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Lenea12 07-30-2005 12:49 AM

Steph~ No I was talking about my dream! I'm in love with Angelina Jolie, not M! I'm definately not in love with M! Its just a very intense crush! Sheesh! And thank you for my compliment! Which pic was it? The one under my heroes section? well anyhoo, I hope your pup feels better!

Tammy~ Thank you! Thats so nice, aw...but I still don't agree! And dude, what a scary ass dream! Penis = bad :lol: And hell yeah that still makes you a make out ****! But I've gotten to the point where I can't count how many guys OR girls I've made out with...oh well!

Max~ You know, every time I see Jessica Alba I think of you...haha just thought you should know! And phantom of the opera!

Ok soooo, yeah I had work tonight...then I got home and my friend Micah came and got me and we went to hookah...then I got home and had a message from M asking what I was doing this maybe I was being paranoid just a little bit!? Yeah, ok well we'll see what happens! But until then I'm going to sleep!!!

Mischa's_n(ex)t 07-30-2005 04:59 AM

Sara, yeah! Jewish girls ARE hot! I won't deny it! ;)
Oh and what about Nicole? Haven't you find out yet whether she's gay or not?

Steph, thanks god i'm not the only one who had this kind of a dream!!! lol I thought I was a freak!
But damn, having sex with a girl with that thing?! Spooky! :lmao: I guess i wanted to know what it feels like peeing when you're standing!
How come your mom can't have children? She gave birth to you, didn't she? :confused:
And i think i'm the next Leo on the list, mine's on 4 of august :)

And Nea, YOU ARE A HOTTY! :sigh:
How did you manage to kiss so many girls??? lol Since when have you known that you're gay?

OH ****! I opened my winamp player and there was a porn video on the play list! Someone has been watching porn videos on my computer!!!!!!! I know it's my dad!!! I've been suspecting him for a year till now! And now i know! OH GOD!!! Gross! :eek:

OMG you guys! I'm going to perform at this concert today!!! I'm gonna play this huge classical work, and i'm also gonna sing 3 more songs with the guitar! So wish me luck!!! heehee!

StephLova 07-30-2005 08:32 AM

Nea, lol, i totally forgot about your Angelina Jolie dream. lol. Geeze. I wish she told me she loved me. Goshs she's sooo incredibly sexy!!! And she doesn't even have hips!!!

Tammy, okay...I thik finding out your dad watches porno on your computer is wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy worse then finding some condoms! Ewww. Well to me it is. I learned along time ago not to go around snooping. And I am soooo happy I don't have to share a computer with anybody. But it's funny because me and my dad have the same taste in women. Like he thinks Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie and Elizabeth Taylor(when she was in her 20s) are gorgeous. Those are just to name a few. So if we go to the movies together and a hott woman is on... my dad will be like "damn she's nice!" and i would think "you have noooo idea". Oh and speaking of parents... i was a gift from my other family. So i have two families. One of my mommies can't have me she's tried a PLENTY times...and recently too...and the other one can, bcuz i'm here. :D

Have fun at the concert! Sing to your hearts content!! you will do wonderful! And...if you get nervous...don't imagine people nakkid. I've done it and it's made me want to laugh soooooooo bad during a concert.

Max, why did u break up with Nea, I mean you did put "ex gf" or something like that.

maxsgirl452 07-30-2005 09:32 AM

Gaby, Awesome!!! I'll have to check it out!!!! :D

Steph, I broke up with "Anna" aka Nea because if I didn't then Jared would want to meet her, and that wouldn't have happened, unles Nea wanted to take a road trip up from Colorado to pretend to be my gf for a day, and then he would have found out about the prank. So this way, I have his sympathies, and I can guilt trip him by telling him how much I miss Anna. :blah: So yeah... oh and you're getting your story soon, I promise!!!

Nea, I'm glad you think about me! ;) lol jk

Tammy, I'm almost positive Nicole is straight. I mean theres always that chance that she's not, but I really think she is... so I'm just happy to be her friend... lol

So I think Tammy's next on the 4th, then it's me on the 6th, and then it's Steph on the 9th. :yay: WOOT FOR LEO'S!!!!!

