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Old 07-05-2005, 02:42 PM
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Masochists (BL) #180 - Because they're just plain in love with each other

Welcome to the Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott Appreciation Thread!

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Moments We Love

Moments To Cherish:

By: Punk

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Mark Schwahn on the relation between BL and CS "I told Chad and Sophia this and I’ll tell you: I would never suggest that they “hide” their relationship – real life will always be more important than fictional drama – but I would never write to it either. I think Brooke and Lucas have roads to drive yet. We’ll drive them if the characters’ lives deem that we do – not to complement the actors’ lives. They get that."

Commonly used Brooke/Lucas Thread terms

Mary Sue -- a character who is the center of every storyline, even those that logically should not involve her. She varies in personality but can be easily marked by the fact that all the male characters will be enamored with her at some point. The other female characters inevitably become her cheerleaders as their characters are destroyed to make her look better, raising her to a status which she least deserves.
Seyton -- A term coined by the great recappers over at TWOP which gives Peyton her accurate and commonly used nickname, a homonym of Satan.
-- A variation of the joining of Lucas and Peyton's names. Originally Pucas, but altered because Lucas is an <a href='' target='_blank'>ass</a> and watching them together makes us puke.
Canon -- The sequence of events that occur on the actual show.

UC (Couples) -- UC is short for unconvential. It essentially refers to a viewpoint not shared by the writers of the show or a large portion of the fandom. It is most commonly used in the term "Unconvential Couples", which are couples that will most likely never be considered by the writers of the show. Fans of UC couples enjoy looking for subtext and shared chemistry.

UST -- UST stands for Unresolved Sexual Tension, something that Brooke and Lucas currently have in spades. If they are ever allowed to form an actual relationship I think you can drop the U...but I'm not sure.

Episode Titles/Abbreviations

1.) The Pilot -- No explanation needed here. Brooke's not in it, and no one looks as pretty as they do later, with the possible exception of Haley.

2.) TPYHCTFM -- The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most. Long title, and the episode is rarely talked about here. If it is, it will probably just be referred to as "episode two."

3.) AYT -- Are You True, the first official Brooke/Lucas episode. It is usually not shorted to an acronym, because the title is so short. We love it here.

4.) CiY -- Crash Into You, the episode with the party at Nathan's beach house. We sometimes mention it, usually using the acronym. Sadly, not as many BL scenes as there could have been.

5.) Um, I don't even know the name of this episode. That shows how much attention we pay to it. I'll get it later.

6.) ENIAS -- Every Night Is Another Story. The anti-ship episode. Brooke is mad funny, but it's still like an anti-Brooke episode because Peyton and Haley "bond" without her. Nevertheless, it is almost always discussed in a positive way.

7.) LIAGH -- Life In A Glass House. The ultimate "Ewww" episode. Brooke flirts but no one flirts back, and LP almost have sex. *gags at the thought*

8.) TSFSM -- The Search For Something More. The first official pro-Brooke episode, and my personal favorite. Brooke and Lucas bond after saving Peyton from a date rapist. Also, Brooke saves Nathan and Haley's relationship from ending before it begins.

9.) WAO -- The last episode before the first hiatus, and a great BL episode. Brooke and Lucas make out for the first time. At the end Peyton shows up just in time to prevent another makeout session because she suddenly wants to be with Lucas.

10.) YGGTTCB or You Gotta Go There... -- You Gotta Go There To Come Back. Lucas and Brooke are officially together, and Peyton starts liking Jake also. Things are going good.

11.) TLY -- The Living Years. Brooke is insecure but Lucas reassures her......of course, he's lying like a rug at the time, but it's still a good stand-alone scene.

12.) CCIPC -- Crash Course In Polite Conversations. WORST EPISODE EVER. Surely you remember.

