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Old 03-29-2013, 02:13 PM
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Once Upon A Time S&S #80: "Storybrooke isn't safe."

credit: MaybeLove.

Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan
Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret
Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David
Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold
Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen/Regina
Jared Gilmore as Henry
Meghan Ory as Red Riding Hood/Ruby
Emilie de Ravin as Belle
Colin O'Donoghue as Captain Hook

Adam Horowitz, executive producer and writer
Jane Espenson, writer
Liz Tigelaar, writer
Andrew Chambliss, writer

promotional pictures of the cast
Comic Con Posters
Show Posters
Official Season Two Posters

Master storytellers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz ("Lost," "Tron: Legacy") invite everyone to Storybrooke, Maine, a small town that probably won't show up on one's GPS, but it's a place where magic is coming!

To ensure that no one in fairytale land – especially Snow White – had any more "happily ever afters," Evil Queen Regina cast a curse which trapped the fairytale characters, frozen in time, and brought them into our modern world. Although still alive, they had no knowledge of their former selves and were sleepwalking through life – ageless -- for 28 years, until a savior arrived in the form of Emma Swan. Unbeknownst to Emma, she was the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who had whisked her out of fairytale land and into our world as an infant to save her from the curse. Abandoned as a baby, Emma's life was anything but magical; her last job was as a bail bondsperson, but she mostly drifted without much of a life plan. When her 10-year-old son, Henry -- whom she had given up for adoption years earlier -- appeared on her doorstep with a book of fairytales and a wild story about how Emma was the progeny of fairytale characters trapped in a town called Storybrooke, she thought he was crazy. But curiosity got the better of her, and when she brought Henry back to the town – where Regina, ever the control freak, had made herself mayor and was also Henry's adoptive mother -- Emma soon discovered that Storybrooke was more than it seemed. Over time she came to believe the stories were true, began to see cracks in the curse, and was finally able to break it.

Reality and myth were merged as the fairytale characters began awakening, once the curse was lifted, and remembered who they were. But to their dismay they were not transported back to fairytale land. And to make matters worse, Rumplestiltskin – aka Mr. Gold – in an effort to gain the upper hand in his power struggle with Regina, introduced magic into the town. In fairytales magic has its place, but in our world it can have unfathomable consequences. Now the fairytale characters must contend with magic in their quest to find a way home, as new fairytale characters are revealed, old acquaintances are revisited, and some we had come to believe could be trusted will turn against their own kind.

"Once Upon a Time" stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry Mills, Meghan Ory as Red Riding Hood/Ruby and Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.


2.19 Lacey


Jorge Garcia ("Lost") Guest Stars as Anton

"Lacey" - Mr. Gold enlists the aid of David to help him try to jog Belle's now cursed memories and get her to love him again; and when it is revealed that the magic beans Anton (Jorge Garcia, "Lost") and the dwarves have been harvesting have begun to grow and could possibly transport everybody home, Emma is torn over whether she would want to live in fairytale land or stay in our world. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, Rumplestiltskin forces Belle to accompany him on a hunt to kill a thief, whom she had freed in the name of mercy, on "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, APRIL 21 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

"Once Upon a Time" stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Colin O'Donoghue as Hook, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry Mills, Meghan Ory as Red Riding Hood/Ruby, and Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.

Guest starring are Lee Arenberg as Leroy/Grumpy, Michael Raymond-James as Neal Cassidy, Beverley Elliott as Granny, David-Paul Grove as Doc, Gabe Khouth as Mr. Clark/Sneezy, Faustino Di Bauda as Sleepy, Jeffrey Kaiser as Dopey, Michael Coleman as Happy, Mig Macario as Bashful, Ethan Embry as Greg Mendell, Tom Ellis as thief, Jorge Garcia as Anton, Christie Laing as Marian, Wil Traval as sheriff/Keith, Nicholas Carella as bartender, Ingrid Torrance as severe nurse and Sonequa Martin-Green as Tamara.

"Lacey" was written by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz and directed by Milan Cheylov.

