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Old 10-07-2006, 12:49 PM
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L & P S&S #28:B/c “the writers were over the moon for the Lucas and Peyton stuff"-MS


The CW Network: One Tree Hill
Peyton's MySpace

cap by: Mayon
It light of thepodcast being on hiatus, it seems P's found a way to reach out and express herself some more.
Aside from her telling icon and the pics she has, here's a survey she took.

Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer
Tree Hill North Carolina
Current Location:
Tree Hill High School Library
Eye Color:Hazel
Hair Color:Blonde
Right Handed or Left Handed:Righty
Your Heritage:I'm adopted
The Shoes You Wore Today:Converse All-stars
Your Weakness:Music and Musicians
Your Fears:
Your Perfect Pizza:
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Graduate highschool without getting shot...again.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:WTF
Thoughts First Waking Up:
Your Best Physical Feature:my chicken legs, or so i've been told.
Your Bedtime:When I get tired.
Your Most Missed Memory:My Moms
Pepsi or Coke:Sunkist
MacDonalds or Burger King:
Single or Group Dates:Group dates
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Sunkist
Chocolate or Vanilla:Both!
Cappuccino or Coffee:Coffee
Do you Smoke:no
Do you Swear:sometimes, maybe?
Do you Sing:Not like my friend Haley James Scott does!
Do you Shower Daily:of course!
Have you Been in Love:yes, and it hurts
Do you want to go to College:maybe
Do you want to get Married:maybe
Do you belive in yourself:Yes, don't be afraid to be who you are.
Do you get Motion Sickness:When Brooke drives
Do you think you are Attractive:not for me to say
Are you a Health Freak:no
Do you get along with your Parents:yes, when they're around.
Do you like Thunderstorms:yes, but it scares me when the power goes out. [Lucas knew this.]
Do you play an Instrument:no, but I want to learn!
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:yes
In the past month have you Smoked:no
In the past month have you been on Drugs:no
In the past month have you gone on a Date:It depends what you mean by date... does a kiss in the library when you're bleeding to death count?
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:of course!
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:yes
In the past month have you been on Stage:yes, for my job at club tric.
In the past month have you been Dumped:yes, by my best friend
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:no
Ever been Drunk:who hasnt in Tree Hill?
Ever been called a Tease:for me to know and you to find out
Ever been Beaten up:does a slap in the face from your best friend count?
Ever Shoplifted:Every year for Brooke's birthday
How do you want to Die:
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:An Artist or run my own record label.
What country would you most like to Visit:England to see all the good bands.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Blue
Favourite Hair Color:Blonde
Short or Long Hair:medium

Height:does not matter
Weight:does not matter
Best Clothing Style:athletic or punk, that narrows it down right?
Number of Drugs I have taken:I plead the fifith, but if I ever did it was a huge mistake.
Number of CDs I own:Too many to count including my records
Number of Piercings:</P>
Number of Tattoos:zero! My dad would kill me!
Number of things in my Past I Regret:i try not to have regrets, Ellie taught me that
WB-Hil Interview
How would you deal with the problems Peyton faces?
Oh, that's tough. Um, you know what, I'm a 24 year old playing a seventeen year old going through these things so I think I personally have a little more life experience under my belt, and a couple flies swarming, but uh- God, if I were really seventeen years old and I had all these things going on, I hope I would have the strength Peyton has. You know, I have a lot of faith, you know, I'm a Methodist and I think if you have something that you can attach yourself to, to give you strength whether it's religion or family members or friends or just a core that gives you confidence, um, and you know that it's unconditionally gonna be there, then you're gonna be okay and Peyton has that, you know, and I'm very fortunate in my life I have the same thing so I- I hope I'd be as strong. .
Which hairstyle do you like better, curly or straight?
Boy, do people wanna know the truth of the curly vs. straight hair? I'm just gonna go ahead and give it to you, I have naturally curly hair, had it my whole life, I fought it my whole life. I finally got to a point where I really liked it. I'm the blonde on the show, so over the summer while we weren't shooting after first season I went to go get my roots touched up at a salon in New York. I came out looking like Storm from X-Men. My hair proceeded to fall out, so...uh, the straight hair kind of was a quick fix for all my hair falling out and thank God I have an amazing hair stylist on One Tree Hill 'cause she totally fixed my hair and I can wear it curly personally now, but it's still really short so it's kind of like, the white-girl fro, which I'm into but I don't know if it's Peyton's look, so I'll try to switch it up for you guys this season.
E!Online-Kristen interviews Hilarie
K: What’s the question that everybody will be asking after the season finale?
H: Peyton has always been the character that everybody else comes to with their problems and she’s kind of shouldered everybody else’s burden, and she’s had all this burden of her own. And her best friend really hasn’t been a very good friend, and she’s in love with her best friend’s boyfriend as has been trying to direct her attentions elsewhere to kind of get it out of her head, and I think with the season finale, Peyton’s just like ‘Screw it, dude! This is my time.’ So I think that’s going to be really fun! So hopefully it will come back. I want her to cause some trouble, ‘cause God knows when I was seventeen, I was causin’ ***** left and right. You know, that’s what you do! ‘Cause consequences aren’t nearly as big as they are when you get older, and so if you’re going to go ahead and mess things up, do it senior year in high school. I’m all about it!