Hint_Of_Skater 07-30-2005 07:10 PM

God, I've been so lazy! Ah well, so I've been reading ur posts, erm very entertaining might I add. I can't type much cos my muscles ache and my eyes can barely open!

Oh btw Tammy, porno movies lol I wouldn't want to know if my Dad watches em, its too weirdly random for me!

Steph :) lol hows my wifey doing?

Nea :D hows my other wifey doing?

Goodnight xXx

maxsgirl452 07-30-2005 07:28 PM

Night Anna! Sweet dreams!!!

OMFG!!!! So the funniest thing happened at work today. Ok, so Nicole's shift ended when mine started, so I get down to my register, and Nicole is finishing bagging for the one in front of mine. And she tells me that she has something to tell me. So she goes up and punches out and comes back down, and she comes over to me and is like, "So this old guy came through our register (ours being her and the guy at the register in front of mine) and he asks me 'Did it hurt?' and I'm like, 'Did what hurt?' And he goes, 'When you fell from Heaven.'" :lmao: How f-ing funny is that!!! That's gotta be like the oldest line in the book. I laughed so hard when she told me it! It totally made my night! So I know that Nicole works Tuesday so me and my bro are going to go over to HyVee when she's working and I talked my bro into using that line on her!!! It's gunna be so funny!!! She is never going to hear the end of that one! ;)

Mischa's_n(ex)t 07-31-2005 01:09 AM

Hey guys! Yesterday's concert was awsome! Everyone came to praise me after the show, and the funny thing was when someone told me "Where did you learn to speak English like that?" (cuz i the songs were in English) he just kept on telling me that... Oh well :)

OK, i tried to reply to your posts but i have to go. Me and my friends are leaving for this friend's beach house in the north for a few days, and now they're coming to pick me up. I hope we're gonna get high and reallly drunk! So I'll talk to you in a few days!!! Have a nice week!

Lenea12 07-31-2005 01:55 PM

Tammy~ Congrats! I bet you were simply fabulous! Habe fun at the beach house, I'm so jealous, I want to get drunk really bad. Its been like...a

Max~ ew I hate when guys use lines like that! I once had this guy come up to me and go "I lost my number, can I have yours?" and he was so dead serious too! I was like are you kidding me? Haha

Anna~ Wifey #1 is doing fabulous, how is my one and only doing? Well, I know your probably all sore from working thats hot!

Steph~ Girlfriend, where have you been all my life? We haven't talked for a few days nopw...I don't think I can handle it! I'm having withdrawls!!!

Well I just got back from getting some weird little thing on my ear pierced. It was funny because they always recognize my friends and I when we come in to get pierced because we do it a lot, and we're like a big pack of blondes. So I was filling out my paperwork, and the guy asked me for my ID and right as he did the lady who does all our piercings came out and was like, "don't worry about it, she's one of my regulars" she totally recognized me even without the pack of blondes! It was funny. Ok...maybe you would have had to have been there, but I found it funny! Ok, now I have to go get ready for the hell that I call work! Peace!

maxsgirl452 07-31-2005 05:43 PM

Tammy, Have fun, stay safe, and don't get too drunk! ;)

Nea, What did you get pierced now? lol

Oh, so there's another reason why I think Nicole is straight. She was totally flirting with the cashier from yesterday, Nate, he's kinda cute, but yeah, totally flirting. :rolleyes: It was obvious... yeah...

StephLova 08-01-2005 06:42 AM

Max, thanks for my story babe! I enjoyed it! ;) And lol. I've done those pick up lines lol!!! But I guess I only do them when I know for sure a chick likes me. But mostly i would say something really stupid and get them to laugh. lol. And I have had some REALLY bad "I went to the store in the mood for some cholocatey sweet candy, who when I'd find you, two raped up in one." I was like "urrr" okay. lol. But the guy was really really cute!!! His name's Brett.. LOL. He kinda looks like Adam Brody!! And acts similar to Seth Cohan. He's my bud now. I mean, that pickup line was soooooooo lame but he said it with confidence so...confidence gets an A+ in my book. lol.

