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Old 10-06-2009, 10:38 AM
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True Blood S&S#21:Because we could use some bloody spoilers now

This OP has been made and organized by courtney921
Welcome to the True Blood Spoilers and Speculations thread!

Misc Spoilers for Season Three:

Season Three will be based on identity struggles for the characters.
“Everybody is struggling with identity in season three – What am I? Who am I? What is my life? Is it what I want it to be? How do I make it what I want it to be? What are my real values? And some people are like, “Am I human? I always thought I was, but maybe I was wrong.” In one particular case, its like, “Yes, honey, you were wrong.”“

-Main Characters-

Eric: is going to be a prominent character, and he’s a big more important character now . We might get some flashback scenes with him, and Godric.
Eric would be having a sexual relationship with his new dancer name Yvetta(who is human) for one episode. Eric appears without most of his clothes in the very first episode of S3, just delicious

Sam: He's going to be trying to find his biological family, who put him up for adoption or abandoned him. We are going to meet his relatives who aren’t good people. His not going to get a love interest this season. Sam has a long lost younger brother name Tommy Mickens he works at the Tire Depot in Arkansas. When Sam approaches him he hide his identity and claims to be someone else. He's unaware who Sam is.

Andy: Will find out that he is related to somebody and it will totally shock him when he finds out who it is. We are going to meet Andy’s mother, and sister.

Lafayette: We will see more and more of him. He built a lot of walls around himself. But we will see him get vulnerable next year — and not just being afraid of Eric. Plus he gets a boyfriend.

Sookie: “Will even consider the possibility that Bill left of his own volition. “It’s not going to be easy for her“, says AB. “She feels really bad because she’s not sure whether he just left because he was upset because she didn’t say right off the bat. But in her heart she believes he was taken and she doesn’t know who took him. She’s going to fight to find him. Sookie still doesn't know exactly what she is. She will get closer to figuring out why she has these random powers that show up when they do," says Ball. (Spoiler alert: In the books, Sookie discovers she has fairy blood running in her.) "She is definitely part of a different race," adds Ball. "In terms of fairies, like perky fairies with wings, like Tinkerbell, no, they're not like that. If it is fairies, they're fierce. They're not pretty, soft, glamorous, gossamery things. They're really, really, really powerful and primal creatures." Sookie’s powers will continue to expand in season 3. She’s more conscious of her abilities more this season than she's been, and she's questioning them more.

Bill: “We will discover who has him right off the bat in season 3, but it’s going to take the people on the show a little bit longer to find out“. From the sound of it looks like Bill was taken by the King of Mississippi. Bill wont be back for a while, his kidnapping with last for six episodes, and plus, we'll probably still get to see Bill deal with his captors in episodes 1-5. From the casting call looks like Bill is going to have a flashback of his wife Caroline Compton.

Jason: May be up to his old ways. “ I can tell you that you’ll definitely get to see a lot of Jason in the first few episodes, and by a lot, I mean a lot physically. [Laughs].” thank god . Jason will out of trouble this season(that's a first)

Pam: Is going to get a love interest also, and guess what? it's a female name Yvetta the new dancer too for one episode(I guess since Eric is done with her it’s now Pam’s turn ) ,and we are going to see more of her

Tara: has an admirer name Franklin Mott who she meets in a local bar, he later rushes to Tara's aid when she faces down a couple of racist rednecks.

Hoyt: Will get a new love interest

Jessica:Will also get a new love interest

-Couples Related-
Eric/Sookie: Sookie's been seeing visions of her and Eric getting — ahem — friendly. Will their romance actually progress, not just in her head? "I can definitely tell you [we'll see that] in the show. I don't know if it will necessarily be in Season 3. Of course they're going to come together, it's fated. It's not something that's going to happen right off the bat."

Bill/Sookie:The rollercoaster relationship of B/S will still remain front and center. Their relationship would be put to a very, very serious test. They aren’t going to have that much scenes together this season like season 1, and season2.

Jason/Tara:Jason is going to be consumed with guilt. And he’s going to feel like, “I’ve ruined her life and I’ve got to make her feel better.” Whether that’s wise in any way shape or form remains to be seen. I think Tara certainly gave up on her obsession with Jason, but now that she’s dealing with the worst thing that ever happened to her, she might be more vulnerable to his charms.

Hoyt/Jessica: They still love each other, but there will be problems. Are still trying to deal with things that has happened to them.

