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Serene_Ray 09-07-2006 11:42 PM

Sophia/Brooke #242: Because she has an inner radiance most recognized by her fans.
Brooke Davis began as your average shallow cheerleader, concerned with nothing more than finding cute boys and raging parties. However, over the last three years she has proven to be much more than that. Brooke Davis is loyal, outgoing, determined, motivated, confident, daring, loving, charismatic, ‘tough, smart, one of a kind’.
In season one, we followed her down the road of teenage love. Known for her wild ways, Brooke Davis finally decided to give monogamy a try. Unfortunately, the road did not lead her to happiness. Her boyfriend, Lucas Scott, and her best friend, Peyton Sawyer, fell for each other. Brooke, already insecure about the relationship between the two most important people in her life, was heartbroken when she learned of their relationship. Though she put on a brave face, her broken heart could not be hidden forever. She found an unexpected friendship in Lucas’ childhood friend, Mouth McFadden, and confided that, “Girls just want someone to want them back.” A pregnancy scare and more hidden truths damaged the relationship between her and Lucas further. However, her friendship with Peyton wasn’t something she was as quick to give up on. The season ended with the two of them putting their friendship back together.

Change was imminent for Brooke in season two. Once concerned only with boys and booze, she began to think of her future and about herself. Triggered by her parents’ sudden loss of money, Brooke was forced to focus on the relationships in her life and her relationship with herself. Her defenses were still on high and she guarded her heart a bit more closely this season. As time passed, Brooke began to form a friendship with Lucas, something they hadn’t had before their relationship. She and Mouth became closer friends. Always up for a challenge, Brooke ran for Student Council President, and to her surprise, she won. In season two, Brooke was: loyal, determined, hard-working, apprehensive, hopeful, and most importantly, loved. Brooke left Tree Hill for the summer to join her parents in California. Before she left, Lucas confessed that he loved her. She had a lot of thinking to do.

The third season Brooke put into practice what she had learned in season two. Always a friend, she offered Haley a place to stay when she returned to Tree Hill. Though, she’d forgiven Lucas and had feelings for him, she wasn’t ready to begin a relationship with him. She reverted shortly to her ‘friends with benefits’ motto. She focused on her clothing line, Student Council, and cheerleading. A lot of doors opened for Brooke in season three. The fashion world called her to New York, but her heart took her back to her friends. Eventually, Brooke let her guard down and opened her heart once again to Lucas. For a few moments, she seemed to have everything -- the perfect boyfriend, great friends, and an optimistic future. But in classic Tree Hill style, destruction lurked around the corner. It seemed Peyton still had feelings for Lucas. Though, Brooke had spent a great amount of time trying to put the past behind her, she couldn’t escape completely. The most painful time of her life flashed before her eyes again. Angry and hurt, Brooke left with these words, “I gave you a second chance, and you blew it.” What the future holds for Brooke Davis and the relationships with the people in her life is still unknown. But, “this is Brooke. I mean, you can bet it’s not gonna be boring.”

Born, July 8, 1982, to Charles and Maureen Bush, she was raised in Pasadena, California. Bush started her career on her high school theater stage. Having been crowned the Pasadena Rose Queen in 2000, Bush quickly attracted representation.

Sophia began production on a remake of the 1986 film, The Hitcher, on June 12. This is her first starring role. The most anticipated release of Bush’s career, John Tucker Must Die, is scheduled to open in US theaters, July 28. The movie, co-starring Jesse Metcalfe and Brittany Snow, revolves around a trio of girls from different social groups who band together to seek revenge on the school's resident stud who has broken their hearts. Video-game based horror flick, Stay Alive, co-starring Jon Foster and Samaire Armstrong, hit theaters this past spring and will be released on DVD, August 15, 2006. Her film, Supercross, co-starring Steve Howey and Robert Patrick was released in theaters in 2005 and is currently available on DVD. She landed her first movie role in the comedy Van Wilder, with Ryan Reynolds and Tara Reid. Bush played Sally, a freshman in college who harbored a huge crush on Reynolds' character. She also appeared in HBO's Point of Origin, with Ray Liotta and John Leguizamo, and the independent film Learning Curves.

Bush was featured in a three-episode arc in the drama Nip/Tuck, as a devious teenage bisexual. She also made a guest appearance on The WB's Sabrina The Teenage Witch, as Sabrina's arch rival. Bush has also been featured on The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, Late Show with David Letterman, Punk’d, and TRL.

Currently living in Wilmington, North Carolina while filming the series, Bush is an avid scrap-booker. Besides taking photographs for her books, she enjoys reading, spending time with her friends and her many dogs.

