he wouldn't eat or drink, and mostly hid in a corner and just wanted to be alone. Getting a vet to take a look at your puppy definitely is a good idea, just in case, but until then, just make sure she drinks enough - that's the most important thing! Don't force her to eat anything, dogs (and animals in general) know instinctively what's good for them, so if she doesn't want to eat, that's ok :nod: and other than that, just give her lots of hugs and make sure she's warm enough! Hope she'll be better soon :hug:

4N6 DNA 12-25-2007 06:11 PM

Aww okay that makes me feel a lot better Val. Thank you. :hug: It is my first dog, so I am still new to this :)

I hugged Pokey for you and took some pics and this is what she has to say to you:

Hopefully tomorrow she will be her own hyperactive self :D

Anyway, movie time! have a great night everyone :glow:

indigo sunrise 12-25-2007 06:13 PM

Awwwwwww she's gorgeous, and so adorable! She does look a bit sad though. Good that she's wrapped up in a blanket :nod:

Enjoy the movie!

Tina 12-26-2007 09:52 AM

Jessie: :lol: Yeah, and we were the first ones there!
You have a cute puppy! She reminds me of mine, only she has darker hair color. What kind is it? And I'm sorry your puppy is feeling sick... :back_hug: for her. I hope everything turns out well today. :) (from the hotseat threa): I can't believe your middle name is only Y... and the convo is hilarous! :lmao:

Hello there, Val! :hug:

loonylionsloverlp 12-27-2007 08:43 AM

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas! I know mine was. What did everyone get/do?

JESSIE: that is the cutest puppy I have ever seen! AW! I want one!!

Tina 12-27-2007 12:45 PM

Hi there, loonylionsloverlp. :wave:

In all places of :ff: it's quiet! :eek:

Scythe 12-27-2007 01:16 PM

Awwww puppy! :love:

I've had a hectic couple of days, Christmas Day we went to my Aunt's house with my Mum's side of the family and then Boxing Day we went to my Dad's. :nod: It was fun, but tiring. :lol:

What did y'all get for Christmas? I got...

Carrie Underwood - Carnival Ride, Rascal Flatts - Still Feels Good, Bones - Season 2 Boxset, Evan Almighty, National Treasure, What A Girl Wants, Bratz Movie, Click, Hairspray, The Simpsons Movie, Chocolat, Spirited Away, Chocolate Money, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Roses Chocolates, Cadbury's Chocolate Selection Box, Mars Planets, Toothbrush, £20, a new top, slippers/footcream & a toiletry bag.

kristinand 12-28-2007 03:33 AM

i got Memory Stick for my computer and money and lots of chocolate

indigo sunrise 12-28-2007 06:01 AM

:wave: Hi everyone! :group_hug:

I got... money! :lol: I was away from my family this year, so we didn't do the whole presents thing. I actually quite like it this way though, now I can buy what I really want ;)

Jessie, is your puppy doing better?

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