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Old 07-02-2005, 07:16 AM
Addicted Fan

Virtue's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2003
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Crash & Burn #6: Because even if it's not his fault, she'll make it seem that way.


This is a thread for all people who are sick of the relationship between Craig and Ashley. For those of you who are offended by the content in this thread, you are welcome to reply. However, Anti-Crashers don't just enjoy debating. We revel it.

by Callie

by Methodic Ways

by Methodic Ways

Note: I don't know why it's so difficult for us to get a very simple point across, but there are some people who actually think we are stupid ignorant idiots who think that Ashley made Craig bipolar. Nobody has ever said this. This is simply a ridiculous misunderstanding. People can B**** about how they're annoyed that people would say that. But they're b****ing at nothing because nobody ever said that. Newsflash people, there is a difference between triggering someone's episodes and actually giving them the disorder in general. And if you can't see that, then maybe we are not the idiots here. So GET OVER IT.

<SELECT NAME="Supporters" SIZE="10" MULTIPLE >
<OPTION SELECTED> 1. Trisha (LucasLuver4Brooke)
<OPTION> 2. PrettyGirl04
<OPTION> 3. Rachel (rachem_chul)
<OPTION> 4. Cathy (kyleschick)
<OPTION> 5. JacquiJack
<OPTION> 6. Mrs.JulianMcMahon
<OPTION> 7. simplysweet423
<OPTION> 8. JazminM5
<OPTION> 9. bry49720
<OPTION> 10. Xio (¤}{îÖ¤)
<OPTION> 11. Laddii1223
<OPTION> 12. ilovemymom
<OPTION> 13. Kowaii
<OPTION> 14. Mya (MissManuellaS)
<OPTION>15. TrepeGroupie4
<OPTION> 16. BatLauren
<OPTION> 17. Mar (Mariael311)
<OPTION> 18. MethodicWays
<OPTION> 19. Virtue
<OPTION> 20. write2me
<OPTION> 21. angelfallon
<OPTION> 22. Lana Llama
<OPTION> 23. Cranny's ****
<OPTION> 24. I <3 Soup
<OPTION> 25. frodobaggins07
<OPTION> 26. Ashley (Loona)
<OPTION> 27. Ari (knoxville)
<OPTION> 28. DancerChild018
<OPTION> 29. AmcrRican
<OPTION> 30. Crannarco is <3
<OPTION> 31. simplyxjiberty
<OPTION> 32. -vanna banana-
<OPTION> 33. SoCoBeLLa
<OPTION> 34. Cuteness324
<OPTION> 35. Leigh (froggiepopple)
<OPTION> 36. SellieFan
<OPTION> 37. Lavendarskies
<OPTION> 38. ILoveCraig
<OPTION> 39. Mighty Mouse 01
<OPTION> 40. P O L A R I S x23x
<OPTION> 41. In Fair Verona
<OPTION> 42. Jiberty Maniac
<OPTION> 43. 80sBabygirl
<OPTION> 44. ThornyRose565</SELECT>
If you want to be added to the list...just let us know!

