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Old 12-27-2004, 03:39 AM
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WLOM #13 - there's a party in mc's pants and charlie's invited!!!

Welcome to We Lost Our Minds! thread #13, a place of love and child eati....ummmm, ignore that last part.

Moving on, this beautiful little home away from the mental ward was the result of a conversation between lovesbitch, Pavlov's Belle and Celebrian Saralonde on numerous threads on the Lost board revolving around the character of Charlie still remaining sexy even as he dry humped a mutilated corpse.

And we soon discovered that we insane people need a place of our own, as to not scare "the normals"

So come in, grab your prescribed medication and tell those voices in your head to be quite for a few minutes as you join us.


The Mindless
*Lovesbitch (The Master Debater aka MD, slashwhore, naked boy ****, Jam)
*Celebrian Saralonde (Coolleen, coffee****)
*Pavlov's Belle (Peanut Butter; Michelle's #1 Fan! and Katie's precognitive-stalker)
*Michelle25 (tink**** aka mciejhelle)
*-Katie- (Cass' stalker)
*Hot Like Fire


The Mutilated Corpses Nicknames
*MC Hammer


Random Facts About the Mindless & our OTP

*We will eat your if you have young you might want to lock them in a box or something when we're around.
*We do not beleive in bad spelling. In fact, bad grammar and tpyos are welcomd here. Our thread is basically a mental ward gone wrong. We're supposed to type all messed up and ****.
*We believe that with some air freshners and prefume true love can withstand the stench of rotting flesh.
*We view Mutilated Corpse and Charlie as a modern day Romeo and Juliet, Romeo being MC and Juliet obviously being Charlie. To learn more about this connection, just scroll down!
*The mutilated corpse is not dried, he's just mutilated and squishy. And Dom is only dry humping him so it works.
*The reality is that Charlie wasn't trying to save Jack after the cave-in, he was actually supposed to meet Corpsie-poo down there to express there love and just happened to bump into Jack.
*When are evil secrets, such as child and soul eating, leak out we have a tendencie to scream out "Polar Bear" to draw the attention away from the bones we're burying.
*We randomly break out into games of jeporady without any notice. Occasionally, Corpse-poo will conduct these games as Charlie dry humps him.
*And if you're wondering then yes, the polar bear was shot by sexy Sawyer so now it is a Zombie Polar Bear now...and it gets to be dry humped...cause it's dead.
*We also feed Shannon to the polar bear...cause she's a bitch (Sawyer helped). Not only is she a bitch but we enjoy human sacrifices and it keeps the Zombie Polar Bear God happy with us. And that means more humping. This has lead the the following says:

Shannon: It's What's for dinner.
Shannon: The other white meat

*Sawyer is our mindless Bitch. He is very sexy and he feeds Shannon to the Zombie Polar Bear God:
** Our now permanently naked slave bitch shall always supply us with drinks and lapdances at the member's request.

*Charlie and the polar bear may have possibly breed...we're looking into it at the moment.
*If your computer mouse dies it to will get humped. If you hadn't noticed, we're all about the dead dry humping in this part of town
*The mutilated corpse writes poetry and has traveled the world, there is much we can learn from him.
*We have discovered that "fate" is one of us non-normals. w00t for fate!
*MC/Charlie may be the OTP but MC/Charlie/Claire are the OT3.


Pictures of our Lovebird

In this picture you can see MC preparing for Charlie to come dry hump him up in the tree, it's very exotic and erotic. Note that the shirt is untucked, it's a sign.

Corpise-poo will reveal to us the secrets of the world, he's like a messiah in a way.

*whispers* like a Messiah... *entranced* --> *_*


Charlie and The Mutilated Corpse: They're kinda like Romeo and Juliet in a Way.

Charlie: Oh Romeo Oh Romeo. Where For Art Thou My Romeo?

Corpse: My Dear Love. I'm in this tree waiting for you to devour me.


Corpse: Waiting to devour me with your eyes, Juliet. I'm like a four course meal.


Corpse: Oh, Juliet let us retire to our secret rendezvous cave and make thine sweetest of love.

Charlie: Oh Romeo, I love you. A boy could never wish for a better mutilated corpse than you!


Corpse: The sound shan't fall upon tender ears, my love. Or at least mine tender ears, for I haven't any left.

Charlie: I will be you ears for you my love. And your eyes. I will show the world to you thgouh my tender touch. Come to me Romeo and let us become one!

Corpse: I would, dearest, however I seem to be missing a few needed ligaments and ... most of my internal organs. Come to me and dry hump me in this tree. It shall be hawt, I assure you.

The Words and Phrases You should Know if you've Lost your Mind.
That's kind of like a Dictionary, but isn't really due to Webster copyright infringment.

Corpsaholic: One who is addicted to Corpses.

Felix: the name we have given smut after we locked it in a cage and kept it for our pretty, pretty pet.

Hawt: Used to describe practically anything. Similar to 'hot' only 'hawt' is hawter. Example: Charlie and MC is totally hawt; They/She/He are/is hawt etc etc.

Jabba the Hut: Also known as 'Jabba'. Refers to the behemoth that is this opening post. It's a force unto itself and is always growing. Therefore, a Star Wars reference must come into play. So when we add to this opening post, feel free to 'Stick things to Jabba'. See picture below:

Lumoy: A special kind of lumpy cheese that Charlie and MC share together. Maybe be eaten on Nachos.

