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Old 11-07-2004, 09:43 PM
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ANTI A/C-because she can leave degrassi..but the problem is her.NO bashing Allowed!

THe Anti Ashley/Craig Thread!

by Methodic Ways

by Methodic Ways

by Methodic Ways

by Methodic Ways

OMG.i am so sick of craig and ashley.she has so many problems.first she thinx craig doesnt love her.then craig cheats.then she says sry then she goes paranoid again,Sry they r so not meant to be.And this is so Not about ashley..


1. Trisha (LucasLuver4Brooke)
2. PrettyGirl04
3. Rachel (rachem_chul)
4. Cathy (kyleschick)
5. JacquiJack
6. Mrs.JulianMcMahon
7. simplysweet423
8. JazminM5
9. bry49720
10. ¤}{îÖ¤
11. Laddii1223
12. ilovemymom
13. Kowaii
14. Mya (MissManuellaS)
15. TrepeGroupie4
16. BatLauren
17. Mar (Mariael311)
18. MethodicWays
19. Virtue
20. write2me
21) angelfallon
22) Lana Llama
23) Cranny's ****
24) I <3 Soup

If you want to be added to the list...just let us know!


1) Because if they didn't have music, their relationship would be nothing
2) Because Craig wasn't discovered as bipolar until after they got back together
3) Because he blew off the opportunity to record a demo CD just to chase after her
4) Because even after they broke up, Craig was still into his band and making music. It was never about her.
5) Because she's far too serious and melodramatic for him
6) Because "any more bitter and she'd be a lemon"
7) Because she's already uncomfortable being around him
8) Because she acts as if she needs to "take care" of Craig
9) Because they're not exciting or do anything fun. All they do is make music.
10) Because he's blowing his future for her
11) Because he chose Manny in Holiday, but didn't dump Ash because she gave him a guitar
12) Because she was a spiteful witch to him in Rock and Roll Highschool
13) Because their kisses are so lame. Like they're afraid to be passionate
14) Because they're trying to be cute, which they're not
15) Because Craig is a very enthusiastic outgoing guy, while Ashley is just boring
16) Because he told Marco he looked like Ashley. And Marco's a guy
17) Because when Manny was cold, he snuggled with her, when Ash was cold, he got her a hot drink
18) Because she's Miss Band Breaker Upper
19) Because his lyrics are emotional while hers are just depressing
20) Because he didn't cheat on her just because of hormones
21) Because if it weren't for the kissing, their relationship seems more like brother/sister
22) Because Craig only seems crazy around her
23) Because she's only "fun" on E
24) Because why is it that we don't get anymore references to the fact that she and Jimmy use to date?
25) Because Downtown Sasquatch kicked Hell Hath No Fury's ass
26) Because it's okay to open your mouths a little, geez
27) Because last time they dated, it was a disaster, this time it's not only nuclear, it's going to Crash and Burn
28) Because Terri was the one who comforted him in TANE, not Ashley
29) Because she's always "concerned"
30) Because a relationship isn't healthy if you're scared of your partner
31) Because they're not perfect for eachother. It's an illusion
32) Because Manny showed him unconditional love
33) Because even Marco seems better for him
34) Because he's getting too obsessive of her, which isn't cool
35) Because even on his meds she still thinks he's nuts
36) Because she "didn't think at all"
37) Because she acts more like his mother than his girlfriend
38) Because she wants a whole summer of space from her boyfriend
39) Because the longer he's with her, the worse he'll get
40) Because he's becoming dependent of her
41) Because when "love isn't about luck, it's about being with the right person," who did he run to? Ash? Nope
42) Because "that stupid lie of a song"
43) Because you don't tell someone you love them in a card
44) Because she's gonna make the day he met her a day he'll regret
45) Because his "favorite pastry chef" wanted to take a break
46) Because just because her boyfriend's a rocker, doesn't mean she has to be too
47) Because a shared interest in music isn't enough to make two people perfect for eachother
48) Because girlfriends come and go, but friends are for life. A concept lost on Craig
49) Because music, movies and goulash...Wow, what meaningful conversations
50) Because they don't understand eachother at all. It just appears that way because of their shared love of music
51) Because nobody needs to get between them again for this relationship to blow
52) Because she makes him do stupid crazy things(proposing, blow his future, make scenes)
53) Because her so called hard times in life are hardly as bad as his
