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Old 02-11-2012, 09:33 AM
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"You'reMyLittleSnowAngel"'s Avatar
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 116,204
Seth ღ Summer Cohen #553: Because discussing our favourite scenes reminds us just how many there are. :)


1. Please do not post any spoilers of any kind.
2. No bashing characters or the actors that play them.
3. Be kind to your fellow posters.

Made by: Kat.

Made by: Mernie about the fic Everlong by Tay.

Once upon a time....

... and they lived happily ever after.

Thanks to Mernie for that wonderful animation!

[1 - 600]

650. HalesNLuke ♥
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662. Jemistry ♥
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664. SummerLMV ♥
665. Isabelle13 ♥
666. ~*¤Amelia¤*~ ♥
667. Brucasfanalways ♥
668. Bangellover001 ♥
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670. starryeyed15 ♥
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729. happily_ever_after ♥
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750. Air ♥
751. lulu-144 ♥
752. IsaMaciel ♥
753. posterity ♥
754. Nothing Else Matters ♥
If you'd like to be part of The Breakfast Club, and be added, let the thread starter know by PMing them.

quote of the moment;
Seth: Summer Roberts, will you marry me?

picture of the moment;

their songs;
"I’m sweeping you off your feet. // Wonderwall by Ryan Adams
"I shall take her on a sailing adventure...aboard the Summer Breeze. // End of the Road by Boyz II Men
"What do you think, Cohen? // Champagne Supernova by matt pond PA