by Kowaii

1) Because if they didn't have music, their relationship would be nothing
2) Because Craig wasn't discovered as bipolar until after they got back together
3) Because he blew off the opportunity to record a demo CD just to chase after her
4) Because even after they broke up, Craig was still into his band and making music. It was never about her.
5) Because she's far too serious and melodramatic for him
6) Because "any more bitter and she'd be a lemon"
7) Because she's already uncomfortable being around him
8) Because she acts as if she needs to "take care" of Craig
9) Because they're not exciting or do anything fun. All they do is make music.
10) Because he's blowing his future for her
11) Because he chose Manny in Holiday, but didn't dump Ash because she gave him a guitar
12) Because she was a spiteful witch to him in Rock and Roll Highschool
13) Because their kisses are so lame. Like they're afraid to be passionate
14) Because they're trying to be cute, which they're not
15) Because Craig is a very enthusiastic outgoing guy, while Ashley is just boring
16) Because he told Marco he looked like Ashley. And Marco's a guy
17) Because when Manny was cold, he snuggled with her, when Ash was cold, he got her a hot drink
18) Because she's Miss Band Breaker Upper
19) Because his lyrics are emotional while hers are just depressing
20) Because he didn't cheat on her just because of hormones
21) Because if it weren't for the kissing, their relationship seems more like brother/sister
22) Because Craig only seems crazy around her
23) Because she's only "fun" on E
24) Because why is it that we don't get anymore references to the fact that she and Jimmy use to date?
25) Because Downtown Sasquatch kicked Hell Hath No Fury's ass
26) Because it's okay to open your mouths a little, geez
27) Because last time they dated, it was a disaster, this time it's not only nuclear, it's going to Crash and Burn
28) Because Terri was the one who comforted him in TANE, not Ashley
29) Because she's always "concerned"
30) Because a relationship isn't healthy if you're scared of your partner
31) Because they're not perfect for eachother. It's an illusion
32) Because Manny showed him unconditional love
33) Because even Marco seems better for him
34) Because he's getting too obsessive of her, which isn't cool
35) Because even on his meds she still thinks he's nuts
36) Because she "didn't think at all"
37) Because she acts more like his mother than his girlfriend
38) Because she wants a whole summer of space from her boyfriend
39) Because the longer he's with her, the worse he'll get
40) Because he's becoming dependent of her
41) Because when "love isn't about luck, it's about being with the right person," who did he run to? Ash? Nope
42) Because "that stupid lie of a song"
43) Because you don't tell someone you love them in a card
44) Because she's gonna make the day he met her a day he'll regret
45) Because his "favorite pastry chef" wanted to take a break
46) Because just because her boyfriend's a rocker, doesn't mean she has to be too
47) Because a shared interest in music isn't enough to make two people perfect for eachother
48) Because girlfriends come and go, but friends are for life. A concept lost on Craig
49) Because music, movies and goulash...Wow, what meaningful conversations
50) Because they don't understand eachother at all. It just appears that way because of their shared love of music
51) Because nobody needs to get between them again for this relationship to blow
52) Because she makes him do stupid crazy things(proposing, blow his future, make scenes)
53) Because her so called hard times in life are hardly as bad as his
54) Because their paths in life are going to pull them apart
55) Because he's already starting to regret abandoning the Squatch for her. Hah
56) Because their relationship keeps getting more and more unhealthy by the episode
57) Because he had dreams of becoming a big rock star, and he blew it all just to obsess over her
58) Because maybe the summer away from Ash will help him see just how ridiculous he was
59) Because the Squatch was always there, Ashley wasn't
60) Because you don't write a hate song about your ex-boyfriend and then call him self-absorbed when he thinks it's about him
61) Because if she weren't such a prude he never would have been with Manny
62) Because it's their lack of communication that's going to separate them, not someone else
63) Because if she can't handle him for six months, how is she going to handle him for the rest of her life?
64) Because he threw away his meds because she didn't want him to go to England!
65) Because they are by far the most destructive couple on Degrassi
66) Because who gives a treasured family airloom to a highschool boyfriend?
67) Because she's a virus
68) Because he needs to realize he doesn't need her
69) Because even Craig's own friends Spinner and Marco prefer Manny over Ash
70) Because this space will benefit Craig more than Ash
71) Because all she cares about is making his life a living hell
72) Because of the Flaming Craig Head Tee
73) Because other than music and style they have NOTHING IN COMMON
74) Because he made her all sulky and depressed
75) Because Ashley, The Bad Influence is indeed a bad influence
76) Because she actually told him she needs to get away from him
77) Because a Ramones Tee is a "friend" gift, not a "girlfriend" gift
78) Because why was Ashley the one in Craig's hospital room? What about Joey?
79) Because a kiss on the cheek, tight mouthed kiss on the lips...Are these two really boyfriend and girlfriend?
80) Because you need to look beyond the surface to know this couple sucks
81) Because Cranny may have had "slobberfests" but at least they had passion
82) Because we want the strong, independent, photography lovin', backboned, rock star Craig Manning back!
83) Because matching wristcuffs say "Look, we're trying to match!" Not "meant to be."
84) Ash can't see beyond his disorder to understand him
85) Because it's okay to JUST BE FRIENDS
86) Because wouldn't "Craig, I love you, I just need a vacation by myself" be so much nicer than "I need to get away from you"?
87) Because she couldn't understand why saying "I love you" wasn't easy for him
88) Because the name "Crash" is so easy to turn against them
89) Because just because Craig stood up to Jay, doesn't make it embarrassing
90) Because we thought she couldn't pretend to forgive or forget?
91) Because he asked her not to talk about his disorder, but she still did
92) Because even her lips are uptight
93) Because Caitlin was more mature and never would have ditched Joey the way Ashley ditched Craig
94) Because an airport "I love you" is a goodbye "I love you." Hey, so long as it's a GOODBYE
95) Because Marco should have thrown a disc at her, too
96) Because kisses on the cheek are totally sweet...For your MOM!. For your girlfriend, it's insulting
97) Because Ashley can't help Craig if she wants to get away from them
98) Because putting aside MUSIC, please. And just HOW do these two understand eachother oh so well?
99) Because when a girl chases a guy, she's clingy. But when a guy chases a girl, *SIGH*soooo romantic. Please.
100) Because did he just make a reference to getting Manny pregnant before having sex with Ash?