K: My thing is, yes, Lucas is good looking but is there no other guy for these girls to be attracted to?!

H: Yeah, it’s survival of the fittest. You know, Peyton had dibs, and she gave it up, and all I’m sayin’ is I want my ball back. I gave it to you to play with for ten minutes, now give me my ball back!

E!Online-Kristen interviews Chad
K: That’s hilarious. But no, I wanted to ask you about this ‘cause he said that your character has always been sort of the object of these two women’s affection, but he thinks it would be interesting to see what would happen if you were heartbroken for once, that you know, you didn’t necessarily get your way. So it sounds like you might be-- I don’t want to say that someone’s going to be rejecting you, but it sounds like that to me.

C: Is Lucas going to have to cry or something? Man!
K: It sounds like it.

C: You know, I think what I want, I want a chance for him to just not rise above it. You know, I want that opportunity, I think, where he doesn’t always take the right path. You know, he’s always, through everything, his uncle passes away, his father issues, he’s always risen above his issues and become a stronger man for it. I want to see him get roughed up. I want to see him go down a nomad path and just figure things out for himself, on his own.
Read the full transcript Here
E!Online-Kristen interviews Sophia
"We are stirring the pot! It is heavy. It is drama packed. It's going to be really exciting. And I can't reveal anything, because if I reveal one detail, the whole web will unfold!" This is what Sophia Bush tells me of the new season of One Tree Hill. But when asked whom she wants her character to be with, she cracks just a smidge. "You know, I think my character might just end up with somebody new by the end of the season. I'm hearing rumblings!"
CW's Season 4 Press Release
As season four unfolds, everyone deals with the immediate aftermath of the accident, and the many questions to be answered. Who will survive the accident and how will it affect their lives? In whose purse did Lucas find a pregnancy test at the wedding – could Peyton, Rachel, Brooke or Haley be hiding a secret? And with graduation around the corner, will the end of high school also mean an end to the relationships forged over the last few years, or the beginning of new alliances?

Sidelined by his heart condition, Lucas has to choose between his future and his sense of duty: to go to college or to stay and help his mother raise Keith’s baby. Will he be able to repair his relationship with Brooke, or will he find comfort by returning to Peyton?

Having moved out of Peyton’s house, Brooke must first find a place to live in order to finish her senior year in Tree Hill. She also must decide the future of her relationship with Lucas. Can she see past his kiss with Peyton and Peyton’s feelings for him? She will form a surprising friendship with her former archenemy, party-girl Rachel, a relationship that might spell the end of her lifelong friendship with Peyton.

