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scififan2009 04-04-2013 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rhonwen (Post 68742227)
But I like the I agree.. I certainly don't want to see them all of a sudden in outer space fighting with the Rebel Alliance against the Empire..

The Dark One and Darth Vader fighting over who magic vs the force..

:eek: Oh no! The worst part is we can't rule it out because Disney bought the rights to Star Wars.

Violet Faust 04-04-2013 06:08 AM


Do we know for certain that Tamara and Greg are involved with whatever circumstances end up being responsible for the excursion to Neverland?
Well, they use the bean when they kidnap Henry--assuming that it indeed does go to Neverland, either that's a place they chose or the bean was pre-programmed and they just went wherever the portal opened. Which doesn't seem like Tamara's MO unless she was really up against a wall.


I'll go even further, the existence of a secret organization intending to seize magic for their own questionable ends would give the showrunners the perfect excuse to keep the characters in Storybrooke and not return them to FTL; it'd certainly be within Charming's mindset to believe they should stay and defend magic against those outside who want it, lest it ruin our world just like it ruined theirs.
Not sure about that; seems like the best way to keep magic out of the hands of shady characters is to remove it (and thus themselves) from the world entirely. But...

Remember when Jefferson said that there were worlds that had magic, and worlds that didn't, and then there were worlds, "like this one, that need magic." What if he wasn't just referring to the magic needed to break the curse? What if one of the problems this world has is that it has lost its native magic? Then I could see the FTLers staying to try to restore magic, AND keep it out of the hands of people (Team Tamara) who would misuse it.

But that's probably too optimistic a view of magic, since this is also true...


The writers have made a point to show the damage magic does when used with bad intentions, Rumplestiltskin being the perfect exemple. He is heavily addicted to it, and it had been affected him physically (I think about his Dark One apparence) and mentally, to the point he has a hard time thinking out of the magical solution. Should Magic comes into the wrong hand in our world who knows what could happen ? .
It is kind of funny that this show based on fairy tales has such a negative take on magic, come to think of it. The only "good" magic comes from the fairies and I personally don't trust them as far as I can drop-kick them (since they get their "good" magic via cloned slave labor).

BTW, is it confirmed that a little somethin'-somethin' goes on with Belle/Lacey and Keith, or are we just assuming that because he meets the business end of Gold's cane? Not that I can't handle it (and sorry for overt shippiness) but it does seem a little hard if we have to watch Rumpel and Belle kiss everyone but each other. Last season Snow and Charming both slept with other people, but at least it was offscreen and we didn't have to watch it. :(


How much more filming do they have? Do we know if they are done with the outdoor shots yet?
Your fears about Belle being left behind are mine exactly, but if they're now filming mostly in the studio, maybe it's all greenscreen (ie. FTL, where Belle never appears) or interiors like Casa Charming, where she wouldn't be either. Maybe? :shrug:


The worst part is we can't rule it out because Disney bought the rights to Star Wars.
AND Greg is a huge Star Wars fan. But though I haven't seen SW in many many years, isn't the Force essentially magic?

Belleislove 04-04-2013 06:19 AM


BTW, is it confirmed that a little somethin'-somethin' goes on with Belle/Lacey and Keith, or are we just assuming that because he meets the business end of Gold's cane? Not that I can't handle it (and sorry for overt shippiness) but it does seem a little hard if we have to watch Rumpel and Belle kiss everyone but each other. Last season Snow and Charming both slept with other people, but at least it was offscreen and we didn't have to watch it.

I know. I can't believe we've seen him with other women this year but one real kiss with his true love. That's really kind of crazy, imo.

No, I don't think we know that anything goes on with Keith. I don't think there have been any spoilers about them kissing. And we don't know what happens between him and Belle and Gold to cause him to be on the ground. He could have just made a comment to Lacey and Mr. Gold didn't like it.:) Gotta love that cane.

It's possible he may have made overtures to Belle in FTL too? We don't know yet.

But I don't think he's dead, so if Gold leaves Belle behind in FTL with a man he knows likes her and may want to get even with Gold for hurting him? Then he's crazy.:) I think the Sheriff of Nottingham was a bad guy, wasn't he? And I think the actor confirmed on Twitter that Keith is a bad guy. I wonder if he's only around for one episode?

Violet Faust 04-04-2013 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Belleislove (Post 68743412)
I know. I can't believe we've seen him with other women this year but one real kiss with his true love. That's really kind of crazy, imo.