#1: Because Seth should get the girl.
#2: Because the outcast and the popular girl belong together.
#3: Because he named his boat after her.
#4: Because he knew her birthday was on Wednesday.
#5: Because he's her lucky charm.
#6: Because he's her rabbit's foot.
#7: Because she wants him to blow.
#8: Because he'd let her call him whatever she wants.
#9: Because she didn't mind that he saw her topless.
#10: Because she knows he rocks.
#11: Because he protected her.
#12: Because their chemistry is undeniable.
#13: Because she ate his crust.
#14: Because they shared the same bed.
#15: Because he likes her rage blackouts.
#16: Because she told him who Cole Trickle is.
#17: Because he didn't want her to get lonely.
#18: Because they hated that mean squirrel.
#19: Because she wants to be a mermaid.
#20: Because he remembered her poem.
#21: Because she wanted him to lick.
#22: Because he can't not like her.
#23: Because he ate her cotton candy.
#24: Because he said 'that's my girl.'
#25: Because his affection for her was since he was 10.
#26: Because she was his first kiss!
#27: Because she walked him to Biology.
#29: Because he wanted to ask her to be his date first.
#30: Because he ALWAYS talks about her.
#31: Because he's that guy.
#32: Because she likes Seth Cohen!
#33: Because she'll slit his throat if he tells.
#34: Because she double-kissed him.
#35: Because she can't help it, and she certainly can't explain it.
#36. Because Seth couldn't believe it was actually happening.
#37: Because she was getting light-headed.
#38: Because she admitted kissing him in front of his entire family.
#39: Because he was expressing awe and delight for her.
#40: Because she gave him the first bruise.
#41: Because his shirt was childproof and he took charge.
#42: Because he didn't pass her up for beans.
#43: Because he would rather have the summer flu than take some annabiotics.
#44: Because she kept asking Marissa about Seth in the bathroom.
#45: Because she gets him to the point.
#46: Because he apologized to her first.
#47: Because you can't blame him for wanting her company.
#48: Because he considers her a friend.
#49: Because his apology was the first she ever recieved from a boy and also the nicest.
#50: Because she asked him out.
#51: Because he thinks she's caliente.
#52: Because Seth Cohen is her White Knight.
#53: Because nobody is Seth Cohen.
#54: Because they should have rung the new year in together.
#55: Because she knows his video games.
#56: Because he knows she likes pigeons!
#57: Because she knows he wears X-Men undies.
#58: Because Seth becomes a Man with Summer.
#59: Because she thinks Seth is the funniest guy ever.
#60: Because Seth taught Summer about comic books.
#61: Because they were each others FIRST.
#62: Because he has swept her off her feet.
#63: Because it's always been her.
#64: Because Samaire Armstrong (Anna Stern) thinks that they are cute.
#65: Because she discovered the secret to a silent Seth Cohen.
#66: Because she opens up to him.
#67: Because they can fight with each other.
#68: Because Seth thinks she's undeniable.
#69: Because she learned to get his shirt off.
#70: Because we're verrry greatful for number 70.
#71: Because they slow danced.
#72: Because first love's will last forever.
#73: Because you can never forget your first time...
#74: Because they both have toy horses.
#75: Because she met Captain Oats.
#76: Because she was limping!
#77: Because she finally stabbed him in the eye.
#78: Because they both said 'love'.
#79: Because she came up to his room! Twice!
#80: Because she didn't want him to bow out.
#81: Because he's ready for her!
#82: Because Rachel said "Seth and Summer make more sense together."
#83: Because Summer thinks Seth is "so cheesy."
#84: Because Seth wants them to be Sumether or Sethummer.
#85: Because what they have is special.
#86: Because he's willing to embarrass himself for her.
#87: Because she's his little "chachem".
#88: Because Seth is protective of her.
#89: Because she wiped away his tears.
#90: Because she's sorry for being "mean to him".
#91: Because a lot has changed in a year.
#92: Because Summer thinks Seth is such a "Dandy".
#93: Because Summer is the stud finder.
#94: Because they have their own sign language.
#95: Because all that matters is them.
#96: Because Summer really likes Seth.
#97: Because Seth is pretty good with the daughters.
#98: Because Seth thinks Summer is the best.
#99: Because Seth cares about her...alot.
#100: Because Summer cried actual tears for him.
#101: Because Seth is kinda in love with his girlfriend.
#102: Because they walked out of Vegas ahead.
#103: Because he bought her a blue ring
#104: Because for the record, the boat was named after her.
#105: Because all Seth wants is Summer.
#106: Because he is her curly headed skinny beanpole.
#107: Because he loves her!
#108: Because Summer said to Captain Oats "I hope we can still be friends?"
#109: Because he stood on the Hot Dog stand for her.
#110: Because Seth has not yet begun to fight.
#111: Because Seth ran in front of the car for Summer.
#112: Because Summer worried that he could have got hurt.
#113: Because she threw up on his shoes.
#114: Because Seth cleaned urinals to get tickets for Summer.
#115: Because he was doing it all for her friendship.
#116: Because Seth worried if Summer could see okay at the concert.
#117: Because Summer said thanks for getting her a seat.
#118: Because Seth needed Summer to stop hating him so that they could be friends.
#119: Because Summer just thought it was sweet.
#120: Because Seth kissed her.
#121: Because maybe he can't be just friends with her.
#122: Because they both like The Walkmen.
#123: Because hypothetically she wants him back.
#124: Because Seth drew a cartoon of Summer.
#125: Because Summer was talking about Seth while with Zach.
#126: Because he thought she looked lovely.
#127: Because "Truthfully you are the only person in my life that I..."
#128: Because he went to her for advice.
#129: Because she hit him on the head with the magazine.
#130: Because he gave her the puppy dog eyes.
#131: Because Zach was jealous of them.
#132: Because they danced.
#133: Because they "are just one of those couples"
#134: Because they're Joanie and Chachie.
#135: Becuase he's Cohen.
#136: Because she was upset when Zach punched Seth.
#137: Because Summer saved Chrismukkah for Seth
#138: Because they had a mistletoe kiss
#139: Because Summer is Seth's Tiny Tim
#140: Because they're still in sync with each other
#141: Because she was upset when she found out about S/Alex
#142: Because he got sad when Summer & Zach kissed.
#143: Because she got him a double Latte for looking sad.
#144: Because Ryan said "with a girl you were clearly obsessed with."
#145: Because Seth thought what she said was funny.
#146: Because Seth said "she is so supportive, that's why I like her"
#147: Because she stole his sketchbook of her.
#148: Because she was smiling while looking through the book.
#149: Because they will redo the boobs.
#150: Because she wanted one of the sketches and he gave her the whole book.
#151: Because he has his ways of making her rip off her clothes.
#152: Because "Cohen, you've gotta nail Summer."
#153: Because her rage blackouts are reserved for Seth.
#154: Because he has her image seared into his memory.
#155: Because she gets flustered over a bobbleheaded geek in size 27 jeans.
#156: Because they nose-grazed.
#157: Because Little Miss Vixen and the Ironist can better conquer evil together!
#158: Because Summer heard Cohen's voice in her head
