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Old 01-25-2022, 04:06 PM
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Fan Forum Questions, Problems, Technical Help #25

Fan Forum FAQ

What is Fan Forum? Who owns it?
Fan Forum is a group of message boards created by Goldenboy. Goldenboy is the owner.

Registration is required if you plan to post new topics or reply to existing topics. Joining Fan Forum consists of just 3 simple pages of steps:
Page 1- asks for your date of birth
Page 2- States Fan Forum rules and asks you to agree to them
Page 3- asks for a username, password, your e-mail, and your time zone.
Your e-mail is also kept absolutely confidential and will never be given out for soliciting purposes. To join- please go HERE.

Affliates / Communications Team
Affliates are websites associated with Fan Forum. The Communications Team are responsible for maintaining Fan Forum's social networks and connecting to affiliates. Please read the FAQ to learn more. For more information please contact one of the team members listed HERE.

Attaching Files
For security reasons, you may not attach files to any posts. You may cut and paste text into your post, however, or use vB Code to provide hyperlinks to outside documents.

Avatars: What are they, and how can I add a custom one?
Avatars are the images under a member's username in their posts. The size limit for an avatar is 100 X 100 and a maximum of 100KB. There is a selection of default avatars available for new posters. You need to have made 101 posts in order to add a custom made avatar. Once you have reached 101 posts, an option to upload a custom avatar from your computer will be added (it may take up to 24 hours for this to start) in your UserCP page in the edit avatar section. When you upload a new avatar, it can take up to an hour for you or others to be able to see it. It's because custom avatars are only uploaded to one server initially and it takes time for it to be copied to the other server (whenever you connect to Fan Forum - TV Shows, Music, Movies, Female Celebrities, Male Celebrities, Spoilers, & More... now, you can end up on either of the two servers). If you would like to learn how to make your own avatar, or help making a custom avatar, please visit the Fan Art Board.

Buddy / Ignore Lists
You can put someone on your Buddy list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to buddy list" link or typing in their username in the Buddy/Ignore list section in your UserCP page.

Ignore lists apply to private messages only. When a member is on your ignore list, that person cannot send you a private message. You can put someone on your ignore list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to ignore list" link or typing in their username in the Buddy/Ignore list section in your UserCP page. Forum leaders will not be ignored even if they are on your list.

Censoring Posts
The message board administrators have the power to censor certain words that may be posted. This censoring is not an exact science, however, so certain words may be censored out of context. Please realize that the censoring, if any censoring is being performed, it is being done by a computer based on the words that are being screened. Words that are censored are replaced with asterisks. It is against the rules to alter a curse/censored word to deliberately avoid Fan Forum's censor filters.

Changing Info In Your Profile
You may easily change any info stored in your registration profile, using the "UserCP" link located near the top of each page. You must be logged in in order to update your profile.

Character Display
This site uses the UTF-8 character set. If the code isn't working, you could try the HTML code &#NNN ; , where NNN is the code you want to use.

Clearing Cookies
If you ever experience login problems, you may have a problem with the cookies that have been set in your browser. If this happens, you can try clearing all cookies set on this message board by clicking on the Clear All Forum Cookies button in your member profile and logging into your account again.

This bulletin board uses cookies to store the following information: the last time you logged in, your login identification, and your preferred "topic view." These cookies are stored on your browser. Cookies are not used to track your movement or perform any function other than to enhance your use of the message board. If your browser does not support cookies, or you have not enabled cookies on your browser, many of these time saving features will not work properly and you will not be able to post new messages.

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You may edit your own posts at any time. Look for the "Edit Message" feature under your post to be edited. No one else can edit your post, except for the forum Moderator(s), Managers (all forums), or the Message Board Administrator. A note is generated at the bottom of each post that is edited so that everyone knows when a post has been edited.

Editing A Thread Title
Members that start a thread may edit the title of a thread up to two weeks after it was started. After this grace period, only the Moderators of the board the thread was started on can edit a thread title. If you need a thread title changed after the two week grace period, please send one of the moderators of that board a Private Message.

Error Messages
Database Error - This may occur daily around 9AM GMT when routine site maintenance is scheduled. Otherwise, you might get this message when there's an exceptionally heavy load on the servers. Please verify that you're connecting to and try again in a few minutes. If it's prolonged, the site may be experiencing unexpected difficulties. If this is the case, members should be able to find further information at Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr.
404 - Page can not be displayed - If you are connected in other online places, please double check you have the correct address in the address bar. Next, try deleting your cookies and temporary internet files. Also, try checking your anti-virus software, sometimes that is blocking pages.

Graphics Team / Board Graphics
If you have any questions about graphics for a board, or would like to join the Graphics Team please PM a Graphics Team Leader. A list of Graphics Team members can be found HERE.