  • Promo pictures
  • These 2 roles are being cast for episode 2.19: A Thief, who is male, 30 years old, brave, honorable and steals magic from Rumpelstiltskin; and Keith, who is 35, bitter due to a hard life, and likes to chase women. (Source)

2.20 The Evil Queen

2.21 Second Star to the Right
  • For episode 2.21, the role of Heidi is being cast. She's 13, British, and also described as being compassionate, mischievous, and somewhat naive about how dangerous the world can be. (Source)

2.22 Straight on 'Til Morning
  • For Once Upon a Time episode 2.22, a few teen boy roles are being cast that might be recurring. One of the boys is named Felix, and he's their leader. (Source)



Magazines and Press

  • We will find out about the book and who wrote it.
  • There are “major plans” for Cora this season (possible 3-episode arc)
  • Question: I have a burning Once Upon a Time question — was the outside world affected when the curse was broken? —Jen
    Ausiello: That’s what EP Adam Horowitz referred to as “an excellent question” when it was lobbed to him at Comic-Con over the weekend.
    “I think the best way to answer that,” he responded, “is to say that that will be explicated rather quickly.” Explicate: To analyze and develop (an idea or principle) in detail. (Source)
  • Question: Any scoop on August from Once Upon a Time? Please don’t say they’re not bringing him back. —Rae
    Ausiello: “We are definitely going to tell what happened to Pinocchio,” EP Edward Kitsis assured us at Con. “The last we saw, he was wood.”
    Added Horowitz: “We gotta figure out what happened to him. We started the story and we intend to finish it.” (source)
  • Alexa: What's next for Snow and Charming on OUAT?! Please tell me they won't be getting new love interests!
    Relax! It seems like the show's creators are more interested in exploring the relationship between the couple and their daughter than any prospective love interests. "There's a lot of challenges, in terms of this new relationship with their daughter. Rather than focusing on last season, where it was they didn't know who each other were and whether they'll get together and will we overcome the Kathryn of it all, this year it's a whole different set of challenges that this new familial relationship presents," Adam Horowitz explains. (Source)
  • Loved the Once Upon a Time midseason finale. What's coming up when the show returns? — Joan
    NATALIE: The Charming family has been reunited, but look for more bad news on the horizon. When we asked Ginnifer Goodwin and Jennifer Morrison about the joyous reunion, they both offered up ominous answers that may or may not have to do with the arrival of Hook and Cora. "It's, of course, short-lived because yet another obstacle is going to be thrust between all of these characters," Goodwin says, with Morrison adding, "New terrible things need to happen for us to work out." Any guesses as to what's in store for the Storybrooke gang?
  • COMING UP NEXT | "No one's going to be happy" about the arrival of the pirate brig's passengers, says Jennifer Morrison. "It's too much of a threat to everything that we care about." Speaking in character, she adds, "I don’t really know that much about all these people from this other land, but I do know that those two are dangerous, so I'm certainly not going to want them anywhere near my kid." Also, as revealed in recent weeks: Mulan, Prince Phillip and Smee will each make encores; viewers will meet Dr. Frankenstein's father and brother (played by Gregory Itzin and Chad Collins); Emma's baby daddy Neal Cassidy will be seen again; and Ethan Embry (Can't Hardly Wait) and Sonequa Martin-Green (The Walking Dead) will surface in secret roles. (Source)
  • Will anything surprise us about the upcoming episodes of Once Upon a Time? — Megan
    NATALIE: We know that the flashbacks lead to Regina enacting the curse, but coming trips to the past may surprise you. "We're going to show you some things in our world that you didn't even think were an option," executive producer Edward Kitsis says. Will we see flashbacks to other lands — say, Oz? Kitsis remains coy. "[They'll] center on our characters, but in surprising ways." (Source)
  • Now that Once Upon a Time‘s Hook is out in the open, will we get to see him interact with the other residents of Storybrooke? –Stefanie
    You mean, presuming he survived getting mowed down by The Outsider, right? (Of course he lives.) Well, to perhaps – perhaps! – answer your question, I’ll offer up this scooplet. “Emma’s love life is going to get really complicated,” series cocreator Adam Horowitz told me last week. In fact, across Storybrooke at large, he said, “The permutations of romance will continue to turn as we move forward.” (Source)