54) Because their paths in life are going to pull them apart
55) Because he's already starting to regret abandoning the Squatch for her. Hah
56) Because their relationship keeps getting more and more unhealthy by the episode
57) Because he had dreams of becoming a big rock star, and he blew it all just to obsess over her
58) Because maybe the summer away from Ash will help him see just how ridiculous he was
59) Because the Squatch was always there, Ashley wasn't
60) Because you don't write a hate song about your ex-boyfriend and then call him self-absorbed when he thinks it's about him
61) Because if she weren't such a prude he never would have been with Manny
62) Because it's their lack of communication that's going to separate them, not someone else
63) Because if she can't handle him for six months, how is she going to handle him for the rest of her life?
64) Because he threw away his meds because she didn't want him to go to England!
65) Because they are by far the most destructive couple on Degrassi
66) Because who gives a treasured family airloom to a highschool boyfriend?
67) Because she's a virus
68) Because he needs to realize he doesn't need her
69) Because even Craig's own friends Spinner and Marco prefer Manny over Ash
70) Because this space will benefit Craig more than Ash
71) Because all she cares about is making his life a living hell
72) Because of the Flaming Craig Head Tee
73) Because other than music and style they have NOTHING IN COMMON
74) Because he made her all sulky and depressed
75) Because Ashley, The Bad Influence is indeed a bad influence
76) Because she actually told him she needs to get away from him
77) Because a Ramones Tee is a "friend" gift, not a "girlfriend" gift
78) Because why was Ashley the one in Craig's hospital room? What about Joey?
79) Because a kiss on the cheek, tight mouthed kiss on the lips...Are these two really boyfriend and girlfriend?
80) Because you need to look beyond the surface to know this couple sucks
81) Because Cranny may have had "slobberfests" but at least they had passion
82) Because we want the strong, independent, photography lovin', backboned, rock star Craig Manning back!
83) Because matching wristcuffs say "Look, we're trying to match!" Not "meant to be."
84) Ash can't see beyond his disorder to understand him
85) Because it's okay to JUST BE FRIENDS
86) Because wouldn't "Craig, I love you, I just need a vacation by myself" be so much nicer than "I need to get away from you"?
87) Because she couldn't understand why saying "I love you" wasn't easy for him
88) Because the name "Crash" is so easy to turn against them
89) Because just because Craig stood up to Jay, doesn't make it embarrassing
90) Because we thought she couldn't pretend to forgive or forget?
91) Because he asked her not to talk about his disorder, but she still did
92) Because even her lips are uptight
93) Because Caitlin was more mature and never would have ditched Joey the way Ashley ditched Craig
94) Because an airport "I love you" is a goodbye "I love you." Hey, so long as it's a GOODBYE
95) Because Marco should have thrown a disc at her, too
96) Because kisses on the cheek are totally sweet...For your MOM!. For your girlfriend, it's insulting
97) Because Ashley can't help Craig if she wants to get away from them
98) Because putting aside MUSIC, please. And just HOW do these two understand eachother oh so well?
99) Because when a girl chases a guy, she's clingy. But when a guy chases a girl, *SIGH*soooo romantic. Please.
100) Because did he just make a reference to getting Manny pregnant before having sex with Ash?
101) Because Craig is much better off on his own
102. Because Craig wanting to marry Ashley is no sweeter than him wanting to start a family with Manny
103) Because Jimmy give Craig love advice, and it's for his EX GIRLFRIEND. Twisted much?
104) Because watching these two together is like inducing more than just a spoonful of sugar. Try fifty cartons of syrup. (Runs to the toilet to barf)
105. Because Spinner was just trying to be Craig's friend again
106) Because Ashley, his Guardian Angel?? How...I mean...How?
107) Because when has Ashley ever really helped Craig anyways?
108) Because it would make more sense if they were long lost siblings. They look like they could be
109) Because Craig has more chemistry with his guitar.
110) Because she had to repeat and emphasize that she was freezing
111) Because she told him she wasn't leaving...and she left.
112) Because she tried to convince Craig that their relationship was much more important than his friends' feelings
113) Because it's always about her