101) Because Craig is much better off on his own
102). Because Craig wanting to marry Ashley is no sweeter than him wanting to start a family with Manny
103) Because Jimmy give Craig love advice, and it's for his EX GIRLFRIEND. Twisted much?
104) Because watching these two together is like inducing more than just a spoonful of sugar. Try fifty cartons of syrup. (Runs to the toilet to barf)
105) Because Spinner was just trying to be Craig's friend again
106) Because Ashley, his Guardian Angel?? How...I mean...How?
107) Because when has Ashley ever really helped Craig anyways?
108) Because it would make more sense if they were long lost siblings. They look like they could be
109) Because Craig has more chemistry with his guitar.
110) Because she had to repeat and emphasize that she was freezing
111) Because she told him she wasn't leaving...and she left.
112) Because she tried to convince Craig that their relationship was much more important than his friends' feelings
113) Because it's always about her
114) Because her uptight, moody attitude isn't beneficial to anyone, including Craig
115) Because if she needs space all the time, Craig is not the right guy for her to be with
116) Because he made her feel like she wanted to die
117) Because there was no way he was going to let his ex girlfriend beat him in a band competition
118) Because telling one friend isn't exactly going around
119) Because how on earth are they bringing out the best in eachother? Another overexaggeration
120) Because he may not have been able to dump Ashley for Manny, but he couldn't stop seeing Manny, either
121) Because she can hate him when it doesn't matter anymore
122) Because "You don't know how to say it Craig, because you don't really love me!"
123) Because nothing was good enough for her
124) Because with the lack of passion, and all those layers of clothing Ashley was wearing, they must look extremely awkward in bed
125) Because he made fun of her lyrics
126) Because "Oh you know what, go-"
127) Because even Ashley's family thinks them being together is a bad idea
128) Because she is the indirect cause of all of his recent episodes
129) Because she attacked him everytime he passed her in the hall
130) Because what's harder to deal with? Having a bipolar boyfriend, or actually being bipolar yourself?
131) Because he was dead to her
132) Because the slap at the end of Holiday was priceless
133) Because what was he thinking before cheating on her with Manny, he wondered? Oh, he'll be reminded soon enough
134) Because ever since they got back together it has caused nothing but pain
135) Because she needs to stop asking about his pills in public
136) Because just because Ashley didn't officially break up with him, doesn't mean this hasn't caused a huge strain in their relationship
137) Because she looked really awkard and uncomfortable when Craig was muzzling her neck(SISOSIG)
138) Because thank God Mr. Simpson stayed over
139) Because they've kissed on the cheek way more times than they've kissed on the lips. It's really overdone
140) Because they really would have been better off just going to the beach
141) Because he had a girlfriend, but he still wanted to be with Manny. Shows how much his relationship with Ashley really meant to him
142) Because she deserves no special recognition for helping Craig get through his dad's death
143) Because she ruined "Dust" with her pretty, pretty piano
144) Because that kiss in Neutron Dance looked so awkward it was almost hard to watch. Actually, all Crash kisses are hard to watch
145) Because she went into a depression mode just because she lost the band contest to him
146) Because we know there's more to Craig than Ashley. But is there really more to Ashley than Craig?
147) Because even Marco understands Craig ten times better than Ashley
148) Because when Crash finally falls apart again, we'll all have a good laugh
149) Because there's a stronger argument against Crash than there is for them
150) Because she wanted Craig to blow all of his ten grand on a "fun" spree
151) Because even Craig's kiss with Marco had more passion than any of Craig and Ashley's kisses.
152) Because most Pro-Crash reasons are grossly inaccurate and are only contradicting Anti-Crash reasons with no real logical backup(Put us in a debate and you'll see. Tsk, tsk.)
153) Because Craig never even considered crying when Ashley left(Read jounral entry)
154) Because Marco decorated Craig's locker, not Ashley
155) Because a lot of couples have their troubles, but Craig and Ashley have gone through hell
156) Because "She's not in the band, Craig. Nobody agreed to it"
157) Because "you're the dust in my eye you're the rock in my shoe"
158) Because she wanted to have sex with Jimmy to impress Paige, yet she yelled at Craig for telling Spinner, a.k.a "This was suppose to be a private thing between us."
159) Because she's only filling a void of emptiness that Craig desperately feels, that's why he doesn't want to let her go
160) Because wouldn't you want to judge a couple based on factual reasons(C&B) and not fantasy reasons(AA)?
161) Because Craig couldn't dump Manny for Ashley, either. This is a two-way street.
162) Because even the New York Times gets our point
163) Because Craig and Manny made each other happy, while Craig and Ashley are always hurting each other. So who's really bringing out the worst in each other?
164) Because wanting space is one thing, but making your boyfriend feel like a loser is another.
165) Because she never opens up to him and then lashes out at him later.
166) Because there's a difference between being a fan of a couple and supporting them out of respect and friendship(Marco, Spinner, Paige, Ellie).
167) Because we don't overexaggerate. We see it and tell it how it is.
168) Because no two people should need eachother the way Craig has needed Ashley. Otherwise how can you support space as well?
169) Because our reasons work for us.
170) Because you can't save someone when you're the one making them crash and burn.
171) Because the relationship lacks independence on both ends.
172) Because she loves him, she loves him not, she loves him, she loves him not.
173) Because the writers are trying so hard to make them look "destined" that it makes them look fake.
174) Because if they didn't look so physically cute together, it would be easier to see all of their negative traits.
175) Because the guitar didn't magically make him realize that he still loved her more.
176) Because the summer apart will help them realize that they don't need eachother.
177) Because if it didn't work out the second time around, just give up.
178) Because not once has she ever really got him(And that includes Secret).
179) Because any idiot knows that you shouldn't change for someone else.
180) Because she tried to help him and only made things worse.
181) Because the entire couple in general is an exaggeration.
182) Because we're about quality, not quantity.
183) Because their relationship even puts us on an emotional rollercoaster
184) Because he is dependent on her, codependent
185) Because AMEN, they're finally done
186) Because she thought he was crazy with or without his meds