Nea, hee hee!! Awww your so sweet to me, what did i do in my past life you deserve u? hee hee. So what's new with you. OH and did u get your hair cut yet? AND i wanna see this piercing damnit!

Tammy, have fun!!!

Anna, ummm hey sweetheeart!! I will talk to you in like hour or so..It's 8:30am... I am soooooooooooooooo sleepy! :cool:

So I had a dream my brother got this girl pregnant. Lol. And then...the girl turned out to be Jennifer. lol!!! I think it's because Jenn has been on my mind bcuz some friends from school are going to "kidnapp" on my birthday and I KNOW she's going to be there and ugh. owi. Weirdness. Has anyone seen War of the Worlds? Max, you have right? Anywho I had a dream the ground starting cracking and I fell into the whole but I was holding on to the edges and then my gym instructor pulled me up and then told me I had to do 50 pushups bcuz I didn't have correct posture. lol. And after I did the monster robot alien things snatched all my skin off. :(! Kinda sad and scary. lol. Oh and did anybody GET the movie, i didn't really understand the ending....

It's like...did a freaking plant kill those monster robot alien things??

sasysaz 08-01-2005 06:57 AM

were did yall get ur icons?

BepperGirl 08-01-2005 07:35 AM

Steph, the spoiler tag is [ sp ] [ /sp ] minus the spaces of course. In case ya want to edit.

maxsgirl452 08-01-2005 07:49 AM

Stephy, I'll e-mail you about the ending of War of the Worlds.

sasysaz, you have to get 100 posts before you're able to upload an avatar from your own computer. So start posting hun!!!

Not much happened between the last time I posted and now... hmm..... So today is week two of College For Kids.... it's not going to be as fun cuz Bailey won't be there... oh well....

Hint_Of_Skater 08-01-2005 09:08 AM

Steph - Haha! That what i was thinking, did the plant kill em? Cos voice over kept saying something about 'mother nature', i was like ermm 'i'm confused?'. I think the ending was disappointing otherwise the film was good :)

Lenea12 08-01-2005 12:10 PM

MY EAR HURTS!!!! Ok...

Max~ Its called a rook, its this weird little crevese in your ear. I'm going to try and figure out how to use my new camara and take a pic of it for ya! And my tongue! Oh...and maybe Nicole is bi?

Steph~ We were seprated at birth remember?? Duh. Oh I forgot to ask you, where are you going to school?? And yes I got my hair cut...I just got it trimmed, then I got shorter layers around my face, and now my bangs are kind of grown out and are like and inch above my chin...I need to take a new pic of me!!

Anna~ Hi. :blush:

Ok so I just found out that M went on a date on I'm reeeaaal jealous! So I decided I need to go have some meaningless rebound NOW!!!! Ok, so my ear hurts :( owwwww! Ok I'm going to go do my hair now!

maxsgirl452 08-01-2005 03:13 PM

Nea, Meaningless rebound sex sounds like my kind of sex... Damn it... why can't I live in Colorado? ;) lol Yeah, I suppose Nicole could be bi, but the greater chance is that she's straight... yeah...

So today was the first day of week two... it's ok. There's this girl I know from school who's helping in my bro's class. She's really not the kids type. But you know what's really funny, so aparently she was the first girl Ashleigh ever had a crush on.... yeah... She's kind of a b!tch, like one of those girls who is nice to you when you're alone with them, but then when they are around their friends they totally ignore you... I hate those types! Anyway, random funny fact...

StephLova 08-01-2005 10:27 PM

Nea, lol...sorry your ear hurts hun!!! I'll get Ana to kiss it and make it better for yah. lol. And yeah we were seperated at birth. lol. And rebound sex sounds like fun! lol. I've done it before,...with Jen. lol. Why has she been popping up in my head like crazy? My birthday is officially in a week!!! I'm excited!

Anna, you got War of the World already in the UK? I thought it just came out here in the US? Geeze, I am sooo behind in movie watching. lol. But I love you still and I miss you like soooo incredibly much!!!

Max, thanks for clarrifying the War of the World. I was soooo confused. lol.

