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Airie 05-01-2007 06:42 PM

Dodger #111 ~ because Jess is a TV legend!
Banner by the brilliant Rea
Thanks to Darcy for hosting it!

Welcome to the 111th Dodger Appreciation Thread!
The link to thread #110 is here

Milo's portrayal of Jess Mariano won our hearts when he premiered on 'Gilmore Girls' in 'Nick&Nora/Sid&Nancy' (season 2, episode #5) on October 30, 2001. He charmed us all with his rebellious attitude (but he is a sweet guy at heart), his mysterious past, his pranks (such as the fake murder), and of course his loveable smirk! As season two and season three progressed, Jess gained more and more fans who couldn't help but love his character because it brought a whole new level to the show.
However, our bad boy left Stars Hallow at the end of season three.
The very talented Milo Ventimiglia was going to star in a Gilmore Girls spin-off titled 'Windward Circle', about Jess Mariano and his relationship with his estranged father. But, that spin-off was cancelled due to the fact that it would have been too expensive to produce.
:cry: So, we don't yet know what the future holds for the character of Jess. We, Dodgers, certainly miss him in Stars Hallow, but we wish Milo all the best in the future. And we'll definitely continue to follow his career wherever it shall lead us!

:love: Why We Love Jess :love:
~ he looks like a regular Beatnik-Kerouac
~ His bed-head is cute
~ He sleeps with his nixon watch on
~ The mystery of the bracelet leaves us wondering
~ How many bad boys do you know actually read?
~ He wanted Rory's bracelet because it was hers
~ Nobody asked him if he wanted to come to Stars Hollow, but he's there
~ He looks too cute when he dresses like Luke
~ That chalk outline was funny
~ Cause he was the guy who brought enough money
~ Cause he wouldn't want Luke to overly defy child labor laws
~ He knew who Dodger was
~ His army shirt and mechanic shirt are sexy..oh yes, and his Fresno shirt
~ His Metallica shirt brings out his eyes
~ He wrecked the snowman for her
~ He brought Rory to his favorite place
~ He looked good wet
~ He likes to mess with Dean's head
~ He's good at fixing things
~ His smirk makes girls swoon
~ We love his hair no matter what he does, although we prefer it spiked
~ There's a distant look in his eyes that makes us want to take away all the pain
~ Milo's performances are amazing!
~ 'cause a lover returned February 3rd, 2003