#159: Because what Seth and Summer have is better
#160: Because they were listening to the same song
#161: Because they can't deny fate
#162: Because Summer wanted to listen to Seth's voicemail right away
#163: Because they shared a Spiderman upside down kiss!
#164: Because Seth knew Summer would need a special plug for her hairdryer
#165: Because Seth didn't have to cheat fate
#166: Because lightning struck in the same place twice
#167: Because even Zach knew where her heart is at
#168: Becuase Summer gave him a second chance
#169: Because Seth bought his boat back
#170: Because Captain Oats said they would miss her
#171: Because all the signs pointed to each other
#172: Because she was his Wonder Woman and he was her Spiderman
#173: Because she's so cute to him.
#174: Because we've waited a long time for this.
#175: Because they have a connection no one will ever understand.
#176: Because they're holding back nothing this time.
#177: Because they're not wasting any time.
#178: Because some sparks are meant to be rekindled
#179: Because second chances have never felt so right.
#180: Because she really feels connected to him.
#181: Because she wants this time to be different, for better or for worse.
#182: Because they definitely work as a couple.
#183: Because not everyone gets a second chance.
#184: Because the've inspired the Fantastic Four to be fantastic again.
#185: Because she's his little Summer.
#186: Because they pinky swore and sealed it with a kiss
#187: Because she wanted him to whip out his hose.
#188: Because he kissed her nose.
#189: Because she knew Captain Oats needed Princess Sparkle
#190: Because loving her made him feel like the King
#191: Because somehow he keeps drawing her back in.
#192: Because he's an ass but he loves her.
#193: Because she's always dreamed of going to the Prom and he's always dreamed of going with her
#194: Because if he can't be a King, he'll be the guy standing next to her or a Jester, whatever works.
#195. Because Seth knew that Summer needed a special plug for her hair dryer.
#196. Because Seth always protects Summer from gun shots.
#197. Because Seth had a vase of flowers for Summer
#198. Because Summer is upset that Seth is missing his favorite band.
#199. Because Seth grilled kalbasas for Summer
#200: Because it shouldn’t be this hard.
#201: Because she had a nice whip.
#202: Because ‘I love you and I think you love me too, please’.
#203: Because he went to see if she was alright after he head butted her.
#204: Because ‘Summers for-ever dreamt of going to the prom and I in turn, would dream of going with her’.
#205: Because even Zach knew Summer wanted it to be Seth when he got out of the limo.
#206: Because Zach said Seth wanted Summer.
#207: Because ‘ok, I know I’m not, who you all imagined as prom king seeing as how I’m not who any of you actually voted for but she’s the queen and I love I guess that that makes me king’
#208: Because he can start by dancing with her.
#209: Because Summer figured CO would be pretty down, so she brought PS to be there for him.
#210: Because he protected her when the shooting happened in the Bait Shop.
#211: Because Seth was scared that Trey would attack Summer next.
#212: Because Summer thought Seth looked ‘kind of hot’.
#213: Because Seth said ‘You have a weakness for seamen?’
#214: Because he almost got her bathing suit wet.
#215: Because she held on to the back of his pants.
#216: Because he knew she could topple that tyrant Taylor Townsend.
#217: Because they had another ride on the Tilt-a-Whirl.
#218: Because team S/S shut down Taylor Townsend.
#219: Because Summer was the one who used to say ‘death breath Seth’.
#220: Because he needed her to hold him.
#221: Because she would rather read comics with Cohen than help with the Drama Club.
#222: Because she stood up for him when Taylor was being mean.
#223: Because she thought his plan was freakin romantic.
#224: Because ‘aw honey, If I were you I wouldn’t say fore, like ever!’
#225: Because he didn’t sell her out to Dean Hess.
#226: Because he has ALWAYS loved Summer.
#227: Because he wants to make them work.
#228: Because she'll give up her dreams to be with him.
#229: Because The HATS.
#230: Because he pet her hair
#231: Because he wants her to come with him
#232: Because they were cuddling
#233: Because Providence here we come!
#234: Because they finally made out on his bed.
#235: Because she didn't need to ring the door bell
#236: Because she doesn't to just be his high school girlfriend.
#237: Because babies were mentioned.
#238: Because he's her rabbit and she's his snow angel.
#239. Because she finally said "I love you."
#240. Because she wants to be closer than 20 minutes.
#241. Because she'll always look up to him.
#242. Because they did their applications together.
#243. Because they ended connected.
#244. Because Summer's war face can get them through anything.
#245. Because they should take their pants off.
#246. Because they're going to get down.
#247. Because he loves his Valentine.
#248. Because he bought her cute underwear.
#249. Because we would like to see her in said underwear.
#250. Because Summer Roberts is Italy. Italy is the beauty who is always there to help out America and Iraq. On the surface, Italy is very different from Israel [Seth] -- they have two completely different backgrounds and religions -- but they do have some similarities deep down, which is why they make a good couple.
#251: Because they made out on the beach on Valentine's Day.
#252: Because Sandy knows Summer has a good man and all Seth has to do is show her.
#253: Because his parents really don't care that he has sex with Summer all the time under their roof.
#254: Because Summer thinks of him as a man.
#255: Because she confessed and she wore the thong for him.
#256: Because Seth "rocked her world!" *wink*
#257. Because "The awesome thing about Seth and Summer is that it's a classic fairy tale. Like, geek meets chic. Here's this kid pining for this girl from afar for years, and then he GETS HER, and it's so sweet! Plus, you know Adam and Rachel are together in real life, and they're just the cutest couple on Earth."
#258. Because their parents don’t deny them sex.
#259. Because Seth can't stop kissing her.
#260. Because Seth can’t control his hormones around her.
#261. Because he cares SO much about her father liking him that he actually uttered, "Gross! Get off of me; I'm trying to study" when caught making out with her.
#262. Because she'll watch the Blade Trilogy for him.
#263. Because they don't need the Kama Sutra.
#264. Because they had HOT sex.
#265. Because nothing says Prom like Seth and Summer getting back together.
#266. Because she took her turn on top of the coffee cart.
#267. Because she's THE GIRL.
#268. Because his future is ruined without her.
#269. Because he just can't live without her.
#270. Because "I love you." "I love you, too."
#271. Because when Summer fell, he knew Anna's plan was stupid.
#272. Because "let's go upstairs and make out!"
#273. Because "I want to be on top this time."
#274. Because they made out all day and only came out to get dinner.
#275. Because he forgave her even though she gave Sandy his napkin confession and accidentally told him about Brown.
#276. Because Summer knows she wants to be with Seth forever.
#277. Because "I love you. This much."
#278. Because "You're my destiny, Cohen"
#279. Because he wanted her to go save the world
#280. Because he saved her life (in the earthquake)
#281. Because "I think we should stay engaged"
#282. Because they GOT MARRIED.