So today was depressing. You guys know how me and Ana broke up? like officially? lol. well...sometimes last week Erica had a TLW season one party get together. I mean there was people playing poker, pool, drinking games, etc. But... basically Ana came and she kissed me in the kitchen. And she said she didn't want us to just be friends and it was tearing her apart..blah blah blah. I love her!! And she looked sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!! I kidd you not guys... Man..i wanted to just have my way with her. Well today we went to Cafe Adobe in Montrose. It's where all the gay people go on Mondays. lol. Well I saw Ana sitting across the room eating and I couldn't stop looking but I couldn't say anything bcuz she was with Jayce. So when I saw her go to the bathroom. I was like okay...i want to see her. I HAD to see her and talk to her... and ugh. I think I'm whipped!! I blame ANNA!!! <---she told me to get back with yeah! Blame her!!! Well i went to the bathroom and she was looking in the mirror and i smiled and walked up to her and kissed her hard. Great kisses and then the door flung open and it was somebody. And then she said she wanted to go back before J got suspicious. We walked out into the hallway and she turned around and kissed me again "one for the road" and like Jayce was walking in the hallway and she mumbled "i knew you said you were sick, but that's just nausiating(msp)" bcuz she saw us kissing. well like a small peck. "i don't know when you are going to stop letting her drag you around"...and walked into the restroom. I like went back to the table. like the whole time me and Ana were looking at each other from the distance. Crazy stuff.

OH! And like remember the brazlian girl Kaci??? Well this girl named Michelle owns this club called Eve. Well I went there and come to find out her cousin is dating Michelle. So it's kinda weird bcuz I get in and it's 21+. but Kaci is 19. And she's sooo cute. And her HAIR!!! Is sooooooo soft! Oh my gosh, her hair is this dark brown and it's straight and kinda long and sooo soft. Gorgeous hair!! We talked soooooo long when we were at the club. She kinda distracted me from my dancing but I didn't mind. I enjoyed talking with her. And since then we have talked everyday. She's hella sweet. she also keep alluding to us going on a date but I just avoid it at all costs. lol. We will see by the end of the week if I like her that much to spend my money on. Bcuz my parents have been tripping on the credit card use. UGh. I have no clue what's up with that but my dad told me I had a limit. I was like limit? What's that? And she's actually really close to me in age. Weird huh. You know me likey the older chicks! I mean at least 2 years older then me, Kaci is only one. Anyways..I have alot of stuff to do tomorrow, so I will talk to you chicas later! Luv yah!

Lenea12 08-02-2005 01:46 PM

Steph~ Stop being such a stud, you make me feel bad! lol no jk. But yeah, get back w/ Ana, then I can have Anna all for myself! I mean...uh...then you can be happy! lol! No but seriously, you know what I mena!

Max~ Hmmm...I don't really know what to about this: have fun with your class thingy!

Ok, so I got a new pic up on myspace...I think I kind of look stoned so please tell me what you guys think, and I put a pic up of my new piercing! Ok, nothing new other than that!

maxsgirl452 08-02-2005 03:03 PM

Nea, Damn, I really wish I could see it!!! Stupid parents!!! And thanks, I will have fun with my class thingy! ;)

Stephy, you drama queen, it never ends for you does it? lol and you are totally welcome, I hope my explination made sense!

So... my class was so boring today! But I got alot of reading done in The DaVinci Code. It's a really really good book!!! Then after, my bro and I went over to HyVee... hee hee... Nicole looked so f-ing hot!!!! :eek: I want her so bad..... oy... anyway so we got ice cream and we were in her lane, and I told my bro to say the "Did it hurt?" line. and he did it with a straight face... OMG It was so funny!!!! The look on her face was totally priceless!!! She kinda looked like she was going to kill me, which I would have enjoyed... lol... oh it was fun!!!! Fun day! And she's doing cashier training Thursday, so I'm gunna come in and bug her some more!!! yay!!! Uggg, but you know what sucks, the two days I'm working next week, she's working too, but not the same hours!! FnCK!!! Oh well, at least I got to see her today!

hazylazydays 08-04-2005 07:08 AM

Nea - love the new pics, but those piercings look like they would have hurt like a mother trucker.