Serene_Ray 09-07-2006 11:42 PM
(Please PM shiftmyshape to be added to the list of the supporters)
I was headed toward the place to get in line, when I see someone walk by about two feet from me, and I do a double take and it was Sophia! My breath literally hitched, and I was so shocked I just stopped walking. I mean, she walked right by me!! When the time came to finally meet her, I was extremely nervous. When I put the sock down she said something like "Aw! That's such a cool idea." Hee. Then I asked her if she had any projects coming up and she said "Nope, just finishing the OTH filming." As she was signing she almost messed up on her autograph, and she went "Ack!" and made this cute face. It was so adorable. ;; Lizzie

When I heard on the forum that Sophia and Hilarie would be coming to Water Tower Place in downtown Chicago on January 13th, 2006, I don't think I really believed it. I never had thought that I'd have the opportunity to meet Sophia. She's been one of my favorite actresses since her role on Nip/Tuck and when I heard that her and Hilarie Burton would be coming to the Chicago, I kind of freaked! I made sure that I was there 2 hours early, just in case a lot of people showed up. I was maybe 20 people in the line, that soon formed to roughly a hundred people on one of the floors of a 7 story mall. When the signing began, she had a smile that could be seen from miles away on her face. That was one of the things that I immediately noticed about her, her smile that seemed to shine the brightest. It took me about an hour to get to the front of the line, but it was completely worth it. She was one of the most down to Earth people that I had ever met. What celebrity would sit there and talk about their boobs with you? Only Sophia. She talked about how they gave her boobs in the promotional photos for season one, and she thanked arie one, and I feel a little bad about that but Sophia is really the main reason I went! I'll always be a fan of hers after that encounter. Even if I almost fainted right in front of her when I finally reached the table. She's amazing and I'm honored to be one of her fans, because she deserves every single one of them. ;; Ashley

So I was at the charity basketball game, and I thought Sophia was going to be there, so I had made her a scrapbook. So when I found out she wasn't going to be there I was really beat up about it. Okay so we were like the last people in line because I really didn't want to stand that long. So I get up to the person who tells you when to go up there and stuff. So the guy I was with showed her my scrapbook and she thought it was the sweetest thing ever, so she showed another girl who worked for the show, like a producer or something. And the other girl thought it was so sweet too, so she wanted me to write my address in the back. So I had to borrow a sharpie and I knelt down at Michael and Daneel's table and I said, "Sorry I'm holding up the line," and Michael said, "Oh no don't worry about it, your fine." Daneel was like, "Yeah your fine no worries." They were so sweet. Okay so I went through a few more people and finally got down to Bevin, and I noticed she was looking at my scrapbook. And she goes, "Did you make this?" And I told her, "Yeah." I was really shy haha, and she was like, "Aww that's so sweet! She will love this!" And I said, "Thank You." Lee is officially the sweetest guy EVER, he was so nice, and I think Bevin showed my scrapbook to him and I was about to leave when the two girls who first saw my scrapbook came up and said, "Hold on one second, Lee is trying to do something." So I look over and see Lee on HIS cell phone, talking to someone, and I knew who it was. It was Sophia! He walked over, handed me his cell phone and said, "She wants to talk to you." That was it, I couldn't feel the rest of my body, I felt numb. I rose the phone up to my ear and all I could manage was, "Hello?" and she goes, "Hi!" I swear to you all, she is so amazing. It sounded like she was eating something but I could tell it was her. She was so nice and she kept telling me how sorry she was she couldn't be there and I said, "aww I'm sorry," and she laughed and said, "you don't have to be sorry!" We talked for about 5 minutes and she is the sweetest girl ever. I cried for hours that night after I left, it was truly, the best day of my life. ;; Hilary

I met her at the ACS premiere and she was soo sweet. Me and my sister made 2 posters that said we love u Sophia Bush, we were across the street and we were like the only ones there who actually knew who she was. Chad and Hilary Duff with big security guards came across the street to sign autographs cuz they had to. when we saw Sophia Bush we yelled her name and she came across the street with no security guards while the cars were crossing just to give me and my sister autographs, she was sooo nice, I absolutely loved her after that. ;; Tara

In the days before the Dallas signing, Lizzie said she was going to meet Sophia. So, I had asked if it was okay, for me to write Sophia a letter and have it sent with her. Lizzie agreed. That day I was talking to Rosie, and she told me to put my address/number just in case Sophia wanted to thank me for the letter and/or flowers that I sent her a few days prior. I didn't believe anything would happen, but I did it anyhow. Around 9pm on Saturday, March 18th after the Dallas signing, my phone rang. It was Sophia! Shock and awe ran through me. She said she was so touched with my letter that she had to thank me for it. For it and for the flowers, who she didn't know who they were from. She talked about the Dallas signing and the crowd there, the talked about her plans for a summer off, she told me that I was very well-spoken and intelligent and that it's the best letter she's ever received. She kept thanking me and appreciated me being a fan, and told me I'd been the first fan she'd ever called back. She was so down to earth, and sweet during the whole thing. It only lasted about five minutes, but it was probably the best of my year. ;; Sandy