Will Peyton respect Brooke’s relationship with Lucas, or will she grow tired of being “just friends” with Lucas and tell him how she really feels? Or, after discovering a letter from Ellie that contains a stunning revelation, will Peyton find herself consumed by a new relationship that could take her away from Lucas forever? - Ask Ausiellio:
Question: Could you please give us some One Tree Hill spoilers for Season 4? — Kacy<
Ausiello: Matt Barr (Commander in Chief) has been cast in a pivotal role that will shake Peyton's tree. Speaking of Peyton, I hear she'll be undergoing a makeover (new hair, new clothes) by Episode 3 that will signal a return to her darker roots.
MS interview from Are we finally going to see Lucas and Peyton together for good?
Mark Schwahn: Maybe. Here's what I'll say about that: From the pilot, we designed a world where Peyton and Lucas were meant to be together, and we've never played that, so it's hard to know if that's true or not. They've been so close so many times, and I think it would be disingenuous to the show not to play that at some point. I feel like there's a lot of great drama there, and I think that's something we will explore in Season 4.

...more Hilarie Burton - on LP
at CW signing: 8/19/06
"We kiss a lot for not being together" - Hiarie on Lucas and Peyton
CW signing, Hilaire signs an LP collage.
"I ♥ Lucas! ♥ Hilarie Burton"

credit to NessaBruin
OTH 911
Posted by RakeBoyandPSawyer
I met hilarie today at the signing in LA and she said her and Chad have been hanging out a lot and that they've had a lot of scenes together. she said we got a hell of a season ahead
4.1 - "The Same Deep Waters As You" - The Cure
4.2 - "Things I Forgot At Birth" - The Absentee
4.3 - "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" - Modest Mouse
4.4 - "Can't Stop This Thing We've Started" - Bryan Adams
4.5 - "I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness" -
4.6 - "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" - Nirvana
4.7 - "All These Things That I've Done" - The Killers

I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness

FF OTH spoiler thread
Well I'm not sure if this would even be considered a spoiler. Anyway, I was in Wilmy today, doing the fangirly thing, and the studio tour. And a couple of the sets were dressed for the director coming in next week, which meant we were pretty much told it was off limits. The Mayor's office and Karen's house both we were told were already prepared for shooting next week. And Peyton's room, the infamous door with the names on it? Painted over and redressed with some more of Peyton's artwork.
Derek is Peyton's brother. He gives her his phone number and a Led Zeppelin album. Lucas helps her out by calling him for her.
Lucas finds out about Peytons feelings by episode 3.

Episode 4.3 - "Good News for People Who Love Bad News"
-It seems LP are at the cafe when Derek spots them and takes candid pictures of the pair unbeknownst to them.
-At the cafe, Peyton sports her cheerleader uniform and tight curls. Lucas has his bushy blonde hair [think S1 LP] Brooke is brought up and Lucas responds to Peyton by saying that he hasn't talked to her since they broke up. Not only does Lucas confirm that they have broken up, but it doesnt sound like he has tried or was trying much to speak to Brooke.
-LP hangout outside the cafe, they stroll around, talk/banter about the similarities between them and Derek.
-According to Mark (4.01 commentary) the "Peyton Sawyer I know and love will come back in appearance in episode 3, with a little heavier eyemake up, a little edgier wardrobe..." And according to Hilarie, "rock and roll Peyton is back"
pic-credit to Sophie

Other pics credit to OTHBaller23 @

Episode 4.4 -"Can't Stop This Thing We've Started"
Something is happening with Nathan. Lucas and Peyton will help Haley through this trying time.
Lupe Fiasco, the rapper, will be performing on the show. credit
At Tric, Peyton is looking especially PunkRock this night. She sports calf high boots with a small heel, black legins with a skeleton pattern, a jean skirt and a grey shirt with black on it. Her hair is parted with long bangs and is up in a half-pony displaying her darker tips.
At Tric, Derek and Peyton have a chat about Lucas - Does Derek know about Peyton's feelings for Lucas? What does Derek think about Lucas? How will Peyton take what he has to say about Lucas?
Peyton and Lucas have a chat.....
Lucas confronts Derek...- according to the official episode description:
"Lucas clashes with Derek"

Episode 4.5 - "I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness"
-From the official episode description:
"THINGS AREN'T WHAT THEY SEEM - When Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) discovers that Derek's (guest star Matt Barr, "Commander in Chief") interest in Peyton (Hilarie Burton) is more than brotherly, Derek becomes menacing.
-Lucas is worried about Peyton - concerning Derek.
-Derek will be watching L&P from afar while they walk to TH High - and he wasn't very happy about what he sees.
-We will find out who really is the one pregnant...
Episode 4.6 - "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?"