13.) HBAM -- Hanging By A Moment. Lucas and Peyton sneak around spouting cheesy lines back and forth behind Brooke's back. Haley gets in a fight over Lucas while pretending to give a ***** about Brooke. Peyton and Lucas don't tell Brooke they almost *****ed again, and at the end Lucas and Keith get into a car accident and Lucas DIES. If only that had lasted.

14.) ISB -- I Shall Believe. Lucas spends most of the episode in a coma. Brooke and Karen bond. Lucas wakes up at the end.

15.) SEHC -- Suddenly Everything Has Changed. Lucas breaks up with Brooke. Later, Peyton breaks up with Lucas. It's revealed that Brooke and Lucas had sex even though we never got to see it. WTF??? At the end, Brooke tells Peyton that she knows about her and Lucas, via the webcam.

16.) TFCITD -- The First Cut Is The Deepest. Lucas sleeps with Nikki. While gross, this is still better than watching him almost f ck Peyton twice. Meanwhile, Peyton won't leave Brooke alone long enough to try to heal from their betrayal. My favorite scene is when Brooke and Peyton find out Lucas is with a girl, and Brooke smirks at Peyton, because it's true -- Peyton's not special. This is the last episode before the second hiatus.

17.) SITN -- A great Brooke episode, in which it is clearly said that she, not Peyton, is the head cheerleader, thank god. And Brooke wins the award for best choreography for the first time. I love this episode, my only issue with it is that Haley's supposed to be a klutz. The amount of Nathan/Haley in episodes is increased.

18.) TWIT -- To Wish Impossible Things, and yes, I know what the acronym spells. Brooke hangs out with Mouth, and we all think they'd have a good friendship (or more). My favorite part of this episode, however, is the Nathan/Peyton scenes, since this is when I started shipping those two; some of the rest of us do also for various reasons. At the end, Lucas is sitting by the river court and Brooke comes up to him and admits that she's <a href='' target='_blank'>pregnant</a>, something she's been trying to avoid all night.

19.) HCYBS -- How Can You Be Sure. The ultimate BL angst, and man do I love angst. Although the writers really screwed up in a) not showing us the BL sex, and b) not making her really be <a href='' target='_blank'>pregnant</a>. Brooke reveals to Lucas at the end of the episode that, while she DID originally believe she was <a href='' target='_blank'>pregnant</a>, she found out that she wasn't after the doctor called her <a href='' target='_blank'>cell phone</a> with the results, but since she and Lucas were in the middle of a fight at the time, she didn't tell him right away. And by the way, it annoys me that Lucas would think she would've been sleeping with someone else during the time they were together.

20.) WIANSB -- What Is And Never Should Be. I might have gotten the exact wording of this title wrong, but that's okay. We continue to be tortured with gratuitous LP scenes, and Peyton decides that it's time to start leaving Brooke alone, although she does it in the worst way possible, and after one of the gratuitous LP scenes, at that. Brooke teams up with Nikki and crashes the party that Haley decided to uninvite her to. Nikki ends up getting in a catfight with Peyton, and then forces Lucas to reveal that she's the girl he slept with. That night, Brooke and Peyton make up, and the next day Peyton ends the "friendship" she had going with Lucas throughout this episode, because even though she already knew he slept with someone, the fact that it was Nikki just makes it so unbearable. Hehe.

21.) TLS -- The Leaving Song. Not to be confused with episode 11 under penalty of being forced to come back and read this list to get it straight. Very boring episode because there was like no Brooke scenes, although it was a last hurrah for Peyton/Jake shippers. Jake leaves on a steamboat with no luggage and baby Jenny strapped to his stomach, and Haley whines about porn. We do get this cool scene of Brooke and Peyton both glaring at Lucas. And at the end, we get another gratuitous LP scene. Ugh.

