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Old 01-12-2005, 08:33 PM
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The Carnivores (Anti-Em) #2 - Because we hate her holier than thou attitude!

1. Souless Freak
2. Bkrstar
3. punkmusicc
4. ThornyRose565
5. sporadic
6. that_70s_gurl101
7. Darker Shade
8. PrettyGirl04
9. ilovemymom
10. SeanAndEllie001
11. SandELforever
12. Laddii1223
13. Ellie_J
14. IDressInGold
15. Kowaii
16. Virtue
17. kpu87
18. erinlyn98
19. Jadecorleone
20. TrepeGroupie4
21. Prancer
22. SoCoBeLLa

1. Because she is as flat as a board
2. Because we hate her holier then now attitude
3. Because she can't her head out of everyone else's business
4. Because she won't stop preaching
5. Because Emma Is Now A Freak And She Don't Care
6. Because Emma Now Has A Disease And She Got What Was Coming To Her
7. Because she lives for stabbing in the back, ripping out your heart, and stomping it bloddless with her pointy ballerina feet.
8. Because she dumped Sean even after he opened his heart up to her
9. Because she was embarrassed that Chris would like Liberty
10. Because she turned the whole school against Rick, making his life Hell, leading up to the devastation
11. Because in season one, two and three she hated Paige. But then in Mercy Street she was thrilled to be her friend?
12. Because she started that rumor about Liberty and Armstrong
13. Because she didn't want to kiss her boyfriend in public
14. Because she went from wholesome cause girl to sleazy trash
15. Because she threw Manny's pregnancy in her face when she was trying to help
16. Because she was a stuck up prude princess
17. Because she yelled at Manny for having an abortion
18. Because she yelled at Craig for being upset about Manny's abortion
19. Because she never see's anyone elses side of the story
20. Because Emma Thinks She Knows Everything But The Only Thing She Knows Is How To Give Blow Jobs On A Guy !
21.Because Sean Broke Up With Emma Because He Know She Give Out Blow Jobs !
22. Because At Degrassi We Don't Like People Who Give Out Blow Jobs And That Is Emma Nellson !
23. Because ****tiness isn't going to save the world
24. Because her anti-spirit squad attitude was beyond annoying
25. Because she was stupid enough to consider some online creep her boyfriend
26. Because when it comes to helping people, she sucks
27. Because what was up with her crying at the end of JLP? She dumped him.
28. Because she never acted like a real girlfriend
29. Because her GM Foods protest resulted in nothing but a food fight
30. Because she started preaching feminism just because her name was marked down Emma Simpson
31. Because she's suppose to be pro-life then all of a sudden she supports Manny's abortion
32. Because she totally turned off the power on purpose
33.Because she was being a total tease to Chris and it made her look stupid
34. Because she didn't even know Terri. She just jumped to the opportunity of starting another "cause"
35. Because atleast Jay and his crew are fun
36. Because she's so boring sometimes she makes us want to spit (or was it scream?)
37. Because she's the only one in her family who doesn't have a sense of humor.
38. Because she's just a little girl
39. Because we want her to go away
40. Because maybe Emma was just jealous that she'll never have the look or what it takes to be a cheerleader
41. Because Paige may be a pom-pom pumping robot, but Emma's just a robot
42. Because what would you rather eat? Something gross that has vitamins or something that tastes good?
43. Because she idiotically made a huge scene in Mr. Simpson's class accusing him of giving her special treatment
44. Because Spike and Snake have known eachother for years. The fact that Snake's Emma's teacher now was just her problem
45. Because even Spike wished she never had her
46. Because Craig chose Manny over her. Gee, I wonder why
47. Because she was proud of the blow job she gave Jay
48. Because Jay threw her out of the car, heehee!
49.Because even she doesn't like herself very much right now
50. Because she's a hypocrite
51. Because she got snotty with Sean because he didn't want to skip class with her
52. Because even after Spike shushed her, Emma still couldn't keep her booming voice down
53. Because she has become everything she use to hate
54. Because at least Caitlin Ryan had an edge
55. Because she was never brave OR perfect
56. Because she does things out of spite(With Sean in TCM and Manny in Wannabe)
57. Because she interfered in the middle of a vicious fight and then was shocked that she got hit
58. Because she's a huge overreacter
59. Because since when did she care about making her hair big?
60. Because prompting is Liberty's job
61. Because yelling at Rick after he already suffered a horrible prank was so not the way to go
62. Because she wanted to "make Jay feel better"
63.Because all she ever cared about was the environment, and now she's traded that in for an even WORSE passing time
64. Because she can't seem to keep her nose out of other people's business
65. Because there isn't enought antibiotic in the world that would make us kiss her.
66. Because even Spike once wished she never had her(Bye Bye Junior High)
67. Because even 'Dracula' wouldnt touch her
68. Because she tried to kill Sean in dodgeball, just because she wasn't positive if he was asking her out