Biggest Crash Myths
by Virtue

Myth: They've both have had hard times in life.
Truth: Craig's mother died. His dad use to beat him up. He almost tried to kill himself when playing chicken with a train. He found his half sister and almost wanted to run away with her. He eventually moves in with Joey to stay away from his abusive dad. Then by the end of season two, his dad strikes again, only to be killed shortly after. He has a fit. He now has lost both his biological mother AND father. He cheats on his girlfriend(Same Ashley) and gets another girl pregnant. He's psyched at the idea of having his "own little family," but his dreams are crushed when the girl has an abortion. And now, we find out that he is diagnosed with bipolar, which he will be managing for the rest of his life.
As for Ashley, let's see....She was Little Miss Perfect in season one. Popular, school president, dating a hottie. Then she was stupid enough to take extacy at a party just to seem "fun." She loses her friends. Almost gets them back, but turns cocky and loses them again. Befriends an outcast and decides to turn goth to be just like her. Accuses Jimmy of wanting to change her. Oh, and the poor dear has to suffer the fact that her father's gay! Even though he and her mom get along great and he's a totally loving NON-ABUSIVE father. Oh, and then in season three Craig cheats on her(Yep, the same Craig), gets another girl pregnant. She skips school to mope and feel sorry for herself at home. Oh, and now she has to deal with having a bipolar boyfriend. (Sigh)Poor, poor girl.
Sorry, but if they were to ever make a movie about either of these two, I'm pretty sure they'd pick Craig. Ashley's problems are laughable.

Myth: They want the same things in life.
Truth: Countless times it's been obvious exactly what Craig wants. He wants a loving family. And this isn't just because of the bipolar. The poor guys been through a lot. After his mom died then his abusive dad, he has lost both his parents and doesn't feel like he has a real family. Pretty much what he told Spinner in Accidents Will Happen when he was super excited about Manny's pregnancy. Craig dreams of starting a family of his own, and as soon as possible. He wants his own loved ones and he wants them to be close to him all the time. That's what Craig wants in life.
Ashley wants freedom. She wants to experience things and gain independence. She always wants to "get away" when things get stressful. I highly doubt that Ashley is going to want to settle down after highschool. She'll probably want to go to a far away university. Craig isn't going to be happy about that. He's always gonna want to be with her. Look at what happened with England. If Ashley stays with Craig after highschool, he's going to continue to hold her back and she won't get to experience the things in life that she truly desires. Ashley even mentioned in a jounral entry once that she didn't want to have kids. That they would hold her back. Where does that leave Craig?

Myth: They understand eachother.
Truth: There was that one time in Back In Black where Craig gave Ashley somewhat of an epiphany. Since then people have acted as if they're soulmates. Ashley couldn't even understand why Craig was having a hard time expressing his feelings. She had to have a long talk with Paige after screaming at him at the party. Then Craig couldn't even understand why Ashley would still be bothered over the Manny thing. And now, Ashley can't even believe Craig that he had been keeping his disorder under control. She always panicks and doesn't trust him. And Craig couldn't understand why Ashley wanted space.
They both understand eachother's love of music. That is all.

Myth: They have the same style.
Truth: Sure they do. This isn't totally a myth. I mean it physically looks that way, right? Even though Ashley have changed her style THREE TIMES already. She didn't go for the vintage look until AFTER she and Craig started dating. So it appears that they do. Clothing wise, music wise....That's about it. They visually have the same style. But Craig's lyrics have always been more emotional, deep and meaningful and he writes them to express his feelings(I'm In Love, Dust). Ashley's have always been mopey, angry, or depressing.(How Can I B, Poor Thing, Gravity, Mr. Nice Guy, the girl who died in the Spanish Civil War). All her songs are whiney. Plus back in season one and two, did it honestly seem like Ashley had ANY interest in rock music?

Myth: They just match.
Truth: Appearance wise, sure. Personality wise? Oh dear God, no! They totally clash. Craig is an very outgoing socializing fun guy with lots of friends who always wants love. Ashley is a serious, uptight, moody melodramatic girl who always wants space, and other than Craig is only seen hanging out with Ellie. And this is not an opposite attracts deal, either. Not even close. Their differences don't compliment eachother. If anything, they conflict. It's already causing problems and is only gonna get worse in the future. Craig's outgoing carefree personality has not gotten Ashley to lighten up on hers. They don't do anything for eachother. At least not as a couple

Why Manny and Craig are so much better together!
by Virtue

1) Craig seeked out Manny when he was filming Angie on the ice.

2) He cuddled with her when she wanted to be warm.

3) He felt like **** when Manny dumped him the first time for not wanting to make the choice.

