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Old 05-29-2005, 02:28 PM
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Analyzing my Keanu dream...Want to help?

Had Dream last night about Keanu, and since i generally have problems figuring dreams out, it is even more intriguing for me to have had one with K in it...anyone want to help me deciphere it? Curious what everyone might think...Will post dream after interests arise.[

Last edited by Samantha1701; 05-29-2005 at 02:51 PM Reason: modify
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Old 05-29-2005, 09:09 PM
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Ohhh...I love hearing about Keanu dreams. Do tell. I have a friend at work that has a really good book on dream interpretations.
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Old 05-29-2005, 09:24 PM
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the dream...

Okay, here goes (my 4th to date with him...still no "winky Winky" ) haha)
As i wrote it down...
5-29-05 Dream

Don’t quiet remember how it began…Keanu was in it. He had 2 kids, boys and he was into a spirituality that was like Buddhism. Somehow I met him, we hit it off immed. As usual he didn’t talk much in the dream. In this one he was who he is now, actor with a famous face. Bit wary of new people, Virgo!
Anyway- we kept finding things we both liked/were passionate about which he seemed a bit surprised about, because he was use to people just telling him they were just so they could get in his “circle”. He was very much the gentlemen and very laid back (always is in my dreams). Interesting thing here is that I have no idea if he really is interested-real life- in the things in the dream…
At first we kept running into each other, and he realized that it was okay to just ask me out. So we went on a few dates, but there were intermingled with these odd things, like spiritual challenges (for me). ..meeting other people, like being “On Call” he was a very busy guy.

One I remember with more detail was when he found out I had been learning about his spirituality/religion on my own before I met him.
He was quite happy about this and almost took over the role of teacher, giving me info and stuff…then I asked him about this ceremony, and he directed me to a person who did the ceremony in which I had to read a sacred text, write my own and say it in front a bunch of strangers. He could not be there nor the lady who set it up. I did this (can’t remember what I said) and moved on to the next level. The place looked like an old dance studio, wood floors, big windows, no mirror though. Lots of New age things on walls and such…candles, I don’t recall ANY religious artifacts/images/icons at all. Very neutral. I was not nervous, thinking I should have been in dream. Just perfectly natural setting with people who were interested in this religion…it was kinda of surreal.

Other scene involved Me and JJ at a restaurant where Keanu was with his family and 2 boys (both under 10). No one was bothering him while he was there, which I thought was kinda cool. Can’t recall if we just happened to be there or were invited??? I think it was just coincidence.
But the whole scene was more about how my kid and his boys got along (which was great). Chance to meet the family as well. It went good. But we didn’t sit and joint them, cause the scene changed.

Weird thing about his kids is that in the dream, his life did not previously include any other woman, so I don’t know HOW he got the kids. But there they were…he’d had them since babies. Raising them by himself. They were typical boys, but seemed to have this certain matured level of respect and admiration for him. He’d give them one look and they’d settle down. Generally very well behaved. I briefly recall 2 other scenes with his boys in them, details escape me.
Anyway- during these scene’s with Keanu, there were others, I only remember 2 of them.
One: I was in this building trying to do/find something that was related to all this spiritual stuff, it was like some kind of school/classrooms. I was supposed to be there doing what I was, and this guy who worked there shows up in the office. For some reason, he started acting weird on me, freaking me out. So while I am trying to find what I need, he is following me around, making me more nervous as the seconds grew, until I just got the feeling I needed to get away from him. He knew this, and I had to out smart him before I could just leave. Some other girl entered the building and as she distracted him, I left via the front door. I can’t recall if I got what I needed or not…think I did?

Two: I was at either my place or a family members (know how this stuff just makes no sense in dreams), and at first I am by myself, trying to find something there…then later straighten up some because “company” is coming over. Then Keanu shows up. Asking me how things were going, and wondering when we can go out again. He actually starts to help me clean up the place, while we talk then someone needs him to do something (don’t remember how he found out they needed his help).
I am thinking he has to leave, but he says no, and to come with him. I am surprised that he knows someone in the next building (these buildings/apartments remind me of the layout in “Rear Window” with open courtyard) So we go over there and I meet this pretty dark haired/dark skinned younger woman (exotic looking) who has obviously known him for quiet awhile, he introduces us and her and I instantly hit it off. Guess he figured we would?
So while he is being a handyman, her and I talk. (can’t remember about what?) Later I find out, (like when we leave) one of the reasons he took me was so she could give him her approval of me. I passed the test.

That’s when I woke up.

There was one other part of the dream, I remember, but cannot place exactly where or when in the dream they took place…is when Keanu was with his dad (this I am confused about, for obvious reasons). They got along great and had good bonding. That is what I am taking from the dream, the feeling of their relationship, not any dialog or details. It was interesting…
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