Favorite Jess Quotes
  • :star: Season 2
  • "Wow, that's grrrrreat!" (N&N/S&N)
  • "Okie, dokie." (N&N/S&N)
  • "Well, what is much?" (N&N/S&N)
  • "Feeling succinct today?" (TI&OOI)
  • "Got a second wind, huh?" (TI&OOI)
  • "So then, shall we?" (AT-AT)
  • "You wanna push me in the lake? It's cathartic I hear." (AT-AT)
  • "Ernest only has lovely things to say about you." (AT-AT)
  • "I think I'll wait for the clog dancing." (TBD)
  • "My hair just ain't bouncin' and behavin' today." (L&F)
  • "Should I be putting a tongue depressor in your mouth right about now?" (L&F)
  • "The verbal thing comes and goes." (L&F)
  • "Great, we can hold hands and skip afterwards." (L&F)
  • "I wanna be good, life's just not letting me." (RISH)
  • "An innocent boy like me should not be raised in an atmosphere like this." (RISH)
  • "Just wanted to make sure whoever rented Dumbo or Bambi gets a little surprise." (RISH)
  • "You owe me an eggroll." (RISH)
  • "I promise I'll speak slowly." (TTR)
  • "You're not going to kill me. Think how dull your life would be without me." (TMT)
  • "So Courtney, what about you?" (TMT)
  • "I made sure she was okay." (TMT)
  • "You are so an out-of towner." (LGD)
  • "So why'd you come here?" (LGD)
  • "Just wanted to." (ICGS)
    :star: Season 3
  • "I did not shove her in the closet. She got in voluntarily." (EOATO)
  • "I'd do backflips, but I'm way too cool." (OGC&TOOD)
  • "Do you want me to have you committed or would you prefer to check yourself in?" (LTGB)
  • "C'mere." (LTGB)
  • "I can't concentrate with your annoying midget voice yammering on and on. It's like having Stuart Little shoved in my ear." (TDP)
  • "Walmart!" (TTDE)
  • "Do you Yahoo?" (HBB)
  • "I swear I will bite you back." (HCTS)
  • "Tell her I'm a dog." (HCTS)
  • "You have nothing- I have NOTHING!" (HCTS)
    :star: Season 4
  • "People were actually ducking as I was driving by." (AFM)
  • "Nice spin- you should work for Bush." (AFM)
  • "Hey, how about more walkie and less talkie." (NHIWTFTGG)
  • "It's like freakin' Carnivale out here!" (NHIWTFTGG)
  • To TJ about guessing what his name stands for- "No." (NHIWTFTGG)
  • "A solution would have been birth control- too late, move on." (NHIWTFTGG)
  • "So shake him real hard, maybe he'll disappear." (NHIWTFTGG)
  • "I love you." (NHIWTFTGG)
    :star: Season 6
  • "I got a job! Professional driveway skulker." (LMHYBRO)
  • "You graduate already, Doogie?!"
  • "Well, I just prefer not going someplace that has food in the title. Olive. Chili. Soup. No gardens, no plantations."
  • "Steer me to the college district, I'll find us someplace funky."
  • "You seem very obsessed with length."
  • "Sure, where do I send it? The blonde dick at Yale?"
  • "I know you better than anyone!" (to Rory)
  • "That...jerk? ...with the Porsche?!" (about Logan)
  • "Happy birthday, by the way. Wasn't that a couple weeks ago, your birthday?"
  • "I would kick my own ass if we called it that." (in response to a bar name idea from his colleague) (TRPA)
  • "Come back for a hug, man!"
  • "Did you confirm paternity? " (to Luke about April, jokingly)
  • "There's a definite 'Jess Mariano, this is your life' vibe here today."
  • "It's what's owed." (about the money he's paying back to Luke)
  • "Love, huh?"
  • "It's what it is, you, me."
  • and the infamous "Huh" :)
Maker: stained_scrapbk

Unaired Jess scene!:
Actor Greg Cipes has a clip of the unaired scene of Jess running into a sk8er gang after inadvertently stepping on Ivy's little brother's painting, which is now on youtube. This was originally shot for 'Here Comes the Son' (the unofficial 'Windward Circle' pilot) but was taken out. You can download it, HERE.
Thanks to Leen for finding it.

Here are some Screen Caps from that scene: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13
Many thanks to networkgirl for making those!
There are also these 3: 1, 2, and 3
Thanks to Lisa for making those!

  • You can read an interview with Jessica Kiper (who played Shane on Gilmore Girls in season 3) on what it was like working on the show and with Milo HERE

The Subsect

From the TV Guide Watercooler that helps explain what Jess' book title 'The Subsect' might mean:
Thanks to Jewls for bringing it to us

"The Subsect," by Jess Mariano. Didn't catch the title the first time around. The rebel without a cause pens a novel, gets the thing published, and comes out of the shadows on Compound Gilmore in the middle of the night to present it to Rory. To top it all off, he says he owes it all to her. So what does the title mean? (This is Jess after all, the man of few words who chooses them wisely.) Can you believe I can't find the damn word anywhere? But here's Webster's definition of the word sect: "group or faction, organized ecclesiastical body, course of action, way of life." Hmmm. Perhaps a veiled reference to the privileged world of the elder Gilmores, where social status and money are practically worshipped? So maybe the subsect are the ones who reject that universe? And who'd be the poster child for that group or faction? Think about it: Jess was always the radical, the heartbreaker, the high-school dropout with his nose buried in Kerouac. (Full disclosure: I say all of this with great affection. I loved the bad boy and still do.) Everything Em and Dick despise. And here's his story: He's not sleeping on park benches anymore. He's living in Philly, got a real publishing job and wrote a real book. Without the big bucks. Without the Ivy League education. Without the father holding the keys to the publishing world. To quote his favorite author, he's on the road. Maybe he emerged from the past to remind a disoriented Rory that she is not on the road. And to tell her that it's okay to break away from The Sect, to reject Friday-night dinners, the DAR, the tea parties, "the jerk with the Porsche." Love him or hate him, the guy everyone thought was so wrong for Rory turned out to be so very right. - Robin Honig

Kelly_mv 05-01-2007 06:56 PM

Jessica Kiper interview
by Kelly
April 2003

Jessica Kiper played the character 'Shane' on 'Gilmore Girls' this season (season three). She was nice enough to sit down and answer some questions about her experience of working on 'GG', her band, and some of her favorite things.