  • Ausiello: Yes! While speaking with Josh Dallas about this week’s David/Charming-heavy episode, Matt Mitovich picked his brain about Brothers & Sisters alum John Pyper-Ferguson’s character, who thus far has only been described as the widowed father to a young boy. “I can’t tell you anything,” Dallas hedged. “Just know that he’s an outsider.” Speaking of outsiders, Dallas was slightly more forthcoming with a status report on wayward driver Greg Mendell, played by Ethan Embry. “In this Sunday’s episode, you see Greg grilling Belle about what she actually saw that night at the car accident,” he said, musing: “Hmm, why does he want to know…?” (Source)
  • What time will the Once Upon a Time Lightning Round article be posted? —Hannah JoAnn, via Twitter
    NATALIE: Soon, Hannah. Better yet, because I'm feeling generous today, I will give you a sneak preview! Will poor Belle ever get her memories back? The answer is... yes! "If it was permanent, that would be the most bleak end," executive producer Edward Kitsis says, noting that how Gold helps her gets her memory back will certainly be a story line to watch out for. Let's take a moment to breathe a sigh of relief. Good? OK. (Source)
  • Any plans for Mulan to return to Once? — Alyson
    “We’re not going to rule anything out and there are some surprises we want to keep in store for characters who may be coming back later in the season,” says executive producer Adam Horowitz. “So we’re not going to rule anything out nor will we confirm or deny.” Source
  • Now that Once Upon a Time‘s Emma has disappointed Henry by lying to him about his father, will Regina have a chance to really reconnect with her son? –Vicki
    That is totally where I thought this was going, too, but it appears we’re both wrong. As Jennifer Morrison explained to me, “Unfortunately for Regina at this point, she is so wrapped up in her own sort of mess with her mother being in town and the complications of that relationship, and sort of her failing at trying to not use magic, she sort of misses seeing her opportunity [with Henry]. She does make a move to get him back, but she doesn’t necessarily make the most strategic move, based on the circumstances.” (Source)
  • Once Upon a Time | Since many – myself included – have speculated that Cora cast some sort of spell on her daughter, and that’s why Regina seems to have abandoned her redemption tour, I asked the series’ creators if we are onto something. Short answer: Nope. As Eddy Kitsis reminds, “In Episode 9, we saw Regina say, ‘I have to kill you, Mother. Your grip on my heart is too strong.’ So while the audience is right to be wary of Cora, and Regina is right to be wary of her mother’s true intentions, we can never forget how important the need to get your mom’s approval and love is.” Adam Horowitz meanwhile offered this teaser for fans of Lana Parrilla’s ever-unpredictable alter ego: “We’re going to see some Regina unleashed!” Source
  • OMG, is Once Upon a Time going to Neverland?! —Jayma
    NATALIE: Based on the final two episode titles, it certainly sounds like it. But I have some bad news about the finale. If last year's was about breaking the curse, this year's is a little more ominous than that. "At the end of last year, Mr. Gold said magic was coming. Now that magic is here, it always comes with a price. In the finale, we'll see that price," executive producer Edward Kitsis tells me. Does that mean someone is going to die? Executive producer Adam Horowitz adds, "We should always be worried about death, but I would say that there are things to be worried about that you are probably not worried about yet, but you will be!" Source
  • Will Neal’s fiancée play a role in future Once Upon a Time episodes? –Devin
    Yes — though probably not in quite the way you expect. And that’s all I’ll say, for now, on the matter… so here’s series cocreator Eddy Kitsis, pre-PaleyFest: “Tamara’s not going anywhere anytime soon…. We’re very excited for the audience to see what she’s all about.” (Ooh, Devin, you came so close to asking the question I have a tantalizing response for. Maybe next week….) Source.
  • I know we’re going to see Regina and Snow feuding more than ever now that Snow killed Cora, but are we going to get to see Regina mourn a little? -- Trish
    For sure. In fact, Lana Parrilla tells me that even though we’ll see Regina having a bit of a “one track mind” when it comes to revenge, “you’re definitely going to see [her pain.] There’s a moment of grieving and mourning her mother’s passing,” she says. Source
  • If Once Upon a Time‘s Tamara basically has been lying to Neal about everything, then she also possibly lied about Hook. Any scoop on him? –@onceuponamirror
    Your hypothesis would seem to be sound, about lying liars and the lies they tell and all. As for scoop on Hook himself, I can promise you’ll never guess where he next turns up. BONUS SCOOPLET: This just in from Deadline: Brit Michael Socha (aka Tom from the UK’s Being Human) has been cast as The Knave in the Wonderland-centric Once spin-off. Source


