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jizzle 02-25-2004 11:07 AM

Hey here are a few NH avis! Im slowly figuring this av making out...


JulieB 02-25-2004 11:31 AM

Wow, I'm finally up again.
Well, I still didn't enjoy the ep too much after the second viewing. Although seeing Joie sing again didn't bug me nearly as much the first time.

I think, like some have mentioned, that it was a case of being fearful of putting herself out there, especially where Nathan was concerned. A kiss afterwards would have made my night but I know they were ending on the montage.

Oh and Linda, I'm still loving the snapshots you made on the first page, they are sooo adorable.

Edited to say Mandie, awesome avatars! I love the angle of that kiss. It's so beautiful.

[ 02-25-2004: Message edited JulieB ]

veracity 02-25-2004 11:35 AM


Originally posted by JulieB:
<STRONG>Wow, I'm finally up again.
Well, I still didn't enjoy the ep too much after the second viewing. Although seeing Joie sing again didn't bug me nearly as much the first time.

I think, like some have mentioned, that it was a case of being fearful of putting herself out there, especially where Nathan was concerned. A kiss afterwards would have made my night but I know they were ending on the montage.

Oh and Linda, I'm still loving the snapshots you made on the first page, they are sooo adorable.

Edited to say Mandie, awesome avatars! I love the angle of that kiss. It's so beautiful.

[ 02-25-2004: Message edited JulieB ]</STRONG>
I would have liked it if Nathan sat next to Haley while she played. Something a little more intimate.

JulieB 02-25-2004 11:53 AM

That would have been, you're right Elizabeth. And when it ended he could have leaned over and thanked with a kiss. We've just been so deprived lately and last night was not nearly enough to satisiy me in the kissing department.

I really loved Haley's reaction after the kiss though. It's great to see how giddy she gets when it comes to him.

edited to say, I really think it didn't bug me nearly as much this time too because I can see this is so much about opening herself up to Nathan more and more. He's let her in and she's now returning the favor.

[ 02-25-2004: Message edited JulieB ]

veracity 02-25-2004 12:08 PM

I haven't watched it again yet Julie. I have to do that. Maybe then it won't bother me so much. I think the reason it bothered me was b/c I just hoped for "more" from the N/H scenes and, when I didn't get what I wanted, I was let down. A second viewing will probably improve my opinion.

Bgirloth1 02-25-2004 12:19 PM


Originally posted by JulieB:
I really loved Haley's reaction after the kiss though. It's great to see how giddy she gets when it comes to him.

[ 02-25-2004: Message edited JulieB ]</STRONG>
I loved her look at that point followed by the jacket tug! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Whitney 02-25-2004 12:23 PM

I think a lot of my disappointment came from expecting more as well. This show seems to cram way too many things into each episode. I guess it just bugged me that we had LPB, Keith/Karen, Nathan/Parents, Dan/Deb, Jake, Nathan/Haley...did I miss something? I mean that is just entirely too much for an episode. I like Jake, but I really found him pointless in this episode. If they want to build his character, I wish they would do it with more substance, an episode where there aren't a million different things going on. It really irritated me every time he came on because I felt the focus should be elsewhere.

As for the Nathan/Haley, I agree with everyone that she really is beggining to open up to him. She's opening herself up by trying new things, and I really enjoy that Nathan wants to be there every step of the way with her.

Mandie: Snagging the avs. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


JulieB 02-25-2004 12:27 PM

Yeah, the jacket tug was cute. I also love that one last smile she threw him right before she started singing.

Definitely too much, I agree Whit. I'm suprised they didn't throw Whitey in there as well...

[ 02-25-2004: Message edited JulieB ]

amore85 02-25-2004 01:23 PM


Originally posted by Bgirloth1:
<STRONG>Singing and pictures: I thought it was nice trying to incorporate BJL and SB's real passions into their characters - the singing and the scrapbooking...

NH/Changing - I didn't take Nathan's reference to Haley not needing to change as him not wanting her to change...I thought it was more about not wanting her to feel she needs to be anyone other than herself with him...Yeah, Nathan doesn't want to rock this boat! He showed he wasn't opposed to her making changes by appreciating her outfit, offer his teaching services and later asking to hear her sing....He knows how important she is to him - but I think he may be skittish on his importance to her....