Terry/Arlene: Are going to have a little bit more of a life and more of a presence on the show. The happy couple will make a surprising discovery that will bring them closer together “Translation: All that free lovin' they did under Maryann's spell will result in an unplanned pregnancy.(wow didn't see that one coming)

-General Info-

We meet werewolves one of them being Alcide, will also meet Sam’s blood relatives, the vampire king of Mississippi Russell Edgington, the super bad vampire Franklin Mott, we’ll meet Debbie Pelt, we will actually meet the people who live in Hotshot a little bit ahead of schedule.

The Queen will be in the next season but not as a regular character, but she will appear.
Also we will meet the Vampire King of Mississippi (The Vampire King Has Been Cast!) and there’ll be some interesting things happening between the two of them.

We haven’t seen the last of the fellowship of the sun.

We'll be saying goodbye to at least one character next season on True Blood, executive producer Alan Ball tells exclusively.

"Somebody is going to bite the dust and it's going to be really good to see them get what they deserve," Ball says.(It’s not a guest star either)

The only clue the Blood boss would reveal is that "it's a person we'll be happy to see go."

We’re going to find out some roles vampires played in history, what that has to do with book 3 I don’t know

“Maybe Zeljko Ivanek, who played the Magister in Season 1 – he might be back. And we do have a lot of fun new characters.”

Steve Newlin/Sarah Newlin are returning, but we don’t know when, so my guess would be sometime in season 3.

Mike McMillan aka Steve Newlin theories on what his return may be. "I think like any good villain he's going to go away and lick his wounds for a while. But I think he suffered major humiliation toward the end of season two, and now I would imagine the Stackhouses are even higher on his list. If it was personal before with his father being killed, then it's really personal now with the Stackhouses humiliating him."

Godric is indeed coming back for an appearance, a flashback.

There are some new vampires in town.

There's a lot of werewolves coming in male, and female, which we can assume that among them would be Alcide, Colonel Ford, Maria Star, but it’s to early to bring in Trey Dawson or Sid/others just to name a few.

Maxine Fortenberry could be the one that dies this season, and not Lorena

Sophie-Anne’s interest in Sookie is more about what makes Sookie so exceptional. Alan promises that we will learn more about that in season 3.

We are going to be introduce to a biker gang(werewolves) called **** you crew, who all take turns stabbing and feeding off of Bill.

We’ll see more Nan Flanagan in season 3.

Alcide will appear beginning in episode 3.03. He has not yet been cast.

The werewolf’s are going to be much bigger, and stronger, and their eyes are going to glow orange.( the glowing orange eyes just makes me )

There's even more supernatural stuff.
It's not just vampires and werewolves. Woo is most excited about the expanding world of season three. "The entire world is going to get a lot bigger," Woo said. "Not only the human world, but in Sookie's eyes, she's going to see the whole supernatural world. Luckily, since this show is through Sookie's eyes, as an audience we'll get to see a much larger supernatural world."

Meet the Vampire King.
Ball said the Vampire King of Mississippi is coming in season three. He provides a contrast to Sophie-Anne, the Vampire Queen of Louisiana (Evan Rachel Wood). "He's older," Ball said. "He's much more mature. He's much more methodical and grounded. She's kind of crazy. To me, she's kind of like Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan, where she has a very short attention span and she's very, very egomaniacal and very self-obsessed and doesn't really think about her actions, whereas the Vampire King is very much an adult. He has an agenda. He has things he wants to achieve. I think he's much more formidable than she is."

Sophie-Anne might get into more trouble.
Wood is signed to return for more episodes in season three. Since her recreational activities include orchestrating the sale of vampire blood, things could go very badly for her. "Well, Sophie Anne, when last we left her, she was sort of behind this selling of V as a recreational drug on the streets, pretty much," Ball said. "That's not something a vampire authority figure should be doing. If higher-up vampire authority figures figure that out, they're not going to be happy."( Should be funny seeing her get into hot water)

Meet the Merlottes.
Shape-shifter Sam (Sam Trammell) will find his family this year, and Tucker gets to write their characters a lot in episode two. "I'm getting to write Sam's family, which is a lot of fun, and, really, I feel really satisfying as a character arc," she said. "I really am glad that he's taking this journey and he's learning about himself. I find that interesting. They aren't the brightest people, maybe. At least they appear that way. They're fairly dysfunctional, but like anybody else, they have their good things about them and not-so-good things. They're still getting to know each other. Sam's still getting to know them, and so are we."