22.) TGTPU -- The Games That Play Us. The season finale. And what a crappy year of TV it has been, so crappy that I just accidentally typed "series finale" in an unusual bout of wishful thinking. Lucas and Nathan bond, to the point of Nathan tearing the name Scott off of his <a href='' target='_blank'>basketball</a> jersey right in front of Dan the new coach, the same way Lucas did in episode two. See, there's the proof that we do that. Brooke messes with Nikki and tells her that Jake went to Seattle, which he didn't. The episode is done in this weird series of flashbacks with the <a href='' target='_blank'>basketball</a> game that the Ravens lose being the actual current setting. Normally I adore flashbacks, but this was too much. Especially since the sequence of events the night after the game goes like this: Haley tells Lucas that she promised to spend the night with Nathan, and Nathan and Haley drive away from the school (in the car that Nathan supposedly didn't have anymore, I might add). Nathan and Lucas meet at the river court and they hug goodbye and call each other "brother" for the first time. Nathan leaves and goes off to marry Haley. Yes, Nathan and Haley are married. Whatever. That's the last scene of importance in the episode. And, oh yeah, Lucas and Keith move away. Like they're going to stay gone. It's just like when Lucas died. *snorts* Yeah. That happened.

Thanks to Aleah aka CanonsAreWorthless. Note: The opinions expressed in these explanations do not reflect the views of anyone but her.

B/L Thread Policy -- If you find a picture, article, idea, quote, poll, etc. on this thread please ask permission to use it first. We are all about sharing we just like to be asked.

Clips of the Moment:
Season Finale
Thanks to RoswellDreamer5 for these.
Cesare: ... at last.
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Old 07-05-2005, 02:57 PM
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New thread The title is adorable.
Chase: Your heart is beating really fast.
Brooke: Is it?

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Old 07-05-2005, 02:59 PM
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Hey Chelsea
Cesare: ... at last.
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Old 07-05-2005, 03:01 PM
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omg Chelsea. The guy in ur avvie is so hot. i saw him in war of the worlds and woah....he was great with his emo hair cut lol

loving the new thread
~Rana ~
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Old 07-05-2005, 03:38 PM
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hey girls!

looks like ive missed another thread again

Tyler is always stuck in me and it's not his song. LOL - Calla
Calla is a part of my heart
Forever with me
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Old 07-05-2005, 04:07 PM
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Hey everyone, I am new here. But I LOVE Brooke and Lucas!
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Old 07-05-2005, 04:17 PM
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Hey could someone please post clips of Brooke and Lucas in s1 when they were first dating ie anythin from TSFSM, WAO, YGGTTCB or TLY. I rly wanna try mak my 1st music video and i rly need clips from s1. Please please asap. I'd be so so so grateful.
Luv Chasxx
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Old 07-05-2005, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by xSoulmatex
omg Chelsea. The guy in ur avvie is so hot. i saw him in war of the worlds and woah....he was great with his emo hair cut lol

loving the new thread
He is really hot. WotW was awesome.
Chase: Your heart is beating really fast.
Brooke: Is it?

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Old 07-05-2005, 04:42 PM
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Finally updated my fic

Timeless - Chapter 7
~Rana ~
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Old 07-05-2005, 05:41 PM
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I haven't been able to get on all day! FF was not working!

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Old 07-05-2005, 06:24 PM
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Hi! Love the new thread!
I don't make promises I can't keep.
So when I say forever,
Forever is what I mean.
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Old 07-05-2005, 06:42 PM
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I updated my fic if anybody wants to read...TBTOL
I don't make promises I can't keep.
So when I say forever,
Forever is what I mean.
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Old 07-05-2005, 07:59 PM
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Yeah, is it always this slow?
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Old 07-05-2005, 08:54 PM
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Okay completely off I'm sorry...but I know some of you watch the Real World...I love it, but unfortunately don't get cable...does anyone know where I can download tonights episode?? Or if anyone can put it up on you send it...I would love you forever!! Thanks guys!!
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Old 07-05-2005, 11:26 PM
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Welcome Alexia It's not normally this bad, no, but hopefully all will be sorted out soon
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