Max - i finished the Da Vinci Code the other week - love that book! I can't wait until the movie comes out as well.

Not much has been going on with me lately. Went to a house party at the weekend, got absolutely hammered as soon as i got there. My friend Em was making cocktails, and i was the only person who liked them, so i did everyone a favour by drinking what they didn't want. I'm generous like that lol.

Went to see Charlie and the chocolate Factory last night and now i really want an oompa loompa and a squirrel!

I've got to find a way to come up with some cash for a gig and a weekend of mountain boarding - woot!Not having a job sevely limits my funding - who woulda thunk it? Anyhoo, that's about it.


BepperGirl 08-04-2005 07:43 AM

:birthday: Tammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a fabulous day, hun!

maxsgirl452 08-04-2005 07:55 AM

Tammy, I hope you have a kick ass b-day!!! :cheerleader: I got you a puppy... :puppy: ;)

Harriet, I love the book so far, It's getting really really good, I'm like 2/3 through it!

This morning I went running with the XC team and I ran my ass off!!! Like this has to be the fastest I've run that far ever!!!! It was so awesome... but now I hurt... lol It was so worth it though!

Oh and my friend Brooke got back from Germany yesterday, she's been gone for like three weeks, so yay!!!

Plus Nicole had cashier training today so I'm gunna go in a bug her for a while!! :D

StephLova 08-04-2005 09:58 AM

Tammy!!! Happy Birthday :cheerleader: :birthday: :cheerleader:! Hope your day is awesome!!!

harriet, lmao! you are one funny chica!i would have totally helped drink all the cocktails. lol! damn we have some alcholics on the board. Me, Nea and now Harriet! hee hee!

Max, good for you!!! running is the best! get those leggs all sexy and shizit! and the after affect of running is heaven. ugh. you can feel your muscles growing and they hurt like hell but it's always sooo worth it!

maxsgirl452 08-04-2005 03:58 PM

Stephy, Yeah no kidding, I can feel my muscles growing right now!! It feels really weird! Actually I can't cuz I took some advil so I'm like numb! It's fun!

So after C4K I dropped my bro over at his friends house cuz they are going to the county fair (hick fair as I call it) and then I went over to HyVee. Nicole was training at the last regester with our boss and another girl. So I walked past them on the way out and Nicole saw me and I waved. Ok, so her face lit up when she saw me... that's good... I hope. But I sware I'm getting mixed signals from her. Anyway then I left a note on her car, just something cute saying I hope you had fun at training... :blah: yeah... I have balls... cuz that might seem a little stalkerish. And now Brooke is over and telling us about Germany. I saw some pics of her trip and her friend from Germany who she stayed with is really hot!!! OMFG hot! hee hee

hege_k_t 08-04-2005 05:37 PM

Hellu! I thought it was about time to drop by.
Wow, alot has happend when I have been away... First of all:Hi Tammy and happy birthday :wave:

Oh, I love piercings. It's sexy. I have a piercing i my lip. And I want another in me ear.

And I have see Sin City now...OMG, Jessica Alba is HOTT!! :eek:

And I'm sorry that my post is a bit short(I don't know what is is called in english, but I have big problems whit reading and writing. So I have to forgive me for all the mistakes)

So much has been going on with me and I in time I'll tell you guys all about it. But here is a short version; I told Anita(the girl I have "only" liked a year) that I liked her and at a party when she was pretty drunk she said she don't like me... Jeje, I dealt with it.(drank a bit more :P ) And now I only talk to her when we are drunk or on MSN.
And Tess( the one I liked from the first time I saw her, when I was 13 and now I'm turing 17 :in_love: ) found out that I like her. She is cool with it, I think. She has not said anything about it, and I was invited to a party at her house and she was so nice to me. She wanted to dance with me and she was flirting a bit with me :smirk: But nothing happend, the party kinda died so me and my friends went home again. And we also have started to hang out when are sober. Which I think is pretty cool. :D

But see you later... going to bed now :yawn:

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