-The Ravens will be playing at a tournament. Lucas will be playing again wearing a #22 jersey. Peyton is mysteriously missing at the games. Where could she be at?
-Expect to see Wilmington's 2nd Marine Division to make an appearance on this episode. You can read about it Here
Pic taken by an extra with Hilarie (Thanks Jess)

Episode 4.7 - "All These Things That I've Done"
- Expect to see Lucas and Peyton rebuild their romantic relationship starting in episode seven or eight. I'm not saying that they kiss or anything more than that, but the two will share some emotional scenes together in episode seven for sure. We will definitely see a shift in their relationship at this point. (Credit to Rebecca (curlyhead)

Lucas is going to start seeing her (Peyton) as more than a friend some time in 7 or 8. (Credit to Rebecca (curlyhead)

Any info taken from this thread should be credited to the appropriate source.
Thanks to Fanbolt, OTH Writers 911, the,
Dare to, OTH, and all the other great sources.
A special THANKS!!!! to our anonymous sources.

*Spoilers are liable to be changed/cut/edited. Depends on where the story needs to go and not what has been filmed.

Last edited by a*shot*of*whiskey; 10-09-2006 at 12:43 PM
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Old 10-07-2006, 12:54 PM
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New thread! Thanks for starting LaurLaur.

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Old 10-07-2006, 12:58 PM
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tEh title is LOVE

thanks for starting.....Laurs
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Old 10-07-2006, 01:01 PM
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New thread Flove the title !!! Thanks for starting Laurie
I wish Mark had said more about LP in the commentary ...
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Old 10-07-2006, 01:42 PM
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yay new thread! thanks

lucas IS her protector, and i want him to get concerned for peyton. hes always saving her.

and if derek is JEALOUS obviously its not just friendship that he sees.
Haven't you heard?
I'm the crazy bitch around here.

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Old 10-07-2006, 03:42 PM
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ummm great new thread now what is up with spoilers being biased lol?
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Old 10-07-2006, 03:57 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Laur. Love that title.

I can't wait for all the LP/Derek stuff.
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Old 10-07-2006, 05:24 PM
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Thanks for the new thread Laur.

Spoilers = things that are actually going to happen.

Foilers = things people wish were true.

"I want you to look at me...and realize that what we have is so much more incredible than some passing physical attraction."
"...she's my best friend, you know? She's more than that. She's everything."

Nic | avi by crisbr
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Old 10-07-2006, 05:35 PM
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Skills teases Lucas about Peyton and LP. Lucas defends Peyton.
Is this referring to the 402 Rivercourt scene, or is there another SLP scene we should expect?
Damon ღ Elena
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Old 10-07-2006, 05:37 PM
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^ That was 4.02

What's up Nic?
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Old 10-07-2006, 05:41 PM
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Oh nothing just thinking about those pines and BLACK clouds that keep floating around.

And know...for people that you have loved all along.

Just random things.
"I want you to look at me...and realize that what we have is so much more incredible than some passing physical attraction."
"...she's my best friend, you know? She's more than that. She's everything."

Nic | avi by crisbr
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Old 10-07-2006, 05:47 PM
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I read somewhere about LP rubbing and touching or something to that effect... is that a spoiler or am I just making it up... If it is then it all sounds...Fantastic!!
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Old 10-07-2006, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by wistfuldreamer (View Post)
Thanks for the new thread Laur.

Spoilers = things that are actually going to happen.

Foilers = things people wish were true.

i'll drink to that lol.
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Old 10-07-2006, 07:36 PM
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yay new thread
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Old 10-07-2006, 08:03 PM
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is it Wednesday yet?
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