1. Sailboats ♥ 2. Tahiti ♥ 3. X-Men ♥ 4. Dice ♥ 5. Rabbits Foot ♥
6. White Knights ♥ 7. Burritos ♥ 8. Mermaids ♥ 9. Breakfast ♥ 10. Newspapers ♥
11. Squirrels ♥ 12. Cole Trickel ♥ 13. Toast/Crust ♥ 14. Captain Oats ♥ 15. Madame Bovary ♥
16. Frogs ♥ 17. Cotton Candy ♥ 18. Tilt-o-Whirls ♥ 19. Yachts ♥ 20. Poolhouses ♥
21. Gardenias ♥ 22. Thanksgiving ♥ 23. Great apologies ♥ 24. Saturdays ♥ 25. Wonder Woman ♥
26. Star Wars Conventions ♥ 27. Frosted Flakes ♥ 28. Elf ♥ 29. The Daily Show ♥ 30. The Jay Leno Show ♥
31. Princess Sparkle ♥ 32. Valentine's Day ♥ 33. "Hello, sunshine" ♥ 34. Kissing booth ♥ 35. Bennifer ♥
36. In N Out ♥ 37. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ♥ 38. Starbucks ♥ 39. Kill Bill Vol. 1 ♥ 40. Punk'd ♥
41. Coffee carts/hotdog stands ♥ 42. Mistletoe ♥ 43. Eggnog ♥ 44. Ginormous Christmas Trees ♥ 45. Latkes ♥
46. The Hulk ♥ 47. Spiderman ♥ 48. Stud finders ♥ 49. Hybrid cars ♥ 50. Chocolate fountains ♥
51. Fire Codes ♥ 52. Seamen ♥ 53. Drama Club ♥ 54. Detention ♥ 55. South Pacific ♥
56. Rogers and Hammerstein ♥ 57. Musical Theater ♥ 58. Hats ♥ 59. Tubas ♥ 60. Pirates ♥
61. College Applications ♥ 62. Mailboxes ♥ 63. Weed. ♥ 64. Blankets ♥ 65. Legs ♥
66. Sexy Lingerie ♥ 67. Pinocchio ♥ 68. Hot tubs ♥ 69. The Lucky Sofa ♥ 70. The Kama Sutra ♥
71. The Box ♥ 72. Pancakes ♥ 73. Otters ♥ 74. Pregnancy tests ♥ 75. Glow-in-the-dark engagement rings ♥

