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There You'll Be 02-12-2016 11:27 AM

It was a
technical issue for
sure Sunny. I
was sick, and
it was later
in the day
when I got
here to post,
but couldn't get
onto the board.

Wildfire Girl 02-12-2016 07:57 PM

FF has been
wonky for me.
I can't post
from the app
again, and the
website is slllooowwww

sunnykerr 02-13-2016 10:53 AM

There some irony
in that because
the web has
been super slow
for me, generally.
But not :ff:.

You gals have
had the opposite
problem, I see.

I hope it
resolves itself soon.

There You'll Be 02-13-2016 04:52 PM

:lol: Sunny! We have
the opposite this
time! The computer
has been slow
online everywhere, but
especially on here,
for me anyway.

Karen, hope it
gets better soon.

sunnykerr 02-14-2016 06:42 PM

Well, the web
is fast today.
I'll take it. :)

I always figure
it's this old
laptop of mine
playing tricks on
the connection, but
the truth is
I don't really
understand how these
things work, see?

I just do
the best I
can and keep
at it until
I get through.

There You'll Be 02-15-2016 10:58 AM

I don't understand
any of it
either, ever, Sunny. :lol:

Me too. I
go to three
sites, and then
that is it.

It's all I
can figure out
very well online.

How are you
feeling? I'm much
worse feeling, again.

sunnykerr 02-15-2016 07:17 PM

I'm sorry to
hear you're feeling
worse again, Kimmie. :hug:

I'm doing fine.
I went to
pick up a
package at the
postal office (tea
I ordered) and
it turned out
that the postman
had actually left
my package at
the other postal
office, which is
quite a bit
further. And it's
a real cold
night with lots
of wind, but
the extra walk
did me a
lot of good.

There You'll Be 02-17-2016 08:03 AM

So happy that
you got tea!

Have you tried
any of them
yet? I hope
they are great.

Yikes on walking
further in that
cold. I just
couldn't do it.

Still stressing over
my paperwork mistake,
because I haven't
heard from anyone.

Going on with
my day as
normal as possible.

Wildfire Girl 02-17-2016 05:26 PM

Can't imagine why
They'd leave your
Package at the
Wrong post office.

sunnykerr 02-17-2016 05:55 PM

Karen - More than
likely, the postman
filled in the
delivery notice on
the wrong pad
by accident and
just did the
rest to fit
what was on
the notice, see?

Kimmie - I only
got one tea:
Cranberry Pear black
tea. It's one
of my favourites
and they're fazing
it out, so
I was stocking
up on it.

And I didn't
mind the walk.
I was dressed
plenty warm enough.

Hope the paperwork
situation works itself
out quickly enough
so you can
relax about it.

There You'll Be 02-18-2016 12:47 PM

Oh good for
you, Sunny, stocking
up on that
one you love.

It sounds good,
even though I
don't like tea.

Good you were
dressed warm, since
it was extremely
cold up there.

Thanks Sunny. Hopefully
soon, it would
suck having problems
just because I
made an mistake.

Hi there Karen!

Wildfire Girl 02-18-2016 06:50 PM

Hope you both
are doing well

There You'll Be 02-19-2016 10:35 AM

I am Karen. :hug:

I really hope
you're feeling better
and are well.

Wildfire Girl 02-19-2016 02:08 PM

I'm over the
stomach part of
my sickness, allergies
still wonky but
I suspect with
the "no winter"
weather it'll be
that way for
a while. And
I can handle
that mostly. Yep.

There You'll Be 02-20-2016 06:05 AM

Yeah, the no
winter thing would
definitely affect it.

Glad your stomach
illness is better.

sunnykerr 02-20-2016 09:49 AM

The advantages of
living up North,
I guess, are
that we do
have winter over
here. It certainly
was delayed, but
it is here.

Hope you both
keep feeling better.

There You'll Be 02-21-2016 06:41 AM

I'm much better.
Physically so anyway. :lol:

How are you
feeling there, Sunny?

Winter is good.
Just glad it's
not extreme here.

sunnykerr 02-21-2016 07:07 PM

I'm feeling better
as well, Kimmie.
I finally had
a complete night
of sleep, so
that helped obviously.

I have a
bit of muscle
pain on my
left shoulder blade
and it's made
sleeping pretty hard.

But it'll pass.
It always does.

Wildfire Girl 02-21-2016 08:34 PM

Well we might
get winter this
week, a chance
of snow on
Wednesday ... Guess that's
good, to have.

There You'll Be 02-22-2016 04:33 AM

A good night
of sleep is
always helpful, Sunny.

I'm glad to
hear you're feeling
better, too. I
hate than you
are trying to
sleep with muscle
pain there, too.

Well, I get
bored waiting for
things to pass.

Karen are you
wanting snow, or
just winter, now?

There You'll Be 02-22-2016 04:33 AM

A good night
of sleep is
always helpful, Sunny.

I'm glad to
hear you're feeling
better, too. I
hate than you
are trying to
sleep with muscle
pain there, too.

Well, I get
bored waiting for
things to pass.

Karen are you
wanting snow, or
just winter, now?

sunnykerr 02-22-2016 07:07 PM

Waiting for things
to pass is
indeed boring as
hell, but, fortunately,
there is plenty
to do while
I'm waiting for
that muscle to...
unclench, I guess. :lol:

There You'll Be 02-23-2016 05:31 AM

I'm so impressed,
by your focus
on different things,
than getting caught
up in your
shoulder tension, Sunny! :clap:

I focus on
what's bothering me.

Yeah, waiting is
still never fun.

sunnykerr 02-23-2016 06:56 PM

My shoulder doesn't
actually hurt much
anymore. :) It's not
really something I
put much effort
in, thinking of
other stuff. It's
the good side
of having a
job that requires
concentration, I guess.

And then, when
I get home
after work, there
is always stuff
to do, too.

So I can't
be held up
because my should
twinges a bit.

There You'll Be 02-24-2016 04:38 AM

That's good, Sunny.

And good perspective.

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