by Methodic Ways

Voices Carry parody by Virtue:

Voices Carry I #255

Voices Carry II #261

Myth: They've both have had hard times in life.

Truth: Craig's mother died. His dad use to beat him up. He almost tried to kill himself when playing chicken with a train. He found his half sister and almost wanted to run away with her. He eventually moves in with Joey to stay away from his abusive dad. Then by the end of season two, his dad strikes again, only to be killed shortly after. He has a fit. He now has lost both his biological mother AND father. He cheats on his girlfriend(Same Ashley) and gets another girl pregnant. He's psyched at the idea of having his "own little family," but his dreams are crushed when the girl has an abortion. And now, we find out that he is diagnosed with bipolar, which he will be managing for the rest of his life.

As for Ashley, let's see....She was Little Miss Perfect in season one. Popular, school president, dating a hottie. Then she was stupid enough to take extacy at a party just to seem "fun." She loses her friends. Almost gets them back, but turns cocky and loses them again. Befriends an outcast and decides to turn goth to be just like her. Accuses Jimmy of wanting to change her. Oh, and the poor dear has to suffer the fact that her father's gay! Even though he and her mom get along great and he's a totally loving NON-ABUSIVE father. Oh, and then in season three Craig cheats on her(Yep, the same Craig), gets another girl pregnant. She skips school to mope and feel sorry for herself at home. Oh, and now she has to deal with having a bipolar boyfriend. (Sigh)Poor, poor girl.

Sorry, but if they were to ever make a movie about either of these two, I'm pretty sure they'd pick Craig. Ashley's problems are laughable.

Myth: They want the same things in life.

Truth: Countless times it's been obvious exactly what Craig wants. He wants a loving family. And this isn't just because of the bipolar. The poor guys been through a lot. After his mom died then his abusive dad, he has lost both his parents and doesn't feel like he has a real family. Pretty much what he told Spinner in Accidents Will Happen when he was super excited about Manny's pregnancy. Craig dreams of starting a family of his own, and as soon as possible. He wants his own loved ones and he wants them to be close to him all the time. That's what Craig wants in life.

Ashley wants freedom. She wants to experience things and gain independence. She always wants to "get away" when things get stressful. I highly doubt that Ashley is going to want to settle down after highschool. She'll probably want to go to a far away university. Craig isn't going to be happy about that. He's always gonna want to be with her. Look at what happened with England. If Ashley stays with Craig after highschool, he's going to continue to hold her back and she won't get to experience the things in life that she truly desires. Ashley even mentioned in a jounral entry once that she didn't want to have kids. That they would hold her back. Where does that leave Craig?

Myth: They understand eachother.

Truth: There was that one time in Back In Black where Craig gave Ashley somewhat of an epiphany. Since then people have acted as if they're soulmates. Ashley couldn't even understand why Craig was having a hard time expressing his feelings. She had to have a long talk with Paige after screaming at him at the party. Then Craig couldn't even understand why Ashley would still be bothered over the Manny thing. And now, Ashley can't even believe Craig that he had been keeping his disorder under control. She always panicks and doesn't trust him. And Craig couldn't understand why Ashley wanted space.

They both understand eachother's love of music. That is all.

Myth: They have the same style.

Truth: Sure they do. This isn't totally a myth. I mean it physically looks that way, right? Even though Ashley have changed her style THREE TIMES already. She didn't go for the vintage look until AFTER she and Craig started dating. So it appears that they do. Clothing wise, music wise....That's about it. They visually have the same style. But Craig's lyrics have always been more emotional, deep and meaningful and he writes them to express his feelings(I'm In Love, Dust). Ashley's have always been mopey, angry, or depressing.(How Can I B, Poor Thing, Gravity, Mr. Nice Guy, the girl who died in the Spanish Civil War). All her songs are whiney. Plus back in season one and two, did it honestly seem like Ashley had ANY interest in rock music?

Myth: They just match.

Truth: Appearance wise, sure. Personality wise? Oh dear God, no! They totally clash. Craig is an very outgoing socializing fun guy with lots of friends who always wants love. Ashley is a serious, uptight, moody melodramatic girl who always wants space, and other than Craig is only seen hanging out with Ellie. And this is not an opposite attracts deal, either. Not even close. Their differences don't compliment eachother. If anything, they conflict. It's already causing problems and is only gonna get worse in the future. Craig's outgoing carefree personality has not gotten Ashley to lighten up on hers. They don't do anything for eachother. At least not as a couple.

Myth: They are the next Joey and Caitlin.

