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Trustno1 02-02-2009 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by gems81 (Post 31337117)
About the racism, I don't find her gorgeous but NOT because she isn't Western friendly, since some of the women I think are very beautiful aren't Western friendly. If you don't find her beautiful, you aren't racist.

Total Word. I aslo find some "exotic" girls completely gorgeous and stunning. Jess just isn't one of them.

And Shu, ICA with you on Skins I simply don't understand the fascination for this crappy show...

Arbogast 02-02-2009 10:01 AM

Add me to those who hate Skins. And as someone in the UK who has to suffer through everyone talking about it and seeing the adverts everywhere and seeing all the stars pimp themselves out on panel shows, sympathy is greatly appreciated.

So nothing new? This time last year (putting aside the strike) was there this little in the way of spoilers? Or is this really a clamp down?

ellen-cheerleaderx 02-02-2009 10:06 AM

We're in desperate need of a new thread!

fabulouslyfreckled 02-02-2009 10:30 AM

did you need me to start the thread??

afeverpitch 02-02-2009 10:34 AM

I hate the use of the word "exotic," lol. It just seems so ethnocentric. But I do think Jessica is gorgeous. I think they're all gorgeous, though.


I admit I love shipping. Its draining but I love the roller coaster. Of omg they are breaking up YaY they're together aww they split...but omg they are meant to be and then the final pay off is always SQuee....but then again I always ship OTP couples. I don't know why I just do and its not even like a couple-type. I ship cute/fluffy and hot/sex/angst....too. So, its just weird.
I almost always ship endgame couples, too. And it's because I don't like taking something other than what I think the writers have given me. If I see a scene that tells me the writers want these two people together, then I want them together. If I don't want them together, then I'm simply not invested in that story or character, so I just don't ship them with anyone. Does that make sense?

fabulouslyfreckled 02-02-2009 10:46 AM

took me forever!! sorry about that!!

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