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Old 09-12-2004, 11:55 PM
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Jack & Bobby Quotes

I'll be back later with some, but I'm guessing we'll get some great ones .
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We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 09-13-2004, 05:06 AM
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Some of my favorites from the PILOT...

Karen: The President was well-known for his relationships with and to women. But I wouldn't call him a ladies' man. His charisma was of a different sort. It was less overt than the media would have you believe, and less calculated. Or so it seemed. He knew how to relate to women better than he knew how to relate to men. He listened. Really listened. It had something to do with his mother, no doubt. I had the pleasure of meeting her once. She was... quite the character.

I don't have the direct quote but I like when they're talking in Flashforward and they say they asked Bobby who had the greatest influence on his life and it wasn't his mother but it was his brother.

JACK: One day, I'll be gone. And he'll see things for what they are. And hate you for the lies you told.

this is my favorite quote of the night...

COURTNEY: I loved Jack, the way you love the first time. But Bobby...
Bobby was my life. (beat) He called me up out of the blue, it was... a while after Jack died. He said he had this crazy idea to run for Congress, wanted to know if I'd help out on his campaign. Stuff a few envelopes. It all happened so fast after that: Congress, the Governor's Mansion, the White House... us. (beat) They called him "The Great Believer." And it's true he had this ebullience, this lightness about him, even then. But he saw some dark hours during his Presidency. In those times, he would always say the same thing... "The wrong brother became President."

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I'm always gonna look for your face.
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Old 09-13-2004, 07:24 AM
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[i]Originally posted by Vilandra-N-Kivar-Lover
But he saw some dark hours during his Presidency. In those times, he would always say the same thing... "The wrong brother became President."

Thanks for the quotes Whitney. I have to say, that was one of my favortie lines of the episode. It reminds me of The West Wing episode when President Bartlet envoked the 25th and was speaking with his cabinet members and said. "Leo will know what to do." The man behind the man is just as important as the man himself. Which is what Jack was Bobby and Leo is for Bartlet.
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Old 09-13-2004, 03:51 PM
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Thanks so much for posting those quotes, I really loved all the insightfullness this show brings about.
:: Britten

But he saw some dark hours during his Presidency. In those times, he would always say the same thing... "The wrong brother became President."-Jack and Bobby

A thousand other boys could never reach you
How could I have been the one?
I saw the world spin beneath you
And scatter like ice from the spoon.
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Old 09-13-2004, 07:30 PM
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Thanks for the quotes.I loved the one that Old Courtney said about Jack and Bobby...that was just so great!
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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Old 09-19-2004, 10:28 PM
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I found these quotes from

Grace: "It's always been 'Grace and Bobby.' If it's not too late I think it needs to be 'Jack and Bobby' now."
Grace: "What is certain is that the majority of television is catered to the majority of Americans, and is a result garbage."

Bobby: "I could be in a band."
Jack: "Yeah, with who?"
Bobby: "With Warren."
Jack: "You need more than two people in a band, dumbass."

Bobby: "Why does she have to smoke that stuff?" (marijuana)
Jack: "Why do you care?"
Bobby: She's different afterward."
Jack: "Yeah, bearable."

Jack: "You're just a lonely, pathetic, middle-aged woman behind your words and your books and your freak of a teenage son."
Grace (Slaps Jack): "Shut up!"

Victor Sable: "McCallister had asthma, had from boyhood. He was simply pausing as he often did before a speech, to catch his breath."

Future Courtney: "Grace used to say Jack and Bobby were like two sides of one coin. Without Bobby, Jack might never have learned compassion. Without Jack, Bobby might never have gained strength."

Future Courtney: "They called him The Great Believer. And it's true."

Jack: "What are you writing?"
Courtney: "Nothing."
Jack: "That's funny, it doesn't look like nothing."

Jack: "My brother has no off switch."

Future Courtney: "There were some dark hours during his presidency. And it was in those times he said 'the wrong brother became president.'"

Victor Sable: Was the man so often referred to as The Great Believer, a believer from the beginning?

Grace: What is so important about normal?
Jack: Normal is what you have to be if you don't want to spend everyday of high school getting beat up.
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Old 09-19-2004, 10:48 PM
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Originally posted by Subject
I found these quotes from

Grace: What is so important about normal?
Jack: Normal is what you have to be if you don't want to spend everyday of high school getting beat up.
I love love that's just so great!
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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Old 09-23-2004, 04:21 PM
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This isn't necessarily a "quote", but I found it on the WB

Grace McCallister's Moonlight Address to the students of Plains State University

Good evening. I want to welcome you tonight to... a renaissance.

For some of you this night marks a return to your college life, for some of you a new beginning. And so, upon the eve of the tremendous journey upon which you are all embarking, I'd like to offer you a thought to take with you. Listen carefully: you will fail here. All of you. College is not the culmination of your high school career. It is the beginning of your adult life. Only it is a slow sweet beginning that feels nothing like what life and all the attending obligations will eventually bring. So fail here... This is your chance.

Do things you know you can't do, or think you can't do but hope in your deepest most secret hidden heart that you can.

Be bad at things. Be embarrassed. Be vulnerable. Go out on a limb. Or two. Or twelve.

The harder you fall, the farther you'll rise. And the louder you fail, the clearer the distant bell of your future will ring. Failure is a gift. Welcome it. There are people who spend their lives wondering how they became the people they became, how certain chances passed them by and why they didn't take the road less traveled. Those people are not you.

You have the front-row seat to your own transformation. And in transforming yourself, you might just transform the world. Believe that, and embrace the new person you're becoming. This is your moment. Now. Not ten minutes from now, not tomorrow, really now. Know that, truly in your bones, and wake up each morning remembering it. And then keep going.
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Old 09-23-2004, 08:47 PM
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Thank you, Chrissy! I loved Lahti's delivery of that and just reading it gives me chills.
I know I can't expect the world to move underneath me, but for god's sake, could you try?

lex/lana("I did it for you") felicity/noel("you're my first boyfriend") trey/alex(mixing business with pleasure) seth/chloe(every superhero needs a lois lane)
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Old 09-23-2004, 10:46 PM
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Thanks for the speech Chrissy. That is one of the best things I've heard so far on this show.
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Old 09-24-2004, 10:34 PM
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Grace's speech was awesome! Best part of the episode for me.
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Old 09-25-2004, 12:32 AM
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The speech was great and I hope this is only a peak into the great writing of the show
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Old 09-25-2004, 12:33 AM
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Thanks for posting the speech.I'm glad the WB posted it! I loved it and thought it was just so Grace...the writers are so great!
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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Old 09-25-2004, 12:35 AM
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I the writers - they've written wonderful characters, storylines, etc - if the storyline is great now, I can't even imagine what will happen when its November sweeps - oh, I'll be on cloud nine then
Crazy for Chad/CMM
Tippecanoe and Tyler Hilton too! Vote!
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Old 09-26-2004, 11:14 AM
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I missed this episode. I'm definitely looking foward to hearing this speech though.
... this is not a game.
it is her life and his.

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