I also think that Nathan is still keeping a lot of what is happening inside himself (still internalizing)....Tonight, I almost got the feeling that he trys to seperate the bad part (WWIII) and the good (Haley)....

Passion - it is underlying between these two, but it is there....He wants her and she wants him - once the focus can shift from the battle and these two can focus on the relationship, I think it will explode! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
I couldn't agree more! I was thinking how great it was that they did incorporate both BJL and SB love for scarbooking and singing. Tho as a lot of you have said, Haley seemed a little bit tooo good at singing for just the daily practices. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] I was also annoyed that practically the whole episode was devoted to Lucas Pucas, and his 2 girls. I mean I generally am nutral about him, but there was just too much of the triangle. Not enough Nathan/Haley scenes! But I did [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] the two scenes we got. Espechially Nathan's "If i'm going to be living my life in the present, I want to live it with you." I thought that was so incredibly sweet, and made the lack of N/H not as bad.

dewrays 02-25-2004 01:26 PM

poor nate, he is alwasy the one pouring his soul to haley at least how he feels.......
every episode has one sweet dialogue.

i want haley to say how much he means to her.

and can we have some action between the two
hello this is nathan ... how come he doesnt want to get his hands all over her.

ahhh he didnt get kicked out of her bedroon last night.

dewrays 02-25-2004 01:38 PM

bfore i wasnt a fan of brooke, but i really liked the way she handled her scene with peyton at the end really well her speech had the right amt of bite and class ....
i want this brooke............not the one who was weepy crying and going ga ga over that good for nothing twit...
i liked how haley looked at brooke in the end, it seemed as if she was seeing brooke in a new light yesterday.....damn even i felt bad for her.....

cliffieluv 02-25-2004 01:44 PM

So you know whats less fun. Losing my balance and falling on my head and chin during an exercise. Can you say, splitting headache?

Though I'm totally hyper from not sleeping so ya'll watch out LOL.

ITA with whoever said that the parents were a big reason why they didn't like last nights episode. That's how I feel. We get that Dan is going after Deb. We saw this the last two episodes. I think we needed more resolution for that storyline than we did for the LBP one. Or at least for it to be kicked up a notch. I want to see Deb *dealing* with her past, not just have it hinted at us.

Though, I did like the last K/K scene. Their relationship is TOTALLY unresolved. Karen is angry and upset but she really is pulled towards Keith and you can see that in her face when she asks whats next for them. Hopefully by the time she comes around and takes Whitey's advice, he won't be in another woman's arms, and we all know who I'm referring to. Ahem. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Mandie those are soooo pretty! Sigh, I love when new epis roll around cuz we get the pretty, shiny, blinky stuff then!

Had to edit because I so wanted Nathan to sit next to her on the piano bench too, and then lean over and kiss her at the end! Sigh. That is exactly what was going through my mind as I watched that. Well, after I stopped thinking that I HEART Joie, and that I really liked her dark hair in that particular scene, probably cuz of the way it looked with that outfit. Hee.

[ 02-25-2004: Message edited cliffieluv ]

Crystal_Ann 02-25-2004 02:13 PM


Originally posted by + ps whatever +:
[QB]Hey here are a few NH avis! Im slowly figuring this av making out... [IMG]
Love the avies, Nathan and Haley are in serious need of more kissing scenes.

Bgirloth1 02-25-2004 02:23 PM


Originally posted by cliffieluv:
Had to edit because I so wanted Nathan to sit next to her on the piano bench too, and then lean over and kiss her at the end! Sigh. That is exactly what was going through my mind as I watched that. Well, after I stopped thinking that I HEART Joie, and that I really liked her dark hair in that particular scene, probably cuz of the way it looked with that outfit. Hee.

[ 02-25-2004: Message edited cliffieluv ]</STRONG>
Though I wanted this too - I knew that we would have to end on Lucas! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Who called that Lucas would start on K/K next?! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

*Marissa* 02-25-2004 02:27 PM

their scenes last night were adorable although they need much more of them! I do love Sophia and I found her scenes amazing, but I gotta admit I need more Naley! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Hopefully next week we will get this!!


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