Not joking girls, she stood at the END of the crowd of fans, and worked her freaking way up. She must of gotten a chance to talk to a lot of people. She was smiling, laughing, making small talk, posing, taking pics and giving autographs. She looked like she was having a good time. I swear, it took her a good ten minutes to get down to wear I am. I leaned over the little bars, and took pics of her with the fans as she made her way over to the very end where I was. My friend asked me to get her autograph for her since I was right there. She comes up to me and soo sweetly says, "Hey honey, what's your name?" while taking my notepad. Forgetting completely it wasn't for me, I stuttered my name. She looked like she might of remembered me. Thought for a moment as she continued to sign the book. She thanked me for coming out. Before giving me the book again, she looked at my name kind of confused and I was like, "I don't know if you remember... but I was the fan you called back in Dallas." Seriously, I kid not, she puts down the notepad on the big bush next to me, her eyes widen as she covers her mouth. She looked really excited and then she squealed!! And said "Oh my god!!" Then she really looked at me and said, "It's so nice to finally meet you!" All the people around me were like, why is Sophia Bush screaming? lol. Before I knew it she extended her arms and pulled me in to a hug. She said something in to my ear, but I don't remember what it was now. She rubbed my back for a second and pulled apart. Then she said, "So what, you flew out here?" I told her that now, I was in Michigan and finished the school year, I'm back home in New York for the summer. And she looked ecstatic and gave me a cute look and said, "I bet it's niiiice." I said yes, and she asked how I was and all, I told her fine! that I was so excited to be here and it was literally a last minute thing. I told her it was so great of her to come out her and congratulated her on a s4 and The Hitcher. She thanked me and I asked for a girl behind me to take a pic of the two of us. She took a few more pics, since I was at the end, I was one of the last people to talk to her. She once again thanked everybody for coming out and got into her car. A bunch of other people came out afterwards. ;; Sandy

While I was on line, I was trying to take pictures of them, but everyone's heads were in the way.I only got a few, and they suck, but oh well. When I saw Sophia's face I literally felt like fainting. Then when it was my turn, the guard said to put the camera why. No fair! I wanted a picture of me and Sophia! So I take the CD cover thing out, and the guard gives it to Tyler. He looked at me and smiled and signed it on James's part of the picture. Then it was Hil's turn and signed it and said to me, "Thanks for coming out!" and then before guards told me to hurry up, I said, "My friend Jen wanted me to tell you hi." She smiled and, "Oh really?! Tell her I said hi back." It was then Sophia's turn and OMG what everyone says it totally true. She is SO much prettier in person. She said to me, "Hi! How are you? Did you have a good day?" I was too nervous looking at her to remember what she said to me. I said "I'm good" as to a response to "Did you have a good day?" Smooth. Real smooooooth. She then signed it and smiled and said, "Have a good day!"and then I walked away and then I turned around to where my mom was, and she was getting the autograph for Jen which I asked her to, and she accidentally missed Sophia and Sophia was like, "Oh I'm sorry, I think I missed you" and then Sophia signed it and then my mom's like, "My daughter is a big fan" and then she turns to me and she says, "Awww I appreciate it" and she winks at me. ;; Punk
Beautiful art by Syd.
Icons by Punk & Sara.
download the newest promo.
big thanks to Susan/Melissa.
"I can get excited about just about anything." - Sophia
"Both Bush and Kebbel are wonderfully relaxed,
and enjoy the hell out of their roles, taking pratfalls
when the script demands it, and playing up the most
outrageous elements of their characters."
- JTMD Review
"You think you know me, but you don't. And that
means you don't know what I can do."

BrucasRocks 09-07-2006 11:47 PM

:hug: Thanks for the new thread, Serene!

kelz3192 09-07-2006 11:48 PM

Thanks for the new thread

just dropping these off before I have to go to work.

BGFan 09-07-2006 11:49 PM

Awesome start!

Brooke Penelope Davis 09-07-2006 11:50 PM

Great new thread! Awesome avies, Kellie! They're gorgeous.

shiftmyshape 09-07-2006 11:54 PM

Thanks for the new thread, Serene!

And the avs are gorgeous, Kellie. :love:

Join if you're a Beth fan!

Serene_Ray 09-07-2006 11:55 PM

Oh my gosh, Kellie. Snagging all.

Callalily 09-07-2006 11:55 PM

Thanks for the thread! Snagged Kellie!!

Night ladies!

Serene_Ray 09-07-2006 11:59 PM

Night, Calla! :wave:

shiftmyshape 09-08-2006 12:05 AM

Aw, goodnight Calla! :hug:

BrucasRocks 09-08-2006 12:06 AM

Aw. Snagged Kellie!

Beautiful Blur 09-08-2006 12:09 AM

Beautiful start, Rene! Snagged all, Kellie! :sigh:

BrucasRocks 09-08-2006 12:11 AM

I'm so excited for Conan! :yay:

It's going to be motha-*****ing awesome.

Brooke Penelope Davis 09-08-2006 12:17 AM

The interview will be good! I am excited.

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