Truth: In actuality, though the cheating/abortion storylines were used with both couples, the difference is that Craig unlike Joey professed his love for the "other woman" (Manny) whereas Joey always made it clear that he was with Tessa strictly for sex, nothing else. Also the thing that made Caitlin and Joey such a great couple were their differences. Sean and Emma are a much better example of this. Whereas Crash relies on superficial similarities (similar music tastes, clothes) as the basis of their relationship.

Myth: He told her she shouldn't change for someone else that means he'll love her for who she is.

Truth: Putting aside the fact that Jimmy was never trying to change Ashley in Dressed In Black, Craig's advice for Ashley was something anybody could have told her. Everybody knows you shouldn’t change to get someone to like you. Jimmy loved Ashley for who she was as well. He was even getting use to her look. It's not his fault Ashley was being such a drama queen. Didn't he even say to Spinner that he though Ashley was more down to earth? Plus Ashley forced Jimmy to tell her which picture he preferred. Jimmy was trying to look past it and accept her for who she was, but it was like she was digging for a reason to break up with him. Okay, so he had an appearance preference. Who cares? It didn't change his feelings for her. He's not a shallow jerk. He liked her for who she was, not how she looked. Ashley completely overreacted.

Myth: Ashley helped Craig through his father's death and his bipolarity.

Truth: Starting with Craig's father's death. The only person who should truly get credit for helping Craig in the situation was Terri. Everyone else, including Ashley, was driving Craig nuts because he was tired of everyone always being concerned. And Ashley just so happened to be the one who pushed him over the edge. After Terri's help, people were able to get through to him again, including Ashley. Everybody was there for him. What makes Ashley so special? Just because she was his girlfriend? Well, what girlfriend is going to walk away from a guy after suffering such a loss? Ashley's support was no different from the support he got from everyone else. Only after the talk with Terri, Craig was starting to accept the support from everyone. If it weren't for Terri, nobody would be able to understand him, and that includes Ashley.

As for Craig's bipolarity. Ashley, being the decent girlfriend that she is, didn't walk away from Craig just because he was diagnosed bipolar. I don't know why any girl would. However, the only time Ashley can be credited for actually helping Craig is in Secret. Then Craig had a heart to heart talk with her about how he didn't want to be treated differently by her and how he just wanted to be her boyfriend. Ashley said she got it. But did she really? Absolutely not. She got even worse. It went from simple support to questioning him about his meds in public. If Ashley really trusted Craig, she would have trusted him that he was taking his meds and keeping his bipolarity under control. If Ashley really understood Craig, she would have listened to him when he asked her to stop. Instead, she just made things even harder, on herself and on Craig. And she wasn't helping him at all. She may have had "good intentions,” but good intentions don't always make things okay. In the end, she had the nerve to complain about how hard everything has been hard for her. When she brought all of that stress upon herself. She led Craig on and then lashed out at him about it later. She should have opened up to him like he opened up to her.

Myth: The summer will make them stronger and make them realize how much they do in fact love and need each other

Truth: This doesn't make any sense whatsoever. The whole point of this separation is so the two can gain some independence and realize that they can survive on their own and don't have to depend on each other. But fans think it's going to do the exact opposite? Why on earth would the separation make them realize they need each other? Just because they'll miss each other? If that were the case than you're basically saying that after this trip to England they'll never want to be apart again. Oh yeah, very romantic. Isn't that the way Craig was already feeling before Ashley went to England? And isn't that what made Ashley want to leave? Get your heads out of the clouds. This separation over the summer is to help them realize they don't need each other.

Myth: The fact that after Craig, cheated on her last year, she was willing to give him another chance. That say's a lot.

Truth: That says they're both suckers. They were caught in this romantic moment. There was no way Ashley would have said no. Any love struck girl in Ashley's position would have done the exact same thing. How can she say no to Craig after he threw away an amazing opportunity for her? Other than that, this romantic reuniting gave us the impression that things would be better the second time around. But they ended up failing again. It was pointless. This is just another one of the many overly exaggerated myths about Crash.

by Lyddie

by Cranny's ****
I'll start off by saying that i don't think craig was EVER in love with either girls. He's in love with the idea of having a family and feminine affection. Ashley and manny were both comfort zones to him. Last season when ashley wasn't around to provide that comfort, that affection, manny provided it. Now that Ashley is providing the physical aspect of the relationship, he wants her around all the time. It was apparent that craig did not love manny but i realized that craig was NOT in love with Ashley when watching Going Down the Road. He said it himself, he thinks that during the 2 months apart from ash, she will go off and fall for someone else. The obsession isnt love. It is an obsession for comfort because he does not trust his relationship with ashley. There fore he does not love her, period. So he goes off his meds and runs away because ashley is leaving for 2 months?...what kind of love is this? that is not love. His reaction when ash left was pretty much his same reaction when manny tried to get the abortion, he goes bezerk because he NEEDS his comfort zone, he needs a family.
And i honestly think that his impulsive behavior when leaving his best friends for Ash was due to the fact that manny was never around and Ash was always around. Manny was off frolicking with spinner while ash was there at the record store, in band practices, etc. And because she was always around, he wanted to keep her always around.
For now, he really SHOULD stay single and work on his dependency issue. ANd if he needs to be dependent, let him be dependent of his family:angela & joey, and not on p*ssy. But i think his speech to Joey at the end of GDTR represented craig's change and that hes not going to be the same person he has been for the past two seasons.