Lost Login ID and/or Password
Retrieving your login ID and password is simple. All of the pages that require you to identify yourself with your username and password carry a "lost password" link that you can use to have your username and password emailed instantly to your email address of record. Please make sure that your email address listed in your profile is kept up to date, and that you can access it to recover your password. If you have further problems, please post your request on the Old Username/Password Problems thread located on this board.

How do I add a message board?
We have a board to handle Requests HERE. Once you have 60 posts, you can vote in the polls and post at Requests. You need 500 posts to request a board and there must be an existing active campaign for it. Please make sure to read the Request board guidelines HERE.

Member Permissions:
_50 posts to enable PM's
_50 posts to enable Signatures and 60 posts to vote in the polls
100 posts to enable Custom Avatars
500 posts to enable Profile Customization options, including posting visitor messages,
- also you're allowed to submit a forum Request and start a Campaign thread
Minimum Posting Requirements
If we notice that any forum goes for more than 72 Hours without a post, we’ll send a warning Private Message to the moderators of that forum.

Moderators / How do I become one?
Please see the details on the Moderator Application thread on this board.

MST (Moderator Support Team)
The MST consists of some of our most experienced moderators. They temporarily moderate new boards, fill in for the regular moderators of the permanent boards when the regular moderators are away, or temporarily moderate a board when a moderator has resigned and the board either doesn’t have a moderator to cover it or the remaining moderator needs help. All of their assignments are temporary and they won’t be appointed as the permanent moderators for any of these boards. A list of who is on the MST can be found HERE.

Private Messages
A private message is not email. Private messages are one-to-one communications that can only be read by the recipient. You can read private messages in your profile section. You can also elect to be notified by email whenever someone sends you a private message (you can set this in your profile under "Edit Options"). You can also prevent anyone from sending you a private message (also configurable in your profile) by adding them to your ignore list. Only registered members may send private messages. To send someone a private message, click on a members profile to click on the link to send them a PM, or go to your UserCP section, click on Send New Message, and enter the username of the person you want to send a private message to. The maximum amount of characters in PM's is 8,000. Your private message box is limited to 150 messages total (inbox and outbox combined). When you have 100 posts, your private message box will be increased to 250 messages. Once your PM box is full you will need to delete messages before you can receive any more.

Profile Customization
All registered members with 500 posts or more can customize the look of their profile page through their User CP: You will also be able to upload custom profile pictures with dimensions of 200x200 pixels or less, and up to 100 kbytes in size. Please note that, by default, all of the information on the profile page can be viewed by everyone. If members wish to restrict who can view portions of their profile for privacy reasons, there are also options in the User CP to do this. If you would like help customizing your profile, please visit the Fan Art Board. If you have other comments or concerns, please see the thread here.

Requests board / New Forum Polls
You need 60 posts to be able to vote in the polls for adding new forums. To request a subject be added to the polls, you need to have 500 posts. More information about the Requests system is available here.
Please note: If you receive a "you do not have permission to access this page" message at the Requests Board, it may be for the following reasons:
1. Inactive Posting - if you haven't been posting regularly, but continue to vote on the polls. A history of inactivity on Fan Forum's boards would indicate that it's unlikely you would post regularly on any board.
2. Breaking any of the other Request Guidelines can result in losing your access to the Requests Board, such as duplicate accounts, spamming for votes, etc.
If you feel that these reasons do not apply to you, please PM Johnnie.

Searching For Specific Posts or Threads
The general search feature is currently turned off. We have a Tag Cloud that can be searched by subject. Alternatively, you can try using Google to search for threads/posts, adding to your search: - Google Search That way you only get search results from FF. If you want to keep track of where you've posted, you can subscribe to individual threads and to boards. Then you'll have links to those threads/boards in your User CP to quickly see if there have been any new posts. For threads, most boards have an index, or you can use the 'Archive' feature at the bottom right corner of the page to quickly search thread titles

Once you have 50 posts, you may use a signature (commonly used in email messages) on your posts. You may set your signature in your UserCP in the Edit Signature section. Once you have a signature stored, you can choose to not include it with any post you make by unchecking the "Show your signature" box when you create your post. Please note: only up to four Fan Forum smilies are allowed, and images/banners aren't allowed in a signature. Please make sure that your signature and signature length does not break the rules of this website by reading the Fan Forum Rules Announcement found HERE.

Starting a New Thread
Click "Post New Thread" on the board where you want to open the thread. Existing threads should be restarted at 300 posts. If you wish to keep the opening graphics or lists, click "Reply With Quote" on the original opening post of the old thread, copy and paste that information into the opening post of the new thread and remove the "Quote" tags from the text. A moderator will close the old thread.

Subscribing To Boards or Threads
At the bottom left of each individual board, you'll see an option to "Subscribe to Forum". Inside a thread, you'll find "Subscribe to this Thread" listed at the bottom of the page. When you subscribe to a board or thread, those boards and threads will be listed in your UserCP. This feature is useful to keep track of where you regularly post because subscribed threads will show if a new post has been made in those threads. Please note that the email notification feature is currently disabled.