4) He ran to her when Cailtin gave him that advice.

5) He was prepared to break up with Ashley until she gave him the guitar, and instead he lied and said "I love you."

6) He got Ashley a Ramones t-shirt and Manny a bracelet. A bracelet is a much more appropriate "boyfriend" gift than some t-shirt. Supporting the fact that Craig and Manny seemed much more like a couple than Craig and Ashley.

7) We only saw Craig and Ashley kiss once throughout the whole episode. And it was a peck on the cheek! We got three separate occassions where Manny and Craig are very passionate together.
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- The Invisible

Last edited by Mariael311; 03-07-2005 at 10:42 AM
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Old 11-07-2004, 10:38 PM
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Can I be add becauses I hate ashley and the way she treats craig and plays with his feelings !
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Old 11-07-2004, 11:01 PM
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I am totally anti Craig and Ashley.

you look at me, it's like you hit me with lightning.
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Old 11-08-2004, 02:31 AM
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I am anti Craig/Ashley too. I don't think they mesh well. It seems like their relationship was just meant to destruct. I mean after getting back together Craig goes insane? That last episode scared the hell out of me.
It's jsut not written in the stars.

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Old 11-08-2004, 04:13 AM
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TOTALLY anti-C/A. They just bore me. Ashley just isn't much of an interesting character and I hate to see her bring Craig down with her.

Hopefully he and Manny will end up together. They're entertaining and interesting, and have so much more chemistry than C/A.
and i don't want the world to see me cause i don't think that they'd understand
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Old 11-08-2004, 07:35 PM
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I don't care how much in common people think these two have, they don't mix at all. Take away the music and all these two have is nothing, because have you notice that these two always talking about music. Sure the characters intrest are the same but the writers got to think about chemistry. Sorry but Jake and Melissa don't have those passionate kisses even when they try it's like their lips don't touch and don't move. If I didn't know better I would think the actors hated eachother and thought the other was completely gross. Cassie and Jake are a much better pair. Anyone with Jake would have better kisses than Melissa and Jake.
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Old 11-08-2004, 08:37 PM
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Originally posted by Mrs.JulianMcMahon
I don't care how much in common people think these two have, they don't mix at all. Take away the music and all these two have is nothing, because have you notice that these two always talking about music. Sure the characters intrest are the same but the writers got to think about chemistry. Sorry but Jake and Melissa don't have those passionate kisses even when they try it's like their lips don't touch and don't move. If I didn't know better I would think the actors hated eachother and thought the other was completely gross. Cassie and Jake are a much better pair. Anyone with Jake would have better kisses than Melissa and Jake.
you are so right and what your said about jake and melissa hated each other made me I think the writes should keep jake and cassie together because they make better chemistry then melissa and jake !
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Old 11-20-2004, 05:09 AM
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Interesting title....i'm not really a fan of the couple.
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Old 11-20-2004, 10:20 PM
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Im totally ANTI-CRASH.
They dont look like they are even attracted to eachother, they actually look more like robots together.
Theyre more like brother and sister.
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Old 11-22-2004, 07:48 PM
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thanks for making this thread!
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Old 11-27-2004, 01:26 AM
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I was just watching old degrassi episodes and saw how much chemistry Crash have, ZERO!
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:25 PM
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Originally posted by JazminM5
They dont look like they are even attracted to eachother, they actually look more like robots together.
ok, last ep i saw was BIB.

what other eps, besides Holiday do C/A have together? cause that "robot" thing i wanna see. I don't really pay attention to ash, even if she's with craig (whom I adore)
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:27 PM
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Can't you guys make another one with a different title?
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:56 PM
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i don't think you can start new threads until the current one reaches 250 posts.
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(mscl) || Brooke/Lucas (oth) || Carly/Jason (gh) || Carrie/Big (satc) || Emma/Sean (degrassi) || Georgie/Dillon (gh) || Hermione/Ron (hp) || Jake/Hamilton (ya) ||
|| Manny/Craig
(degrassi) || Maria/Michael (roswell) || Meredith/Derek (ga) || PJ/Bobby (mb) || Rachel/Ross (friends) ||
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:57 PM
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So? You could, you know.....start another one and let this one fall into the abyss of the board......there's not even an opening post or list.

I just think it's really ridiculous and kind of confusing to have a title that explicity is anti-one of the characters, not the couple.
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