by Jazmin

Ways that Holiday showed Craig favored Manny more:

by Virtue
1) Craig seeked out Manny when he was filming Angie on the ice.
2) He cuddled with her when she wanted to be warm.
3) He felt like **** when Manny dumped him the first time for not wanting to make the choice.
4) He ran to her when Cailtin gave him that advice.
5) He was prepared to break up with Ashley until she gave him the guitar, and instead he lied and said "I love you."
6) He got Ashley a Ramones t-shirt and Manny a bracelet. A bracelet is a much more appropriate "boyfriend" gift than some t-shirt. Supporting the fact that Craig and Manny seemed much more like a couple than Craig and Ashley.
7) We only saw Craig and Ashley kiss once throughout the whole episode. And it was a peck on the cheek! We got three separate occassions where Manny and Craig are very passionate together. They just seem more real.

by Methodic Ways
If you look at the episode "Holiday" by itself, Manny and Caitlin actually begin to parallel each other. In Holiday, Joey is with Sydney and Craig is with Ashley, therefore making Manny and Caitlin "the other women". Caitlin encourages Craig to follow his heart and he chooses Manny. Joey is encouraged to follow his heart and he chooses Caitlin. I'm not trying to say that Cranny is the next Jaitlin but to me it further proves that Crash isn't.

by Lyddie

Since officially seeing them together as a couple in the begining of season three, we were introduced with two totally different characters. Suddenly Craig is interested in having his own rock band and Ashley is his punk rock princess. Just a couple months ago she was all goth and depressing and he showed no signs of wanting to be a musician at all. Now it was all about music. Craig couldn't even tell her he loved her without singing it in a song. He couldn't say I'm sorry without singing in a song. And she couldn't express her true outrage without singing it in a song. They can only communicate with eachother best through music, otherwise they would not be able to understand eachother as well at all. And now Craig ditches the band all because he didn't want to record a song that meant so much to him and Ash. Plus Ashley is always letting out her pain through music, and it's the way Craig expresses himself. This is what's truly holding them to eachother.

Yes, they love eachother. But their shared connection with music is ten times stronger. If they lost this connection...that would be it. There's no way they could survive. So what if they have had conversation where they don't talk about it? They're still a couple, afterall. And if you haven't noticed, the most recent conversations they've had that aren't about music are about Craig being bipolar. And look how that went. And between that there is the usual "I love you."

Going back to the myth that they have so much in common, everytime a Crash exclaims that, the first thing that pops out is "music." Next? "Style." Next........Now is when they have to do some thinking. Even if they manage to come up with even the most remote things, it's still obvious what immediately snaps people into believing that they have so much in common. Their shared love of music. They even look and act like musicians. And now people are assuming that they want the same things in life because of this fact. Because of music.

But take music away....What do they have? They love eachother, okay, that's nothing new or special. They'd both been through a lot? That's already been stressly argued. The fact is, nothing else they share is strong enough to keep them together, let alone make them "destined." They can't communicate as well. Sure, there was that one time in the hospital where Ashley said all those things, only to break them later. As for every moment they shared before season three, they were only friends then. They weren't communicating as a couple. Any spark that they had in Dressed In Black or Tears Are Not Enough or whatever, all gone once they became a couple. After that, it was all about loving and playing music.

This is one of the reasons people love them. Two musicians in love! Well these people need to be knocked back into reality. Because in the long run, a relatinoship based strongly on one thing doesn't always work out. The little things don't matter because they are not what's holding the couple together. They could totally make it as friends. But not as lovers. Take away music, they'd be the most boring couple in the world.

by Kowaii

Quotes from Craig's journal entries:

"If the person I was supposed to be with had spend more time doing rather than thinking, this never would have happened. But instead I have to go along with her up and down roller coaster ride of emotions...loving me then hating me then loving me's like I have to memorize this giant set of rules before I do anything...."

"I'll just stay here overnight and write an awesome song without the help of Ashley...or my meds!! she thinks I'm too crazy when I'm on my meds to be around anymore then what's the point..."

"I never should screwed up that demo CD over Ash...nice! rejection and regret all at once...great."

"man I've never seen a 30-whatever year-old guy bawl his eyes out like Joey did when Caitlin left. Funny, I was shocked, but I never really so much felt like crying when Ashley left."

Should I Stay Or Should I Go:

Ashley:Sometimes, I don't think you feel the same way I do about us.
Craig: What are you talking about? I gave you-
Ashley: Roses. And they were beautiful, they really were. But...
Craig: But what?
(Shows him the card)
Craig: Look, it's hard for me, Ash.
Ashley: I know. And that's why I think we should take a bit of a break.