No, I don't think we know that anything goes on with Keith. I don't think there have been any spoilers about them kissing. And we don't know what happens between him and Belle and Gold to cause him to be on the ground. He could have just made a comment to Lacey and Mr. Gold didn't like it.:) Gotta love that cane.

Ah, thank you. I was glancing through the Emilie topic here and they mentioned a spoiler that Lacey and Keith make out. I actually hope that Gold has a much better reason to use the cane on Keith than jealousy if Lacey has made a choice to kiss someone else.


But I don't think he's dead, so if Gold leaves Belle behind in FTL with a man he knows likes her and may want to get even with Gold for hurting him? Then he's crazy.:) I think the Sheriff of Nottingham was a bad guy, wasn't he? And I think the actor confirmed on Twitter that Keith is a bad guy. I wonder if he's only around for one episode?
Yes, the Sheriff of Nottingham is almost invariably a bad if not horrible guy. One of the highlights of the campilicious BBC Robin Hood (in addition to the perfection that is Richard Armitage) is a scenery-devouring, ultra-evil sheriff played by Keith Allen.

DigificWriter 04-04-2013 06:38 AM

About this latest Once: Wonderland (even if that's no longer the actual title, it's easier to say) casting news: I'm surprised they cast the Red Queen rather than try to get Barbara to play the Queen of Hearts, but what this tells me is that we probably won't see the familiar characters we briefly caught a glimpse of in Hat Trick and that the PTP are going to make Wonderland more expansive, which I think is a nice move.

scififan2009 04-04-2013 06:47 AM

Since others have talked about it. This is how I feel about Rumbelle in the finale. Lacey can stay the hell behind. But if she's Belle again then she's gotta go with Rumple. Even if it means being on the same ship with Regina and Hook, I think she'd be strong enough to endure everything that's ahead of them.

The Outsider showed that not all heroes need to carry swords or have magic. Belle has her brain. They'd be lucky to have her along on the quest. Lacey on the other hand, I'm not sure how much good she'd be.

Belleislove 04-04-2013 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Violet Faust (Post 68743573)
Yes, the Sheriff of Nottingham is almost invariably a bad if not horrible guy. One of the highlights of the campilicious BBC Robin Hood (in addition to the perfection that is Richard Armitage) is a scenery-devouring, ultra-evil sheriff played by Keith Allen.

Didn't Alan Rickman play him in the Kevin Costner version? He was pretty evil.

I'm just curious about whether this guy is staying around. He is pretty and could be a good villain.

Angelinthestreet 04-04-2013 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Violet Faust (Post 68743311)

Not sure about that; seems like the best way to keep magic out of the hands of shady characters is to remove it (and thus themselves) from the world entirely. But...

Remember when Jefferson said that there were worlds that had magic, and worlds that didn't, and then there were worlds, "like this one, that need magic." What if he wasn't just referring to the magic needed to break the curse? What if one of the problems this world has is that it has lost its native magic? Then I could see the FTLers staying to try to restore magic, AND keep it out of the hands of people (Team Tamara) who would misuse it.

But that's probably too optimistic a view of magic, since this is also true...

It is kind of funny that this show based on fairy tales has such a negative take on magic, come to think of it. The only "good" magic comes from the fairies and I personally don't trust them as far as I can drop-kick them (since they get their "good" magic via cloned slave labor).

I also find it intersting that all of the human magic users we saw have been villains. I think what Rumplestiltskin really means by "all magic come with a price" isn't just what he get from his deal, all magic -evil and good- has a price with "price" standing for "taking its responsability", remember that as soon as August gave into his flaws, he started to turn back into a puppet, even the fairy magic has a heavy price. When you put nature order upside down with magic you have to take responsability for it, That is what "price" means I think.
Also Fairies, darwves and giant are magical being in themselves, magic is part of them, while humans don't have a natural access to magic, they need to acquire it, and maybe that the reason why they never can fully control it or get so easily dominated by it.

I find your reflection on our world needing magic interesting, I have been wondering about it. I have a personal headcanon, based on what the Giants said about human using beans to go and conquer other land, that maybe originaly our ancesters came in our world after having left FTL for whatever reasons and once here they banished magic, and as time passed we forget about it and there is no magic in our world, because we forget about it and stopped believing in it like the fairies in Peter Pan need children to believe in them to exist.

DigificWriter 04-04-2013 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Belleislove (Post 68743746)
Didn't Alan Rickman play him in the Kevin Costner version? He was pretty evil.

I'm just curious about whether this guy is staying around. He is pretty and could be a good villain.