Jaime Bee's Hopelessly Romantic
The Breakfast Club
Something Pretty (Fan Fiction Archive)

fan fics;
Doubts and Insecurities Chapter 1: The Summers in LA, an O.C. fanfic - FanFiction.Net
In Your Arms Chapter 1: The New Beginning, an O.C. fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Corresponding Shapes Chapter 1: The One Thing Missing, an O.C. fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Most Eligible Bachelor Chapter 1: The Assignment, an O.C. fanfic - FanFiction.Net
A New Edition Chapter 1: A MultiPhase Plan, an O.C. fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Through It All Chapter 1: A Loving Farewell, an O.C. fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Because It Works Chapter 1: Lover I Don't Have To Love, an O.C. fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Anticipation Chapter 1, an O.C. fanfic - FanFiction.Net

fan vids;
YouTube - Wonderwall - Seth and Summer (The O.C.)
YouTube - Seth and Summer.
YouTube - Seth and Summer - Sway
YouTube - Seth and Summer - One day
YouTube - Seth and Summer - Everytime We Touch
YouTube - Seth and Summer - Hanging By A Moment
YouTube - The OC - Seth and Summer - collide
YouTube - Seth and Summer - She Will Be Loved
YouTube - SUMMER && SETH - fix you

fan art of the moment;

China \ Chris Holmes
Take it all in
instead of writing it down
trying to find a way
to get out of this town
seacrhing for contact
waiting on the last act
binding my time
because I'll never be back
hoping to find
that I'm one of a kind
willing to settle
for some piece of mind
I'm going to sail to china
or move to carolina
find my self some peace
and take myself some time to fall
and I'll fall and I'll fall
for the first pretty girl
and I'll give her my heart
and I'll make her my world
and we'll dance and dance and dance

we live and all we are
and all lives we're all unsure
all we do and all we see
and all we want and we need
all we feel and all we know
and all we hide and all we show
all take we take and all we give
and how we die and how we live

future titles;
They're the textbook definition of perfect.
Because it was Summer's dream to be with the one she loved.

Need to start a new thread? Just press quote on the first post and copy/paste it onto the new thread and remove the quote tags.

gonna look ahead, no turning back
live everyday, give it all that I have
trust in Someone bigger than me

Last edited by "You'reMyLittleSnowAngel"; 08-08-2013 at 04:08 PM
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Old 02-13-2012, 03:24 PM
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Thank you Naomi!
love too big for a love song
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Old 02-14-2012, 02:57 PM
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New thread Love the title!

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Old 02-15-2012, 03:36 PM
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Aww so cute. They have so much chemistry in that moment.

This thread is so quiet these days.
love too big for a love song
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Old 02-15-2012, 03:51 PM
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Adorable pic to start the thread off! Thanks Ella.
Glad you like the title.
gonna look ahead, no turning back
live everyday, give it all that I have
trust in Someone bigger than me
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Old 02-16-2012, 08:42 AM
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Undeniable chemistry
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Old 02-16-2012, 09:33 AM
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thanks for the new thread, Naomi

The OP

That pic is so adorable, I love how they smile at each other
Your love is my turning page, where only the sweetest words remain,
every kiss is a cursive line, every touch is a redefining phrase. ♥
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Old 02-16-2012, 02:06 PM
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Hi everyone I still love them so much, they are my OTP Add me please?
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:21 PM
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Welcome! I'm sure Naomi will add you soon.
love too big for a love song
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:21 PM
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Welcome! I'm sure Naomi will add you soon.
love too big for a love song
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Old 02-17-2012, 04:34 AM
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You are your best thing. - Toni Morrison
Will & Grace & Karen & Jack
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Old 02-18-2012, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Ankatje (View Post)
Hi everyone I still love them so much, they are my OTP Add me please?
Hi there! Welcome to the thread. I'll add you now.
gonna look ahead, no turning back
live everyday, give it all that I have
trust in Someone bigger than me
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Old 02-19-2012, 05:01 AM
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Welcome to the thread
Your love is my turning page, where only the sweetest words remain,
every kiss is a cursive line, every touch is a redefining phrase. ♥
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Old 02-21-2012, 01:42 PM
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You are your best thing. - Toni Morrison
Will & Grace & Karen & Jack
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Old 02-21-2012, 02:04 PM
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