Kelly: Were you a fan and had you watched 'Gilmore Girls' prior to being on the show?

Jessica: Um.....actually, no. Not until I had my first callback.

Kelly: What attracted you to playing a character like Shane?

Jessica: The fact that I booked the job :-)

Kelly: Explain the audition process that you went through to get the part of Shane.

Jessica: I think there were three auditions altogether. Milo said he helped pick me from the three other girls (up for the role of Shane). He said that I looked the coolest. That might have been a line- hee, hee :-)

Kelly: How did you find out that you got the part?

Jessica: I had just pulled over because my car died and then my manager called and told me, and I said- THANK GOD! :-)

Kelly: Were you given any advice from creator Amy Sherman-Palladino on how to play Shane?

Jessica: I just knew that I was supposed to be trashy- I think I pulled it off.

Kelly: Did you get to choose the clothes you wore on the show? Did you get to keep anything?

Jessica: Hell no, and no.

Kelly: What was it like working with Alexis?

Jessica: She's nice- kinda shy.

Kelly: As you are well aware :-) many of us envy you for working with Milo Ventimiglia. What was he like behind the scenes? Is he as nice as we've heard?

Jessica: He was very welcoming, and a good kisser.

Kelly: Was there much time for you to bond with any of the cast prior to filming?

Jessica: Bond?? :-) Not really. A little with Milo I guess. Very little.

Kelly: Explain a typical day on the 'GG' set.

Jessica: Well, everyone has a different day. Everyone usually gets there in the morning at different times. Crew is always first. If an actors scene starts filming later on, then they get an extra hour or two of sleep maybe.

It's sometimes: get into costume or into hair and makeup as soon as I get there, but most of the time I grab some coffee and a bite and wait for someone to knock on the trailer door. Next, I make friends with the makeup people and walk out feeling a little better. Then I go see what channels I get on the TV, smoke, brush, watch TV.... sometimes I do that routine a few times by the time they come knocking. I also look at the lines of coarse, but I'm a super memorizer so I al ready knew them by the first audition. Also, I try and have mints in my pocket. Sometimes I'm there for four hours, then they brake for lunch, then they shoot the scene. There's a lot of 'hurry up', 'wait', lots of each scene done over and over.......if it was my show- I'd be exhausted, but since I'm just a visitor I usually am bored and feel like an outcast..... and thats the truth my friends :-)

Kelly: How did you occupy your free time during the lengthy waits between takes?

Jessica: Music, TV, writting, singing in my trailer.

Kelly: Fans perceive Shane either as a villain or as an innocent caught in the Rory/Jess love story. What's your take on the character?

Jessica: I'm the victim here! Why can't anyone see that?! :-)

Kelly: I'd love to see Shane join Lane's band. If Shane was brought back, what would you like to see done with the character?

Jessica: Let's see, I would get my own spin-off. hahahaha. I'd rather be on a spicier show. I know you guys like it, but it's soooooooooo wholesome! :-)

Kelly: What was the best part of working on 'GG'?

Jessica: Putting it on my reel so I can convince people that I'm good enough to hire again :-)

Kelly: How did you get started in the acting business?

Jessica: When I was six years old I was in a church play and people clapped for me- that was all I needed. Not only did I get to be someone else, but people lik ed it!

Kelly: Are you overly critical or uncomfortable in watching your performances?

Jessica: Not uncomfortable, but definately over critical. Mostly it's cosmetic, not the acting so much. I usually over think that before we film. I almost always hate my hair.

Kelly: What advice would you give someone wanting to get into this industry?