Alex: Pleasant as always Emma?

Emma: Don’t start with me.

*Alex throws a bunched up piece of paper at Emma*

Emma: Alex, what is your problem?

Alex: Let’s see, your clothes, your voice, your holier than thou attitude. You.


Alex: Go away little girl. You’re annoying me.


Emma: There are a ton of guys who would love a chance to be with me.

Jay: Well right now..I'm not one of them.

Nurse: It’s not a very nice word is it? Gonorrhea. And how do you know if you have gonorrhea? Well…some symptoms are genital dischard, bleeding, burning, orally you might get a fever or sore throat

JT: Hey Em. You got something to tell us?

Emma: Shut up.


Emma: What did you say?

Nate: There isn’t enough antibiotic in the world that would make me kiss you. And that little smooch in the hall the other day, who knows what I caught from that! Thanks so much!


Tracker: So you have to watch this video every morning? Free computers are free computers, man. What idiot wrote this?

Emma: Excuse me, I wrote that.

Tracker: Oh, sorry.

Emma: Don’t look at her. It’s my piece and I’m right. Students shouldn’t be force fed advertising while we’re at school. If you don’t get it, you’re the idiot.

Spike: Emma….

Sean: Look, it’s not that serious.

Emma: What? Expressing my opinion isn’t important?

Sean: That’s all my brother’s trying to do.

Emma: I could tell, and he’s wrong.

Tracker: I’m wrong? Tell me Emma, is it fair or is it wrong that Sean here is falling behind in school because we can’t afford a computer?

Emma: He can do his homework here.

Tracker: What? Yeah, on the free computers.

Emma: If you read the entire article, you would know…

Tracker: That it’s a piece of garbage.

Emma: It is not garbage!

Tracker: (crumples it up) Looks like garbage to me. Smells like garbage.

Sean: Tracker, man…

Tracker: All I’m saying is there is two sides to every story. Try to remember that next time.


Paige: I mean, trying to protect the world from cheerleading? As if.


Paige: Oh look it’s “Little Miss Save The World”.
Emma: And it’s “Little Miss Plastic”. Shouldn’t you out testing your make up on animals?
Paige: Shouldn’t you be out hugging trees?


Manny: You know the difference between you and Paige? Paige is fun. You’re so boring sometimes I want to scream.


Emma: I need to talk to you.

Terri: Okay?

Emma: The whole school’s gossiping about Liberty and Armstrong.

Terri: No kidding. I have ears too.

Emma: Well it’s not true. It’s just a rumor. Paige spread it around, but she heard it from you.

Terri: I swore her to secrecy.

Emma: As if she’d keep quiet. Paige lives for rumors.

Terri: I was upset, ok? I was shocked. I had to tell someone. I’m sorry.

Emma: Well too late. I hope you’re happy.

Terri: Me?

Emma: Hello, you’re the one who started the rumor!!

Terri: Uh hate to tell you, but no. It was right here yesterday, you were talking to Manny about Liberty and Armstrong, remember? You started the rumor Emma.