Ashley: You told him?
Craig: It was just Spinner being an idiot.
Ashley: We haven't even had sex yet and you're gonig around bragging.
Craig: Woah, I told one friend. That's not exactly going around.
Ashley: I thought this meant something to you!
Craig: What are you talking about?
Ashley: This was suppose to be a private thing between us!
Craig: Well I only told Spinner because I was happy.
Ashley: I'll bet you were, you conned me into thinking I wanted to have sex with you, and now-
Craig: Wait, I conned you into it?
Ashley: With that stupid lie of a song!
Craig: That wasn't a lie!
Ashley: Wrong. You don't know how to say it Craig because you don't really love me!

Rock and Roll Highschool:

Ashley: 'Scuse us, posers.
Ellie: Real musicians coming through.
Craig: Oh you're signing up? Cool. A little uh, competition never hurt.
Ashley: 'Cause nothing ever gets in the way of what Craig wants. Not emotions, honesty, other people's feelings...
Craig: You hear that? She still hates me.
Ashley: And that's why the girls and I are gonna blow you right off the stage.

Craig: Those lyrics of yours, not cool.
Ashley: Typical. Self absorbed Craig actually thinks the song's about him.
Ellie: Wow, so vain.
Craig: What's your problem? You attack me everytime I pass you in the hallway, and now you're performing that?
Paige: Well what did you expect? For he's a jolly good fellow?
Craig: Ash, I swear, if you play that song in the competiton, I'll-
Ashley: Have sex with more grade nines?
Snake: Guys, settle down please.
Craig: You know, if you weren't such a prude, I'd never have been with Manny.
Ashley: Oh but, I thought you loved her?
Craig: Oh you know what, go-
Snake: Hey! One more word, double homework.

Craig: I give up.
Ashley: I'm sorry. I care why?
Craig: All you care about is making my life a living hell.
Ashley: Do you have any idea what my life has been like the past few months?
Craig: Oh please, not this again.
Ashley: You think this t-shirt's hard to deal with, or our song? I wanted to die Craig. I felt that bad.
Craig: Okay, well you're not listening-
Ashley: No. It's not okay. I'll never be okay.
Craig: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. How many times do I have to say it?
Ashley: Until you mean it.

Going Down The Road:

Ashley: You can't follow me to England.
Craig: Ash, come on.
Ashley: Look, why, why are you here doing this? Are you off your meds?
Craig: No, I'm not off my meds. I'm here 'cause I love you and I have plans.
Ashley: Yeah, so do I Craig, and you said you were okay with them. You said it repeatedly, so what is this?
Craig: This is me trying to figure out who we're gonna spend the summer together. You think I'm having an episode!
Ashley: I don't know what to think! Look, I need space. I need to get away.
Craig: Oh okay.
Ashley: From you. Look Craig, I love you. But ever since my dad's wedding it's just been me worrying. Me watching for signs, watching what I say.
Craig: Why won't you just believe me? I'm better now. I'm okay, I am.
Ashley: Email me, okay? I'll see you in September.

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by Kowaii
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Old 07-02-2005, 07:25 AM
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yay new thread!

Originally Posted by Virtue
...I'm a smidge confused. Okay, let me get this straight. You hated them because you hate Ashley. But then you realized you don't hate Ashley as much as you thought. But you were already starting to hate Craig in season four. Now you hate Ashley again? Personally, as much as I hate Ash, she'll only ever be my second least. Only because she is the lesser of two evils. I haaaate Emma. She's just the worst!
i thought that maybe i could be able to understand ashley but after a rewatch of episodes i realized that i couldnt. i just dont like her. i thought that maybe when everyone says "she's not that bad, everyone makes mistakes" i could allow myself to like her but i cant, she's just that bad imo.
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Old 07-02-2005, 07:45 AM
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New thread, it looks great Melanie.

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Old 07-02-2005, 07:48 AM
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I bought the season two box set, but I haven't watched "Dressed In Black" or "Tears Are Not Enough" yet. DIB is the one episode that always makes people say "Craig will accept her for who she is." So did Jimmy. That's why he wanted to go out with her to begin with. Her "look" was something he was willing to adjust to, because he didn't want that to get in the way of how he felt about her personally. He liked her for who she was. But could Ash accept that? Noooo. Because when a guy likes a girl, it has to be partly because of how she looks.
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Old 07-02-2005, 08:03 AM
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I have watched all the episodes except TANE. Unfortunately there is a lot of stereotype out there that when a guy likes a girl it is has to be partly because of how she looks.

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Old 07-02-2005, 08:10 AM
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Actualyl, I think it has more to do with Ashley being annoying totally overreacting and being overly dramatic. I think the episode could have also been a way to build up to Craig and Ashley getting together. "Lets try making it look like Craig understands Ashley better than Craig". This is another reason I'm glad I'm not a Crash fan. Because the writers take the viewers as idiots if they think we're going to fall for their crap.
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Old 07-02-2005, 08:25 AM
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Hey all just wanted to congratulate you on your new post. I'm not anti-Crash, but wanted to stop by and say everything looks great.
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Old 07-02-2005, 09:31 AM
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hi callie.