Yes, yes he did, and prior to the Harry Potter films, the Sheriff of Nottingham was my favorite Alan Rickman role.

scififan2009 04-04-2013 07:00 AM

I always preferrd Sir Guy of Gisborne to the Sheriff to be honest.

Belleislove 04-04-2013 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by DigificWriter (Post 68743770)
Yes, yes he did, and prior to the Harry Potter films, the Sheriff of Nottingham was my favorite Alan Rickman role.

I adore Alan Rickman. His Sheriff was just so evil and larger than life.

I think the show needs more villains, and ones that will stay around awhile.


I always preferrd Sir Guy of Gisborne to the Sheriff to be honest.
It depends on which version of Robin Hood they're showing. I loved the Errol Flynn version, and in that one, Sir Guy was the bad guy and the Sheriff was kind of a baffoon, if I remember correctly. But I love the Robin Hood stories and would like to see these characters more.

DigificWriter 04-04-2013 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Belleislove (Post 68744005)
I adore Alan Rickman. His Sheriff was just so evil and larger than life.

I think the show needs more villains, and ones that will stay around awhile.

It depends on which version of Robin Hood they're showing. I loved the Errol Flynn version, and in that one, Sir Guy was the bad guy and the Sheriff was kind of a baffoon, if I remember correctly. But I love the Robin Hood stories and would like to see these characters more.

I think we're getting just that with at least Tamara (since there shouldn't be any scheduling conflicts with regards to Sonequa Martin-Green's regular role on TWD).

Some more OUaT in Wonderland spec discussion:
I just found this, which, coupled with the new Red Queen casting news and previous casting news, leads me to think that we might be seeing a period in the history of Wonderland that isn't just pre-Curse, but pre-Cora (and pre-Jefferson) as well, and one that runs in parallel to our world's Victorian Era, which would be really cool.

Belleislove 04-04-2013 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by DigificWriter (Post 68744114)
I think we're getting just that with at least Tamara (since there shouldn't be any scheduling conflicts with regards to Sonequa Martin-Green's regular role on TWD).

Some more OUaT in Wonderland spec discussion:
I just found this, which, coupled with the new Red Queen casting news and previous casting news, leads me to think that we might be seeing a period in the history of Wonderland that isn't just pre-Curse, but pre-Cora (and pre-Jefferson) as well, and one that runs in parallel to our world's Victorian Era, which would be really cool.

See, I'm not personally interested in Tamara. I just don't care. And honestly, do we think she'll make it back alive if she's stolen Henry? I'm just not sure that she's going to be a big, continuing threat. Maybe if they had drawn this out more and not told us right off the bat that she was bad? I don't know.

Not that the Sheriff would be but at least he's a figure out of folklore. They actually need a bad guy with actual magic.

The spinoff sounds pretty good. And I despise Cora so I would actually watch if it is was pre-her, LOL.

DigificWriter 04-04-2013 07:47 AM

^ The reason I think Tamara's going to be hanging around has to do with the way they've structured this season and the 'lateness of the hour' in which they introduced her. She hasn't been set up to be a temporary threat; if they didn't intend to use her beyond S2, they would've introduced her a lot earlier.

koodles 04-04-2013 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by scififan2009 (Post 68743646)
Since others have talked about it. This is how I feel about Rumbelle in the finale. Lacey can stay the hell behind. But if she's Belle again then she's gotta go with Rumple. Even if it means being on the same ship with Regina and Hook, I think she'd be strong enough to endure everything that's ahead of them.

The Outsider showed that not all heroes need to carry swords or have magic. Belle has her brain. They'd be lucky to have her along on the quest. Lacey on the other hand, I'm not sure how much good she'd be.

See I actually would like to see Lacey go to Neverland with the group. Starting to think that she won't have her memories back in the finale but will have started to develop genuine feelings for Gold and started to exhibit more Belle-like qualities.

I think it would be cool to see see Lacey do the brave thing like Belle and accompany Rumple to Neverland even though she knows nothing of magic just because she wants to be with him. I think it would also create an interesting plot for next season when they arrive in Neverland. I think because of all the magic in that world, Rumple will turn back into what he used to look like in FTL. I might be interesting to see how Lacey would react to that and would also kind of redo the Beauty and the Beast story on the show.

I think for Lacey to get her memories back, she will have to fall in love with Rumple and fix herself with true loves kiss. I don't think Lacey will love Rumple by the finale so that might be a interesting plot for next season. JMO. :shrug:

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