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Old 05-15-2018, 07:37 PM
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X-Files Off Topic #52: Talking, and food, and TV...Oh My!

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Last edited by reason to believe; 05-15-2018 at 07:46 PM
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Old 05-15-2018, 07:43 PM
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Gah! Can you fix the punctuation in the title? Otherwise it's going to drive me batty.

Actually, can you also change it to Talking and TV and food, oh my! So it actually sounds like the Wizard of Oz song.

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Old 05-15-2018, 07:44 PM
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Haha, not the mama!

Yeah, the library is open til 9 pm and it’s past 7:30 pm. The lazy guide to life says how to do things with the minimal amount of effort possible

I’m recording some Andy Hardy movies with Judy Garland that I don’t have on DVD that will be on TCM during sleep and work time tomorrow.

I heard without Gillian Anderson returning, FOX has said no more new seasons of X-Files, but from Tumblr.

Why is Charmed being remade!
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Old 05-15-2018, 07:48 PM
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I edited my post-can you change the title, so it makes sense.

Talking and TV and food, oh my! You know, so it can actually sound like the Wizard of Oz song.

Awesome recording for you. I know how much you love her.

Fox still says they're trying to renew it, according to a few articles I read the other day, including on TV Line.

Charmed is being remade because they have no new original show ideas any more/ It's about 3 cousins, though. I think. I can't remember.

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Old 05-15-2018, 07:55 PM
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Ok, I edited it so it looks better hopefully!

Yeah, Judy Garland was like a month younger than my grandma so sometimes when I see JG, I think of what my grandma was doing with her life at the same age! Did I tell you I saw Mickey Rooney in person on stage when he came to the town next over to mine? I got lost trying to find the place he was at, until I saw a congregation of gray haired people lining up and I was right follow the old folks to Mickey Rooney’s show

I also saw Liza Minnelli in Vancouver at a concert too.

Yeah, I recognize that, of course! Haha. You know, since I know so much of JG’s work, I watch the Wizard of Oz the least, and her as Dorothy is separate from her in my mind, I never think of Judy Garland as Dorothy. And there I’ll stop before I start Aspie-talking to you where you’ll zone out on my interest

I never watched Charmed!
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Old 05-15-2018, 08:14 PM
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at follow the old folks to Mickey Rooney's show. That's cool it helps you think if your Grandma and what she was doing at the ages of Judy Garland.

Liza scares me.

I couldn't think of anyone else as Dorothy.

I watched all 8 seasons of Charmed. But, Buffy, Charmed, Smallville, Roswell, Angel...all from the same era, when the WB was a new and exiting network, so I watched all of them.

I won't watch the new Charmed, but I'll probably check out the new Roswell. It's supposedly about illegal aliens, and not space aliens, but you never know by the time it reaches the airwaves.

Did you see on my last post on the other thread about what I've read about Fox, and X-files? I don't know if they're still trying to woo Gillian, or if they are trying to do it without her, but it's not cancelled, yet.

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Old 05-15-2018, 08:23 PM
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Yeah, JG is the perfect Dorothy! But she was like that with all her movie roles. She was quite sincere in her acting. And also very funny in real life. Lucille Ball even said that she herself wasn’t truly funny, if you wanted to know who was truly funny, it was Judy Garland. And also, I love her laugh! Quite contagious!

Yeah, I saw that. Well, I’m not sure I’d be too interested in a new X-Files without both Mulder and Scully though, so much of the show was cause their chemistry together onscreen as partners.

I have to go to the library and pick up my books. It’s almost closing time for them! Are you staying up late or going to bed when I leavE?
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Old 05-15-2018, 08:26 PM
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I will probably still be up.

I'm getting a 2nd wind, at the worst possible time.

Yeah, I guess it would be like when Angel left Buffy. Though, different. cause Mulder and Scully were together for 12 years, right? Or, 11?