Normals, The: The posters outside of this thread. Deemed not-crazy and therefore would not understand the complexity that is this thread or the love that is C/CM. They are welcome to post here, however, they have been warned.

Zack: Jack. With a 'Z' instead of a 'J'. Possibly a play on words for 'Zombie Jack', Possibly not. Also may be written as 'Zach'

ZPBG: The shorthand form of Zombie Polar Bear God.


New Laws and/or Decrees by order of the Lost Minded People:
Just to make this thread even more confusing crazy!

01. To make a new law and or decree: First, One must come to a revelation. Then they shall post their new law and or decree, ring an invisible bell (Pavlov's bell) and decree it. It shall then be added to the first post. Lalala -- 11/10/04.

02. Sawyer shall now be stripped of all clothes. He is to run or walk around the island completely naked. He shall still be our bitch, do our bidding and also sacrifice Shannon to the ZPBG. Only now he shall do this nakedly -- 11/10/04.

03. Whenever some types: *whisper* all of the mindless must whisper the following word(s) out loud! -- 11/11/04

04. unless you are using intials (like MC, MD, WLOM) no caps are allowed on this thread. if you do, you piss off the zombie polar bear god! and we don't want that -- 11/16/04
i. however, if you can't type in caps or have just skipped the first post, we'll allow you to type grammatically correct and use caps. we'll just have to feed the zombie polar bear more shannon.

05. Wednesdays are officially corpse day! So shots for everybody off naked Sawyer's body. And dry-humping is every 15 mintues, instead of 45 -- 11/17/04

06. If you do not post for three pages of a thread you need to be spanked by Sawyer -- 11/29/04

And Now....

Corpsie-Poo's Karaoke Hour!!
For when you just feel like breaking out into song..

01. Toxic - Britney Spears
02. Oscar Myer Song - Oscar Myer..?
03. Up Where We Belong - Joe Cocker/Celine Dion/Jennifer Warnes
04. The Lion Sleeps Tonight - The Tokens
05. Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog - Creedence Clearwater Revival
06. Oops I Did It Again - Britney Spears
07. When Doves Cry - Prince
08. Chick Habit - April March
09. Crazy - Aerosmith
10. Cream - Prince
11. I Believe I Can Fly - R Kelly
12. Wind Beneath My Wings - Bette Midler
13. Killing Me Softly - Fugees
14. Baby Got Back - Sir Mixalot


Emergency Back Up Plan
For when Charlie seemingly disappears and Corpsie just needs to be dry-humped.

Every 45 minutes Charlie needs to go dry hump MC. Otherwise MC gets depressed. If this does not occur the emergency back up plan must go into play. It involves the murdering ones computer so the fresh corpse will lure Charlie over (because we all know Charlie can't help himself from humping dead things). Then, as he nears the computer, we shove MC infront of him and then *bam* he's dry humping MC.


Thread Nickname #2:
The conversation that started it all..

our little thread is like a seed. we nurture it, give it food and water and some dry humping and it turns into a pretty corpsified plant flower. that eats children.

and souls.

Little shop of horrors?

i read that as "little shops of whores"

it's us! this thread is like the little shop of whores.

That needs to be added to jabba!


And so it was. And it was good hawt. We are the Little Shop of Whores.


Random Hot Model Guy:

We call him Randy <3 <3


This thread has been brought to you by the official drink of the Mindless:

Starbucks Coffee. Because it's taken over and so have we!

This ^ is what happens after a long night of posting. Drink responsibly. Which means having a minimum of 5 cups and spinning around in circles 23 times.


T-Shirts that just painfully scream WLOM!


Now that the Lost board belongs to us we have set our sights on conquering all of fanforum! The following art has been made to celebrate our conquestsp


disclaimer - this is meant as a parody, humorous thread. We're not actually encouraging anyone to go out and hump dead things. We also do not eat children...we prefer babies, they're more tender.
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:41 AM
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yay new thread!!! lucky number 13! .

i love how we can't add anymore pics to jabba.

+ =
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:42 AM
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what? we can't add anymore? why?
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:45 AM
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there's a limit on pictures in posts including smilies.
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:47 AM
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omg, that's sad
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:49 AM
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i know! jabba needs more pretties!
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:50 AM
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well, we could always make a second first post. Like the first post and then the second post. Like an extension.
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:52 AM
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we could also merge some of the pics together.
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:54 AM
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we're sneaky like that

omg, Buffy is on tv! hehe
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:56 AM
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what a coincidence.!.
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:59 AM
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tis funny.

almsot done with resizing the caps for episode six of season six.
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Old 12-27-2004, 04:03 AM
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"you can't see the stars love, that's the's also day."
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Old 12-27-2004, 04:04 AM
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let's go dad. let's go get the siht kicked out of us by love!
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Old 12-27-2004, 04:08 AM
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I forgot that during season two when Angel lost his soul and went back to Dru and Spike there was slashy goodness.

Angelus totally kisses Spike on the forehead! hawt!
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Old 12-27-2004, 04:19 AM
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i don't remember that.
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