Emma: Liberty? I know you’re in here. I was responsible for the rumor starting, but I didn’t spread it.

Liberty: And there’s a difference? You’re lucky Mr. Armstrong didn’t lose his job. And you know what makes me really mad? That you thought I could do that.


Liberty: No Emma. Go back to saving rainforests and whales, ‘cause when it comes to help people, you suck.

Sean - She put him through a hellish on and off again relationship for years
Jay - She wouldn't stay out of his business and got him banned from the dot
Alex - Because she drove her crazy with her holier then now attitude and then messed around with her boyfriend.
Manny - She spent years preaching to her and then through her mistakes in her face
Rick - She started the ribbon camp again against him and tripped him at the Dot
Chris - She used the fact that he liked her to get him to help her ruin Sean's life
Liberty - Because she almost ruined her reputation by spreading rumours and then she stabbed her in the back, ripped out her heart and stomped it bloodless with her pointy ballerina feet
Toby - she never gave him a chance even when Manny told her he liked her
Spike - She had to deal with Emma's stupid actions like the fear when she meat her internet stalker
Snake - She yelled at him in front of the whole class and gave him a hard time more then once
Craig - She got him grounded for skipping class
Paige - She called her Miss Plastic and tried to stop the spirit squad
Mr. Armstrong - Because she spread the rumours about him dating a student that could of ruined his career
Mr. Raditch- He had to put up with her causes for years
Nate - She might of given him her STD just to mess with Jay
Ellie - She tried to make Ellie feel inferior by thinking she knew everything about Sean and his life
Spinner - She made him eat healthy food for an experiment which caused him a lot of mental anguish
J.T - He was force to put up with her and she also made him eat healthy food

I'm not heartless I just lack sympathy

Last edited by SoulessFreak; 01-26-2005 at 01:23 PM
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Old 01-12-2005, 08:50 PM
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Great start and title. Man, her attitude many victims.

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Old 01-12-2005, 08:58 PM
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Will the world ever recover *sighs dramatically*

I'm not heartless I just lack sympathy
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Old 01-12-2005, 09:08 PM
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Ugh, just remembered that she stood up Toby, J.T., and Manny so she can talk to Sean about his dog. So selfish...didn't even apologize.

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Old 01-12-2005, 09:15 PM
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New Thread!

Oh god I hated that.

And I hated that she made Sean go threw the trash just for her wallet,which was with her all along


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Old 01-12-2005, 09:18 PM
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well atleats she stood them up for something important

I'm not heartless I just lack sympathy
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Old 01-12-2005, 09:19 PM
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Yes!! And she just ran off. If someone did that for me, I'd say thank you and sorry.

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Old 01-12-2005, 10:07 PM
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I'd push them in the garabage and start a garabge fight, okay not really but Emma covered in garbage is a pleasing image

I'm not heartless I just lack sympathy
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:18 PM
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Yay! Second thread! Yay! New supporter name! The Carnivores...I just ate meat, so I feel like I've done my Emma-hating deed today.
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:21 PM
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yay! hey i just ate meat too! *does the meat dance*

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Old 01-12-2005, 10:23 PM
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Ooo...the meat dance...sounds fun! *does meat dance too*
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:23 PM
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Originally Posted by SoulessFreak
I'd push them in the garabage and start a garabge fight, okay not really but Emma covered in garbage is a pleasing image
Emma covered in garbage! I'd love to dump garbage on her.

Great new thread! I love the title becuase it's so true, I hate her attitude...well then again I hate everything about her.
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by that_70s_gurl101
Emma covered in garbage! I'd love to dump garbage on her.

Great new thread! I love the title becuase it's so true, I hate her attitude...well then again I hate everything about her.
and also throw meat at her why we all do the meat dance

I'm not heartless I just lack sympathy
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:30 PM
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We should force her to eat the meat. Like, we'd jam it down her throat and close her mouth shut so she can't spit it out.
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:32 PM
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force her to eat meat like she forced us to swallow her preaching

I'm not heartless I just lack sympathy
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