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Old 05-15-2018, 09:03 PM
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I’m back I got 3 issues of Real Simple magazine, the two books I had on hold and a spur of the moment YA book that was on display called “Dead House” (of course )

Also got an Oreo McFlurry cause I needed some ice cream suddenly!

Mulder and Scully got partnered up in 1992. So how many years is that!
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Old 05-15-2018, 09:25 PM
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Dead House sounds right up your alley. What is Real Simple? Is it self help-ish, craft decorating-ish, or...

Ice cream is good. I have coconut pineapple, but the pineapple tastes nasty. I should have gotten my go-to chocolate chip mint.

Yeah, but how many seasons of X-files? I know it didn't run from 92 till last year.

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Old 05-15-2018, 09:29 PM
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Real Simple is a lifestyle magazine of how to simplify life in all different areas. I like it for the self care tips and home organization.

Oh, X-Files ran for 9 seasons, 2 movies and the these two revival seasons!

Too bad you got ice cream that was a fail. I think my fave flavour lately is butter pecan. But I want a banana split this summer sometime. Haven’t had a good one in ages!
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Old 05-15-2018, 09:51 PM
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That sounds like a magazine I would like. I haven't opened a magazine since JFK Jr. died. Even if magazines are totally different topics. Oh, HGTV magazine. Of course, I don't read much any more, as you know.

So, 11, not 12. I wasn't sure what this previous season was.

I don't think I had a banana split more than once. I mostly had those icy pops-the colored ones in clear plastic, Nutty Buddy's, and push ups. Other than regular ice cream cartons.

Yeah, the coconut ice cream part is really good, but, that pineapple is just...bitter, and not in the good way.

I have my Barbie's almost all set up and dressed now. I mostly just have things like table settings, and their cleaning supplies stuff to put away. Yep, I have a Barbie Swiffer duster, vacuum, etc.

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Old 05-15-2018, 09:57 PM
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why would you get Barbie cleaning supplies? Do they have a toilet too? Sounds like you have a couple of displays of things everywhere.

I can’t beleive you haven’t opened a magazine since 1999! I find it easier to read a magazine than any book!

I’m getting more tired now which is good since I need to try again for proper sleep. I sure hope my back doesn’t go back to square one in the morning and also remember to see my doctor and not miss that appointment!

I hardly have ice cream but it was just really hot the last two days, that I needed a cold sweet treat.

Judy Garland is singing on TCM right now... wonder if you can see it
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Old 05-15-2018, 10:21 PM
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Yep, they have a toilet with the bathroom set-it even has a little plastic roll of toilet paper on it. It's cleaning supplies for the setup. Just like you dress up dollhouses with furniture, decorations, and accessories.

I just look at pictures, like in the HGTV magazines. I don't read anything in them.

Yeah, you definitely don't want to miss that appointment. Do you toss and turn at night? I do, so mine doesn't really get better. Even when I was a kid, my mom wouldn't let me sleep in her bed any more cause I was always kicking.

Oddly, I prefer ice cream in winter. I crave it all the time then.

Yeah, we have TCM. That's how I checked out the Family Affair movie you were talking about, and knew to record Killer Klowns From Outer Space. I deleted it without watching though. I have my TV set up to my computer right now though, because I still have Roswell on.

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Old 05-15-2018, 10:28 PM
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I do usually toss and turn, I go back and forth to each side of my bed through the night. And I used to not enjoy sharing a bed with people. If their legs end up touching me, I’d kick them on purpose

Haha, this Love Finds Andy Hardy movie is funny for some things when looking back at something so long ago, as a modern movie then. One line has teenage Andy saying to his dad “why do you have to be so old school, Dad, this is 1938!” and the main technology for instant long distance communication was getting telegrams and 12 yr old boys playing on ham radios! Ham radios were 1938’s internet!

This film has a 16 yr old Lana Turner in it too. Interesting to see the young future stars before things happens to them like daughters killing their abusive lovers. or 7 marriages on the way! Or their ex wife getting killed by a murder suicide!
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