Thread Display Options
In your User Control Panel, under "Edit Options" you may customize the number of posts displayed per page and whether you see the oldest or newest posts first. For the oldest posts to be on the first page, and newer posts on the subsequent pages, please make sure that your settings are at "Linear - Oldest First".

Thread Tags & Social Bookmarking
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Using vB Code
You may use vB Code in your posts. vB Code is similar to HTML, but offers just a few basic functions.
  • [b] - Bold
  • [color=blue] - Blue
  • [ig]p/xfH-yaP3ww[/ig] - Instagram
  • [i] - Italic
  • [img] - [img]insert image url[/img] Note: there is a limit of 25 images per post.
  • [s] -Strikethrough
  • [size=3] - Size 3 Font
  • [sp] -
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  • [tweet]550347454038945793[/tweet] - Just the number at the end
  • [u] - Underline
  • [url] - [url=insert url]name of link[/url]
  • [yt] - YouTube YouTube
    Just the number at the very end, in this example u78r4iYrz7o
Complete details on vB Code are listed HERE.

User names - Can they be changed?
Our software does not allow members to change their user names. User names can only be changed by Jerry D, the Administrator of Fan Forum. If you're a Moderator, a Communications Team Member, a Graphics Team Member, or if you have over 100,000 posts you may request one name change per year. If you meet one of these requirements, please feel free to send a Private Message to Jerry D, and if the new user name you want isn't already taken, he'll change your user name for you.

User ranks
Regular members have gold stars, the communications team have speech bubbles, the graphics team members have diamonds, moderators have crowns, moderator support team members have keys the management team have lightning bolts and the site administrator has torches. The stars are permanent and their color can't be changed. The ranks look like this:

<Note: A manager should restart this thread. Thanks.>
Update link in Rules & Guidelines site announcement when restarted.
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Old 01-25-2022, 04:09 PM
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Link in site rules updated.

From previous thread:
Originally Posted by ice choco (View Post)
So I'm not sure if I'm the only one still having this issue, but it's still this way where the thread title links don't go back to bold on board main pages after posting in them.
I had brought it up after the server move as well.
Originally Posted by Artemis (View Post)
Do you have an example of this? Screenshot and is it a single board or all/any? And what browser are you using?

I'm not personally experiencing this issue. When I post, it unbolds. And then someone else posts and I see it bold again.
Originally Posted by ice choco (View Post)
That's how it is with me. That's what I mean
But before the server move it was different. After, for example, I posted in a thread then it would still be bold. Or just even looking in a thread without posting in it then the thread title link would still be bold. It just kind of bothers me how it is now. Not really a big issue, but yeah.

But it's all boards and I'm using Microsoft Edge.
Originally Posted by Chris (View Post)
Have you tried logging out, clearing your cookies, then logging back in?
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Old 01-25-2022, 06:15 PM
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Yep I tried that.

Ohhh well then I guess the way it was before it wasn't supposed to be like that? As I liked how it used to be
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Old 01-31-2022, 01:48 AM
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hey guys, i passed 400K few days ago and now i am suddenly back at 399,748 ....what happened?
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Old 01-31-2022, 06:34 AM
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While we discourage it, if a thread is deleted for some reason, any of your posts in that thread would be removed from your post count. I think I can manually bump you back up.
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Old 01-31-2022, 06:54 AM
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thanks a lot Chris my count is back

may i ask which thread was deleted in which i made so many posts?
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Old 02-01-2022, 07:11 AM
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Sorry, no. I'd have to manually search at every board you've ever posted on to find it.
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Old 02-01-2022, 07:14 AM
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okay don't worry about it and thanks again
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Old 02-01-2022, 03:51 PM
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I can't edit other user posts on a board I mod? (Not that I would need to a the moment on Shadow and Bone)
under my post Jen it says Quote message or use quick quote only. not edit message delete.

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Old 02-01-2022, 05:46 PM
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I have a question about tags. I can't create any, but was wondering if someone would be able to create a tag for actor #matthewgoode ?

Matthew Goode
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Old 02-01-2022, 08:16 PM
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Kristen - I've PM'd you

Betty - looks like that tag has been created
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Old 02-01-2022, 08:17 PM
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Thanks Chris!
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Old 03-05-2022, 06:39 PM
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Nice countdown to THE OFFER there, Betty! Reminds me of a thing or 2, wish i knew how to make one happen.
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Old 03-06-2022, 06:26 AM
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How to make a timer?

[timer]28 April 2022 1:00:01 AM PST[/timer]
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Old 03-06-2022, 09:45 AM
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Seriously, is it that simple? Senior Moderator Chris, thank you very much!
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