DIB def was one of those episodes, i actually find DIB similar to BATM the same concept, "lets try and make it look like spin is the best guy for manny"(but lets ignore everything he said about her in Holiday, Our House days), same concept, same ******* and both badly portrayed. i will forever think jimmy is ten times better for ashley than craig and that spinner and manny was a joke.

it IS a stereotype hat the guy HAS to be physically attracted to his partner when he doesnt. if jimmy really gave 2 ********s about tryna change ashley, he wouldnt have dated her in the first place. did the writers forget when jimmy said that he loves the fact that she's more "down to earth" (even though imo she wasnt). and if jimmy really cared about the style that much he wouldnt have asked ellie out in WS who's look was even wilder than ashley's.
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Old 07-02-2005, 11:20 AM
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Thanks Callie. I like both Ash and Craig, but when they are together their personalities turn to crap. The last time I watched DIB, it looked to me that Jimmy just needed time adjusting to Ash's new style. That is all, like Chin said if he cared so much what she looked like to begin with then why did he go back out with her. That would work if someone one who is a controlling jerk, but Jimmy's not like that. Yes Jimmy did say he preffered her old style to her new goth style, but Ash asked what he thought. At least he had the decency to be honest with her.

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Old 07-02-2005, 12:34 PM
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New thread!!
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Old 07-02-2005, 04:14 PM
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May I added? Even though I relate to them less, I've always preferred passionate, hot, relationships to the bland relationships of dating people whom are exactly like you. Whilst similar interests are great, I think they do better for friendships, they don't necessarily fuel a romantic relationship at all.

And all of C&A's similarities in musical taste and everything drives me up a wall. It's almost like Seth and Anna. They're the same person, but one has/is a dick. I don't know when the idea that similar interests spawn great romances ever started because it's not true. It's boring. Yeah, it's probably a good idea to be a part of the same political party if you're getting married, but these guys are teenagers.

They're supposed to be adventurous and meet new people and experience new things and if you stick to essentially, YOURSELF, you won't do that. It's a big world out there and I feel like C&A are limiting both themselves and not experiencing it. Plus, any couple that even speaks of marriage in/near high school (Max and Liz aside, though they did so after the graduated and they weren't really normal anyway) is automatically unrealistic and doomed in my book.

Because, seriously, show of hands, how many people ended up with their high school sweetheart? People change, people grow up after high school and college. Why you would want to marry somebody in high school is ridiculous because you're marrying something which will evolve into something else later on in life and if you don't like it, though, you're stuck with it.

It just reminds me of Naley getting married, which I disliked, because high school students don't do that! I know that C&A aren't really getting married right away and Ashley said "someday" but it sort of insinuates that they'll be with each other until then.

Oh god. You only live once, way to miss out on it.
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Old 07-02-2005, 04:26 PM
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Welcome In Fair Verona, I am sure Melanie will add you as soon as she sees this.

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Old 07-02-2005, 05:57 PM
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Originally Posted by In Fair Verona
They're supposed to be adventurous and meet new people and experience new things and if you stick to essentially, YOURSELF, you won't do that. It's a big world out there and I feel like C&A are limiting both themselves and not experiencing it. Plus, any couple that even speaks of marriage in/near high school (Max and Liz aside, though they did so after the graduated and they weren't really normal anyway) is automatically unrealistic and doomed in my book.

Because, seriously, show of hands, how many people ended up with their high school sweetheart? People change, people grow up after high school and college. Why you would want to marry somebody in high school is ridiculous because you're marrying something which will evolve into something else later on in life and if you don't like it, though, you're stuck with it.
There are some highschool couples that try to make it after highschool. But a couple like Crash?? Hell freakin' no! There's no way Ashley would settle down like that. The moment she graduates, she is out of here. Whether it be England again or Paris or just Vancouver. And do you really think she'll bring Craig this time? Any fan who thinks Crash would last after highschool has absolutely no serious knowledge of Ashley's character whatsoever because there is no way she would sacrifice her independence after highschool to be with a highschool boyfriend. She'll wanna leave and never look back, and that includes cutting all ties. That includes Craig. They had a good run, but it will be time to go their separate ways and just live with the memories. See ya.

By the way, you've been added. Welcome!
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Old 07-02-2005, 06:13 PM
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I have a couple of friends that dated in high school and are now married. However they didn't get married right out of high school. They get married when she was 21 and he was 23. They have been together for about 5 years and never broke up once.

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Old 07-02-2005, 07:15 PM
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I honestly thought that if Degrassi ever were to have one of its couples get married after highschool, it would have been Paige and Spinner. But only because they reminded me so much of Simon and Alexa, who got married in the Degrassi High movie "School's Out." I couldn't see it happen with Crash. And if it did it would be very unrealistic because it's so out of character for Ashley. Not so much for Craig. Which is why Craig needs to be with someone who will want to be with him just as much. Manny was perfect. They both have a tendency to be very gushy and clingy. I can already imagine how Manny would react if Craig had decorated a hotel room for her. She probably would have jumped into his arms and they would both fall onto the bed, not another word would need to be said.
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