Last edited by Miss Cam; 04-01-2013 at 11:28 AM
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Old 03-29-2013, 02:18 PM
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Thanks for the new thread and changing the title on the old thread!
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i've got my girlfriends
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the summer never ends...
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Old 03-29-2013, 02:44 PM
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"Hey yourself....".
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Old 03-29-2013, 03:33 PM
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Just thought I'd share. This is the first chapter of the season 1 novelization, Reawakening. Unfortunately, it's really bad in opinion. I considered possibly buying it because I thought it might give some insight into the first season, but it's obvious that no one from the show was involved in the writing process. The dialogue and character actions are different from the show - not so different that they change the story but the whole thing is very awkward for someone who saw the show...which are the only people who would buy the book. Oh well...scratch that off my "to read" list.

Reawakened - A Once Upon A Time Tale
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Old 03-29-2013, 03:36 PM
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Photos - Once Upon a Time - Season 2 - Set Photos - 28th March 2013
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Old 03-29-2013, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by koodles (View Post)

Just thought I'd share. This is the first chapter of the season 1 novelization, Reawakening. Unfortunately, it's really bad in opinion. I considered possibly buying it because I thought it might give some insight into the first season, but it's obvious that no one from the show was involved in the writing process. The dialogue and character actions are different from the show - not so different that they change the story but the whole thing is very awkward for someone who saw the show...which are the only people who would buy the book. Oh well...scratch that off my "to read" list.

Reawakened - A Once Upon A Time Tale
Well, that's disappointing. .
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Old 03-29-2013, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by koodles (View Post)
Just thought I'd share. This is the first chapter of the season 1 novelization, Reawakening. Unfortunately, it's really bad in opinion. I considered possibly buying it because I thought it might give some insight into the first season, but it's obvious that no one from the show was involved in the writing process. The dialogue and character actions are different from the show - not so different that they change the story but the whole thing is very awkward for someone who saw the show...which are the only people who would buy the book. Oh well...scratch that off my "to read" list.

Reawakened - A Once Upon A Time Tale
That sucks. I was thinking on buying it so this is good to know.
want some company?
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Old 03-29-2013, 04:53 PM
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So Mulan and Aurora are back. This may be a crazy theory but what if rumple tries to use the wraith against Henry but Neal steps in the way and his soul gets sucked away instead? Then Henry might run away to neverland if he thinks its all his fault. It could explain why Henry is so upset and why Neal has scenes with Mulan, Aurora, and Philip.
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Old 03-29-2013, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by <3Aria2728<3 (View Post)
So Mulan and Aurora are back. This may be a crazy theory but what if rumple tries to use the wraith against Henry but Neal steps in the way and his soul gets sucked away instead? Then Henry might run away to neverland if he thinks its all his fault. It could explain why Henry is so upset and why Neal has scenes with Mulan, Aurora, and Philip.
This would also explain what Adam and Eddie meant when they talked about something "worse than death" in the season finale!
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Old 03-29-2013, 05:30 PM
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wow so Mulan and Aurora are coming back?!!?
I actually like them!

Tbh, I was not expecting to be as exciting about the finale as I am getting right now! Oh Once, please don't disappoint!!!!!!
(\ /)
=( . .)=
o Anne o
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Old 03-29-2013, 05:38 PM
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Mulan and Aurora but no Phillip? That's really interesting. Maybe they are looking for Rumple to get some more info about the wraith and its victims' fates.

I wasn't convinced the 2x19 birthday party was a dream as some have been speculating, since we've already had two dreams-turned-nightmares on the show. But Adam keeps reassuring an angry Evil Regal that (wrt: why Regina wasn't invited) it will all make sense in context. So it sounds like it really could be a dream.
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Old 03-29-2013, 05:47 PM
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Last edited by baelfire24; 03-29-2013 at 05:58 PM
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Old 03-29-2013, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by <3Aria2728<3 (View Post)
So Mulan and Aurora are back. This may be a crazy theory but what if rumple tries to use the wraith against Henry but Neal steps in the way and his soul gets sucked away instead? Then Henry might run away to neverland if he thinks its all his fault. It could explain why Henry is so upset and why Neal has scenes with Mulan, Aurora, and Philip.
It's possible, as it's also possible that Bae turns the wraith curse on Rumple instead.
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Old 03-29-2013, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Demileto (View Post)
It's possible, as it's also possible that Bae turns the wraith curse on Rumple instead.
But that doesn't explain why rumple is at the docks and Neal is nowhere to be seen.
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Old 03-29-2013, 05:59 PM
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I might be naive but I still don't think Rumple will harm Henry.

My theories about the finale:

1) Neal's soul could be sucked by the wraith after seeing Rumpel using it on Henry. ( I think this is a popular theory for some people, but I still don't think he would harm Henry, because it would destroy his relationship with his son, and there won't be forgiveness at all, if he does this to his grandson )

2) Rumple's ''undoing'' will come into play and he sees the wraith, and he protects Henry from it.

3) Going with Demileto theory about Neal turning the wraith on his father instead of Henry. That would definitely be a game-changer between father/son and grandfather/grandson.
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a woman. - Elena Alvarez

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