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UpInFlames 04-17-2012 08:10 AM

OT Thread #83; Bipolar weather, interviews, thread hunting. Yeah. Random.

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UpInFlames 04-17-2012 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by angelface211 (Post 62616450)
I'll look for it, I got nothing better to do.

Okay so this is the last Tristan thread I found
And it seems after that it got turned into a Tristan and Rory thread.

Thank you for finding it Nat :hug: I noticed that. Not that I have anything against the ship, because I haven't watched :lol:, but I don't know how I feel about only having shipper thread and not having a character only thread :look:

angelface211 04-17-2012 08:46 AM

Ya I kept going through the pages and trying to figure out why they just changed it but I couldn't come up with anything. Most of the talk in the Tristan thread did seem couple related and I guess that might be why they did it but still there should be separate threads. I loved Tristan but did not ship him with Rory so if I wanted to talk about his character I wouldn't have anywhere to post.

UpInFlames 04-17-2012 08:52 AM

Hm, I can still talk about Tristan in the thread, of course, but then it would feel like there are two conversations happening if shippers prefer talking about the ship rather than the character. We can try posting in there about Tristan and if it slowly gets back to a character thread rather than shipper thread...we can change the title? I mean, if no one has a problem with it? Or would we rather open a new thread?

angelface211 04-17-2012 08:54 AM

Either way will work. Its up to you and Amelia if you want two separate threads or not. As long as we can discuss both the couple and the character in the thread with no problem there shouldn't be a reason for two I guess.

AmeliaBeck 04-17-2012 09:48 AM

Aw no, please don't separate the threads :flowers: The girls who posted in them were lovely and I wouldn't want to mess it up if they ever came back :lol: Cristal, if you ever get to see GG, you'll see that it's okay :)

and thanks for the new thread :hug: do you think you could link the previous one in the OP? :D

AmeliaBeck 04-17-2012 09:48 AM


UpInFlames 04-17-2012 09:59 AM

Yeah, I mean I don't want to separate the thread because it would just be strange to do that. I'm just so confused why it turned into a shipper thread :lol: I have no problem with it, just confused why there wasn't two threads to begin with is all :shrug: No biggie :lol:

angelface211 04-17-2012 10:00 AM

ya that is all that confused me that they went through 50 threads for Tristan and then all of a sudden it was a shipper thread. Didn't make sense to me

UpInFlames 04-17-2012 04:37 PM

I think the OP was always Trory (that's the shipper name, right? :lol: ). so I guess it makes sense :shrug: I mean I have no problem and if no one else does we can keep it as is :P

I just need to watch Chad's scenes :eek:

So how is everyone? :)

angelface211 04-17-2012 05:16 PM

Yes it does make sense I guess. Sounds good to keep it that way.

Yes you need to watch his scenes, there isn't that many so it won't take you long.

I'm doing good, just busy with school and family. How are you?

UpInFlames 04-17-2012 05:25 PM

I will, maybe tomorrow. The weather should be nice to I want to go out with one of my dogs and take pictures with my sister's camera. I'm determined to teach myself to master an SLR camera :D

How is school? I'm sure it's a bit on the heavy side since you're almost done. Nat, the pictures of your girl from Easter...:thud: Cutest thing EVER! It gave me little flashbacks of being a kid on Easter but I really wish I had pictures like that of me and my sister. Do you scrapbook or put photo albums together?

Not going to lie, I'm a little down in the dumps after the hype and excitement of this weekend is wearing off. That whole job thing just sucks. I could have had a job but it was a terrible outcome. :sigh:

angelface211 04-18-2012 08:36 AM

Good luck with mastering a camera, I suck so bad at camera's I just auto setting and go :lol:

Ya school is on the heavy side now because I finished all my easy general ed classes and focusing on my major now and its so much work :thud: Its making me regret my major choice but I know it will be worth it when its over.
Aww thanks, ya they had a blast on Easter and were so good for me to take pictures cause they don't really let me a lot! Ya I do photo albums and my sister in law always does scrapbooks for me.

Aww sorry you are feeling that way :hug: I'm sure that you will find a job soon that is more what you are looking for.

UpInFlames 04-18-2012 10:15 AM

:lol: Yeah, Kenzie put my camera on auto for Amelia but I'm trying to learn how to use all the other functions. You need to practice a steady hand in low lighting, that's for sure. I've always depended on auto but sometimes the pictures don't come out as great as those where you experiment with other settings.

Ugh, I remember how rough it gets once you get into your concentration classes :( But as long as you enjoy it, it's all worth it. I hope it's all going well for you :hug:

Thanks Nat :kiss:

angelface211 04-18-2012 10:24 AM

Ya you don't always get the results from auto setting that you want.

Ya its hard but I do enjoy so when its all over it will be worth it.

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