Jessica: If you positively couldn't imagine doing anything else and you don't mind being poor for a while, then start acting wherever you can at local theatres, school, church, etc. to start building a resume and some chops. Take classes, although acting comes from the soul and if you suck, you wont get that much better. It's not for everyone- trust me, because everyones out here trying.

Kelly: Including outside of the acting industry, what has been your worst job experience, ever?

Jessica: I'd have to say when I was at the Baton Rouge, La mall as the Easter Bunny taking pictures with kids on my knee and wearing a ten pound head. Yeah.... I was making $7.50 an hour- I thought I was rich!

Kelly: Has your experience with fans been generally positive?

Jessica: Yes. I think you're very nice :-)

Kelly: What actor and actress would you most like to work with?

Jessica: Your questions are getting good. Parker Posey! She's crazy! I would like to be directed by David Lynch someday. I guess my pick for actor would be Sam Roc kwell- he's so interesting.

Kelly: What is your dream role?

Jessica: Well, I definately want to be a super hero someday, but my big hope is that one day, when I'm old enough, I could do a well researched movie as Marilyn Monroe.

Kelly: You're a professional Marilyn Monroe impersonator and have portrayed her on stage. What attracted you to that? Were you always a fan of hers?

Jessica: That's weird, I didn't know this was your next question. I actually used to do singing telegrams and parties (with Elvis, Frank, Maddona...). It was great money but those guys seem a bit nuts. When I was twelve people started telling me that I looked like her and I had no clue who she was so I rented a movie and fell in love. That year I paid more attention to being a girl. That's the year those snobby girls at my Christian school stopped picking on me because I was finally developing. So basically, Marilyn made me pretty and then made me a living for a few years. But any fan of Marilyn's knows why we love her- she had more of 'it' than anyone was ever allowed to have and she never even knew it.

Kelly: You are obviously very artistic and creative- working in theatre, film, and music. Tell us about your band.

Jessica: We're five girls in our early twenties. I would call us 'Refreshing Silly Girl Punk'. We have a lot of fun being cute girls. We're called 'Amerlcon Monroe' and we're about t o start working with the guy who produced Joan Jett. I started it a year ago and I write all the songs and am the front man. We've got two guitars, back-up vocals, bass, and drums. You can see a little of our first show at Side note- They have also just made a demo :-)

Kelly: You play the drums, the guitar, and you also sing. How did you get involved in singing and playing instruments?

Jessica: I'm seriously a beginner at both. I just wanted a better understanding of music and in case I'm going to play drums and guitar. When we start playing out more, we're going to switch instruments for a couple of songs and the other girls can sing. The drums rock, I like 'em a lot!

Kelly: Who and/or what inspires your creativity?

Jessica: People- I love watching people. It helps so much for acting. You can always draw things for characters like posture, style, voice, facial gestures, actions/reactions. People are very amusing, especially kids. Life inspires me- a ll the good stuff and the bad.

Kelly: Whats your motto?

Jessica: Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. You can't control everything, so I think everything happens for a reason. I believe in fate.

Kelly: What three words best describe you?

Jessica: I can't. I live inside me so I got a friends opinion: passionate, engaging , and ambitious.

Kelly: On 'GG', you worked in the Beauty Shop. Whats your philosophy on makeup and skin care?

Jessica: That's funny, I'm also a makeup artist. No one looks better without makeup. I love fun eye makeup but unless you're doing a fashion shoot- it better be night time. Makeup should only accent your features and brighten your eyes. It shouldn't look like you're wearing it. Wash your face. If you have bad acne, see a doctor or order pro-active. Don't let that **** mess with your self-esteem.

Kelly: What music do you like? What CD's are in your CD player now?

Jessica: Whitestripes, Peaches, Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Cat Powers, Spoons, The Slits, Bikini Kill, Concrete Blonde, Pixies, Blondie, Liz Phair, The Strokes, The Vines, The Ramones, Missing Persons, Pat Benatar, Suixie and the Banshees, Beastie Boys, and the soundtrack to Chicago.

Kelly: What's your favorite movie, TV show, book, food, and word?