A new character called Tommy Mickens brings the hurt.
Woo is writing the new character of Tommy Mickens, who will make a huge impact on our favorite characters. "Tommy Mickens is someone I don't want to reveal too much about, because I don't want to ruin the surprise," Woo said. "He's a completely new character, but he plays very prominently in the emotional life of at first one and then, later, several other of our characters. He'll be the first domino to push the rest."( I wonder who are the characters he's going to end up impacting... I know Sam for one)

The biker gang called Coot’s **** up crew are all very mysterious," Tucker said. "They're a group who's been around a lot longer than you think.

Denis O’Hare- is set to play Russell Edgington vampire King of Mississippi

Talbot -Unknown is the trophy husband of the King of Mississippi

Alcide Herveaux- Unknown is a werewolf who helps Sookie look for Bill

Debbie Pelt-Unknown crazy ex-girlfriend of Alcide

Franklin Mott- Unknown a vampire that is super bad, and not at all protective

Tommy Mickens- Unknown Sam’s long lost younger brother.

Cooter aka “COOT“-Unknown who is the leader of the **** you crew bike gang

Exclusive: 'True Blood' finale postmortem with Alan Ball! | Ausiello |
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Stephen Moyer Talks About Season 3 | True Blood News
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True Blood Tidbits: What's Ahead For the People of Bon Temps? - Today's News: Our Take |
Spoiler TV: Tv Guide Mega Buzz - Various Show - 20th October
Fresh Blood | Television |
Exclusive - True Blood - Episode 3.01 - Pack of Wolves - Casting Call | Spoiler TV
Team Eric, Team Bill & Season 3 Tidbits from the Paley Center – LIVE (SPOILERS) : – True Blood news, spoilers, photos and more!
Mega Buzz: Scoop on Vampire Diaries, NCIS, Housewives and More! - Today's News: Our Take |
12 big-ass spoilers for True Blood season 3 | SCI FI Wire
Loving True Blood in Dallas: True Blood, the Musical: More great Season 3 hints from Alan Ball at Virginia Film Festival:
True Blood - Episode 3.03 - Casting Call | Spoiler TV

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Last edited by Rickylious; 11-10-2009 at 08:49 AM
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Old 10-06-2009, 10:40 AM
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Old 10-06-2009, 10:41 AM
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Thanks for the new thread
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Old 10-06-2009, 10:49 AM
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Old 10-06-2009, 11:02 AM
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Thanks for the new thread.
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Old 10-06-2009, 11:13 AM
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Thanks for the new thread. Glad you liked the title
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Old 10-06-2009, 01:18 PM
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Thanks for the new thread Marah
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Old 10-06-2009, 09:41 PM
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Is there anyway we can take off the Season 2 stuff above? That way when new spoilers show up we know its the new stuff for Season 3!!!
I still believe the sex was a mindwarp. They just didn't get the 2 hour finale to explain everything.

O WELL-Shiri Appleby
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Old 10-07-2009, 05:14 AM
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Not much spoilers, but here's Stephen speculating about season 3(which he doesn't know anything about atm, btw)

Television - Tube Talk - Spoiler chat: Moyer on 'True Blood' - Digital Spy
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Old 10-07-2009, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by ORF (View Post)
Is there anyway we can take off the Season 2 stuff above? That way when new spoilers show up we know its the new stuff for Season 3!!!
I'm going to take all season 2 related things off now, and just put season 3 spoilers list related things that we know so far from AB/ others, and casting

And you guys are welcome

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Last edited by Rickylious; 10-07-2009 at 10:52 AM
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Old 10-07-2009, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Rickylious (View Post)
I'm going to take all season 2 related things off now, and just put season 3 spoilers list related things that we know so far from AB/ others, and casting

And you guys are welcome
Thanks, it's good to see all the spoilers in one place. I wasn't aware that we had gotten so many. Even if they are vague.
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Old 10-07-2009, 01:16 PM
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No problem

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Old 10-07-2009, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Rickylious (View Post)
I'm going to take all season 2 related things off now, and just put season 3 spoilers list related things that we know so far from AB/ others, and casting

And you guys are welcome
Thank you for that!
I still believe the sex was a mindwarp. They just didn't get the 2 hour finale to explain everything.

O WELL-Shiri Appleby
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Old 10-07-2009, 09:31 PM
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Thanks for the new thread.
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Old 10-08-2009, 11:37 AM
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This spoiler drought is killing me Does anyone know where I can find spoilers for the new book?
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