Jessica: Too many fav's.
Movie- Wild at Heart, Heathers, Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
TV Show- That 70's Show, Sex and the City, Southpark, E! True Hollywood Story.
Book- Marilyn: In her own words
Magazine- Vice, Juxtapose, Entertainment Weekly.
Food- Sushi, lasagna, American diner food.
Word- Sweet...... or stupes. Depending on if I like something or not.

Kelly: Do you have a favorite charity you give to and would like to talk about?

Jessica: 'Feed the Children'. When I have money one day I'd like to own an orphanage. I think children will always be the most important to me personally.

Kelly: Whats next for Jessica Kiper?

Jessica: Recording with the band, going to auditions.

Kelly: Thanks again for doing this Jess!! :-)

Jessica: You're welcome- it was fun.

ramgirl 05-01-2007 08:00 PM

The tittle is so great and true!! :)

I never read that thing from TV Guide about The Subsect, or maybe i did but forgot, but anyway i loved that article and 100% agree especailly with the last sentence.

conty 05-02-2007 02:31 AM

The tittle is perfect...

:jay: 05-02-2007 05:05 AM

Thanks for the new thread :hug: - love that title :love:

ramgirl 05-02-2007 01:05 PM

Should we add quotes from season 6???

Airie 05-02-2007 02:05 PM

Yeah, why don't we. :D Anybody have any quotes they want to use?

I'm voting:
"You seem very obsessed with length." :love::love::love:
"I know you better than anyone!"
"Love, huh?"
"It's what it is, you, me."
"Did you confirm paternity? :D"
"That...jerk? ...with the Porsche?!"
"I got a job! Professional driveway skulker."
"I would kick my own ass if we called it that."
"Come back for a hug, man!"
"There's a definite 'Jess Mariano, this is your life' vibe here today."

ramgirl 05-02-2007 05:18 PM

Oh some of my faves

"Where do i send it blond dick at yale"
"Happy Birthday by the way"
"It's what's owed"

Oh and the one where him and rory are talking about a place to go and he says something with no food in the tittle no apples, olive, chillis, soup" i don't know the exact quote but i love it.

Airie 05-02-2007 05:22 PM

Okay, I'll look for it. :D I do like that quote.

Roswell 10/2/00 05-04-2007 08:53 AM

I found this article today


Goodbye to "Gilmore Girls" on May 15
By Kimberly Nordyke

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "Gilmore Girls" is coming to an end.

Sources said Thursday that an offer had been put on the table for the show's two stars -- Lauren Graham and her TV daughter Alexis Bledel -- to return for an eighth season, but an agreement could not be reached.

The show, which debuted on WB Network in 2000 and this season became part of the CW's inaugural schedule, will have its series finale at May 15.

"This series helped define a network and created a fantastic, storybook world featuring some of television's most memorable, lovable characters," said a joint statement from the CW and the show's producer, Warner Bros. Television.

"Gilmore Girls" was created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, who along with fellow executive producer (and husband) Daniel Palladino, left the show at the end of last season after a contract dispute with Warner Bros.

The CW and the studio praised the duo along with current executive producer David S. Rosenthal and the rest of the producers, writers, crew and cast members.

"We would also like to thank the critics and 'Gilmore' fans for their passionate support and promise to give this series the sendoff it deserves," the statement said.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter
If this is the case I say we put something together from the fans and send it to the WB to say how much Gilmore Girls touched our lives for the past 7 years.

Airie 05-04-2007 04:06 PM

Yeah, we got that article in the Lit thread yesterday. :sigh:

conty 05-04-2007 04:39 PM

another quote:

"did you graduate Doogie ?
in season 6 to rory refering of course to Doogie Howser

Airie 05-04-2007 04:50 PM

Oh, crap! Thanks for reminding me about adding quotes!

ETA: Done!

PGGF 05-04-2007 06:17 PM

I love the quotes from season 6. Thanks for posting them. :hug:

I think my favorite will always be, "You seem very obsessed with length." I love the way he says that. It's so Jess. :love:

Airie 05-04-2007 06:38 PM

Me too. I, for my part, am obsessed with that line.

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